𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑
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⟨ dev patel. cis male. he/him. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, ved singh is actually a descendent of hades. it’s still a question of whether or not the twenty-six year old biological sciences major from new delhi, india has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite independent & overly critical.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
it has been an honor and a privilege, definitely a wild ride, to have been part of eonia, and i’m definitely sure at least anton will be joining again once it reopens/returns, but just in case the worse come to worse, as merriam-webster likes to say, here are the trio’s endings (mentions of death tw, unplanned pregnancy, jail time, and the plot of charlie’s angels):
          reblogging on all other accounts for closure. it was truly an experience, friends! thanks for letting me be a part of your circle and life for a time. we’ll meet again soon. for now, have a great day.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
status: open starter ! location: gaia’s ground
she’s been watching them since the moment they entered the coffee shop, gaze drifting from her laptop to casually follow their every step. she’s keeping herself occupied until the time is just right — mindlessly typing as they place their order, casually checking her phone as they wait for their drink, all without raising suspicion, of course. as the barista calls out their drink, she sees her chance, losing no time in taking it. with her own cappuccino in hand, she walks toward the condiment bar as if to add something extra to her drink - maybe some sugar, perhaps some light cinnamon - who knows? it’s a ruse after all. one ‘bad’ misstep and she crashes into them, lukewarm coffee spilling all over their clothes. “oh my gosh! i am so sorry!” feigned niceties leaving her lips that come across as completely sincere - just another clumsy girl to the unsuspecting eye except freya’s anything but. “here,” she says, as she grabs a stack of napkins to offer them, “i can’t believe i just did that, i’m such a klutz!” a pleading smile curves on her lips as her tone remains as sweet as ever. “let me make it up to you, please, what did you get? i’ll replace your drink .. and your clothes. or at least pay to have that dry cleaned.”
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the son of hades yawned as he entered the coffee shop, though he squints, warily looking out for any sign of the ex-girlfriend he still has not moved on from. maybe soon, but definitely not today. if he wasn’t desperate for some inspiration, a jolt of caffeine in his system, he would’ve never tried gaia’s ground. unfortunately for him, it was the only coffeeshop on his way to a personal meeting and he needed the fuel to jumpstart his brain, so he can impress them. never mind the fact that the meeting wouldn’t be for a few more hours. ved, what is you doin��? the collision surprises him, though he manages to rein in expletives born of surprise, never malice, perhaps mostly because he’s still yet to fully wake up, the coffee not yet introduced into his body. he’s slow, slower than her, and before he can even try to wipe the coffee off of his clothes in futility, she was already handing him napkins. it takes him some time to realize what he was supposed to do with them, and a chuckle escapes his lips. “nope, it’s all right... i’m fine. it was my fault. i was... my brain’s still sleepy.” when their eyes meet, he’s struck with a familiar feeling, his interest piqued, perhaps even seduced. oh, gods, ved, not this again. have you learned nothing? he hasn’t. with a warm smile, he simply nods at her. “it’s you’re fine... i mean, are you fine?”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
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SHE FEELS LIKE SHE’S ON cloud nine, elated to see ved having a good time with her. bringing happiness to people, especially to someone who she feels really needs and deserves it, is all momo could ask for. “ okay, yeah, good luck— !! ” momo can barely laugh at the makeshift and spontaneous bet before he’s taking his turn. eyes widen in shock and actual pride, jaw slacking as she lets out a giggle in disbelief. momo beams at him, arms raising, “ you did it !! ” there’s hardly time for her to actually think things through before the blonde is placing her hands onto his shoulders. she lifts herself onto toes to reach him, but rather than the supposed cheek kiss, momo plants one right on his lips. it’s a surprisingly pleasant kiss, but momo pulls back soon enough, her signature mischievous gaze lingering on her features as she looks back to the machine, as if she didn’t just do that, “ my turn, right ?? ”
HIS VICTORY IS MADE EVEN sweeter when she obliges his thirst and quenches it with her own lips. it may have just been a lucky shot, nothing else, nothing more, on his part, but ved feels even luckier when he’s granted a taste of her bright and bubbly world, something that he’s been craving but until this point never came any closer to. “ o-oh !! ” a sense of surprise briefly flees the son of hades’ dark lips, caught off-guard by his good fortune, even though had wished hard for it, imagined their first kiss over and over again in the hours leading to this triumph. “ t-thanks, momo. ” his eyes glazes over, the sight of her heavenly face as she backs away, as if on slow motion in his point of view, a very welcomed delight. “ y-yeah, your turn !! ” he finally feels himself easing up, though his heart was still racing, his cheeks still flushed, chuckling and shaking his head at his own reaction. “ you thinking of a reward, a motivation for a win, or something ?? ”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
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⟨ DEV PATEL. CIS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, VED SINGH is actually a descendent of H A D E S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES MAJOR from NEW DELHI, INDIA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite INDEPENDENT & OVERLY CRITICAL. you can read up on some more information about this demigod below, and follow them over on their blog HERE.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
would you ever make a robocat?
“To be honest? Probably not. I have a feeling my robodog, robopet, days are numbered.” Ved shrugs.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
describe your life in 6 words
“Spontaneous. Fun. Electric. Shocking. Tragic. Robodog.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ i’d rather not , ” she counters .the idea of a safe word sounded incredibly stupid, mainly because she was used to fighting until someone collapsed to the floor bloody and bruised in defeat. most times, her opponent being the one to fall though there were the rare instances where leo herself would be beat. a rare sight and one the violent girl would be lying if she didn’t enjoy. getting beat usually meant it was a good fight, a disastrous mess in all it’s gore and glory. rare instances where others would impress her to the point of respect but standing listening to ved spew on about a safe word? not one of those times.
she watches with annoyance as he picks himself up, loud huff leaving her lips as she makes her irritation toward him clear. their entire agreement proving to be a waste of time, making a mental note to rather pay him next time than deal with whatever circle of hell this seemed to be. while the quantity and quality of the weapons he provided her with were worth it, this seemed like too much of a price to pay for them. her brows furrow as a scowl appears on her lips. was he really thanking her for hurting him? “there is something seriously wrong with you.” she rolls her eyes 
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he lets out one big laugh , a guffaw , a word he himself would never use, or at least never had the opportunity to do so, when she reiterates the obvious. as much as he considers himself a mechanic, a fixer, someone who has the gift to fix any machine known to man just like that, he just couldn’t fix himself. of course, he wasn’t a machine, but wouldn’t it be much easier to find out what was wrong with him himself and correct it, handle it, deal with it, than tinkering with bolts and nuts, risking electrocution? he’s tried, though, so many things and as best as he can, gods know how hard he’s tried, but all were to no avail. whatever was wrong with him, he just couldn’t fix it. 
“yeah... of course there is,” he groans as he accidentally moves his arm and pain shoots back up, reminding him that he wasn’t his old man’s television set that for one reason or another would work better when he slapped it around. the image made him chuckle, and he shakes his head, finding the memory both appropriate to the situation and strange to come to him right then and there. “i chose a beatdown instead of euros for payment, after all,” he clicks his teeth, wincing in momentary pain until it finally subsides. “...and from an ares kid at that.” his dark brown eyes wander towards her, a playful smirk on his face. maybe he does have a death wish. 
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ come on ! ” she whines , rather impatiently . feet pressed onto the ground, she puts her entire weight into pulling him up to end up nowhere. the drastic height difference between them proving to be a challenge in vi being able to get her way. she stumbles for a split second as he finally gives way, allowing himself to get up. a small frown threatens to tug itself onto her lips at his response. “personal hygiene and self respect, for starters,” she states blankly, “besides, do you really want to sit here in your own filth for the rest of eternity? surely, there has to be something that you’re looking forward to aside from sulking all day.” bobbing her head to the side loose waves bounce as she shakes her head. “not expensive - i have a discount and i swear, if it means getting your ass out of bed, i’ll pay for it myself. you do have plenty of clothes but new ones will make you feel better, they’ll make you feel new.” lips fall into a thin line as her nose scrunches. “not like that they don’t. you need a least a trim and a good conditioner, those ends look harsh.”
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“ ugh , what for ? ” he continues to groan , unable to see the wisdom in her words, the bigger picture but a distant memory to him. her question does make him think, and he takes his time pondering if there really was anything he felt like looking forward to. heaving a sigh, he all but shakes his head, unable to come up with a fulfilling answer. as a son and a brother, he could look forward to spending time with his family again. gods know it’s been a while since they were all together in one place, but he doubts they would be again for at least a couple more months. as hephaestus’ son, he could look forward to creating, forging, new things, if not just improving on his creations yet again, though that felt more work without inspiration. as a man, he could look forward to finally getting laid after days, weeks, perhaps even months of unintended celibacy, though a part of him didn’t really think that was much of anything, considering he does have a hand and a stable Internet connection. “fine.” he heaves a sigh, finally admitting defeat, unwilling to prolong this agony any further. “do what you want with me, vi. it’s not like i’m doing a better job myself anyway.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
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HANDS CLASP BEHIND HER BACK as she watches him intently, a grin keeping it’s place across her features. “ aw, that’s sweet, thank ya kindly !! only took me, like, however many years of playing this game back home during the summer to get good at it. ” momo laughs, before leaning forward on her toes to watch him make his own attempt. eyes widen as the ball sinks into the same cup, lights of the machine flashing as if to also cheer him on. her hands raise into fists in the air to celebrate the small win, letting out a laugh, “ yeah, look at you !! you’re a natural. ” the compliment comes easy, reaching up to cup his face in her hands, “ if there was a professional skee ball team, coaches would, like, beg to have you join. ” momo tells him excitedly, before pulling back, her attention suddenly switching back to the game. she takes the ball and rolls it, watching just barely hit the forty point mark. “ your turn, ved !! ”
THE TEASE WAS MORE THAN WELCOMED even if the son of hephaestus never expected it to happen or perhaps even if the daughter of iris didn’t intend it to be as such. it’s all greek to him, though, and he loved every second of it. her laughter was a welcomed respite from the loneliness and emptiness that have plagued him for the past few days, weeks even, and her elation, her compliment, her touch were more than cherry on top. he almost goes in for a kiss, reading into things too early, but catches nothing but air when she immediately pulls back and turns to the game instead. that doesn’t chase the boyish, dreamy grin off his face, however, as the fact that it almost happened, at least in his head, was more than enough to keep himself elated at the situation. “ i was just lucky, i guess. i mean, i still am. ” he lets a small chuckle escape his lips as he watches her go, applauding her triumph, before taking his turn. “ maybe we should take this up a notch ?? a quick smooch on the cheek if i hit a higher mark ?? ” he gets ahead of himself, the ball rolling even before he can hear her response, and luckily hits the fifty point mark. his dark brown eyes widen in surprise as he turns to her, a playful smirk on his lips. are the gods on his side tonight? 
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vedeu · 4 years ago
Back at home, Jamie didn’t have siblings. It had always been her and her mum, who she remembers vivid but briefly since she passed when she was four, and her grandfather, who took care of her every day after then. She’d never asked for siblings, knowing firstly that her mum wasn’t around but also not really being keen on sharing her grandfather. Call it an oedipus complex, but she’d always been fixated with her grandpa, a man who could literally do anything and everything she needed was something he could either buy or build, the second one being his preferred. But it was a lonely childhood, and she admitted that. Soon came demigod camp when she was ten, and she learned the real value of siblings. Having someone around all the time who shares your life experiences though in a very different way. Coming to Eonia had only cemented that bond she knew she had with her siblings. They were all great, but being almost twins (for like three months) and sharing a major (mechanical engineering wasn’t uncommon for Hephaestus children) had undoubtably made her closer to Ved, who she was on her way to see. Reaching into the fridge to pick up a can of diet coke, Jamie made her way to one of the workshops where Ved had been for a while, probably working on Robodog. “Hey mate” She greeted him when she saw him “What’re you up to? Robodog again?” @vedeu​
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Between moping around to no real progress and actually trying to make some progress, Ved’s past few weeks were as unimpressive as his attempts to move on from his breakup with Maiken. It’s been weeks, months, now, and he still hasn’t made any real, well, progress. At least not while he’s stuck in this stage of his grief. Fortunately for him, it’s the last stage. Unfortunately for him, he’s been trapped in it for the past few, unimpressive weeks. Today, for some unknown reason, perhaps a miracle brought about by divine intervention, the son of Hephaestus managed to find the motivation to drag himself into his workshop to actually do something. The familiar voice from behind him caught his attention, though, while he was in the middle of his improvements on Robodog. Turning around, taking his goggles off his eyes and nestling it on the top of his head, against his wild mane, he smiled as he realized who had the audacity to interrupt him. “Oh, hey, Jamie. Did you get me a coke, too?” He teased, shaking his head, as he took off his gloves as well after placing his tools beside Robodog who was lying on the table on its side. Walking to another table to his left, he grabbed a bottle of beer and raised it to her as a gesture, a toast. “So you know how my whole purpose in life is to create the most advanced robot the world has ever seen? I’ve gone from nothing to a bot that does nothing and just wriggles around on the ground to actual moving quadruped robots to this insanely advanced robotic dog that can map its environment and learn real-time from things around it. I mean, it can traverse terrain that robots could previously never walk on. It’s the culmination of years of research and development. It’s an engineering masterpiece!” He gestured towards the same immobile Robodog on his table before taking a long sip of his beer. “Now I’m going to make it piss beer into a cup.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ new and improved , “ she affirms , the smile on her lips countering the expression on his. ved’s damper mood almost threatening to bring hers down though only for a split second before she smiles even wider, stubbornly determined to get him out of his funk. hazel eyes watch him as he falls back onto his bed, letting him rest there for only a moment before standing by his bedside. “nope, not today, robot boy.” she reaches out to grab his arm, tugging at him in an attempt to force him to stand up. “it means that you’re going to go shower because quite frankly, you stink. you’ll put on some new clothes, we’ll grab a bite at the village and then, we’re going shopping. i swear to gods, ved. we’re going to twice new and you’re not leaving the store until you have at least three new outfits. and we’re definitely doing something about your hair. now, come on, vamos.”
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“ ugh , ” he groans , the loud , almost monstrous if one takes into account how taller he actually is compared to almost everyone in any given room at any time, noise very unpleasant to the ear. he puts no effort into standing up. at least at first, that was true. when he realizes that she might have a hard time actually pulling him up, he acquiesces, not wanting to make her suffer as much as he believes he deserves to. “what’s the point, vi? why shower when i’ll just get dirty again at the end of the day? why shower when the stink of my failures will never be washed off, away?” he heaves a sigh as he barely rises off of the bed, slouching, entire body feeling heavier than normal. “all that sounds expensive, not to mention futile. i have plenty of clothes, you’ve already fed me, and my hair... people like my hair.” do they, though? the question stealthily creeps into his mind, making him feel worse. seb, kit, charlotte, mitsuki, jamie, even stupid aaron... do they actually not like his hair? were they just tolerating his chaotic mane, like they were tolerating him? bollocks.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ no ! “ she all but exclaims , brows wrinkled in doubt by his peculiar reaction. while she verbally rejected his offer, she can’t help but wonder what he would have listed off. surely something to explain his erratic behavior? nonetheless, the chaotic glee written across his face is enough to turn that anger a dial higher. her tightened grip, twisting his arm more little by little until a satisfying crack causes her to let go. menaced grin curling on her lips, his scream being music to her ears as she admires her handiwork while he wallows in pain.
she’s unfazed by his statement, the joy of watching him writhe in pain starting to wear off seconds later. after all, he’s not the first she’s injured to the point of breaking a bone, certainly won’t be the last considering the amount of ire she holds. brow arches, unimpressed by his attempt at bring some light into the situation. “pumpernickel? you are an actual idiot,” she mutters, deep huff leaving her lips, “no, not really but i’m happy to break your other arm if you don’t shut the hell up.” 
was she actually going to follow through with the threat? possibly. her patience with ved practically non-existent at this point. every new remark, only annoying her that much more. she was far better at communicating with her fists than with her words.
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if ved only paid more attention to himself , then perhaps he’d realize that his pain tolerance was a little more impressive than he usually gives himself credit for. that or it was just natural for demigods to have a much higher patience for suffering. it helps that he has had many dalliances with tasers and being tased within just the semester alone. the first taste was the most painful. what followed next was a little more tolerable, more an annoyance and less as gut-wrenching than what had come before. “hey, it works. don’t knock the safe word until you try it!”
he starts laughing as he slowly picks himself back up on the ground, sitting upright while trying to check if his broken arm could still be salvaged. if not, he could almost build himself a robot arm. maybe even add some hilarious features to it like a built-in laser or a giant red stare, comrade. hephaestus himself was no stranger to prosthetic limbs. “thanks, though. i needed that.” leaning against the wall, he heaved a sigh, almost of relief, as he held his arm and stared up at her. “nothing like a beatdown as payment for your wares to remind you of your own mortality.”
after all, why was he still here if not to simply suffer? what is suffering but life persevering? or some weird thing his mother used to always tell them back when he was still a kid. good times.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
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EYES WIDEN IN SURPRISE, LOOKING over her shoulder at him. “ what !! you’ve never played ?? here, like, i’ll show you !! c’mon— ” the blonde steps up to the game, pulling her small pink backpack from her shoulders to get her wallet. she’s quick to hand money over to the vendor, before grabbing one of the white plastic balls. “ okay, so, the goal is to get a lot of points. you see how like, every hole is labeled ?? if you get the ball into that specific hole, you get that amount of points. like this !! ” momo rolls it, watching it land in the 30 points marker. “ you only get a set amount of chances, though. and if you get enough points, you can pick a prize. try it !! ”
WATCHING HER TAKE THE LEAD ONLY SERVES TO WIDEN his grin, the guy who likes to know everything, inside and out, for once in his life excited to be out of the loop. “ no, not really !! i mean, i have an idea of what it is, how to play it, but i’ve never tried the game. ” like a loyal dog to its master, ved follows the blonde, with his dark brown eyes and his entirety, eager to throw himself into this activity that she seems to be very interested in. for the past few days, weeks even, all ved has had to throw his interest at were dark and sad thoughts, things that no one should ever find themselves alone with. nodding at every word, ved was quick to note everything that he needed to, taking in each and every detail, as much as he can about the game, wanting to impress her. she impresses him first, though, and he could do nothing else but applaud her brilliance. “ wow, you’re good at this !! ” steeling his nerves, he takes his turn, taking time to familiarize himself with the ball. then he throws it, and though he doesn’t expect much, his expectations are exceeded, the ball landing in the 30 points marker as well. “ whoa !! that’s good right ?! ” his eyes widen in surprise as he turns to her, jaw slightly dropped, a mixture of excitement and bewilderment.
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vedeu · 4 years ago
It’s a complicated task to drag Ved around the house– considering sometimes the house can be in a chaotic studs (to match her own) and also that sometimes the mess making an onbstacle field before them is mostly one of her own creation. She flies past with ease, her hand firmly grasping his as she hopes he’s able to keep up. She would’ve actually asked him to join her… but frankly Ved’s behavior was looking more like a puzzle every day. This alternative was the safer bet. They fly past the front door as she quickly turns with a smile on her face, “Why the moon, of course.” It doesn’t make sense yet, but hopefully it will soon. Mitsuki only gives him a second of rest before she drags him through the path and heads to the Carnival’s entrance.
Dark brown eyes immediately narrow at her. Although he thinks about it, Ved resists pulling his arm away from her. It’s not just that he doesn’t have enough motivation to stand his ground, it’s also the fact that a part of him knows whatever surprise awaits, disappointing or not, it’ll still be way better than what he’s been doing for the past few days, which is basically nothing. “The moon?” It makes zero sense to him, though the first thing he does is look up at the sky, wondering if his beloved sister was referring to the actual moon, the orb of space rock that floats around the Earth, or maybe, the goddess herself? Did he miss the memo about Selene’s homecoming? When they end up at the Carnival’s entrance, though, all Ved can do was sigh. “Do you need a chaperone?” The thought of him being relegated to a babysitter, he feels, is a fate worse than death. Then again, he would do anything for Mitsuki. Or any of his siblings for that matter. He shrugs. “Eh, why not.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ if you die ? ” she repeats , hazel eyes widenin amusement as she does nothing to hide the amusement painted on her face. “gods, ved, are you sure we’re not related? you sound like a child of dionysus.” her tone is playful as she gives him a small shove. while the joke’s at her expense, she can’t deny that neither she nor her siblings have a flair for being melodramatic. essentially hardwired into their dna, it’s not hard to tell why with one look at the chaotic god.  “tell her yourself, you’re not gonna die, robo boy,” she sighs, before head whipping back to face him, “wait, what?” she stops in her tracks, curiosity suddenly shifting as she looks at him with inquisitive eyes. “ .. why should i do that?”
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“ if we are, then your loss, ” he shrugs, the words slithering out of his lips even before he can think them through, teasing a possibility that he knows he’s not even ready for. thankfully, she slaps him back to the present. with more curious questions, unfortunately. “hmm?” for a moment or two, he just stands there, staring back at her, the implications taking its time to settle in his brain. outside of the joke involving hormonal google searches, the fact of the matter was, ved builds things, creates things, and more often than not, such things require information some of which one can’t legally access. at least not when they’re not working for the government. or a government. needless to say, the son of hephaestus has done some dabbling in kit’s line of expertise. “oh, uhh, just to be safe?” he offered her a grin, and then a gulp, before walking towards her, attempting to turn her entire body towards the carousel once more. “let’s go, vi. before i change my mind.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
“ ved ! ” she whines , voice still rising as she pouts at him. the smirk on his face causing her to irritate even more, “i’m serious, this isn’t funny!” although, considering the sight of the two, it’s definitely arguable. the petite girl trying to literally drag the son of hephaestus turning into quite the challenge. “then what did you mean?” she questions, still glaring at him. the annoyance lasts only seconds as ved finally gives in, giving virginia her way, causing a grin to spread on her lips. “wait, really?” she jumps up and down, “you’ll love it, i promise” as he starts to walk, she grabs him by the wrist, anxious to get on the ride.
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there is a slight hesitation that climbs up ved’s spine as virginia takes hold of the situation, his dark brown eyes having been fixed on the ride throughout. at first, he feels the dread, the surprise, him being caught off-guard by her touch. then he feels her warmth, her control, her power, and suffice to say, he could not fight her will. not that he wanted to. or that he ever would dare. so he drags himself, allows her to drag him, despite being much taller. “if i die, tell robodog i love her.” he quips, gulping, eyes shifting from the stationary pegasus to the back of her hair. “more importantly, delete my browser history.”
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vedeu · 4 years ago
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FLASHING LIGHTS, SMELLS OF GREASY FOOD, AND LOUD NOISES could easily overwhelm anyone; though momo finds comfort in it’s distracting qualities. she’s unsure just what to call this outing with ved, considering the last time they spoke, he asked her out to dinner. momo doesn’t dwell on it. for now, at least, she chooses to focus on— “ oh cool, skee ball !! ” the shining lights catch attention, reaching behind her to grab his arm, tugging him towards the game. “ i haven’t played since i was, like, a kid !! ”
WITH A SMILE ON HIS FACE, THE SON OF hephaestus found his dark brown eyes glued on momo. even when he tries to look away, they somehow manage to find their way back to her. it’s certainly a refreshing respite from his other failed attempts to get a date, especially all things considered. thankfully, robodog wasn’t around to mess this up for him. at least he thinks that and not the truth of his haphazard creation actually giving him this opportunity to go out with her. “ oh, is it fun ?? ” the words slither out of his mouth without his consent, unintentionally exposing his lack of experience with the game. “ it looks fun, doesn't it ?? ” 
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