vegageshsworld · 21 days
Hello, excuse me, but how do I move to 5D reality?
hello! ♡ moving to a 5D reality involves shifting your consciousness and vibration to a higher state of being!! here are some esoteric insights and practical tips to assist you on your journey:
raise your vibration begin by cultivating practices that elevate your energy. meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness help you connect to your higher self. surround yourself with positive energies, such as uplifting music and nature.
inner healing address emotional wounds and trauma through healing modalities. shadow work, journaling, or therapy can help release negative patterns. the clearer your energy, the easier it is to ascend to 5D.
let go of fear 5d reality is characterized by love and unity. identify fears and limiting beliefs that anchor you in lower dimensions. replace them with affirmations and thoughts rooted in love, trust, and abundance.
practice gratitude cultivating gratitude shifts your perspective. regularly express appreciation for life’s blessings. this practice aligns you with higher frequencies and attracts more positivity.
expand your awareness explore spiritual texts, attend workshops, or engage with communities that resonate with 5d principles. knowledge expands consciousness and promotes growth.
connect with higher realms engage in practices that connect you with spirit guides, angels, or other higher beings through meditation or divination methods like tarot or oracle cards. trust your intuition as you navigate these realms.
embrace unity consciousness understand the interconnectedness of all beings. acts of kindness, compassion, and service to others will increase your vibrational alignment with a 5D reality.
stay grounded while pursuing higher realms, it's crucial to remain grounded. nature walks, mindful eating, and physical exercise help balance your energy and connection to the earth.
manifest your intentions visualize the reality you wish to experience. writing down your intentions and focusing on them daily can help materialize your desires in alignment with 5D consciousness.
trust the process ascension is a journey, not a destination. be patient with yourself and trust your inner guidance. aligning with 5D energy takes time and consistent practice
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vegageshsworld · 21 days
sorry for asking this
have you revised your birth year or other peoples birth year in the current reality?
thank you
good day! ♡ personally, I haven't done a revision, but my close friend did and everything worked out! and it's generally real!
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vegageshsworld · 1 month
MY ADVICE FOR BEGINNER SUBMAKERS (based on my experience)
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Don't try to copy someone else's style
it's important to analyze the subliminals of other submakers to find your unique style and discover what you genuinely like, but don’t attempt to replicate! Your individuality is paramount
Don't set yourself an insurmountable and unattainable bar
this means you don’t have to "squeeze out" 100 or 1000 affirmations. trust me, you can create a wonderful subliminal even with just one affirmation. the key is to do it with all your heart!
Give yourself time to rest
this is extremely important!!! allow yourself the necessary time for rest. you don’t have to release subliminals every day, which can be exhausting. if you feel you can only release one subliminal a week — then do just that. if you feel you can do more, then do more. rely on your inner feelings and don’t overdo it!
I once heard the following opinion: “to start making subliminals, you need to belong to the sub community.”
honestly, that’s not true at all. for example, I’m an introvert to the core and rarely interact with anyone from the sub community. I have favorite submakers, and I generally believe that the entire sub community is the least TOXIC group, making me feel incredibly comfortable! when I started making subliminals, I didn’t communicate with anyone or know anyone, and I created all my subliminals purely intuitively. people will still find out about you and love your content without additional promotion. again, the main thing is to do everything from the heart!
that’s all I remembered!! for some reason, I really wanted to write a post like this! I hope it will definitely be helpful to someone! <3
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vegageshsworld · 1 month
3D, 4D, and 5D realities!!!
today, we will dive into the world of differences between 3D, 4D, and 5D realities!
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the 3D reality is a world where we often feel limited by physical boundaries. here, duality, fear, ego, and limited consciousness prevail. in the 3D world, there is often a struggle for power, control, and material possessions
as we transition to the 4D reality, we begin to realize that we are the creators of our lives, that we are not just victims of circumstances. in this dimension, time is perceived not linearly, but as a flow of events, where each moment matters. the 4D world opens up opportunities for self-improvement, self-development, awareness, and spiritual growth
however, the highest level is the 5D reality, where harmony, love, compassion, and light reign. here, we recognize the unity of all existence, expanding our understanding of ourselves as part of a broader cosmic picture. in the 5D world, we cease to experience fear, excessive anxiety, and doubt. we free ourselves from the belief in our own imperfection and open ourselves to interaction with higher dimensions of being!
each reality offers us specific lessons to experience and challenges to resolve. the transition to higher dimensions requires awareness, purity of intention, and readiness for transformation!
personally, i find myself "stuck" somewhere between 3D and 4D. i honestly admit that i cannot yet fully exist exclusively in 4D, but i am incredibly close to it!
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vegageshsworld · 1 month
good afternoon, my lovely fairies! ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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┊last week I thought you might be interested in learning about the "inner workings" of subs. I think now is the time to talk about formulas for writing subliminals (this post will be especially useful for beginner submakers)
┊so, I'll start with my personal favorite formula:
❝layering one list of affs on another + the "echo" effect❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ this is when one list of affirmations is layered on another, where one list of affs is repeated at a faster volume, and the second - at a slower volume + adding the "echo" effect so that the affs are repeated not once, but 2-3 times, so it turns out that you hear 2-3 times more affs and get the desired results much faster!
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ this formula, as it were, "exaggerates" the expected results
for example: "I have a waist of 10 cm", "my weight reaches the 10 kg mark", etc.
❝acceleration of affs by x100 times❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ here there can be acceleration by x5, x10, x100 times - as you decide for yourself. if you decide that you need to accelerate by x5 times - accelerate by x5 times. decide to speed up x100 times - speed up x100 times
❝best friend❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ the essence of the formula is that you write affs not on your own behalf, as usual, but on behalf of your best friend.
usually affirmations are written as follows: "I have an angelic aura", "I really look like an angel"
and here: "wow! you really have an angelic aura", "you really look like an angel"
write affs in a different form, as if all these words are said to you by your closest friend
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ I talked about this effect a little higher! "echo" doubles-triples subliminals, which also doubles-triples them in your subconscious and ensures the manifestation of permanent results
❝many affs in one sub❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ each submaker writes their subs differently: someone may have about 50, someone - almost a thousand, or even a million affs. It all depends on your individual preferences. If you want to write a lot of affs and you think that this will be the most effective - write it this way. If you don't think it is necessary to write a lot of affs - it's okay, your subs will still work!
❝native voice in AF voiceovers❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ it is believed that when you voice subs with your voice, their vibrations increase, which is why the results are achieved faster. but, again, everything depends only on your individual preferences! it is not at all necessary to voice subs exclusively with your voice!
❝linking affs to a specific action❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ I'll start with an example here: "when I drink water, I lose 1 kg", "when I sit at the computer, my vision improves noticeably"
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┊if you found this post interesting, please don't forget to leave reactions!! ‹𝟹
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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I want to share with you my experience of manifesting and what I have once again confirmed for myself!
today I manifested… a blazer! it sounds funny and silly, but that's how it was!
I have wanted to get myself an oversized blazer for a long time, but I always put it off and completely forgot about this purchase. this morning I went out for my 10,000 steps walk (yes, I walk 10,000 steps every day, it’s like a ritual for me)
I was passing by some stretched-out stores and fleetingly thought, "oh, it would be cool to go into a store and buy myself an oversized blazer" — and also fleetingly imagined what color and style it would be, and, you won't believe it!! I was surprised to find that I entered one of those stores (just chose it intuitively) and almost immediately found the blazer from my manifestation, and it was on a huge discount! I was just thrilled!!
and here are the truths I have once again emphasized for myself (and for you):
manifestation works almost instantly if you don't fixate on the situation (in my case: I didn’t fixate on the desire to buy a blazer. I just imagined how it would be and thought it would be cool to get one like that now) don’t set yourself time frames and don't think that I'll get something right today or right now. give "freedom" to your thoughts. just know that it will happen anyway. that's enough free yourself from expectations. manifestation works almost immediately if you stop living in anticipation. I have long noticed that if I think about something and then immediately forget about it, it happens right away (or during the day) after manifesting (even something small), say mentally: "thank you for fulfilling my manifestation, I am happy to have this in my life" — this also works as a kind of catalyst or activator!!
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I hope this information was useful for you! wishing everyone successful, light, and instantaneous manifestations! HUGS!!! 💗
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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the esoteric concept of "i am" has deep spiritual roots and can be used to create effective affirmations and manifest desires. here are a few ways to apply this concept:
affirmations using "i am":
"i am health and abundance. my life is filled with joy and harmony"
"i am love. i attract only positive and inspiring relationships"
"i am success. my life is filled with achievements and prosperity"
goal visualization using "i am":
before meditating, state your goal by saying, "i am…"
visualize yourself having already achieved your desired outcome, feeling joy and well-being
repeating "i am" statements throughout the day:
constantly remind yourself of your affirmations, repeating them with confidence and faith in their manifestation
strengthen your belief through repeated statements, enhancing the energy and focus on achieving what you desire
remember, the key to successful use of affirmations and manifestation using the "i am" concept lies in belief, positive emotions, and consistent practice. focus on your goals, feel connected to them, and trust the process!!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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subliminals are audio affirmations hidden under music or sounds of nature, they are aimed at changing internal attitudes, changing internal and external states
there are subliminals aimed at correcting health in all its manifestations (there are "local" subliminals that are aimed at healing a specific organ/state); there are also subliminals aimed at transforming consciousness, any external characteristics and defects, etc.
it is worth saying that there are countless subliminals, it is only important to know which subliminals can be useful!
passing through our consciousness, which does not perceive voice instructions disguised under various sounds, so positive affirmations get into our subconscious, where they are fixed. our consciousness is a unique mechanism and sometimes it is capable of independently putting up blocks, thereby preventing ordinary affirmations that we ourselves pronounce from being fixed. therefore, we can say that subliminals have the ability to deceive our consciousness
it is worth starting with the fact that there are two main types of subliminals:
subliminals created on the basis of binaural beats (usually, this is indicated in the description of the subliminals), such subliminals are usually listened to either in a calm state or while running/walking and in both headphones;
subliminals created on the basis of ordinary affirmations disguised as music/nature noise. such subliminals can be listened to anywhere and in any way: you can listen without headphones, you can listen while you are doing your own thing (writing, drawing, cooking, washing, etc. - which, by the way, you can’t do when listening to subs based on binaural beats)
you can listen to subs as many times as you like + include listening to them in your list of “daily rituals” - for the desired results to appear faster, consistency and regularity are necessary!
how not to get hung up on the results and how to get maximum results after listening to any sub (in general, I want to combine these two topics, because if you do not get hung up on the results, then, a priori, you get what you want)
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what advice could I give, based on my experience of listening to subs?
work with thinking, first of all! - add subliminals to your playlist that remove internal blocks and limitations; add subs that help your subconscious "earn" at full capacity; add boosters; also, do not underestimate meditation (at one time they really helped me calm down and achieve harmony, from which the subs began to act more effectively)
try to just lag behind yourself. yes, that's right. continue listening to subliminals, but remove all sorts of expectations from your head. the only thoughts you should have are "yes, I know that the results WILL STILL BE", "I just know that EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN EXACTLY THE WAY I WANT"
stop going to the mirror every second and looking at how your appearance has/hasn't changed, stop waiting for anything, and just believe that everything will happen exactly the way you want. the only thing you can't know is the time frame in which certain changes will happen to you. and there will still be cuts after listening to subs, it's just that for some people they will be more or less pronounced
also, in order not to get hung up on cuts, you can find yourself a certain hobby (my hobby is video editing, where I am very distracted from all sorts of thoughts and listen to subs during it, just like that)
I would advise people who are not very receptive to subs to turn on subs at night and fall asleep with them, because our subconscious is on different frequencies during sleep and functions a little differently, being in a state of rest. therefore, as an option, listening to this can also be a good catalyst for the manifestation of the desired results
healthy sleep is also important (7-8 hours a day)
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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the esoteric concept of "i am" has deep spiritual roots and can be used to create effective affirmations and manifest desires. here are a few ways to apply this concept: affirmations using "i am":
"i am health and abundance. my life is filled with joy and harmony"
"i am love. i attract only positive and inspiring relationships"
"i am success. my life is filled with achievements and prosperity"
goal visualization using "i am":
before meditating, state your goal by saying, "i am…"
visualize yourself having already achieved your desired outcome, feeling joy and well-being
repeating "i am" statements throughout the day:
constantly remind yourself of your affirmations, repeating them with confidence and faith in their manifestation
strengthen your belief through repeated statements, enhancing the energy and focus on achieving what you desire
remember, the key to successful use of affirmations and manifestation using the "i am" concept lies in belief, positive emotions, and consistent practice. focus on your goals, feel connected to them, and trust the process!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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because you are too fixated on achieving results, sunshine.
for example, you regularly affirm affirmations, manifest, but still do not see results why? because you are too fixated on the future. not in the sense that you believe you are already in the future. but rather, you are in a tiresome state of anticipation. you approach the mirror every time and try to see positive changes in your figure. you approach the mirror and try to see changes in your appearance. you approach the mirror and want to see how much your hair has grown.
the thing is, you only want to see this. you do not believe that you HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED THE DESIRED RESULTS!!! you do not live with the awareness that you have already RECEIVED EVERYTHING YOU WANTED. that you ALREADY HAVE THE DESIRED APPEARANCE. THAT YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS IS SUPER POWERFUL!!
why don't you believe in yourself and the power of your subconscious mind? why are you still in waiting? as long as you are in waiting, your 3d will not change. as long as you are still fixated on results - nothing will change.
release the situation and literally come to terms with the fact that YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE RESULTS. live in your 4D space and you will see how malleable our 3D is. you will see how it changes only according to your desire.
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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visualization is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your desires more quickly and effectively. to make your visualization practice more potent, it's essential to follow a few key steps:
first and foremost, be clear and specific about what you want to manifest. visualize your desires in vivid detail, engaging all your senses to make the experience as real as possible
next, infuse your visualizations with strong emotions. feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your desires have already manifested. emotions are a powerful energy that can accelerate the manifestation process, so make sure to immerse yourself fully in the positive feelings associated with your desires.
consistency is also crucial in visualization. make it a daily practice to visualize your desires, ideally in the morning or before bedtime when your mind is most receptive to suggestion. repetition helps reinforce your intentions and keeps you aligned with your goals
additionally, believe in the power of your visualizations. trust that what you are envisioning is already on its way to you and maintain a sense of faith throughout the process. doubt and skepticism can block the manifestation process, so cultivate a mindset of unwavering belief in the fulfillment of your desires
lastly, let go of any attachment to the outcome. trust that the universe knows the perfect timing and way to bring your desires into reality. surrender control and allow the process to unfold naturally without resistance
by following these tips and honing your visualization practice, you can enhance the speed and efficiency of manifesting your desires. remember, the power lies within you to create the life you envision through the art of visualization!!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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loving yourself is an essential part of leading a fulfilling life. one powerful way to cultivate self-love is through the practice of visualization, affirmations, and listening to positive subliminals.
visualization involves creating vivid mental images of yourself living your best life, experiencing joy, success, and love. by visualizing these scenarios regularly, you are programming your mind to believe in your worthiness and potential. this can boost your self-esteem and help you see yourself in a more positive light!!
affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself regularly. by affirming your worth, beauty, and strength, you are challenging any negative self-talk and replacing it with empowering beliefs. phrases like "i am enough," "i deserve love and happiness," and "i am worthy of all the good things life has to offer" can shift your mindset towards self-acceptance and love
subliminals are audio recordings that contain positive affirmations embedded beneath soothing music or sounds. by listening to subliminals regularly, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and dissolve limiting beliefs that hold you back from loving yourself fully. these messages bypass your conscious mind's resistance, making it easier for you to internalize the positive affirmations
combining visualization, affirmations, and subliminals can create a powerful synergy that reinforces self-love on multiple levels!!! when you consistently engage in these practices, you are nurturing a deep sense of self-worth, compassion, and acceptance within yourself.
remember, self-love is not selfish or indulgent; it is the foundation of a healthy relationship with yourself and others. by incorporating visualization, affirmations, and subliminals into your daily routine, you are investing in your well-being and happiness. embrace these tools as powerful allies on your journey to loving yourself more deeply and fully!!!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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exploring a lesser-known esoteric technique today - revision. this practice involves the conscious reevaluation of past events, feelings, or outcomes to imprint new beliefs and perspectives on the subconscious mind. by revisiting and reshaping our inner narrative, we can shift our current reality towards a desired outcome. the process typically involves visualization, affirmations, and a deep focus on altering one's perception of the past. revision can be a powerful tool for personal growth, manifestation, and healing, helping individuals break free from limiting beliefs and emotional blockages. embarking on the journey of mastering the technique of revision can be a transformative and empowering experience. here are some steps to guide you in honing this skill and utilizing it effectively:
awareness: start by becoming aware of your thought patterns, beliefs, and emotional responses to past events. recognize areas in your life where revision can bring about positive change.
intention setting: clearly define your intentions for revising a particular event or belief. what do you wish to achieve through this process? setting a clear intention focuses your energy and guides the revision.
visualization: immerse yourself in the experience you wish to revise. visualize the event as you would have preferred it to unfold. engage all your senses to make the visualization vivid and real.
affirmations: use positive affirmations related to the revised version of events. affirm your new beliefs and perspectives to reinforce the changes on a subconscious level.
consistency and patience: consistent practice is key to mastering revision. understand that changes may take time to manifest in your reality. patience and persistence are essential virtues on this journey.
release and let go: after revising an event, release any lingering negative emotions or attachments associated with it. trust the process and detach from the outcome.
reflect and adjust: regularly reflect on the impact of your revisions. adjust your approach as needed and stay open to new insights and transformations.
by embracing the technique of revision with dedication and an open heart, you can rewrite your story, reclaim your power, and manifest a reality aligned with your true desires. are you ready to embark on this empowering journey of self-transformation?
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
don’t ever feel bad for knowing about the law but not being able to properly use it to your advantage. don’t blame nor bash yourself for having forgotten the functioning of the law and how it operates.
when neville wanted to manifest a divorce with his first wife — who he had fallen out of love with — in order to be in a relationship with the woman who he actually had feelings for, he admitted that he had no clue on how to do it. yes, he was pretty much wondering about the how. how was he gonna approach her? what was he gonna tell her? in which way could his desire be realised? he was struggling mentally, and probably emotionally as well.
so, what did he do? he completely turned his back on the outer world and abandoned himself to the law. neville practiced to fall asleep to the assumption that he was already together with the woman of his dreams and exercised this repeatedly and consistently. he remained persistent with his claim until his deepest desire materialised itself into his physical reality for him to witness.
within one week of accepting his assumption to be true in a state akin to sleep, he was ready to perceive his manifestation with his own senses. his desire appeared in a way which he didn’t even think of or believed in!
neville did not intervene or interfere with the contents of his world without. all he did was to feel his wish fulfilled, live in the end and think from his desire. in his mind, he was already experiencing what he wanted and wished for. he had faith in the unseen and trusted his imagination. and most importantly, his circumstances did not matter to him! all because he was ready to see beyond his human body and finally free himself from the limitations of his senses.
it may be difficult to look at life from a lens that doesn’t feel like it belongs to you, but neville didn’t look at his life from his body's eyes either. he looked at his life from his mind's eyes. see, the law works nonetheless. it doesn’t stop applying to you because it’s you or because you didn’t imagine "well" or long enough. the law's ability to realise your desires depends entirely on the naturalness of your feeling in regards to your desire. it’s possible to bring anything to life. if there's an ability to desire, there’s an ability to imagine. and after all, imagination creates reality.
"never blame, only resolve." — neville goddard
with love, ella.
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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I JUST MADLY LOVE COFFEE!! but I have some interesting information about him…
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coffee, a beloved morning ritual for many, not only provides a much-needed energy boost but also holds a special place in the realm of esoterics and spiritual practices
in esoteric traditions, coffee is often associated with the element of fire, symbolizing passion, transformation, and energy. when consumed with intention and mindfulness, coffee can serve as a powerful tool for enhancing focus during meditation, divination practices, or manifestation rituals
the caffeine in coffee is known to stimulate the mind and heighten mental clarity, making it easier to connect with one's inner self and higher consciousness. it can help in achieving a state of alert relaxation, ideal for tapping into one's intuition and inner wisdom
many spiritual practitioners believe that the aroma of coffee can also have a grounding and centering effect, helping to create a sacred space for introspection and spiritual exploration. brewing a fresh cup of coffee can be a ritual in itself, elevating the mundane act into a meditative practice that sets the tone for a deeper connection with the spiritual realm
moreover, sharing a cup of coffee with others can foster a sense of community and connection, allowing for meaningful conversations and soulful interactions. the act of coming together over coffee can create a sacred bond that transcends physical boundaries and facilitates spiritual growth!!
ultimately, whether used as a catalyst for spiritual insight, a tool for enhancing meditative practices, or a symbol of community and connection, coffee has the potential to be a valuable ally on the spiritual journey. embracing the esoteric benefits of coffee can turn a simple daily habit into a profound and transformative experience, enriching not just the body but also the mind and spirit!
as with any spiritual tool, it is important to approach coffee with reverence and gratitude, recognizing its power to uplift and energize not just the body, but the entire being. so, the next time you savor a cup of coffee, consider the deeper magic and mystery it holds, and let it guide you on your path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment!!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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i want to share with you a life hack on how to quickly recover or heal from a cold or flu (at the very early stages)
my close friend told me about this method!! 💋
so, if you feel like you're getting sick, but you understand that now is really not the time to be ill or you simply don't want to take sick leave— start practicing self-suggestion
present strong arguments to your consciousness why you can't or shouldn't be sick right now, but it's important to use the following sentence structure: "i can't be sick right now because i want to do this and that" or "i want to recover right now because i want to accomplish certain things in the upcoming days." base it on your "want" rather than your "need." provide yourself with convincing reasons why you don't want to be sick right now. and try to keep these affirmations and thoughts in your mind throughout the day at the end of the day (evening), start telling yourself that you have already achieved the desired results. that you have already recovered. that you are already a completely healthy person right now
yesterday, i suddenly felt that i was starting to show symptoms of a cold and decided to try this method + listened to subliminals! it's worth mentioning that it really works. and when i woke up this morning, i was thrilled to find that all the symptoms like a sore throat and fever had passed, hooray!
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vegageshsworld · 2 months
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visualization is a powerful tool that can help manifest our desires and turn them into reality. when it comes to visualizing what you want, there are a few key things to keep in mind to make the process more effective:
firstly, clarity is crucial. be as specific as possible about what you want to achieve or experience. visualize the end result in detail - the sights, sounds, feelings, and even the smell or taste associated with it. the clearer your mental image, the easier it is for the universe to understand and deliver secondly, believe in what you are visualizing. have faith that your desires are attainable and that you deserve to manifest them. realize that you HAVE ALREADY GOT WHAT YOU WANT. YOU ALREADY HAVE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAM! trust in the process and let go of any doubts or limiting beliefs that may hinder your ability to attract what you want
next, engage your emotions while visualizing. feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your desires have already come to fruition. emotions infuse your visualizations with energy and help align your vibration with the frequency of your dreams
consistency is also key. make visualization a daily practice to keep your focus sharp and your intentions clear. regularly revisiting your goals through visualization helps reinforce your belief in them and keeps you motivated to take inspired action towards their realization.
lastly, be open to receiving in unexpected ways. sometimes the universe has a different, better plan in store for us than we can imagine. stay flexible and trust that the path to your desires may unfold in surprising ways
in conclusion, visualization is a potent tool for bringing your desires to life. by being clear, believing in your dreams, engaging your emotions, staying consistent, and remaining open to possibilities, you can harness the power of visualization to manifest your aspirations and create the life you envision. trust in the process and the universe's ability to bring your dreams into reality
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