vegan-n-glowing · 6 years
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Another bagel breakfast 😋 Cinnamon and raisin bagel topped with peanut butter, then one side has miller linseed and banana whilst the other has coffee and walnut granola and blueberries YUMM 😍
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vegan-n-glowing · 6 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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Strawberry m y l k drizzled over pulsed apples, frozen raspberries and RAWnola 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍌🍏
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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My main meals today! 😍
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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new fav recipe omg
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
Do you have any advice on what healthy eating patterns should look like? I have a history of overeating and binge eating and I want to get that under control, but all the advice I find online focuses on weight loss and restricted eating and calorie counting, which is not helpful. I want to have healthy approach to eating psychologically, not go on a diet! Please can you offer any help?
this is such an important question that i’ve put off answering it till i felt i could focus and hit all the relevant points… but i have cancer and i’m exhausted and that’s never gonna happen lol. so i hope you’ll look into the resources i recommend bc they’ll be much more comprehensive.
first, healthy eating starts with enough food. this will be roughly between 2000-4000 cals per day for most people, depending on size, age, and activity level. chances are if you’ve been indoctrinated with the diet mentality, you aren’t meeting your total energy needs on a daily basis. if you’re youngish and active - and if you’re fat (and therefore have a larger mass to support) - you need more than you think. non-restricting, normal weight women eat on average 2300 cals per day when clinically monitored. the fda was going to recommend 2350 per day as the standard daily allowance of calories because that was roughly the average based on self-reports (which skew low), but they very ineptly arrived at the too-low 2000 figure. you may need quite a bit more than that, again depending on your size, age, and activity level… as well as your dieting history. “diet recovery” can require higher energy intake for a period of time, much like ED recovery does. eat consistently, in general three full meals a day and 2-3 snacks. never skip a meal. make eating a priority.
second, you need total permission to eat. no foods off-limits, no restrictions. if you feel hungry or have a craving, eat. eat exactly the food you crave, not “diet” substitutes. aim for variety, but be gentle with that. if you’re wanting a certain food everyday, eat it everyday. eventually your body will direct you to more novel choices. (there is no human who doesn’t eventually tire of eating the same thing over and over). food restrictions - even psychological - will lead to binges and “last supper” eating. eat food you enjoy, experiment with new foods, reject perfectionism in your eating.
get yourself a newer edition of the book Intuitive Eating, and try out their workbook too. intuitive eating is the gold standard in nutrition now and if you have reliable hunger cues (i.e. you don’t have a restrictive ED) it will be extremely helpful. it sounds like you’ve already rejected weight loss as a goal (yay!) but the books Health at Every Size and Body Respect may also be supportive of your efforts. also check out the Fat Nutritionist blog. 
again, be gentle with yourself. repairing your relationship with food will be about permission, honoring your internal cues, and self-compassion. good luck!
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
Stop trying to put pieces together and create your own pieces. Don’t spend your life trying to find yourself, create it.
a constant reminder to myself (via nakedly)
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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Considering I have managed to avoid the winter head cold all season I am still very in denial about the fact that I may actually have a slight case of it. 🙈 SO, nonetheless I have been flooding my system with green juice and veggies before we head out to get some photos for my favourite boys new endeavour he is taking part in! @olivermcnicol I may in fact be purchasing a new camera today and I can not wait to take photos of everything and anything! 😝
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
You know you are on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.
(via psych2go)
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vegan-n-glowing · 7 years
Eat clean. Do cardio. Lift weights. Get sleep. Stay positive.
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