Vault Hunters and More
351 posts
A Drunk Bird Man, Rhysie Puffs, A Sour Blue Raspberry, A Weirdly Buff Nerd, and A Number Assassin. (There's also An Annoying Trashcan.)
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vault-hunting-bandits · 11 months ago
fiona and sasha getting dragged out of gearbox's lost and found is sooo funny honestly. i know the real diehards have been aware of this for a while but the promo tweet really hit me. seeing the twitter replies going "why weren't they in borderlands 3?" "why is this a book and not a game?" "why wasn't this the plot of tales 2?" ... heartwarming. inspiring. with enough social media pressure you too can badger a franchise into remembering two women of colour and giving them a spinoff novel a decade after their game first released
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vault-hunting-bandits · 1 year ago
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Just got into Tales from the Borderlands and can you guess who my favourite is? LMAO
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
One thing I love about Borderlands is that they don't explain any of the technology.
In the vast majority of scifi or scifi adjacent settings there's a lot of hypothetical science or at least technobabble to back things up. If there is magic then it's never called magic and backed up by some kind of pseudoscientific explanation or told to be the work of Clarke's third law and the hyper advanced precursors.
But not in Borderlands. Guns that shoot lightning? Yep. Instant teleportation? Yeah. Whatever the fuck digistructing is? Yes. Almost every single legendary weapon doing things that violate laws of physics? Yup.
The rustic victorian-esque vaguely Japanese inspired manor has a holographic doorbell that makes a horse neigh sound. A main villain uses the eye of an eldritch horror from beyond as a focus for his gigantic laser beam. One of the playable characters is a teenage girl that built a killer robot for her space fair. At least one fifth of the whole cast has some kind of cybernetic implant. There's at least 3 kinds of magic space rock phlebotinum. Robots feel pain, but in slow motion. You can physically go into people's minds, and the loot you get in there works normally in reality (most of the time).
How does this all work? Rule of cool. That's it.
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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Borderlands characters portraits - from my small twitter event . Feel free to join! Maybe I’m gonna draw more later I drew all these in two hours and now I’m dead xD But I like how they turned out.
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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* – GIRLS, BOYS & BOTS completed far far earlier this year for the girls, boys & bots fanzine. my theme was zane fighting the arcade machines at the main enterance!
please don’t repost my work on ANY sites thank you. i don’t wanna start slapping huge watermarks over my work if i can help it :’)
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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I made some character sheets in the style of those BL2 character promo images for me and my friends and thought I'd share them! (The PDFs are already form fillable.)
I'm open to any edits or updating them but for getting a general overview of your character, I think they work pretty well.
Google Drive Link
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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I love you Mr. Chew, you are the best boi, but you keep doing the die and it hurts my heart 💔
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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Sketches and WIPs
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
video template
been sitting on this idea since like june better late than never
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
Music tastes because this game owns my soul
Amara: Nothing but calm, peaceful indie worship for meditation, or Partali Rap for everything else. Does enjoy the occasional rock opera, but not enough to make a Playlist for it.
Ava: Emo grunge and sad lo-fi. Typical sad 13 year old girl songs, but the sadness level varies. Sometimes its “ah, 13yo blues”, sometimes “Oh, yeah. This is a child who’s gone through some sh*t and is clearly not coping.” Everyone uses her Spotify as a mood tracker to check in on her.
Axton: Bluegrass country, old school rock, and - god bless - the most basic pop in the world. Like, retail pop. Radio pop. Pop music no one likes and only hit the charts because of grocery stores playing it on repeat. He genuinely likes it, too.
Brick: R&B and jazz. Most people assume its violent screamo, but why would he want to listen to that when he’s relaxing? That’s punching music, not kicking back music.
Clay: Either super catchy and suave, or a blatant cry for help. Classy Jazz and touching Southern Gothic, Jimmy Buffet. Songs about confidence, Jimmy Buffet. Ballads for smuggling and general crimery, Jimmy Buffet. Why is he listening to Jimmy Buffet? He doesn’t know. He just is. Wainwright has a therapist on speeddial for the day when Clay has listened to nothing but Jimmy Buffet for three weeks.
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
Should you fight ___?
Amara: Look at her arms and tell me it’s a good idea to fight her. Her arms are more dangerous than a seasoned war vet and she has 8 of them. Amara will punch you and you won’t bruise, you’ll cease to exist. Do not fight Amara.
Ava: Ava bites. Can you win in a fight with her? Sure. But Ava bites. Hard. Don’t fight Ava. She’s a 13 year old that has at least 5 murder-machines that will kill for her. Pick a wiser battle.
Axton: This is just a psychological fight. You’ll lose in combat but you can absolutely bully this man. He’s a puppy dog who just wants friends, be mean to him and he’ll go sulk. Do NOT insult the turret, though. He’ll be out for blood. 
Brick: Will turn your bones into toothpicks if you fight him. But why would you want to? He’s such a nice guy. He’s more of a puppy than Axton. 
Clay: Clay has a plan to kill and/or escape from everyone he meets. You throw a punch, he’ll chuck a fistful of dirt in your eyes, clock you, than run. There is no winning against Clay, not because he’s a powerhouse, he’s just slippery and underhanded. Don’t fight clay. 
Fl4k: They have 3 bloodthirsty monsters at their behest, and keep Rakks in their sleeves. And that’s ignoring the fact that they’re built like a brick slaughterhouse. Please utilize the skill of critical thinking and do not fight.
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
Snack preference hcs because I'm bored and love the characters in this stupid game
Amara: Fresh, bright, healthy snacks. Fruit, jello cups, Popsicles - anything cold and refreshing, especially if it's fruity. Loves froyo on her cheat days. Gets strawberry yogurt with cake, more strawberries, and chocolate sauce as her regular.
Ava: Tortilla chips. Could live off of Tortilla chips and some dips. Favorite is Onion dip with hot sauce. Makes a dessert dip of chocolate and caramel that is...controversial to say the least.
Axton: If it's at night, likes a salmon dip with whole wheat crackers. Daytime? Jerky with gravy. Makes his own gravy, family recipe. It's absolutely addicting, everyone tells him he needs to cut the Vault Hunting and bottle that sh*t for market.
Brick: BEEF. BURGER. PATTY. COLD. (It's actually a protein wrap chock full of vitamins but that doesn't work for his reputation)
Maya: Makes killer soup. She makes a huge batch, puts it in the fridge, and pours a cup and puts that into the microwave for a quick bite. Really likes veggie based soups, or soups with seafood.
Moze: Something easy to throw together. It's usually great hang over food. Quesadillas, grilled cheese melts, microwave mac-n-cheese - something filling, savory, and comforting. And yeah, fond of cheese. Also likes peanut butter cookies with black coffee.
Moxxi: Candy. Grandma candy, specifically. Those strawberry things? Is the biggest buyer for them. Licorice is also a favorite. Anything spicy with cinnamon, as well.
Lilith: Gummy candies, cucumbers with tuna or chicken, or some unholy sandwich creation that makes you think she's high. Her tastebuds are f*cked from Phasewalk, now likes peanut butter and jelly with ham and provolone cheese. Her arguement is that peanut butter is savory like ham, and grape jelly is 'pretty much wine' and wine is good with cheese. It's horrible.
Mordecai: Dried meat. What the meat is, no idea. Could be skag, could be human. It's meat, it's impossible to chew, it has no flavor. The popular theory is that it's for Talon and he's softening it in his mouth. As for what he actually eats, likely part plant and feeds off of sunlight. God only knows.
Tina: Rock candy. Loves sour watermelon rock candy. Oh, and also spicy sweet potato chips. And cookies with tea, of course. Likes Chamomile tea and chai.
Zer0: Legends say you can find candy wrappers in their room. They just like cool wrappers. Collect limited edition foodstuffs just for the wrapper or can. Has a wall lined with soda cans with unique patterns.
Zane: Heathen man. Pours spices onto his hand and licks it. Likes stale gummy candy. Licks the salt off of crackers and gives the defiled things to Mr. Chew. Puts cheese and pineapple in shrimp ramen with oregano. Vile, vile, vile.
Krieg: His roasts are to die for, and he eats it cold from the fridge when he's peckish. Uses Pandoran ingredients like cactus honey, salty hail found in glaciers in the tundra, skag bone broth for marinating, and a blend of local herbs and spices. They put Axton's gravy on it one time and had a collective transcendent awakening. The combo is now banned, for anyone who tries it will never enjoy other food again.
Gaige: Girl stalks the clearance section of the bakery in supermarkets for cheap baked goods. Lives off of expired cupcakes.
Tannis: Doesn't snack, but enjoys a cup of tea in between meals. After breakfast, has a green tea. After lunch, chai, and after dinner, chamomile and lavender for bed. Sometimes has a shortbread cookie with it.
Troy: Depends on the week, position of the stars, his horoscope for his moon sign, and the tide. His taste in food cannot be tracked. Goes from eating something bizarrely plain to so complex you think you're having a stroke when you look at it. His inner circle have a game called "What The F*ck Is The God King Eating Now". His personal chefs say they black out when cooking for him. Whatever it is, he doesn't eat anything pre-prepared or from a wrapper. The one time he ate something identifiable, there was a conspiracy he had been replaced by a clone.
Tyreen: One time while she was eating, Troy asked her what she was eating, and she responded, "Your mom" without thinking about it. They didn't speak for a week after the incident and never mentioned it again. Still gets embarrassed about it.
Lorelai: Has not consumed anything but burgers and coffee for months. Please stop her. Her colon is about to pop out of her stomach and strangle her itself.
Hammerlock: Dark rye with tomatoes, basil, fresh mozzarella, and a tall glass of lemonade. It's a snack he's had since he was a boy and it hasn't lost its simple comfort.
Wainright: Fried tomatoes with a coleslaw and peach iced tea. Fried vegetables in general are underrated in his book, despite his father's attempts of trying to get him to accept meat superiority.
Clay: Moonpies and scotch. Time of day doesn't matter. This is bad because its a shot for every pie. And he can put away an absurd amount of them. However, there are only so many shots he can drink before he's pretty much dead to the world.
Fl4k: 101 recipes for birdseed, skag treats, and 'humanfeed' as they call it. Once tried making pancakes for Zane and Moze while they were both sick, gave them food poisoning with nutrient supplements meant for spiderants. The supplements was to boost immune system - hence why it was added - and, unfortunately, venom production. Ergo, making it toxic for humans who do not produce venom. Zane was paler than snow and Moze was beyond delirious. Fl4k felt horrible for months.
Salvador: Makes croquetas in bulk and has a handful when he needs a pick-me-up. Filling varies, but likes them with fish and potato. As for drinks, cannot survive without his grandmother's horchata recipe. Makes it for the whole team whenever it gets cold. Also likes lime soda with pickled vegetables.
Marcus: probably other passengers on the ship
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vault-hunting-bandits · 2 years ago
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Some old BL doodles (Part 2)
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vault-hunting-bandits · 5 years ago
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vault-hunting-bandits · 6 years ago
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and all of your cute Vault Hunters
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vault-hunting-bandits · 6 years ago
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vault-hunting-bandits · 6 years ago
Tediore weapons bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “This bitch empty! YEET!”
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