The Van Project
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vanproject-blog · 6 years ago
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Hey y’all. Amanda and I have been feeling a lack of Insta motivation lately, hence our relative absence in these parts. Perhaps it’s a lack of nature and too much time in artificial light, perhaps the current exhausting political environment, who knows. Don’t worry - we’re still here and we have some big plans we can’t wait to share with you guys soon. . All that said, this morning was a beacon of light. We woke up early and watched the sunrise at the beach. Royal and I played in the sand and whitewash while Amanda picked up as much trash as she could hold without pockets or a bag. It was a good reminder of the beauty in the world, and a good reminder to focus on things you can control in your life right now, today. A small time spent doing something like picking up trash on the beach can make a noticeable impact. Anyway, happy Wednesday guys and thanks for being awesome.
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vanproject-blog · 6 years ago
Tumblr media some ways it’s the antithesis of what Amanda and I believe in. . High volumes of consumption, bountiful plastic packaging, a huge multinational corporation encouraging us to buy! buy! buy! . And as much as we cringe at these undeniable facts, Costco (or more specifically a third party company) has provided us with an opportunity for some lucrative short-term work these past few weekends in the San Francisco Bay Area, selling organic kombucha to the masses. . Have we sold out our values? We’re not sure. It’s definitely a dilemma though. And this experience brings up the question of morality in life and in work. And what do you do when your values may be at odds between the two? And which is better, original or peanut butter Puffins (there’s only one right answer here) 😂 Any and all opinions welcome in the comments below 👇🏼 . All we know right now is that after this weekend we’ll be done with this gig and our big life adventure can continue. We’ve got some really exciting things on the horizon. And we’re really happy to have you all along for the ride ✌🏻 // Ps- If you didn’t see yesterday’s feed post we’re teaming up with some amazing brands to give one lucky follower an ultimate solar package worth over $400! Supes easy to enter. Will take you 1 min or less. Pop on over to that post to enter now! . #giveawaycontest #giveawaytime #giveaways #giveaway #iggiveaway #thevanproject #vanlifers #therealvanlife #vanlifemovement #vanlifestyle #brandambassador #digitalnomad (at Costco)
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vanproject-blog · 6 years ago
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‼️INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAY‼️ . Ever since we installed our solar power system in our rig, we’ve gained a whole new appreciation for the sun. It wakes us up in the morning, it warms us when there’s a chill in the air and it gives us *free power!* Solar power enables us to live this lifestyle in a more environmentally-friendly way, and we’ve started seeking other eco-friendly versions of every day tools. Two great examples are these awesome solar-powered watches from @111watches and this incredible solar-powered stove from @gosunstove, both of which prove that every day items can be reimagined in a way that leaves a smaller footprint on our environment. . Are you are psyched to reduce your footprint by harnessing the power of the sun and some sweet new gear? @Van.Project, @111Watches, @Gosunstove, and @Leathermantools are teaming up to bring you the best giveaway this side of our solar system! . One lucky winner will receive over $400 worth of gear including a solar-powered watch by @111watches, a @Gosunstove “Go” solar-powered stove, and a Wave+ multitool from @leathermantools. To enter the giveaway head over to our Insta account and do the following: . 1: ✅ Follow @van.project @111watches @gosunstove @leathermantools 2: ✅ Tag a friend in the Insta post comments (up to 5 friends for 5 entries!) . ⚠️ That’s it! Must be at least 18 years old and live within the United States to enter. Winner will be selected at random and announced on Sunday, September 30th. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. (at San Francisco, California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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How many of you bring your pets along on your adventures? (at California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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This past weekend and for the next two weekends we‘re working in the Bay Area selling kombucha at Costco. . For us, at least right now this lifestyle comes with extremes attached. We spend weeks or months at a time in nature, out of service at a climbing crag or in the mountains. This means that sometimes we also spend weeks at a time working long hours to make and save money. Right now, our office is a warehouse where we’re expected to push sales and run around restocking inventory 12-hours a day for 4 days in a row (hello OT!). It means way more artificial light than we’d prefer. We wake up before the sun rises and finish after the sun sets. It means we witness the craziness of a warehouse, which is simultaneously enlightening and horrifying. . That said, we’re energized and lucky that we can pick up this type of work. Every gig we say yes to is a choice we make each week or month. And these paychecks in particular will get us closer to our goal of taking paragliding lessons this winter. They say you need to learn to walk before you can learn to fly. I guess for us it’s more like.. we need to work off butts off slinging ‘booch before we can learn to fly? . Once these weekends are over, we can completely let go of these temporary gigs and return fully to our creative work or head to the mountains, or Yosemite or San Diego... or? . So yes, its extreme. But it’s an ebb and flow that allows us freedom so it’s an extreme we’re happy to live with. (at Nevada)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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I’ve worn many hats (or helmets at it were), both literally and figuratively. This is a photo from 2012 during a seasonal appointment as a Wildland Firefighter on the Boulder ranger district in Nederland, Colorado (my former home). . I’ve had this thought that perhaps there is something wrong with me because I can’t seem to stick to one line of work. I’ve worked as a rock & ice climbing guide, a bicycle touring guid, a medical marijuana grower, a firefighter, a camp counselor, a stage manager in film/tv, a photographer, an event producer and some other, less memorable roles. . I’ve finally realized (in my early 30’s) that like the educational system in the US, our traditional career framework is outdated and unrealistic for a lot of us. I’ve learned that I’m not your traditional worker bee. . Instead of looking at my past jobs as failed attempts to ‘pick something’ I like to think of them as ‘life enrichment exercises’, each one expanding upon my knowledge and helping me navigate forward towards the next great adventure. . The great mountaineer Alex Lowe expanded on Helen Kellers message when he said, “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” I take this message to heart and encourage you all to follow yours. Take a chance, do something bold and uncharted. Live your best life and make it a great adventure. (at Planet Earth)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Today we starting talking about the 2019 #Tetonvalleyvanlifegathering . Amanda and I had an incredible experience with everyone this summer and we’re definitely looking forward to creating this amazing event once again! . It’s a long way off but we’d love some input to make this event even BETTER. . If you could improve/add one thing to make the 2019 Teton Valley Vanlife Gathering really kick ass, what would it be!? Let us know below ✌🏻 (at Schwabacher Landing)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Meeting other full-time nomads is one the most inspiring benefits of our lifestyle (as full time nomads ourselves). It’s a great reminder that there in no ‘right way’ to make this lifestyle work. . Meet Eric, the founder of @carabinercoffee . He turned his love of travel, adventure and coffee into a business and brought it full circle, from operating out of a Westfalia to opening two retail locations (and still managing to travel/work out of his VW). . One of the things we appreciate most about Eric is his incredibly positive outlook on life. He’s always stoked and his message to go out and ‘find your line’ is a reminder that we can all discover our own path to happiness. Eric is a radical dude, go give him a follow and see what he’s up to! . Who gives you inspiration on Instagram or elsewhere? What message gets you psyched to go out and create your own unique path? (at California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Big dog, little van. (at Nevada)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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We cannot deny the feeling of pure joy the mountains bestow upon us. Their invisible, magnetic attraction pulls at our hearts and gray matter and unlike actual magnets, the farther we are from the mountains, the stronger our desire to immerse ourselves in their beauty and grandeur. . This holiday weekend, Amanda, @xenome and I made our way to the Eastern Sierras for some much needed time amongst the craggy summits West of Bishop, California. . This is a photo of Pablo rocking the epic jump shot on top of Bishop Pass, with Picture Puzzle Peak behind him from our warm-up hike on Saturday. On Sunday, we attempted to climb Cloudripper, but opted to summit the slightly shorter Vagabond Peak instead, which still requires a few miles of off-trail travel and some 3rd class scrambling (using your hands but no dangerous exposure). With a little bit of assistance on the hardest parts, @royalthedoodle even made it to the top! Could that have been the first doodle (or puppy) summit of Vagabond Peak? . We took some video on Sunday and will share with y’all in the stories, so go check them out later today! What adventures or creative endeavors did you guys get into this weekend? (at California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Today we’re throwing it back to our time amongst the epic Wingate sandstone in Utah this past April. . There’s a bit of an epic story behind this photo: we wanted to tick off at least one desert tower in Utah, and we set our sights on Castleton Tower, just outside Moab. . Castleton stands roughly 400 feet tall, perched on a thousand foot-tall talus cone. We planned to climb the North Chimney, the ‘easiest’ route on the tower: 375’, 4 pitches ranging from 5.7 to 5.9+ with a section of 5.9 off-width thrown in. . We slept at the trailhead, but didn’t start early enough. When we arrived at the base of the route, two other parties were already ahead of us, and we quickly saw that both were in over their heads. The first couple was awkwardly fighting with each other during the two hours it took them to get up the first pitch. The second party, while not fighting, took a huge whip (“fall” in climber terms) and pulled gear. Long story short, we waited and waited. We considered getting on another route, but didn’t have the right gear for any nearby. After three hours, when they were still on pitch one and two, we decided to bail and avoid becoming involved in their unfolding epic. (Seriously don’t want to imagine how they dealt with the crux pitch or the rappel.) . We made the best of our approach hike, though, and managed to snap this incredible shot of Amanda on the saddle between Castleton tower and The Rectory (behind Amanda in this photo). And that’s the story of our “first” desert tower 😂. . As we wrap up August, we’re making ‘plans’ for the winter, which we think may involve a little less travel. We’ve been moving a lot and our bodies and souls are craving less movement and more stability. We’re on the lookout for a great parking spot on private property: San Luis Obispo, San Diego, Santa Barbara, the Bay Area (?), Tucson, Moab, or even NM (as long as it’s warm.) Flexible on timelines + location but we’re thinking 2-3 months. Perhaps you’ve got a perfect unused driveway or know of a spot? We’re willing to pay for the right place and would love any leads! Leave a comment below or DM us. Thanks van fam much love ❤️. (at Utah)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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This is our kitchen. It’s small, it’s functional and we use it all. the. time! We cook food every day and it’s probably our favorite little corner of our entire van (we’ll, maybe after our bed 🤪). . Since we’ve used this tiny kitchen multiple times a day for over a year and a half now, we’ve refined our “kitchen kit” ie the things we use and love, that keep our veggies fresh, our smoothies (yep we have a blender) tea, and coffee flowing and our waste minimal (for both environmental and purely function reasons- cause who wants to haul around lots of trash in your tiny home!?). . We get a lot of questions about gear we have and things we use and Matt’s been working super hard to put together a resource for you: our ‘ultimate kitchen guide’. It’s a collection of all of our most-used items. These are the things that help us prep, cook, and clean in our tiny space. Click on the link in the bio to see our full list, and tell us what we missed. What are your kitchen must-haves? . Full-disclosure, this article has lot of affiliate links (one way we try to generate revenue through our website). If you end up buying something, it won’t cost you extra and will help pay for our next gas fill up (or annual parks pass since ours expired last month) so you can even consider it your good deed for the day 😂. (at California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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One thing we love about traveling full-time is envisioning all the possible places we could stay a bit longer in the future, creating a short list of places we visit that we’d like to come back to, places that make our hearts say maybe just maybe we could stick around *here* long-term. We’re looking for smaller cities, towns and communities near mountains, hiking and climbing. Possibly with milder winters (or at least more sun than clouds in the winter if it is cold!). . Each state we visit we add places to our list (like the photo above - Driggs, ID). What towns are on your list? Maybe we’ll share some of our current favs in our stories! (at Idaho)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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The funny thing about #vanlife is that it’s not entirely about the van. We know more than a few individuals who would probably agree with us ( 😁). . A lot of people are looking for something ‘more’, and can sometimes hyper-focus on the vehicle. We totally understand the desire to find something beautiful and make it your own (we spent 6 months on our own build). . But the reality that Amanda and I have come to understand is that the van (or RV or Bus etc.) is just a vehicle. It can, however, enable the profound changes we seek. It allows us to downsize, to minimize, and to reduce what we ‘need’ to find happiness. And most of all, it can take us to amazing places, whether those places are National Parks or urban playgrounds (right now we’re enjoying the San Francisco Bay area). . So get your van and make it cozy, but don’t forget that it’s just the beginning of your journey. Let it enable an amazing and intentional life. Go explore near and far and find that thing, or place or person that sets your heart and soul on fire. Run around barefoot. Let your hair down. Find and share adrenaline-fueled interests. Love fiercely, friends and strangers. Be free. (at Ocean Beach)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Friday is here friends! . We had an interesting conversation with some SF friends last night and the topic of a ‘10 year plan’ came up. While a big part of our “van project” is to live as much as possible in the moment, we couldn’t help but think about (oh so many) possible futures. . We don’t currently have one “10 year plan” but we have lists upon lists of things we want to learn, skills we want to build, and creative and outdoor objectives we want to accomplish. . What about you? Do you currently have a “10 year plan”? Or more of a bucket list? Do you track each of your goals against measurable metrics? . We’re especially interested to hear what fellow nomads and millennials think about this concept and how far out y’all are thinking in regards to your life plans. . So share something below - we’d love to know some of your goals and ambitions even if you’re only planning as far as this weekend! (Enjoying the hell out of the weekend is a worthy goal in and of itself.)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Expect good things. . We’ve been looking forward to meeting Noami & Dustin (aka @irietoaurora ) for what feels like forever. For around a year, we’ve been chatting on Instagram, offering each other encouragement in our eco-endeavors, cheering each other on in our van exploits, lusting after food snaps we share, and generally enjoying each other’s content. So, we expected to enjoy their company. . But, when we *finally* met them in person at @theoutbound Bear Valley Pursuit event this past weekend, it was like reuniting with long-lost friends. Embracing and laughing as they shared the van troubles that delayed their arrival, we immediately felt at ease in their presence. . Beyond their wonderful company, Dustin & Noami have reminded us just how important physical human connection is. The internet may have facilitated our connection but spending time together opened deep lines of communication. We learned amazing things about these two eco-crusaders including Dustin’s Royal lineage 😄 and Noami’s incredible determination to escape a challenging childhood and create the life she knew she deserved. . Amanda and I are so lucky to have crossed paths with you two. Our interaction serves as a reminder: the world can be a dark place. Look for the light. Find the ones that inspire you, connect with them and let your collective light shine a little brighter with each new connection you make. . Make this world a brighter place. These two sure as hell are doing just that. (at California)
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vanproject-blog · 7 years ago
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Travel has an amazing way of strengthening relationships (and sometimes even breaking them, but let’s focus on the positive). . A big part of this accelerated growth and bonding is forged through the challenging, stressful, and trying moments. During our first 3 months dating, we traveled to South America, where Amanda ended up in the ER (2 times!!). While this was extremely stressful, our relationship grew through these stresses. Of course, we bond over the blissful times too. . Last night Amanda, Royal and I spent a few hours at the Bonneville Salt Flats (where they set land speed records with rocket cars). Driving down a little incline from the highway brought us onto a perfectly flat desert plane made of brilliant, white salt. It was bizarre. . What was originally an excuse to take a break from driving through the hottest hours of the day turned into an extended photo shoot as the sky turned pink and the shadows faded into a soft blue & purple hues. . Far from stressful, this amazing moment together on the salt flats was one of those times when you look at your partner or dog or both and in that moment of letting go and enjoying the world around you feel an amazing closeness & togetherness. . Moments like these, as brief as they may be, strengthen relationships more than a sedentary existence can. Our best advice? If the road calls you, travel together and grow together ❤️❤️❤️ (at Nevada)
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