vcice-blog · 7 years
Shortbow and Shortsword... I feel called out for my shortness....... But accurate.
if youre lgbt take this medieval weapons quiz and tag with your result
i got a mace/flail!!
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vcice-blog · 7 years
I'm alive!
Just thought I'd slide her and say I'm alive. I'm playing Skyrim today- sorry! Message me on my personal to plot though!
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vcice-blog · 7 years
{ ᴍ ᴏ ɴ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ s } aren’t born, they are made.
                                                  You abuse somebody who’s ᵂᴱᴬᴷ                              p u s h i n g them over and over again until they s̶̨n̢̢á̴p͟          bending their morals, shattering them like glass, leaving them to rot in their own                                                                      D̲̲ ̲̲E̲̲ ̲̲S̲̲ ̲̲P̲̲ ̲̲A̲̲ ̲̲I̲̲ ̲̲R̲̲ ̲                                                 —then you give them ( POWER).                                                So they can wreak R E V E N G E                                          and obliterate anything standing in their way.                                                  Aren’t monsters to be { pitied }, then ?
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vcice-blog · 7 years
if you ever wanna ship with me just come to my ask and be like “listen dick face we bout to fuck shit up with a ship ok.”
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vcice-blog · 7 years
< @yuriinne from here >
Kaho glanced around making sure no one was around to freak out. Maybe she could pass it off as a street performance if people started screaming? Yeah sure. Taking a deep breath she started off humming before breathing out soft lyrical sounds, singing from deep within her lungs. Fire pooled from her lips and flowed to her fingertips, traveling almost like water in a waterfall but floating without touching much like the fire was being carried by the air from within her lungs, or maybe, more poetically, being carried by the song.
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vcice-blog · 7 years
I need money. Bad.
Ace’s tail needs to be amputated. My family just pooled together every cent we had, literally, we opened our piggy banks and paid the font desk in ones and pennies, for a pain med they gave Ace without our permission- then held her hostage until we paid for it. The vet is planning to waive her fee of $600, and the Humane Society agreed to cover $400, but the clinic is still making us shelve out $500 for the amputation. 
I need $500 in 3 days.
If I can’t raise this, Ace will be taken out of our care and either put to sleep, or given to the pound where they will likely decide to put her to sleep. We had some hope that the pound would keep her, but it looks like the cost would be too high for them to treat her, so they’d opt to euthanize her. 
I am disabled and should be celebrating my 22nd birthday on the 28th of this month, but the only present I want is for my sweet, cuddly, loving Ace to live.
 In case you haven’t heard her story from me yet; my one and a half year old cat, who I raised from the moment she was born, went missing for 5 days, then showed up outside my window with pelvis broken in 4 places, a broken tail, a sinus infection, severe kidney infection, and maggots all over her. The first thing the vet told us was that the prospects weren’t good. But she met the mile stones associated with a broken pelvis and tail and was given a green light. Then a giant blister formed that took up her whole right back end, and caused a massive gaping wound that they couldn’t close up. Miraculously, she’s made it this far without infection and has healed remarkably well- except her tail which is quickly dying. It will become gangrenous very soon if we don’t have it removed. 
But if the tail is removed, she has a very high chance of survival!
My family pools together $1300 a month for a family of 3 disabled persons in one of the highest cost of living areas in Washington state. We’ve exhausted all loans and credit cards we qualify for and shaken down every extended family member and friend we could. Please, please, help Ace. 
My paypal is paypal.me/boringghoul
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vcice-blog · 7 years
I need money. Bad.
Ace’s tail needs to be amputated. My family just pooled together every cent we had, literally, we opened our piggy banks and paid the font desk in ones and pennies, for a pain med they gave Ace without our permission- then held her hostage until we paid for it. The vet is planning to waive her fee of $600, and the Humane Society agreed to cover $400, but the clinic is still making us shelve out $500 for the amputation. 
I need $500 in 3 days.
If I can’t raise this, Ace will be taken out of our care and either put to sleep, or given to the pound where they will likely decide to put her to sleep. We had some hope that the pound would keep her, but it looks like the cost would be too high for them to treat her, so they’d opt to euthanize her. 
I am disabled and should be celebrating my 22nd birthday on the 28th of this month, but the only present I want is for my sweet, cuddly, loving Ace to live.
 In case you haven’t heard her story from me yet; my one and a half year old cat, who I raised from the moment she was born, went missing for 5 days, then showed up outside my window with pelvis broken in 4 places, a broken tail, a sinus infection, severe kidney infection, and maggots all over her. The first thing the vet told us was that the prospects weren’t good. But she met the mile stones associated with a broken pelvis and tail and was given a green light. Then a giant blister formed that took up her whole right back end, and caused a massive gaping wound that they couldn’t close up. Miraculously, she’s made it this far without infection and has healed remarkably well- except her tail which is quickly dying. It will become gangrenous very soon if we don’t have it removed. 
But if the tail is removed, she has a very high chance of survival!
My family pools together $1300 a month for a family of 3 disabled persons in one of the highest cost of living areas in Washington state. We’ve exhausted all loans and credit cards we qualify for and shaken down every extended family member and friend we could. Please, please, help Ace. 
My paypal is paypal.me/boringghoul
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vcice-blog · 7 years
I need money. Bad.
Ace’s tail needs to be amputated. My family just pooled together every cent we had, literally, we opened our piggy banks and paid the font desk in ones and pennies, for a pain med they gave Ace without our permission- then held her hostage until we paid for it. The vet is planning to waive her fee of $600, and the Humane Society agreed to cover $400, but the clinic is still making us shelve out $500 for the amputation. 
I need $500 in 3 days.
If I can’t raise this, Ace will be taken out of our care and either put to sleep, or given to the pound where they will likely decide to put her to sleep. We had some hope that the pound would keep her, but it looks like the cost would be too high for them to treat her, so they’d opt to euthanize her. 
I am disabled and should be celebrating my 22nd birthday on the 28th of this month, but the only present I want is for my sweet, cuddly, loving Ace to live.
 In case you haven’t heard her story from me yet; my one and a half year old cat, who I raised from the moment she was born, went missing for 5 days, then showed up outside my window with pelvis broken in 4 places, a broken tail, a sinus infection, severe kidney infection, and maggots all over her. The first thing the vet told us was that the prospects weren’t good. But she met the mile stones associated with a broken pelvis and tail and was given a green light. Then a giant blister formed that took up her whole right back end, and caused a massive gaping wound that they couldn’t close up. Miraculously, she’s made it this far without infection and has healed remarkably well- except her tail which is quickly dying. It will become gangrenous very soon if we don’t have it removed. 
But if the tail is removed, she has a very high chance of survival!
My family pools together $1300 a month for a family of 3 disabled persons in one of the highest cost of living areas in Washington state. We’ve exhausted all loans and credit cards we qualify for and shaken down every extended family member and friend we could. Please, please, help Ace. 
My paypal is paypal.me/boringghoul
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vcice-blog · 7 years
using this generator make your muse with the current mood their in!
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Muses shown, left to right, top to bottom. @wiircs , @trysst , ME, @mallkiim , @vcice tagged by: @detectivewxlf tagging: Anyone who wants to do it..!
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vcice-blog · 7 years
I need money. Bad.
Ace’s tail needs to be amputated. My family just pooled together every cent we had, literally, we opened our piggy banks and paid the font desk in ones and pennies, for a pain med they gave Ace without our permission- then held her hostage until we paid for it. The vet is planning to waive her fee of $600, and the Humane Society agreed to cover $400, but the clinic is still making us shelve out $500 for the amputation. 
I need $500 in 3 days.
If I can’t raise this, Ace will be taken out of our care and either put to sleep, or given to the pound where they will likely decide to put her to sleep. We had some hope that the pound would keep her, but it looks like the cost would be too high for them to treat her, so they’d opt to euthanize her. 
I am disabled and should be celebrating my 22nd birthday on the 28th of this month, but the only present I want is for my sweet, cuddly, loving Ace to live.
 In case you haven’t heard her story from me yet; my one and a half year old cat, who I raised from the moment she was born, went missing for 5 days, then showed up outside my window with pelvis broken in 4 places, a broken tail, a sinus infection, severe kidney infection, and maggots all over her. The first thing the vet told us was that the prospects weren’t good. But she met the mile stones associated with a broken pelvis and tail and was given a green light. Then a giant blister formed that took up her whole right back end, and caused a massive gaping wound that they couldn’t close up. Miraculously, she’s made it this far without infection and has healed remarkably well- except her tail which is quickly dying. It will become gangrenous very soon if we don’t have it removed. 
But if the tail is removed, she has a very high chance of survival!
My family pools together $1300 a month for a family of 3 disabled persons in one of the highest cost of living areas in Washington state. We’ve exhausted all loans and credit cards we qualify for and shaken down every extended family member and friend we could. Please, please, help Ace. 
My paypal is paypal.me/boringghoul
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vcice-blog · 7 years
Flexes her arms as if she was in a bodybuilding competition.
@yuriinne sent an ask!
Flexes back at. Clearly, this is a competition. Or perhaps a ritual of some sort? Humans were odd, but this one didn’t appear human. Tails weren’t human. Flexes eagerly in attempts to communicate..!
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vcice-blog · 7 years
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vcice-blog · 7 years
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Doctor Who 9.05/2.04: The Doctor on Immortality
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vcice-blog · 7 years
One of my cats came home. After 5 days, Ace made it back, but she’s badly injured. I have $65 in my bank account, just barely enough to cover my bills. I don’t qualify for a loan since my income is too low. Please. Please please please, I’d do anything if someone could help me out.
Her leg is probably dislocated and likely broken.
God I can’t afford this. Please. I love her so much. I can draw, I can make icons, hell I can send nudes if I have to. My PayPal is: https://www.paypal.me/boringghoul
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vcice-blog · 7 years
 -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- Hey guys. -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=-
So uh- I’mma be online but not active. If that makes sense. I’m basically going to be looking at houses because wow I need to move! XD And uh, if ya’ll need me, hit me up with an IM because I have sounds on. x’D I’ll be refreshing tumblr ever so often, and I have notifications on my phone if you wanna send me an ask instead. Basically if you wanna talk, we still can. I’m just not going to be liking every post on the dash immediately. x’D I’m just a wee bit swamped house hunting.| Thanks for being so understanding, buds <3
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vcice-blog · 7 years
Kaho tilted her head at him. He sure shouted a lot. Her ears rang a little but she ignored it in favor of simply closing her ears.      “Practice may as well be my middle name,   I do it so much. Yes, my dancing is probably   better by human standards, but by my   standards… No. I could improve a lot more.”
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vcice-blog · 7 years
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       ╰ “ What can I get you ? ” ╮ spoken in a rather bland tone, the ash blonde ran his fingers through his undercut as he spoke . sparkling amber stared down at the girl whose gaze was directed at the countered cakes .╰ “ Or you’re on a diet and just staring to spite yourself …. ” ╮
Kaho looked up quietly.       “A lot of these have those... red pointed berries.    I can't breathe when I eat those. Do you have any    without those or the uhm... White fleshy fruit." She was talking about strawberries and coconuts but language was weird and she didn't even have those fruits on her planet. Eating them on earth and not understanding what was wrong was terrifying and she never wanted to experience that again. She pointed from her side of the glass to the strawberry cake and next to it was a coconut lemon cake.       "I can't eat either of those." Soft purple tongue poked from her lips in consideration. as she peered down at the chocolate one that she hadn't seen before.       "What is this lighter shade, it smells like sugar.    Is it perhaps heavily heated sugar on top of a    chocolate sponge?"
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