vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Rainbow City Immigration helps you immigrate in Vanuatu and enjoy a quality life https://www.facebook.com/BlueMirrorImigration/posts/140870860851103
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Applying for Vanuatu nationality is not that difficult
As the world economy continues to develop, for the convenience of travel, for the education of the next generation, to get rid of the fast-paced life, for overseas investment, etc., more and more high net worth individuals will go abroad to find more development opportunities. Choosing the right country and immigration agency is the top priority. In recent years, Vanuatu has become a popular choice for immigration due to its superior environment, transportation conditions, tax policies, and so on.
As a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Vanuatu is a country as a popular immigration destination. If you have a Vanuatu passport, you are equivalent to having a "World Pass"-- Commonwealth passport. You can get visa-free access for 141 countries and regions around the world. For investors who want to enter the UK or the European market for businesses or other reasons, the Vanuatu passport can be a golden key to open the European market.
Now, Vanuatu passports are the most cost-effective passports in the world due to its fast processing, low requirements, and affordable prices. The title of "World Pass" has attracted many people in the world.
How to get a Vanuatu passport?
There are few requirements to apply for a Vanuatu passport. As long as the applicant is over 18 years old, and has no criminal record and relevant asset certificates. No need to provide language scores, education, or work background information. Applicants also can bring their parents, spouses, and children under the age of 18.
The application process is not complicated: signing on the contract → preliminary background check → fund donation → submission of personal information → formal background check → prime nomination → obtain the principle of approval, then the applicant can successfully obtain a Vanuatu passport, and the entire process within one month.
It can be seen that the Vanuatu passport application process is quick and fast, which is much easier than applying for passports in many other immigration countries. For more information about Vanuatu, Vanuatu immigration, and Vanuatu investment, please contact us.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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How to choose an immigration agency? You need to think about the company's length of time engaged in the immigration business, successful cases, professional strength, business projects, whether it has a full-time lawyer team and local professionals. Among the many immigration agencies in Vanuatu, Rainbow City immigration is deeply involved in Vanuatu business and is undoubtedly more worthy of choice.
 Rainbow City immigration has always been committed to "making immigrants create greater value in Vanuatu" and has helped tens of thousands of high-net-worth individuals to handle Vanuatu immigration, investment, and other businesses, with a success rate of 99%. As a leading brand in Vanuatu's immigration industry, Rainbow City immigration has a strong core team, of which more than 90% of the consultants have tertiary education and have rich practical experience in Vanuatu immigration consulting, passport handling, investment, etc. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that, unlike other institutions that charge several fees, Rainbow City immigration does not ask lawyer fees and intermediary fees from all clients.
 The property project, named Rainbow City, is coming soon, with an area of 87 hectares. It is located in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu. Rainbow City project is equipped with convenient transportation and complete facilities, which is the only urban complex in Vanuatu. All customers who purchase or invest in Rainbow City can enjoy the free service of the residential card and discount price for family passports.
  With the increasing popularity of overseas immigration, whether it is immigration to Vanuatu or other choices, the most important thing is to choose the right immigration agency. Rainbow City immigration can offer one-stop services and will be your reliable partner. Rainbow City immigration is now looking for partners from all over the world. The certificate of the agency is officially issued by the Vanuatu government. For more information about Vanuatu, Vanuatu immigration, and Vanuatu investment, please contact us.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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According to the latest data from the World Health Organization and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Europe and North America have become the main battlefields of COVID-19 in the world. Many friends who live in Europe and the United States would rather choose to escape to small islands by charter flights than stay in the EU and the US.
Vanuatu is one of their destinations!
From the geographical point of view, Vanuatu is the main offshore center of the Pacific Ocean and is close to Australia and New Zealand. It is easy for people to travel, and the time zone is convenient for Southeast Asian countries. Offshore companies can also meet individual investment planning, tax planning, immigration planning, confidentiality and privacy, political security, and other requirements.
Through Rainbow City Immigration, you can successfully apply for a green card within 48 hours and a passport within 30 working days!
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Vanuatu itself is a tax-free haven, the global financial offshore center. The local government does not levy a corporate income tax, capital gains tax, value-added tax, personal inheritance tax. There is no foreign exchange control. Capital and profits can be completely outflowed. You can subscribe to the land and real estate through a multi-person joint venture here through an offshore company. On May 18 this year, Vanuatu's Rainbow City is about to open. The land price and house prices will rise monthly and never fall. Rainbow City Immigration can help you realize the real worry-free investment. For more info about real estate sales and overseas relocation business, please contact Rainbow City Immigration at [email protected].
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Receiving second citizenship within one month?
 The Republic of Vanuatu is one of the paradise Caribbean islands. You must have heard of it before as an exotic destination for tourists. Warm climates, luxurious beaches, dense forests with tropical growths and unusual activity ensure a steady influx of foreigners. But that’s not all Vanuatu has to offer. The government has created excellent conditions for creating offshore enterprises. Local citizenship program is considered the fastest and most favorable in the Caribbean.
 Those wishing to obtain a Vanuatu passport must pay donation fees when applying for citizenship (starting from 80,000 USD for a single applicant). The main investment in the fund is paid only after confirmation of the candidate.
                        Interested? please visit www.passportvu.com or mailto: [email protected]
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Countless benefits of Vanuatu Immigration
1. Vanuatu’s market is open, and assets can be freely transferred. Investors can easily optimize the allocation of overseas assets and manage their assets through online Banks without limitations from the local government.
2. Tax haven ---- easy to handle offshore companies: tax exemption system countries, no income tax, company profits tax.
3. Adjacent to Australia and New Zealand for immigration and re-transfer convenience
4. Visa-free travel is available to 130 countries and regions in the world, including Commonwealth countries, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Russia, and other countries and regions.
 48 HOURS for a green card, 30 DAYS for a passport in Rainbow City Immigration.
 If you are interested in Vanuatu immigration or Vanuatu investment, email to [email protected]
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Due to the increasing popularity of overseas immigration, Vanuatu and other small countries with pleasant scenery have gradually become the first choice for immigrants, compared with the big countries with high immigration requirements.
 Vanuatu Immigration does not require cumbersome immigration procedures. Vanuatu has no requirements for the education and language of immigrants. If you have no criminal record, over 18 years old, can make the investment required by the Vanuatu government, the dream of immigration to commonwealth country will come true.
 As a leading brand in the Vanuatu immigration industry, Rainbow City Immigration focuses on Vanuatu immigration, property, investment with one-stop services. We are a professional, authoritative Vanuatu immigration passport expert.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Vanuatu Immigration Located in the southwestern region of the Pacific Ocean, Vanuatu is a tropical paradise that has tourists, business professionals, and investors flocking to its sandy shores and glittering waters year-round. For more info about Vanuatu immigration, Vanuatu pssport, please email to [email protected]
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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All you need to know about investing in residency and second passport which allows many parents to have the option of sending children to study in Europe and North America and this gives them peace of mind that they can visit them at any time.  For more info about Vanuatu immigration, Vanuatu passport, email to [email protected]
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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According to the latest news from Vila Times of Vanuatu: Bob Loughman has officially elected as the new Prime Minister of The South Pacific country Vanuatu.
The Vanuatu Parliament practices a unicameral system with 52 seats. During the election that has been held today by the Vanuatu Parliament, senior MP Lougham, as a competitive candidate, gained an overwhelming vote advantage and he has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Vanuatu.
Bob Loughman was born in 1961, he was first elected to parliament in 2004 and spent several years in a key national role as education minister of Vanuatu from 2013 to 2015.
The general manager of Rainbow City Immigration Ltd expressed his warm blessings and best wishes to Mr. Loughman’s win to the election as the new Prime Minister of Vanuatu. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vanuatu, as well as the opening immigration policy, Rainbow City Immigration has been deeply rooted in Vanuatu, with "assisting Vanuatu's economic development" as the highest vision, integrity as the basic code, and the local government to work hard for the development of Vanuatu. It is hoped that under the leadership of Mr. Loughman, Vanuatu can open a new chapter of development.
Rainbow City Immigration Ltd. looks forward to strengthening cooperation with the new Vanuatu government led by Prime Minister Bob Loughman and working together to continue to develop the Vanuatu immigration market around the world to help more customers realize their aspirations for Vanuatu immigration and Vanuatu investment.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
How selling citizenship is now big business
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You can be born into it, you can earn it, and you can lose it. Increasingly, you can also invest your way into it.
For many aspiring Vanuatu passport holders, the biggest draw is visa-free travel throughout Europe.
Most foreign recipients of Vanuatu passports never even step foot in the country. Instead they apply for their citizenship in offices overseas, like the licensed Vanuatu citizenship broker PRG Consulting, based in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is one of the world's biggest citizenship marketplaces. Citizenship is a competitive global market, and for many small and island nations, notably in the Caribbean - the price for a passport is around $80,000. The cost of a Vanuatu passport is said to be around the same level.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
Cash-for-Passports in the South Pacific
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On the side of a dusty highway less than half-an-hour’s drive outside of Vanuatu’s capital, Port Villa, is a simple black-and-white sign that reads: Nawesa — an International Elite Community. On the other side of the fence is an empty 363-acre swathe of grass and bushland.
In the near future, this area is to be developed to accommodate three resorts, nearly 600 villas, and a shopping complex.
It’s the biggest, but not the only, investment project on the way. Just down the road, another complex, the Rainbow City, while around half the size of the Nawesa development, is expected to provide housing, a shopping complex, a Buddhist academy, a hospital, a secondary and primary school, a church, a six-star hotel, and a casino.
There are several other “mega projects” in the works and while each may differ in size, location, and amenities, they all have one thing in common: they’re all backed by Chinese investment.
This has mostly been made possible by Vanuatu’s controversial citizenship by investment scheme, or as it’s known locally, “cash-for-passports.”
In January 2017, Vanuatu adopted a legislative base for a Citizenship by Investment Program. The program is regulated by Chapter 1112 of the Citizenship Act and Goverment Regulation No 215.
The essence of the program is that the applicant pays a non-refundable contribution to a special Vanuatu Government fund and as a result, he obtains a second Vanuatu citizenship for the whole family in 1 month.
Language proficiency and knowledge of the state history are not required to obtain Vanuatu citizenship and there is no obligation to reside and stay in Vanuatu.
Make a donation of 80,000 USD for a single person or 130,000 for a family of 4. There are no hidden costs at all. Interested? For more information please contact [email protected]
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
Why Vanuatu's lucrative 'passports for sale' scheme is popular among Chinese nationals
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Are you in the market for a second passport? One that can get you into scores of countries — including Europe, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore and Russia — without needing a visa?
Or perhaps you'd like to park your money in a tax haven where there are no personal or corporate income taxes.
Maybe you'd just like to get away from the rat race and live on a picturesque tropical island in the South Pacific.
Vanuatu, then, could be the place for you.
These are some of the selling points of Vanuatu's citizenship by investment scheme, or cash-for-passports as it's also known locally.
Key Points:
1、Applicants can become a Vanuatu citizen without needing to set foot in the country
2、It costs about $80,000 for a single application and more for couples and families
3、More than 4,000 passports have been sold under the scheme, with most to Chinese citizens
Sales have been booming in recent years, providing the Government with an unexpected but lucrative source of revenue.
Rainbow City Immigration is accredited by the Vanuatu government to sell Vanuatu passport and citizenship. We are pleased to provide the most professtional and comprehensive service to every client around the world. For more information, please email to [email protected].
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
How does Vanuatu's citizenship by investment scheme work?
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Many countries have citizenship by investment schemes but often applicants are required to become permanent residents first and then only after a number of years do they become eligible to become a citizen.
Under Vanuatu's scheme, successful applicants can become citizens within a matter of months, and there's no requirement to reside in the country or even set foot on Vanuatu soil at all.
It costs $US80,000 for a single application and ¥US130,000 for couples and families.
Interested parties submit their applications through agents who've been approved by the Citizenship's Office and Commission, which oversees the entire process.
The job of screening an applicant's criminal and financial backgrounds is performed by the Government's Financial Intelligence Unit.
If their client's application is successful, the agent pockets around a third of the application fee.
Once approved, freshly minted citizens can then apply for the real prize, a Vanuatu passport.
Rainbow City Immigration is accredited by the Vanuatu government to sell Vanuatu passport and citizenship. We are pleased to provide the most professtional and comprehensive service to every client around the world. Under our help, we promise that you can obtain
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Safe haven asset in Vanuatu 1. Asset hedging Vanuatu is one of the few countries in the world that has a one-step passport to achieve the objectives of transnational business, identity change, children's education, birth, and free access to 130 countries and regions, including the EU, Hong Kong, and Singapore. After opening the door of global access, it is convenient to open an account in the commonwealth countries while avoiding tax avoidance, trade barriers, and asset hedging. 2. Overseas listing of assets Entrepreneurs who need a foreign identity to list abroad can make it in Vanuatu. In fact, Vanuatu has set up a national digital securities exchange, mainly SMEs to achieve a listing. After obtaining a Vanuatu passport, you can register a Vanuatu offshore company, enjoying a variety of convenience. In Vanuatu, the company registration information and documents are highly confidential due to the particularity of digital securities and digital currency cryptography. The information such as the identity of shareholders, the list of directors, the shareholding ratio and the income status of offshore companies are strictly protected by the laws of Vanuatu and cannot be inquired by other governments.
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vanuaturainbowcity · 4 years
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Nearly 90% of the world's super-rich (those with assets of $30m or more) have emigrated or are planning to. It is important to note here that immigration does not equate to live in foreign. More often, migration is a tool for high-net-worth Individuals to diversify assets risk. Of course, ordinary people can also use the path of immigration for a better living environment, children's education, social welfare, investment, and other goals. The success rate of obtaining Vanuatu passport through Rainbow City Immigration is almost 100%. Our company is fully supported by the Vanuatu government.
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