varnateet Β· 1 day
Girl if i had the money i would have kidnapped u like beast kidnapped the beauty
Mulberry raspberry harlequin
come kidnap me please I can't do life anymore
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varnateet Β· 2 days
love it when my friends say "you would do numbers on Tumblr" buddy I am on Tumblr. and the number is 3
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varnateet Β· 4 months
what the sigma?
Its me. Im the sigma (UwU)
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varnateet Β· 4 months
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varnateet Β· 4 months
Wait that reminds me of one thing i gotta do real quick πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
I will make this feel like hooommmeeee
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varnateet Β· 4 months
Yess I listen to the palylist. Its like a comfort playlist to me 🫠
The life is touphhhhhh
Im trynna go with the flow but the waves are slapping me in the face πŸ˜”
I will make this feel like hooommmeeee
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varnateet Β· 4 months
I will make this feel like hooommmeeee
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varnateet Β· 4 months
To clarify some stuff and add more
1. The schools shutting down
The schools wont shut down completely. Its summer Vacation time here the kids are at home doing holiday homework. And after their vacations are over they will come back to school as usual. Even if its not vacay, the online classes will continue always. Plus due to covid the state has made some kinda fruitful arrangements already so that the max amount of students can take classes online. The studies wont face the impact that much.
But schools also exist for various other purposes. Like- sport dicipline socialisation etc etc etc. Schools exist to develop you holistically. In case schools get shut down permanently that duty of holistic development will land on parents, and that would be really hard for them. In case anyone was wondering.
2. Indians not knowing about pop culture/ being on the edge of survivability
I kid you not. The indian population makes better memes than white people. So relax. We understand white culture AND we understand our culture as well. Its really easy for me to put you in a box and label it with a common white people stereotype and guess what it probably wont be a stereotype either. I dont know what your media or country politicians feed you about India but if our country stops exporting, other countries Will definitely struggle for loads of things. And this goes out to non - whites as well, respect people regardless of what they look like or where and how they live and how they talk or anything. We are not at the "edge of survivability" we are doing quiet well thankyou. And even if we are i would love to know how your own country is doing :)
3. The impact of heat
Yesterday a car caught fire in the area where I study. People are dying. And yes the schools are shut. The air conditioners arent working properly. You sweat a lot all the time. You fall sick. You dont feel like eating solid food. The water in taps is hot as fuck. Its not even tolerable. You feel suffocated and your blood circulation is all fucked up. You can feel nauseous. And this is just may. June and july and august are all waiting. And this time the rainfall is going to be low as well. So its all going to get worse. And yes its common. its not the first time we are experiencing torturous heat. it has been the case since years. Its real. Its all real.
4. Will writing about it help
Maybe. Probably it will bring awareness to people. if and only if you manage to capture the exact essence of our suffering. Its not suppossed to be reduced to "uwu my bby had a heatstroke once and its a one shot about his fever and his lover taking care of him by giving him paracetamol twice aww lovebirds"
Write about the causes of this. Write about the implications and impact. Write about prevention and cure. Write. Its your right to raise awareness through your hobbies and talent. Its magical. But use your magic the correct way. We are not fictional. We are not a joke. We are not living in a fantasy. We are not uneducated and poor. We see the world we observe the world we exist in it and fully understand it. Do your research. Talk with the people who are suffering. Fuck social media, interact with the real world around you. Use your internet wisely. No one is stopping you from writing. Its your fundamental right. But dont forget we are humans too.
Peace πŸ₯°
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it's been nice knowing you all
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varnateet Β· 4 months
studying american literature for an exam tomorrow 😀
How are you doing ☺️
Opimions on this whatsapp sticker
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p e r f e c t i o n
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varnateet Β· 4 months
The anon button is not for hate. The anon button is for horny and embarrassed about it.
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varnateet Β· 5 months
Even though he might not seem like one sometimes and he wont admit it ever. My boyfriend is a massive nerd. And he mentioned he wants bookmarks like a month or so ago.
So i made bookmarks for him. Hope he will like them cuz they took time even though they didnt turn out that good looking 😚
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varnateet Β· 6 months
I lost my spotify account due to some problems with my email account so i made a new one and i was going through everything and i found my old account cuz a friend of mine was following it and i found your playlist from my old account and i was elated and then i saw new songs in it and it made me more happy πŸ₯°
Id say thankyou tbh <3
Girl is it me or you have added more songs to the playlist you made me 🫠
I have yeah :) I just put in some songs sometimes when I really like them <3
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varnateet Β· 6 months
Yes i am 😭
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varnateet Β· 6 months
@losing-my-mind-in-the-mirror @hawkeydonkey @elif-ants
Take the lead guys <3
Wanna find some new music so everyone give me 2 artist recommendations in reblogs please πŸ₯°
If you dont have any favourite artist you can give me your top 5 to 10 favourite songs 😌
And if you wanna do both of these that's totally acceptable as well 😁
Please try to avoid artists who are really main stream like taylor swift, 1d or eminem etc because you hear their names all the time anyways so i would count it as cheating ;]
Dont forget to tag your mutuals πŸ˜—
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varnateet Β· 6 months
Wanna find some new music so everyone give me 2 artist recommendations in reblogs please πŸ₯°
If you dont have any favourite artist you can give me your top 5 to 10 favourite songs 😌
And if you wanna do both of these that's totally acceptable as well 😁
Please try to avoid artists who are really main stream like taylor swift, 1d or eminem etc because you hear their names all the time anyways so i would count it as cheating ;]
Dont forget to tag your mutuals πŸ˜—
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varnateet Β· 7 months
Hi! Thanks for the help! I will try <3
There arent any parks in my area its all concrete id have to go atleast 2 3 kilometers to find a small library or a decent park and my parents arent really supportive of the idea that ill travel 3 kilometers daily just to sit on a bench alone which is justifiable.
I have been planning to cut off social media in a week or so but i cant give up on my phone fully because i still want to remain connected to a few people and thats why it will still remain a source of addiction and toxicity for me πŸ™‚
I just need to stop thinking and start doing i guess πŸ₯°
Hi Neil howdy
How do people commit to the career they thought of at the age of 9 im sitting here having a crisis a decade later πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
Honestly sorry for the rant but i crave to build something big but i put zero efforts in any of my intrests even calling them a hobby would be embarassing because i dont pay attention to any of them i just know i like them because i like the idea of them i just scroll of social media half the time and im tired all the time πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
I dont give time to anyone in my life i dont take care of myself or my family or my frienships or my career or my boyfriend and im a mess all the time i dont know how to gwt out of my depression and start acting like a normal huma being its infuriating πŸ™ƒ
Sorry but idk how to handle myself rn πŸ₯²
I know how you feel. I guess you do it one step at a time. Do the stuff that doesn't help less. Do the stuff that does help more. Make a checklist, with the basic stuff on it that keeps you going: sleep enough, eat regularly, shower, walk, and get that in.
Talk to someone with professional qualifications about how you feel and what's going on. If you don't feel happy about them, look for someone who fits your needs better.
If your hobbies and interests are not bringing you joy let them go and then find new ones. That may involve going places and trying things.
Do the stuff that helps.
Do less of the stuff that brings you down.
And take care of yourself.
(It's never too late to decide that 9 year old you didn't know what would make 19 year old you or 39 year old you happy, and change course.)
Good luck.
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varnateet Β· 7 months
Thanks elise <3
Yeah i have a bf πŸ˜„ and yes he is nice most of the times πŸ˜—
But its a rocky relationship we almost reach our lowest and end it every other month and then somehow pull ourselves out of the trenches and then sink again and it has been this way since the very start. It feels like this relationship started from arguements and will end with arguements one day tbh πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
And my course has ended so we cant see each other anymore 😐
Maybe we will figure something out maybe we wont who knows but i really have a lot on my plate rn
Just like every year my birthday is near the corner and im filled with anxeity and dread abt whats gonna go down that day πŸ™‚
Oh no love don’t be <3
Im sure you’ll have the greatest birthday ever and will celebrate with your friends
If you ever nee to talk tho I’m always here for you <3
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