vengefuls · 9 days
what base icons/caps would ya'll be interested in purchasing? asking for my resource blog so i can get the ball rolling some.
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vengefuls · 9 days
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did   you   really   stand   up   for sarah   ?       of   course   i   did.   she's not a  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔. / by lala.
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vengefuls · 18 days
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I killed you.
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vengefuls · 18 days
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for  once  -  she  doesn't  care  if  she's  hurt  him.   mama bear mode  has  taken  root  and  she'll  tear  everyone  in  this  hospital  apart  with  her  bare  hands  to  reach  ryan.  billy's  too  close  now,  and  she  stiffens  moments  before  he  yanks  her  over  his  shoulder  -  guessing  too  late  what  was  coming  next.      ❝  put  me  the  fuck  down !   now  !      ❞     she's  kicking,  then.  bare  feet  slamming  into  ribs,  chest,  whatever  she  can  reach  from  her  position  tossed  over  his  shoulder  with  a  grit  of  her  teeth.  there's  a  sharp  sting  that  flies  up  along  the  length  of  her  foot.  she's  hurting  herself  but  pain  is  nothing  compared  to  the  rage  changing  from  a  simmer  to  a  boil.  if  he  thinks  she's  going  to  allow  this  -  he's  got  a  lot  to  learn  about  parental  protective  urges.     she  lifts  her  arms  to  swing  closed  fist  down  at  the  small  of  his  back.  she's  banking  on  if  she  struggles  enough  he'll  have  to  drop  her.   becca's  been  passionate  with  all  her  emotions  for  her  whole  life  and  this  is  no  different.       ❝   i  hate  you  !  ❞     she  snarls  out,  struggling  still  to  try  and  escape  his  hold. 
she  doesn't  know  if  she  means  it.  or  if  she's  trying  to  twist  ‘n  twist  the  knife  until  he  stops  breathing.   all  she  knows  is  everything  she  didn’t  want  is  happening  and  nausea  spreads  through  her  belly  at  the  thought.  she's  still  healing  from  burns,  still  doped  up  on  pain  medication  to  dull  it.   she'll  come  down  from  the  high  soon  and  probably  be  writhing  in  pain  but  she  doesn't  ponder  on  that  portion  too  much.       ❝   why  are  you  keeping  him  from  me  ?  he's  mine.  not  his  and  not  yours.   my  son.  ❞     her  sweet  kid  is  probably  entirely  swallowed  by  homelander's  fucked  up  personality.  if  he  hasn't  lost  himself  completely.
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Sweat beads like gems under florescents, pooling in spots over a creased brow before running downward with each pounding of her hands on his chest. Every strike brusing , breaking, what ached for her. A hole uniquely shaped in her form, her love had cut out. Simply emptying, burning, and cooling all the same -- the rawness of how close and how exponentially hurt flowed, transfered in waves. While there was no physical damage, weariness was evident in the downturn of lips, in the slumping of shoulders. He'd let her rage. He deserved this much.
There was no telling in how long they would run before the boy was taken-- what Maeves bluff bought them. What barrowed time kept the certain massacre that would be wrought moments after he was found. No, this was an easier thing, let the boy see truly what his father was and respond with the same softness his mother showed. Now, it would be much simpler with the mother in question. Yet, the wheels kept turning, turning in ceaseless planning that garnered no guarantee but hope in the idea that homelander could still be cowed if not killed. And if not in her name, then because it needed doing.
Steps were silently placed behind hers in the cool stillness that slowly enraptured the hurting of his heart. Let her call him what she wanted, hate him even. But she would not ruin this chance, this opportunity to gain the upper hand over vought's sweetheart.
"Oh you ain't going fucking nowhere.", a hand reached out to grasp her arm. Gripping to immobilize, to stop her in her reckless search for clothes before considering.
"Actually, I've an even better idea.", sardonic tones dripped in words spoken with an almost sinister note, accented with a smile. Before she could pull away, massive hands quickly snatched her up, slinging her up and over a broad shoulder. Hospital gown be damned, he would walk out with her kicking and screaming with her ass exposed.
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vengefuls · 19 days
webheadedhero  said:  [ HAIR ]: sender thorn sits in the receiver's peter's lap so that the receiver peter can style or just play with their hair in peace. + Reverse @ thorn
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peter  brings  her  peace.  all  joy  ‘n  brightness. it’s  why  all  her  downtime  is  spent  with  him.  she  tosses  legs  over  his  and  settles  so  her  cheek  lays  against  his  chest.  and,  as  she  expects,  his  hand  comes  up  to  hair  at  the  back  of  her  head,  stroking  across  and  twisting  it  between  his  fingers.   fingers  trace  back  and  forth  across  his  shirt  as  she  hums  one  of  their  songs  under  her  breath.        ❝    we  start  our  european  tour  next  week.   i'm  going  to  miss  you  unless  you'd  like  to  come  with.    ❞         dusk  and  luna  don't  mind  a  groupie  as  cute  as  he  is.  she's  never  met  more  supportive  people  in  her  life.  especially  after  watching  her  take  out  a  ghost  and  her  moronic  worshipping  ancestor.         ❝     we  could  explore,  just  you  and  me,  between  shows.    ❞           she  closes  her  dark  eyes  at  the  soft  brushing  of  fingers  through  her  dark  tresses.   
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vengefuls · 21 days
All these beautiful boys multi muse have began to stir up some tHOUGHTS.
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vengefuls · 21 days
@sieverts said: [ forehead ] sender tenderly kisses receiver's forehead -- for jennie.
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your  dad  misses  you sometimes.  that's  what  mom  had  said  -  when  she'd  spent  two  days  in  a  row  with  her  best  friend,  and  then  the  entire  portion  of  her  days  with  friends  during  her  last  summer  at  home  before  senior  year.  it's  why  she's  turned  off  her  phone  and  spent  the  whole  day  with  them  instead.   if  there's  ever  been  anything  jennie  knows  without  even  a  sliver  of  doubt  -  it's  that  her  parents  wholeheartedly  love  her.   she  gives  brighter  smile  at  the  kiss  to  the  center  of  her  forehead.
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        ❝            what  was  that  for  ?        ❞     her  father's  never  been  one  to  struggle  with  affection  -  but  sometimes  she  wonders  if  it's  because  she's  getting  ready  to  leave  for  college  next  year  and  the  idea  of  her  growing  up  is  painful.   she  moves,  hugging  him  tight  and  pressing  her  face  into  his  shoulder.     ❝   you're  always  going  to  be  my  favorite  person,  dad.   going  to  college  isn't  going  to  change  that.   ❞   
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vengefuls · 22 days
dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs dibs
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vengefuls · 22 days
dibs this my squeeze
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vengefuls · 22 days
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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vengefuls · 23 days
@nikohlas  said:  " unholy shit, are you okay ? " / for veronica!
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curious  expression  before  mocha  gaze  slants  down  over  herself.     ❝           ¡mierda!       ❞     she's  prided  herself  upon  being  cleanly,  even  before  immortality.  and  now  there's  blood.  all  over  her  oscar  de  la  renta.   there's  no  coming  back  from  such  a  travesty.  she  curses  as  she  pulls  fabric  of  her  skirt  forward  to  look  at  the  mess.      ❝      i'd  be  better  if  my  favorite  dress  weren't  ruined.     ❞      she  huffs  a  moment  before  she  meets  his  gaze  again.  she  didn't  expect  an  old  vampire  to  bleed  like  an  exploding  balloon  when  she'd  killed  him.      ❝   it's  not  my  blood,  handsome.          ❞      nobody  human's  lurking  around  greendale  this  time  of  night,  she's  learned.  then  again,  very  little  frightens  veronica  lodge.  she's  the  monster  -  not  the  baby  deer  running  away.
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vengefuls · 24 days
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i  wasn't  good.  i  was  perfect.  i  thought  if  I  could  do  everything  right,  then  no  matter  what  was  going  on  with  you  and  mom . . .  how  could  you  leave  a  perfect  kid?  &  now  I'm  an  adult  still  pretending  to  be  perfect  because . . .  i  just  got  so  goddamn  used  to  it.  but  you  know  what?  that's . . . it's  great.  i'm  so  glad  you  know  about  my  job  because  now  I  can  maybe  stop  faking  it  in  front  of  you.
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vengefuls · 24 days
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i  wasn't  good.  i  was  perfect.  i  thought  if  I  could  do  everything  right,  then  no  matter  what  was  going  on  with  you  and  mom . . .  how  could  you  leave  a  perfect  kid?  &  now  I'm  an  adult  still  pretending  to  be  perfect  because . . .  i  just  got  so  goddamn  used  to  it.  but  you  know  what?  that's . . . it's  great.  i'm  so  glad  you  know  about  my  job  because  now  I  can  maybe  stop  faking  it  in  front  of  you.
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vengefuls · 27 days
i will throat punch anyone who calls me the birthday girl next year.
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vengefuls · 27 days
send  ‘ scars ‘  to  trace  my  muses  scars   ;   (   add  +  to  reverse   ) 
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vengefuls · 27 days
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sters said: ➹ + kathy bates 😎. send me a ➹ and a fc; i'll create a character on the spot !
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alice  lawrence.   a  marvel  &  the  boys,  depending  on  the  interaction,  based  character.  in  her  younger  years  she  was  a  therapist  for  superhumans/mutants  that  were  left  in  foster  care  or  at  facilities  like  red  river.  as  she  grew  older,  and  as  she  spent  longer  time  with  the  kids  she  realized  how  horrible  of  a  situation  these  kids  were  in.  so,  alice  switched  into  therapy  for  adults  and  began  the  process  of  fostering  and  adopting  superhuman  and  mutant  children  to  give  them  a  stable  home  life  with  someone  who  didn't  want  or  expect  anything  but  good  behavior  and  respect  from  the  kids.  to  date,  she's  fostered  and/or  adopted  87  mutant/superhuman  children. 
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vengefuls · 27 days
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heartsbreaking said: ➹ + alaqua cox. send me a ➹ and a fc; i'll create a character on the spot !
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yara  red  river.   yara  is  a  superhuman  with  healing  abilities set in the universe of the boys.  ever  since  she  was  small  she  could  mend  almost  any  injury.   broken bones,  cuts,  burns.  all  of  it.   yara  was  born  deaf,  and  while  the  compound  v  she  was  given  didn't  change  that  she  was  given  healing  abilities.  as  a  little  girl  she  was  raised  to  fight  and  eventually  became  an  underground  doctor  for  supes  -  one  outside  of  vought's  payroll  and  typically  not  the  best  kind  of  people. 
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