woe. heizou be upon ye.
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ezriel's art blog!! 23 - he/him - i write about mentally unstable men <3
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vendacti · 3 months ago
Yun Jin approaches them, looking a bit better than before – she’s back to levelling the mountain of gunkan maki on their little snack plate again, at the very least. “Pardon my query,” she begins, “but is there a reason you wish to speak with us?” “Why, Miss Yun,” Heizou laughs, “we can’t fault a fox for being curious.” The foxian’s brow pinches, a slight thing. One would miss it if they weren’t paying attention. “And I, as it were, always assumed deer to run away from danger, not towards it.”
Renowned throughout the cosmos for his deductive reasoning, ace detective Shikanoin Heizou receives an anonymous tip that takes him to Penacony. He's always worked alone— and yet, in the face of a mysterious case, perhaps the assistance of two new acquaintances will prove invaluable.
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vendacti · 4 months ago
He’s tied Venti’s gift to his hip, right next to his vision. Whenever he moves, it clinks softly against the verdant green stone. Heizou absent-mindedly rubs the charm between his fingers, feeling the grooves of the engraving upon it. Earlier, in the light of day, he finally managed to get a better look at it: ‘ad perpetuam memoriam.’ To the perpetual memory. Without context, it’s a morbid farewell gift, a quote most often found inscribed onto gravestones— but to Heizou, it’s a promise that he will live on forever in tales told and songs sung by one bard in particular. It’s a vow to remain, despite the challenges life may throw at them. To endure, steadfast, like perennial plants.
the final chapter; going home.
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vendacti · 6 months ago
A comfortable silence settles between them. Venti’s gaze drifts back to the statue – his statue. Heizou has so many questions, he feels like he’s fit to burst— but he waits. Venti should incite, if he so wishes. He should have that freedom to choose, Archon or not. “… Did you know,” Venti starts, voice edging on a whisper, “that the kids around here climb my statue once they’re around sixteen, seventeen? It’s like a rite of passage. Almost everyone has done it.” He chuckles. “Even when a nun chases them off, they always come back later in the night to finish the job.” “That sounds…” Heizou laughs, “… dangerous?” “Oh, it would be. But I’m always around to catch them.” He inclines his head toward the statue. “Come on.”
the penultimate chapter before this story comes to a close, in which heizou and venti finally talk about everything.
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vendacti · 8 months ago
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(casting a spell that makes u ship kazuheijinveh too)
anyway read my fic. i'm not done being insane abt them anytime soon
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vendacti · 1 year ago
“… Let me ask you this,” begins Heizou, his gait slowing. “If you could change the trajectory of your life – would you choose to have a vision?” It stays silent behind him. It seems as if even the grass brushes softer against their shins, the brook’s babble turns into a murmur, and the wind lies down around them. Finally, Heizou turns around, effectively stopping the rest in their tracks. Razor scratches at his arm, focusing intently on a dandelion by his feet. Bennett has pressed his lips into a thin line, brow furrowing. Even Fischl appears lost for words. Eventually, Bennett asks, “… Would you?” … “No.”
chapter 12. the beginning of the end.
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vendacti · 1 year ago
“I’m really proud of you, it must be said.” Kazuha takes Heizou’s hands in his own, pressing delicate kisses on each knuckle. “Oh?” Kazuha hums, eyes fluttering open. “Yes. Before anyone else arrived, Bennett and I finally had a moment to talk. You’ve been such a wonderful influence on him.” Another kiss, on the side of his thumb – another, and another. “So, I’m proud.” Heizou swallows harshly: partly from how Kazuha’s lips tickle the delicate skin upon the inside of his wrist, partly from thoughts of himself and Bennett and his own brother – how right things had been, and how wrong things had gone. I wanted to give something better than what I had been given, is what Heizou thinks. Something lasting. Something that doesn’t sour.
chapter 11 - more fun times in mondstadt! heizou gets to know the local alchemists. also, something doesn't add up.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
“Can vampires catch cold?” “No, we can’t.” “Then stay,” Virion hums. “Stand in the rain with me.” And in that moment, cloth umbrella discarded, rain cascading down his temple and slipping down the collar of his shirt – it feels like being seen. It feels like being known. It feels like being mortal again.
In which Astarion can't help but catch feelings - and tries to ignore them.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
Razor is a cute kid. Shy, just as Lisa said. His eyes wander to the pavement and nearby windmills whilst speaking, and his hands often fiddle with the buckles on his gloves. He doesn’t say much; sentences stilted, as if he has to mull over every word before he speaks it. “My name… Razor,” he greets. “Is,” Lisa softly supplies. “My name… is Razor.” Before they are sent on their way, Lisa beckons Razor closer and brushes the boy’s fringe from his eyes with an almost motherly touch. They speak softly, but still, Heizou hears her wishing Razor well, bidding he be safe and that he listens to ‘the smart detective.’ A funny little thing plays in his throat as Razor nods fervently at her words.
here's chapter 10 (making this my longest fic yet)!! in which heizou goes on an adventure with bennett and razor - and sees some things he shouldn't have.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
‘Dear Kazuha (and strange yet respectable bedmate of Kazuha who probably got introduced to me but I’ve forgotten your name) ♥,’ Kazuha’s face contorts as if he’s bit into a lemon. Heizou would laugh if only the use of the word ‘bedmate’ hadn’t tied his tongue into a knot. ‘As you are likely aware, your most honourable bard has already long vacated the premises, and it is imperative you know that he won’t return until later this evening. Please, help yourself to the scrumptious morsels found within his kitchen cabinets. If you are in dire need of his presence, you may find him wherever the wind blows. ‘(By the way, there’s a rat living in my broom closet. Don’t open the door unless you want it to become YOUR problem.) ‘Hugs and kisses! ‘Venti’
chapter 9 is here! in which heizou gets a cold, makes friends with some mondstadt locals, and formulates a plan to get closer to the anemo archon. also a rat is there.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
chapter 8 is here!!! a rare kazuha pov appears, oh me oh my. also venti :)
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vendacti · 2 years ago
He looks back at Heizou before leaving, a spur-of-the-moment thing – then stops, small wrinkles appearing by the corners of his eyes as he looks at him in fondness.
“If I may be so bold to say, I think you should still go.” Zhongli lowers himself to his haunches, taking Heizou’s hand in his and squeezing softly. “Not for the mystery, or for anyone you feel you owe something to – but for yourself. Besides,” he chuckles, “it would do Barbatos some good to have a friend like you.”
The words of encouragement remind him, distantly, of words he’d once spoken to another Archon.
chapter 7 is here! in which heizou spends a day at the beach with his friends, and family trauma does not rear it’s ugly head. i promise. believe me.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
Despite the swirl of emotions in his chest, Heizou smiles. He won’t wait any longer for the evidence to fall into his lap.
“You’ve been sitting on the truth for quite a while now,” Kazuha murmurs, hitting the nail on the head – not an ounce of judgement in his tone, “haven’t you?”
“… I have,” says Heizou. In some odd, messed-up way, it feels cathartic to admit. “I just wish I’d realized it sooner.”
a long-overdue conversation happens between heizou and zhongli.
this chapter marks the end of the liyue arc!! it’ll be a short while until the mondstadt arc starts, so now is the perfect moment to catch up <3 please reblog this post, leave kudos or a comment -- help me get my art out there!
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vendacti · 2 years ago
And then she’s wrapped around him, her heartbeat thundering against Heizou’s. His fingers twitch, and before he can think, before he even wants to think about this – his arms are curled around her.
“Thank you,” she whispers in his ear.
“… For what?” he asks.
“For coming all the way here. For crossing an ocean.” A watery laugh bubbles from her chest. “For ending up in my arms.”
chapter 5 is here! in which kazuha and heizou visit a shrine, zhongli is cryptic as ever, and yun jin takes heizou along with her as she gets ready for a performance that night. certainly no feelings will arise from this whatsoever.
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vendacti · 2 years ago
“I’m fine, Kazuha,” Heizou says without opening his eyes. “That guy is just… getting on my nerves.”
On the opposite side of the table, he hears Kazuha exhale, long and deep. “That was… mister Zhongli, correct?” Heizou nods. “Beidou has told me about him – if I recall, she described him as such: friendly with everyone, but friends with no one. Also, from time to time... eff-ing weird.” He coughs – a bit embarrassed, most likely. Heizou can’t help but let out a snort, instantly feeling his mood lighten.
“I assume Beidou did drop an F-bomb there.”
“The Captain and I’s vocabularies are colourful in completely opposite directions.”
chapter 4 is here! in which heizou makes a new friend, drinks tea with kazuha, and realizes he can’t escape his family wherever he goes -- fun times all around!
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vendacti · 2 years ago
chapter 3 is here!!!!! heizou meets zhongli and gets blasted in the face with the genderfluid swag beam. also they beat a ruin hunter i guess :/
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vendacti · 2 years ago
chapter 2 is here!! heizou does a little sighseeing, meets some interesting characters, and formulates a plan of attack to get behind the truth....
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vendacti · 2 years ago
She has met the traveller (and Paimon, by extension) too. Did their tales not captivate her? Do they not occupy her dreams?
A land where the Archon drops dead from the sky – another, where the Archon hasn’t shown his face in centuries.
It doesn’t make sense. None of it does.
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