daughter of poseidon
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||Coco|| ☑ 29 ☑ no money ☑ no prospects ☑ burden to family
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vellixor · 10 days ago
“I LOVE that game!” (watched a letsplay and commentary about it)
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vellixor · 12 days ago
I love Mondstadt sm, and it's not because it is the "home region", but because it is a mysterious and sometimes even creepy region when you dig a little bit further
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vellixor · 17 days ago
alex hirsch truly is like. the guy ever. he created one of if not the most renowned and successful disney tva shows. he clowns on said network. he won his high school’s bird calling contest. he hates trump and is always advocating for people to vote. also prank calls republican/maga hotlines and was on the washington post for such. he voices half the cast of his own show and does a deranged mickey mouse voice he uses for like two separate shows. he owns a giant taxidermy buffalo. he and his sister were on an international improv team in high school. disney censored practically all queer themes in his show and now he has a nyt best seller (and created the website plus recent interviews ect ect) that imply there was something going on between that fuck ass triangle and ford. a straight man creating good old man yaoi. creates the craziest rabbit holes to send the fandom down probably primarily fueled by adhd and coffee. he probably has his flannel sewn to his body atp and has thousands of sticky hands on the wall in his house. i could go on but he’s just truly such a interesting guy
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vellixor · 19 days ago
Ohmygod BillFord is fucking canon???? He fucked that dorito????? Grunkle Ford what the fuck????
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vellixor · 20 days ago
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New York City ballet production of Midsummer Nights Dream
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vellixor · 20 days ago
Kinda fuxked up that Nuevillette and Furina spent 500 years ruling an entire country together, and yet neither of them knew each other's secret. Like, did Furina never questioned why her Iudex never aged for 500 years??? It seems like Focalor was the one who invited Neuvillette to be the Iudex, did they never talked about it once he got to Fontaine?? I get why Furina never said anything about her secret, but Neuvillette? As far as he was aware, the archon who stole his authority invited him to her seat of power and he just what? Strolled right into it? He never said anything, they never had any discussion that made Furina realise who he was?
I just, it seems so sad? They're two immortals, occupying the two highest seats in the land, spent 500 years in close proximity with each other, and yet they still held each other at arms length
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vellixor · 20 days ago
we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why's my cake....?
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vellixor · 20 days ago
uh oh! one of your organs has mysteriously vanished! Spin this wheel to find out which one!
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vellixor · 21 days ago
I keep hearing about these mystery-esque shows where the show writers/producers would make fun of their fans for theorizing too much and looking too deeply into the story.
And here is Gravity Falls, a show full of codes, key codes found in freeze frames. Instead of mocking the fans, the show rewards those who dig deeply. And, as a final thanks, the creator even created a scavenger hunt for it's most dedicated fans.
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vellixor · 22 days ago
look all i'm saying is if you've ever seen someone be healed with magic, congratulations! you've witnessed a practitioner of necromancy. it's the exact same thing. all you're doing at a fundamental level is using magic to accelerate existing biological processes and animate tissue, the only difference is when you do it to dead tissue instead of living tissue, suddenly it's evil scary ~dark magic~ instead of good wholesome healing. it's purely cultural bias.
so no i don't think it's fair to say i "lied on my application" since i'm just as qualified as anyone to heal your party, but hey if you want to be a fucking narc and report me to the wizard council go right ahead. good luck finding an accredited healer at the wages you're offering by the way
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vellixor · 22 days ago
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quick thingy just to spite my artblock
what do you mean two of the kids got lost and the third one is sick
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vellixor · 22 days ago
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one braincell transfer (divided by four)
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vellixor · 22 days ago
Ultimate Besties Tournament: Finals
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Propaganda below cut
Ragbros (submitted 2 times):
From a storytelling perspective, in a game where the premise is reuniting with your lost sibling, these two are excellent foils as siblings who are technically separated but always within reach of each other. I bet that drives the traveler batty, that these two could technically reconcile at any time but Don’t. If you guys aren’t using your free ‘reconcile with your sibling’ card, then give it to them. And one’s even got connections to Khaenri’ah and the Abyss Order! Are these two good siblings to each other? Well. No not really. But the way they were best friends when they were kids and are now bitterly awkward after Diluc’s fratricide attempt (I know he was in a terrible headspace but cmon man. Should’ve at least apologized afterwards.) yet still hang out even in the beginning of the game (see: hanging out in Venti’s story quest and family vacation in GAA 1) is very entertaining. The mask is off now, Diluc. Do you still care about your brother? Kaeya’s internal conflict is very tasty too, still considering Diluc family even if he doesn’t really count himself a Ragnvindr anymore (if he ever did…), and it’s a wonderful narrative metaphor for his conflict of whether he considers himself a Mondstadter despite loving his second home. Kaeya’s a character with a lot of depth from his origins alone, but his personal relationships with the other Mondstadt characters really elevate that and his internal struggles, and none are as important as the family that welcomed him into Mond in the first place. With the exception of the travelers (and Paimon!), I think this is the most important platonic relationship in the game.
Ragbros angst and love makes the world go ‘round
Redemption Arc (submitted 4 times):
My dickhead son and his plant based alternative mom
She saw that he had good in him despite being a villain; knocked him down to his absolute lowest and then helped him pick up the pieces; The level of unspoken communication between them is so sweet. Ex. Nahida sends Wanderer to various events under the guise of "making sure nothing goes wrong" but actually she's getting him participating in things to get him out of his shell; Conversely I think observing him helps Nahida understand the world/relationships between humans; They're just so cute I love the soft spot Wanderer has for his adoptive mother.; headcanon that he rants about her "annoying" him but 100% would turn around and beat someone up for talking smack about her
Two people who just escaped The Horrors choosing each other as family……… yes please
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vellixor · 26 days ago
Look, I dont know a lot about saints and Catholicism, but I know St. Agatha is always depicted with her breasts on a plate, and that’s sure something
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vellixor · 29 days ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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vellixor · 1 month ago
Oh and also, you can say all you want about Madam Yu but as a character she's definitely more interesting than her husband, and therefore better.
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vellixor · 1 month ago
Hello it's Twin Prides of Yunmeng missing hours
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