vannahbxtch · 7 years
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A Love Bigger Than YouTube. (A Jontavian and Brandon Love Story) - Chapter One : [Move In Day...] (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/StbyoqvptD Jontavian and Brandon is your normal Black Gay Couple who loves each other very much. But this story will definitely put them through the test when it comes to moving in together with each other, So-Called friends who come in between them, temptation, and all. Join them as they show the world, its more to Love than Instagram Fame, Youtube, and more!!
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vannahbxtch · 7 years
Jontavian and Brandon FanFiction. (A Love Bigger Than YouTube)
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Jontavian POV
"Alright JB MOB!! That's all we got for yall' today! Be sure to like, subscribe, and comment below under this video. We appreciate everyone whose been rockin' with us and we will make sure we keep uploading videos for yall ! Also Comment below of what you guys would like to see!" I said to the camera as I began to close the video. Brandon and  I was wrapping up of the tour of our new home. It was good as fuck to be out the house of my mom's basement, hair salon,  or whatever the fuck it was. Don't get me wrong, I loved all the memories, videos, and trials I've faced in that house...but it was time to began to make more executive decisions in my life. I've taken my last final, graduation is coming soon, got a new loft, but on top of all of this, I've found the love of my life to share all of this with. Brandon... He has been rocking with me for about a year now and I am honestly grateful for that. Its funny how we just started as a regular pair of teens, making funny dance videos together, hanging out, and just being goofy with each other. Now look at us... He's not only my boyfriend, but my best friend. We have been through a lot together...from my last reckless relationship, to Brandon growing comfortable with his sexuality, to now and honestly...I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
"Alright JB MOB! WE ARE OUT!" Brandon said nudging me. I did blank out for a bit. I smiled and turned off the camera. I quickly sat the camera down and grabbed Brandon into my arms.
"So How does it feel?....Having our own privacy now...?" I asked. Brandon smiled with them damn braces beaming my eyes.
"It feels good babe... Im honestly still shocked we did this ya' know." He gave me a kiss then stepped back. He then started to play with one of his curls in his hair. Oh lord. When he does that, that can only mean one of two things. He's thinking, or just bored. "I just want to make sure that you are really ready...Yes we've basically practically lived together with your mom's for almost a year now...but baby this is a huge bump up from your mom's place.... I just want this to be truly what you want, just as much as I want this." I smiled then grabbed his hands. We stared at each other , then bursts into laughter.
"You so Damn Gay!" I laughed. "But Nah...Baby this is it. I want this. I want you. I have you. We got each other." I grabbed him closer...wrapping my arms around his tiny waist. Tight. "I love you..."
"I love you too." Brandon said, trying so hard not to laugh. He was so damn goofy, and could never take me seriously when I got all emotional, but hey, I knew that was just how he was. Goofy, Nonchalant to certain shit, but down for me at the same time. "Gimme lips..." I demanded.
Just before we could lock lips...
"BEST FRIEND!" I screamed.
"Some one please shut this wilder beast up." Jhacari Joked as he walked in after her. I quickly gave chyna a welcome hug. Chy was my girl. The Greatest Best friend I could ever ask for. She was there for me when I went through that drama with my ex, and she was also just there when I needed advice. "Oooh baby yall need some furniture!" she joked.
"Chy...come on now. We just moved in." I said pushing her a bit.
"Move in.... LOOKS like yall just visiting a empty house.."Jhacari thumb head said as he laughed.
"LOOKS like Imma be kicking you out soon." I said giving jhacari a look. He suddenly shut up, hopping on top of the counter to sit. Brandon laughed.
"So yall like?" I asked. Chyna walked around, scoping the place out like she normally does. Its funny how your closest friends ALWAYS have something to say about your every move you make. Hopefully this is a move worth a positive remark. She turned around and smiled..
"BITCH WE HAVING ALL THE KICKBACKS HERE!!!" She said as she had a mini twerk session, Jhacari of course joins her...
"Hell yeah!!! TURN UP!" Jhacari laughed.
"NO SIR, MAM , SPAM, TURKEY HAM!" Brandon butted in. "Leave all kickbacks, parties, turn ups at yall place of establishment OKAY!?"
Chyna rolled her eyes, giving a smirk, "Well since yall settled in, are yall done with shooting that video. Im hungry. We should go out an get some stuff for nachos or something. Break in the stove and shit ya know."
"I agree" Jhacari said.
"Shiiiit Im down.... Baby?" I said looking at Brandon who was in his phone. I usually dont trip about Brandon being in his phone because Im always in mine, especially when it comes to the keeping up with Instagram, fans, YouTube and other shit. BUT! He is usually tweeting unnecessary depressing tweets,  on Snap Chat, and the worst of them all bro... texting his "So- called" Brother, best friend.... Fernando. Was I jealous? Hell nah. Fernando is a good friend of mines as well, but honestly I only deal with him because he was Brandon friend first. Ever since the cheating prank Brandon did on me a few months with him, I've been a little on edge when Brandon speaks of him. I know Fernando is straight i guess... BUT Like they say. You HAVE to be careful because the so-called Best friend just might be the Nigga that's waiting for your relationship to fuck up. So of course... I watch him. Brandon hates when I tell him Fernando is a little too close but hey...whatever  I guess. Brandon tries to bring up other guys that I'm cool with, but its NO way NEAR the level of friendship he has with Fernando.
"--huh?, oh Im sorry baby.  Yall go ahead, I told Fernando ass Ill meet with him and some of my other Homeboys to do this dance video to this song he been trying to do." Brandon said as he finished up his text.
"What time you gonna be back?" I asked. I low-key got a little mad, but why get mad? Its not even that serious Jontavian. You just being a jealous ass right now. Remember, you will not get violent, jealous, or bitchy... Be a respectful, understanding boyfriend. Yes....I am thinking of all this shit in my head right now.
"I should be back around 7, 8 the latest. Imma try to get back early." Brandon said giving me a quick hug before walking out the door.
"Damn No kiss?!" I joked.
"Boy Hush. You aint give me time." He said before giving me a kiss.
"Ew. Get a room please" Chyna joked.
Before I knew it, Brandon was out the door. What the fuck bro... I usually dont get mad , but we DID just move in. I kinda did want this to be a time about US. NOT, dance videos that you can do at any time. I sound like a brat. Let me stop... I began to head to the stairs to go grab my coat but I felt Jhacari and Chyna's eyes burning into the back of my damn head. I faced them...
"What?....Spit it out." I said.
"Oh nothing....you ready?" Jhacari asked.
"BRUH. What? Go ahead and say it" I yelled with a nervous laugh. I hated when they peeped shit and made things awkward.
"Okay FINE Bruh. You dont like Brandon hanging around Fernando huh?!" Chyna said crossing her arms doing this ugly ass neck roll of hers.
"W-what makes you say that? " Fuck . I stuttered. "They best friends, Fernando cool. "
"....AND attractive." Chyna inserted.
"AND--" Jhacari started but before he could even say anything...
"Look! I trust Brandon. He wouldn't start nothing with that boy, and Fernando aint checking for no dick anyway." I started... "...So lets leave it at that aight?"
"Mhm, The only reason why we bugging because you looked a little flustered over there after brandon galloped his ass outta here." Jhacari laughed.
I shook my head. "I don't know what yall talking about. Let me go get my jacket so we can go--"
"IM JUST SAYING!!-- If it bothers you, maybe you should talk to Brandon some more about it, so it won't grow into a bigger problem." Chyna said. She knew I was going to try to ignore her ass, she knew me like a book.
I sighed. "You Right , but I trust it. Brandon loves me, and he wouldn't do anything to hurt my ass. And if Fernando tried anything, Brandon would tell me."
"okay." Chyna quickly said.
"Okay." Jhacari joined.  I rolled my eyes. I guess that was there way telling me they tried to help and dont care no more.
"Lets go.." I said.
Brandon POV
"Ay! Ay! Ay! Hit! Okay!" I said cheering my homeboys on. We were somewhere downtown Atlanta. It was nice little scenery Fernando picked. We was definitely about to get a lot of views and likes on this video we was about to drop. Its funny how we work this hard for a 1 minute Instagram video, but hey... this is what we love to do. I felt a little bad leaving Jontavian especially when we just had moved into the house but hey....I already had agreed on making this video with the guys today. its alright, ill make it up to him later tonight. Heheh. Matter of fact, when I get home, Imma' rock his motherfucking world. Matter of fact...let me text him.
"Aye Brandon!" Fernando said running up to me breathing hard. I looked up. Fernando was always a attractive guy. Light Skin, juicy pinkish lips, nice hair, edgy style, etc. But he wasn't no jontavian. Even though Fernando was a handsome guy, I never looked at him no more than a brother.
"Wasup bruh! We done here?" I asked.
"I mean yeah- but we was going to record in another location real quick, just to have options. You down?"
I looked at my watch. Damn. 7:53 Pm.
"Oh you must gotta get back home to daddy huh" Fernando joked. I scoffed.
"Boy stop playing with me. But nah I did tell him I was going to be back around a specific time. We just moved in today. "
"Look at Brandon. Being a boyfriend and shit. The Brandon I used to know would be running out here with his boys all night. Just being rebels, putting the world behind us, and not giving a fuck." Fernando said laying his hand on my shoulder. I shivered a bit. Wtf.
"Im that same person G. Just had to learn how to manage my time ya know..."  I laughed as I began to slowly walk away. Fernando suddenly grabbed my hand, pulling me back. I looked up at him in his eyes. Is it me or did this nigga just lick his lips.
"I mean...  I used to be that person you would rush too. But I guess things cant stay the same forever...." He softly said as he let me go. I almost gulped loud as fuck. He gave me this cute ass smirk and slowly began to walk back to our group of friends. Was it me over thinking or was Fernando coming on to me bro... It can't be. The bad part was....I kinda liked it. BUT NO. Im just overthinking this, Fernando is my brother. He just overprotective, cares about me, and wants to make sure Im good. I smiled.
"Catch ya later bro!" I yelled as he walked away.
Let me get home to my baby...
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
Any Fan Fic Ideas?
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
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B Smyth - Creep. <3
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
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Father And Son :3
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
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Two hours and 25 minutes into Netflix and Chill…
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
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vannahbxtch · 8 years
Lol so true
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Women’s Everyday Problems Illustrated By Romanian Artist
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
I love Tone Bell.
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
& Allison and  Lorenzo....Imagine.
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…   Dont think about it….
                               Sit… .
                                      Relax… .
                                             And Just Read…
Allison’s POV
The girls and I were at the lovely brew we all loved and hated at the same time. Well I.....I was the only one that hated it but I dealt with the circumstances since it was a 4 over 1 decision on where we sat and gossip. Its been 5 years and things have changed for the best. We all don’t really discuss IT anymore, but there's always something around us that remind us to never forget. Dolls... The color red... dark places.... The News.... and the oddly familiar stares we get from people from time to time. People have began to forget about it, and started to look at us as normal people but that doesn't mean we let our guard down either. ....Anyway.... Everyone has grown to big and better things. Hannah's back from studying abroad, Emily's back from Thailand, Spencer’s back from college in London, Arias back home away from the photography life and I.... Well I’m still in rosewood doing something I have never thought I would have done in a million years.... Teaching English. It sounded weird but I loved it...I also loved my newlywed husband...Mr. Rollins. It felt like all of it was a dream and I couldn’t wake up from it. Honestly, I thought I’d be dead somewhere but here I am Alive. Mr.Rollins...well....Derrick.... he’s amazing. He’s like a best friend to me, when I have nightmares...hes there. When I need something....he’s there. When I need defending.....he’s there. But I there was something missing...---
“ALLY!” Spencer said barking at me. I jumped, fixing my glance towards her.
“Y-yeah...”I said.
“Are you okay ?” Hannah asked..
“I-im Fine.” I replied
“God....Its almost as if you saw A.” Spencer spat as she took a sip of her coffee. Everyone stared at her.
“What?...Joke much!” she laughed.
“Allison is everything’s okay?...last time we seen you like that, you could’ve sworn someone was after you...” Aria smiled.
“I’m fine guys...I was just thinking about Derrick, that's all.” I smile.
“That was like the best wedding ever...the lights...candles everywhere.” Emily started.
“--the booze.”Hannah finished.
“Hannah!” Emily laughed. Hannah shrugged.
I couldn’t help but laugh until I glanced up seeing Derrick entering the brew.
“Speaking of prince charming himself.” Spencer spat.
I rolled my eyes and smiled. I quickly got up meeting him halfway, in front of the cash register.
“Well if I must say, what ever Lucky man is smart enough to marry you, he is king.”
“Oh shut up and kiss me...” I laughed as I met my lips to derricks. He deepened the kiss then slowly pushed away. As he did that my eyes reverted to the door of the brew. My eyes grew.... LORENZO?! He stood there and stared at us. As soon as our eyes met I quickly looked the other way.
“Babe, you alright?”  Derrick asked. I quickly nodded.
“Yeah. Perfect. Just happy to see you.” I lied.
My body began to shiver with anxiety, but at the same time with this warm fuzziness that was lost. The last time I spoke to Lorenzo was after he yelled at me about taking his security key card, putting his job and possibly his life in jeopardy. Spencer told me he attended our high schools prom in order to see me and maybe start over...but things were so hectic. We caught Charles...well Charlotte. The press was riding our asses and all I could think about was rebuilding a normal life for myself...so things were lost, but seeing him felt good..it felt right. Well....a lot has happened for me in 5 years and I’m pretty sure a lot has happened for Lorenzo as well. Oh hell. Who cares. I have Derrick. My College sweetheart.
“Well look Honey, I just thought I’d stop by and check up on you. I need to go back to the office.” Derrick said embracing me in a hug.
“Okay. I’ll be home around 5 to make dinner.” I smiled.
“Lovely. I Love you.” Derrick said softy.
“I....I...I-I love you too.” I replied.
“Call me when you’ve made it home.” Derrick said waving me goodbye.
“You got it.”
I watched Derrick leave and then I gave a huge sigh. I then looked at the girls. They were watching of course. This was huge gossip for them.
“He seems like a very nice guy....”
I jumped. Turning around...It was Lorenzo.
“L-orenzo...” I whispered.
“How have you been?...”
“Good. I mean every thing has been going good. You know ever since the whole A conspiracy.” I said, making sure I said every word with out getting tongue tied.
“Really Ally...?”
“Really what?” I spat backed. It hit me. He meant Derrick. I kind of grew angry I quickly began to walk out the brew. Lorenzo followed.
“Allison! Wait” Lorenzo yelled.
I began to tear up, walking fast down the side walk. I then felt him. Grabbing my arm, Stopping me.
“WHAT?!” I screamed.
“Allison this is what you do. You don’t call me.... reply to any of my texts....emails...SMOKE SIGNALS?! For Five years! And then when you see me you run. One day you’re going to get tired of running!” Lorenzo yelled.
“Well I’m sorry I didn’t want to ruin you’re life anymore. I was doing you a favor!”
“What are you talking about?!” Lorenzo said crossing his arms.
“Me quoting you....I'm just like what everyone says. Im manipulative, scheming, and always want my way. Well I’m saving you from dealing with me.”
“Allison listen!” he yelled. I didn’t. I kept talking.
“I think you should just leave me alone and fins someone else that not Manipulative and a liAr--” just then...I felt his hands brush against my cheeks...
He kisses me.
I didn't stop him.
He slowly parted his lips from mine...”I love you...and I apologize for judging you like that. I just got angry when you went behind my back, when you've could've just asked me. I didn't want to believe what anyone said about you....but when you did that, I was confused. Im sorry.
“I love you too.” I said without thinking. This time it was believable...but I just couldn't leave Derrick behind. What the hell was I doing.....
This feels right...
but what now?
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
2wice (Something I started a long time ago and never finished...)
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      Ray Twice is a young boy living a part of a Divided Chicago Utopian world…Every year the 16 year olds of his city have to go through a Choosing Ceremony, choosing there personalities and where they will work for the rest of there lives. The factions of this world is the Dauntless…(those who protect and fight for the world)…The Abnegation…(The selfless…helping others)…The amity (The friendly people) and The Erudite…(The Government…people who have wonderful knowledge). Rays family is a part of the Abnegation…but as he begin to turn 16, he has to see if he stays in abnegation with his family or choose another. ….the twist is…. Rays not the same as all the other kids….hes…Divergent. A trait that has him filled with more than 2 of the factions abilities.
The rule is….You can only have ONE.
Will he keep his mouth close and choose one……or
change the world….with 2wice the ability?
                                                       Now...On TO Chapter one...Enjoy!!!
                           Chapter One.... "The Choosing...."
  Rays POV
...Like many other people in my district.....My family is very simple. One bathroom...One Mirror....One Phone...One Car...One of everything. Sharing is a MUST my dad always says, but sometimes I always wonder...does he really like sharing the last of his favorite meal Mom always cook ONCE in a while. Were Abnegation.....a district that is selfless. Were supposed to not worry about our own needs, rather, we have to worry about the feelings of others, GREAT. In this distant future, the city of Chicago is divided into 4 districts. Abnegation...(the selfless)....Amity..(The Friendly people)....The Dauntless....(The Fighters and protectors)...and The Erudite...(The People filled with knowledge). I guess you all wonder why we are separated....Some old guy back in the day said it would be a good idea to put labels on the city's people, making them give 25% of a character trait that ALL humans should have, like always...some people opposed, there was a WAR! Now....We all live in our own districts..and are forbidden to linger to other districts other than our own. Well....there is one way.... The Choosing Ceremony. This ceremony is for all 16 year old to choose the district that they really want to be apart of for the rest of there lives. Some might stay where they grew up and some might leave....kinda like a second choice. Me on the other hand...Im kind of ready, but somewhere in my heart Im still scared, Not because I have a chance to get away from my boring faction...but its because I Like ALL factions. Is that a bad thing? Another scary point...is the fact that we have to take our aptitude test today.  The test is like a survey...to see which faction we SHOULD choose, BUT its all on us.
    "Ray are you going to finish your oatmeal Hun?....I think you should...BIG Day today.." Mom said as she watched me stumble upon my food. I didn't even know I just went into a daze a few minutes ago. I quickly shook my head picking up the SIMPLE plastic spoon. People of Abnegation aren't supposed to use Metal accessories...were supposed to be "simple". I glanced up at my mother then smiled a bit...
   "Yea...I was just thinking about today." I said. I then filled my mouth with another scoop of simple breakfast. Oatmeal. My mom was always worried about me. Parents aren't supposed to talk to there kids about the aptitude test...its basically like trying to tell your kids where they should go for the rest of there lives. It wouldn't hurt for advice though.
   "Go wherever you want to go son." My mom said. She didn't look at me. I knew she was scared...shes always been over protective of me. I smiled. I quickly got up, putting my plastic bowl on the counter then grabbed my bag.
   "Thanks Mom...bye." I said as I went outside into the society. I began to walk to the academy...as I walked down the sidewalk, I watched the train go by above. The Dauntless rode those. They were the brave. The Amity rode on bikes. The erudite rode in fancy black cars. Well...I...The abnegation....we walk.
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
Feel like writing. But what?
Any Request? Imagine stories?
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
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DL Chronicles (Celeb. Edition) - DL Chronicles (Celeb. Edition) Chapter 1... (on Wattpad) http://w.tt/1R6KfTV Made up imagine stories about our favorite african american men that are r&b singers who could possibly be gay or are put into made up scenarios that test their sexuality.
*WARNING* Dont read if you’re too square"                  
                                                        Chapter 1...
                                       “Can I get a Chris-alsina with that?”
  What does it mean to be On the “Down low”? Does it mean to be short? Does it mean to be low in status? or does it mean to be very low in some point of your life…Ill tell you what it means. Usually it means to keep something quiet and to only tell people who are cool enough to know or just trustworthy. This definition comes from the real meaning which is a black man/men who have sexual relations with other men. The part that most of the “other” men miss is that the “Down low” guy have real serious relationships with women and hide their homosexuality. A man that is described as being on the down low is portrayed as being a man who is Gay or Bisexual and actually DENIES his sexuality. This man could be married or sleeps with women to cover up the fact that he actually enjoys sex with men…hmph…knowledge.
  Ever Wonder what it would be like if a Favorite Male Icon wasn’t straight…or was straight on the outside for all to see but in the inside he was actually on the down low…fantasizing about that special guy he would probably fuck like a women just for his secretive pleasure….but what happens when you fall in love with that dude…Do you come out? or stay on the DL….
…….the “Down low..”
Take hardworking American Hip hop singer August Alsina…very much on a good path with his music…very much STRAIGHT….or is he…
   “Aye! August! ” Meet Terry, the bodyguard, he yelled. His fat ass was repeatedly banging on August’s hotel door like a maniac. The last time August’s heard Terry yelled like that was when they ate all of the food and ain’t save him shit.
   “YUNGIN!!!….Bruh! Open up!” Terry Banged more.
 Just before he banged some more august opened the door. Curly hair matted on one side, eye color red, and a whole bunch of sleep crust in the corners. He was fucked up and half sleep. A bad combination with a twist. “The fuck Terry…I tooold you about that screamin’ shit…IM UP!”
Terry scoffed and didn’t even bother asking August to enter his room…he just walked in knocking August out of the way. August quickly grabbed the door for balance then shut it. Terry was always the one to help August get on his feet when he got either too fucked up or overslept. In this case today…August did both. Terry did a quick 360 around the room …clothes everywhere….empty alcohol bottles…and empty Ziploc bags. The room smelled nothing but Weed. Terry gave a sarcastic laugh. August did nothing but look guilty while still trying to find something to hold on to while he caught his balance.
  “Do you know what today is?” Terry asked.
  “Yea man–”
       “Because I dont think you do?…We have to go meet Chris Brown at the Airport…GET TO DC! GET TO HOWARD!! GET READY!! You fucking think we have time for TURNING UP and Hangovers Nigga?” Terry asked.
“NO! Thats what I thought. Go get cleaned up and shit so we can go…"Terry pushed August to the bathroom. "And stop fucking these hoes raw…it smell like butt sweat and pussy.” Terry shook his head and left…leaving the door slam a reminder to august. August plopped on the bed grabbing his head. “Ha…Butt sweat and pussy…” he thought. Meet August Alsina….New Orleans raised and bounded. Your typical Male singer.. Singing about and to beautiful women…on his drake shit. But what happens when this happen…
August phone began to ring. August slowly got up and retreived his phone that was on the floor.
“Speak..” he answered.
                                                                        “Thanks for last night    daddy….maybe next time you can work this dick and hole out some mo’ …” A males voice sounded.
August quickly hung up and threw his phone on the bed. This is what it was.
   Later on August, chris brown and his crew was on the private jet on the way to DC. Chris brown was in the back laughing and playing practical jokes on his friends while august’s mind began to wonder off the many sex escapades with men. August would look back occasionally to act like he was laughing at the joke too but really he was thinking about his sexuality, and trying not to look at Chris’ physical attributes without being caught staring. August began to think…
I think that I know that I’m Straight,
When I see him I feel homosexual,
This feels wrong and right, and maybe I’m confused.
To be so in love with men, through love and lust,
Am I? Am I in the wrong or in the right?
Aye Al!…“ Chris brown yelled as he plop down in the seat next to August.
"You iight…you over here looking like you outta there or some.” Chris joked.
“Nah im good, just making sure I got that performance down in my head." August lied. Chris noticed.
"Nah he over there thinking about some pussy!” One of Chris crew members yelled, laughing.
August laughed, but short. Chris noticed.
“Look man…Imma believe you but..If you ever need someone to talk to, im here bruh. We bros. We got each other. Don’t I always talk to you when Im pissed off at some Tabloid rihanna shit?”
August nodded. As chris began to talk some more August eyes began to roam towards Chris’ lips. He watched the upper lip meet with the bottom lip each time Chris’ pronounced his words. August began to wonder how would the inside of Chris mouth feel on his lower “state”. As Chris kept talking August felt a throb in his penis. Oh shit, August thought. With Chris still talking, August reached for a nearby magazine, sitting it on his lap. Christ stopped talking and watched him oddly. Then got up.
“Well bro…Imma go to sleep, but remember if you need someone to spill to….im here nigga.” Chris said softly but stern.
“iight bruh.” August said.
  “And aye?” Chris said stopping before he went to his seat.
    “Ye– Wasup?”
             “Make sure you put that away…"Chris winked then left.
August eyes grew bigger.
Make sure you inbox me and let me  know if I should keep going with it. This is just a made up story… NOT REAL. So i dont need any crying fans inboxing me about how they wont get a shot with chris brown because hes gay. LMFAO. But inbox me about how much you like it or dont like it.
P.S. This story isnt just about Chris or August. The two male character change every two chapters or chapter. For example…"Trey songz, and Kevin hart..” lmfao.
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
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Goodnight :3
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
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vannahbxtch · 9 years
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Brandon & Jabril... awwww.
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