vanillainverse · 1 year
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after ten years i finally got to thank jongdae for his music :’)
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vanillainverse · 1 year
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vanillainverse · 1 year
I’m not risking it.
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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vanillainverse · 1 year
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I think I just about died 😭
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vanillainverse · 1 year
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vanillainverse · 1 year
The Tanuki Yokai
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Request: @edenshiba Hi! I saw that your request is open so, can i request hyuga x Rocky's little sister oneshot? Like, she sneaks out from their house and ended up at daruma's territory and hyuga meet her at his casino? It would be great if you get this message and create this. Thank you for reading
Character(s): Hyuga (x reader), Rocky
Plot Line: Your elder brother had always been protective of you. Always. Especially with how sickly and ill you often got. However, Rocky wasn't here to help you, not this time.
Warnings: Suicide, Attempted murder, violence, bullying, nudity, mature content
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You understood your brother’s worries. You really did. 
Afterall you couldn’t imagine how hard it was for him to see you all that way. Your mother and elder sister hanging by their necks in the living room while you laid there unmoving on the couch; an empty bottle of pills your mother had crushed into your food on the coffee table. 
It was a miracle you survived. An absolute miracle the doctors said. 
So, it was no wonder Rocky was so protective of you. 
Especially as the miracle didn’t help your fragile health from the aftermath of the attempted suicide. The pills had damaged your stomach and liver causing you to have an intolerance for many foods. Even the slightest change or new thing from your usual diet could make you sick to the point you even threw up blood. 
However, the foods you ate could hardly count as nutritional. Your biggest challenge right now was getting enough Vitamin C, the acidic foods too much for your stomach lining. It made you frail. So much so it causes you to catch illnesses quite often or to be just straight malnutrition.
It made sense for your brother to worry. 
Especially in a time like this one.
You shouldn't have listened to those girls you met in your college lecture when they offered to hang out with you this weekend. You should have been able to tell something was off by the giggles they made under their breaths as they spoke. But, you couldn’t do anything about it now.
Not when you were stuck in the rain in a forest south of Rascals territory. The girls having run off with your jacket and phone. Leaving you in just your thin sundress and purse, both dripping wet. You hadn’t really dressed for the weather, thinking you would be inside at a mall.
Another cough rips through you as you continue to trudge through the forest, hoping the dirt path you were following was heading north back to civilization. Especially as your coughs kept getting more and more painful. Your throat feeling as if it was on fire as tears stung at your eyes.
“What the hell…?” As you bring a hand up to cover another cough that rips through you, you turn your blurry gaze up from the path. Seeing a group of men and women staring at you, confused yet disgusted looks on their faces. All of them dressed up in fancy jewels and clothes. A stark contrast to your muddy and soaked white dress that stuck to you like a second skin.
“Fricking weirdo,” One of the male’s murmurs, flicking his cigarette and crushing it under his foot, “Let’s just get inside.” 
Attempting to catch your breath, you lean against the bark of a tree, watching as the group seems to follow a much larger gravel path leading up to an old shrine temple. Though, as you continued to stare at the shrine, you knew it was likely nothing of the sort. The iconic red and white jackets of the men guarding the front of it are a dead giveaway of what it truly was.
The Daruma Ikka Base.
An horrendous cough spills out of you, nearly bringing up to your knees as your legs shake. The cold chill of the wind rattling your bones, making them ache with every millimeter of movement. Though, it is on the last one, that you knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
Through tear covered lashes, you pull your hand away from your mouth to see the ever so slight scarlet stain on your palm. While not huge or panic worthy, it was a sign your body was not reacting well with your extended exposure with the elements. If you continued like this, you would surely fall ill. 
“Isn’t that…?” 
You understood it was a terrible decision–an absolutely god awful one–but you really had no other choice. You knew from the stares of the Daruma members out front as you passed them that they had an inkling of an idea of who you were. At least a suspicion you were associated with the White Rascals. But you had to continue on. 
You had to.
Especially as you take a shivering sigh of relief when the door of the base shuts behind you, enveloping you in the warmth of the building. While the high amount of smoke causes a few coughs to rip their way through you, causing guests and members alike to stare at you as you pass, you ignore it. Afterall your soaked and shivering form was a sight to see for the people of Daruma Ikka.
Honestly, it would only be a matter of time before–
“Rocky would have a heart attack if he could see you right now.”
There he was. You knew that voice. Of course, you did. 
“Hyuga…” You murmur, seeing the leader of Daruma Ikka in front of you. Likely having just gotten off his throne to see what had caused Rocky’s precious younger sister to show up at his gambling den like this. 
“You’re in awful shape, Bake-danuki.” While your eyebrows furrow at the strange nickname, you knew better than to question the crazy leader of Daruma. Instead letting him do as he pleases as he brings a hand up to grab your chin. While he was not harsh, he was also not gentle in his method of tilting your face up to look at him, “Very awful shape.”
You watch as his eyes seem to trail across your face–almost as if he was examining you with those hazy eyes of his–before stopping at your lips. His hand shifts, bringing up a thumb to touch your lips and you nearly freeze as he rubs across the surface of them.
What was he doing?
Thankfully you didn’t have to wait long to know as Hyuga pulls his hand away, his thumb covered in scarlet from the crimson liquid that stained your lips. You wince as he pops the finger into his mouth, seeming to hum as he confirmed that it was what he thought it was.
“Well…” Hyuga starts as he finally takes his thumb out of his mouth, looking at you in a lazy manner, “as much as I would love to brawl with your brother today…”
He stretches, walking away suddenly to one of the members. Without even asking, Hyuga pulls the jacket off of their shoulders and makes his way back. You watch with uneasy eyes as he places the stolen jacket around your shoulder, patiently fixing it so that it fully envelopes your figure. Even pulling the fabric forward and folding it over your shivering hands that you held clutched to your chest before continuing, “I just opened this gambling den today and I would rather not have those Rascals destroying my gang’s months of hard work. At least, not on opening day.”
A smirk envelopes his lips as grabs a fist full of the jacket in the front, “Perhaps another day.”
Without another word, Hyuga begins to walk, almost dragging your figure along by the front of your jacket as he leads you. Thankfully for your shaking and aching form, the young man seems to be a rather slow walker; in practically no rush to get you to wherever he was leading you.
As you enter another room, seeming to be someone’s bedroom, Hyuga calls out one more order before disappearing from sight, “Oi, sit on the futon over there after taking off your shoes. Don’t go anywhere.” 
What a strange man, you can’t help but think as you follow Hyuga’s order. Kicking off your muddy shoes and peeling off your socks, you slowly make your way to the futon bed. It doesn’t take you long to realize whose it likely was. From the empty can of beer and Kiseru by the side, you had no doubt this was Hyuga’s. 
“Oi,” Turning your head around at the call, you see Hyuga had reentered the room. In his hands he carried a bucket of water, seeming hot by the steam wafting from it, and a handful of towels, “I thought I told you to sit.”
“I–” You start, contemplating whether or not to argue with him, “I didn’t want to get your bed… dirty.”
Your voice trails off at the end as Hyuga lazily walks over, plopping down the bucket on the ground allowing some of the water to spill over onto the bed and wooden floor. Why were you even surprised at this point?
With a sigh, you take a seat on the bed as Hyuga sits across from you cross legged on the ground. One of his knees grazing against your own as he places the towels into the bucket. Allowing them to soak for a moment.
“Hey,” Hyuga suddenly says, his voice losing that usual sharp edge of it, “Do you think you could clean yourself?”
You contemplate his question for a moment. Bringing out one of your hands that were still shaking furiously and attempting to move your fingers. You wince at the aching feeling in them and slowly lock eyes with Hyuga, the young male watching you through lidded eyes, before shaking your head.
He sighs for a moment and brings his neck back to stretch it as curses slip out underneath his breath.
“Well… then I’m going to need you…” He takes a moment to wet his lips as he looks at you, “…to take off your dress.” 
“Oh.” A pause resounds throughout the room as Hyuga waits, his eyes still piercing into your own, which had long drifted to the ground, “...Okay.”
It was surprisingly anti-climatic if you were going to be honest. For the fact no one had seen you naked except for your mother, you expected this big, insane, moment to happen. Especially as your mind went wild with ideas. True, your heart was practically beating out of your chest and you jumped slightly every time Hyuga’s hand accidentally touched your skin whenever he dragged the cloth against your body. But, it wasn’t as if he stared or touched you. Even with your bare breasts right out in the open for him to look at, his gaze never drifted too far from his objective of cleaning the mud and rain from your skin.
“Don’t worry,” Hyuga suddenly says, breaking the silence that was thick between you two since he started. An ever so slight chuckle escaping him, “I won’t tell your brother.”
“That’s…That’s not what I’m worried about.” 
“I know.” Hyuga seems to finally finish his cleaning as he tosses the dirty towel back into the bucket, “But, you have nothing to worry about it. You're not like one of the Oiran outside, I’m not going to touch you like that.”
Perhaps it was because you were delirious. Perhaps it was because you were straight ignorant. But, the words tumble out of your mouth before you can even contemplate their meaning.
“I wouldn’t mind if you did—” 
Thankfully you caught yourself at the last moment, realizing what you had just asked of Hyuga, but the damage had already been done. A wide smirk seeming to catch on Hyuga’s lips as he throws his head back, this time louder curses leaving his lips as he attempts to ground himself. As he swings his head back around, his smirk grows wider at your bashful expression.
“Mischievous, Bake-danuki,” Hyuga teases, bringing up a hand to pull at your nose. The action causing you to squeak as you quickly escape and bring a hand up to cover your nose in disbelief, “Almost as bad as the Kitsune. I wish I knew of this side sooner or I wouldn’t have sent someone to grab that brother of yours. Shit.” 
He brings a hand up to run over the scrub of his facial hair, stretching his jaw as he sighs. This time his eyes fully traveling your body as he pleased, seeming to soak in what he saw.
“Shit.” He curses once more, “Shit. Shit. Shit.”
You can’t help but giggle as Hyuga lounges lazily on his side and lets out a heavy sigh. His mischievous smirk returns, this time a promise attached with it.
“Maybe next time I rumble with the Tanuki, I’ll kidnap their precious Bake-danuki. That will be a great prize.”
His eyes trail up to look into yours,
“You free tomorrow to get kidnapped?” 
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vanillainverse · 1 year
You Mean the Most (RockyXReader)
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Pairing: Rocky x Reader 
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 2k 
Summary: Rocky is full of frustration and anger, and the only remedy he can find is your warm embrace. 
Tags: Domestic fluff, sex on the floor, fingering, grinding, vanilla sex, scratching, rough sex, rough kissing, fluffy ending, hurt and comfort, declarations of love, romance, it’s pretty tame honestly. Maybe some mentions of kidnapping or danger, but that’s about it. 
A/N: My first High and Low fic! I’ve been wanting to write for this series forever, but couldn’t find the right inspiration. Hopefully, you all like this one! 
He didn’t care if he hit the door as he got home, or if he left a mess in the hallway. He barely paid attention to you as he passed through your home in the direction of his personal gym. He needed to blow off some steam; he needed to decompress. Rocky ignored your questions and calls of his name. He was sure the blood on his white coat and shirt worried you immediately. He knew right then, as he pulled off his undershirt, that you were fetching a medical kit. It was in your nature. You were more than accustomed to seeing him injured, but that didn’t mean you liked it. Rocky bursted into the small gym area, all the furniture in black while the walls and carpet were white. It was meant to be a peaceful color, but nothing inside him felt peaceful. Rocky made his way to the punching bag in the corner and immediately started throwing his punches. 
Keep reading
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vanillainverse · 1 year
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AESPA 'Welcome to My World'
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vanillainverse · 1 year
how do i find the two seasons on kissasian cuz i don’t see it?
- r
Fear not, child of mine, as I am here to provide y'all with links.
In watching order we have:
Season 1
Season 2
High&Low the Movie
*High&Low The Red Rain
High&Low The Movie 2 / End of Sky
High&Low The Movie 3 / Final Mission
*DTC from High&Low
*6 From High&Low The Worst
*High&Low The Worst episode 0
High&Low The Worst / Option 2
If none of these work you can also sign up to Mugen Club on LiveJournal, where all H&L content is free to download for free!
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vanillainverse · 1 year
I’m Afraid of Losing You
Pairing: Hyuga x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Light Angst, Light Smut
Words: 1.5k
Summary: Hyuga worries about his future with you.
Notes: This is for the wonderful @the-procrastination-bitch​ <3 I’m so glad you loved it! Hope the rest of your commissions are as loved as this one :D
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Hyuga often wondered how he got so lucky. How did someone like you – the most beautiful and amazing woman in his eyes – was capable of spending more than half her life by his side? He hated how these intrusive thoughts often clouded his mind when he couldn’t sleep, making him leave your side to enjoy his pipe and a bottle of sake. He needed something to help him relax, something to keep him from the voices in his head that told him he was unworthy of you.
Keep reading
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vanillainverse · 1 year
Hi, I just read your headcanons about sword leaders with an info gf and it was just *chefs kiss*. I loved it, and I was wondering if you were up to making an entp gf version? Cause I feel like entp’s are a bit more different to infp? I’m an entp and I feel like we’re just menaces to society and hard to understand since we argue for fun and are sometimes harsh with words? You don’t have to do it if ur not up to it though. I’ll completely understand. 😊😊😊
SWORD Leaders w/ ENTP Girlfriends
Notes: I'm back!!! Had to do more investigating for MBTI, lol. Really tried my best to understand this personality type and really think how they would be with you. This was hard for me (especially Smoky, I really struggled 😭) I'm not going to lie, but I really tried my best. As always with these, please give me feedback. 🙏🏼😆
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
I feel like he's just going to go with the flow with you tbh. He won't argue with you but rather have the other members of the squad do it.
You'll ask the most random questions about life and he'll just stare at you because he has no idea what to say.
Whenever you get too hyped up about something, he will calm you down with his touch. He will probably rub circles on your back or on your hand.
Never takes your harshness to heart because he knows that you mean well.
To guess where you want to go to eat he'll probably say, "guess where we're going?" And whatever you answer is where he decides to go.
Rocky is used to being around traditional, quiet women, so when he meets you, he's thrown in for a loop.
He finds your personality refreshing and is always surprised by your constant creativity when it comes to new ideas.
You would give Rocky lots of ideas on ways to improve the club, customer wise and as an employer as well.
Your favorite place is probably on his lap and you make sure that other women know it, not that you're intimidated by any of them.
He tries to surprise you on dates, but somehow you always know where you are going, but try your best to make it seem like you're surprised.
Because of the way that you two are, I feel like people that see you two for the first time would never think you're dating.
To other people it seems like he gets annoyed with you all the time, but little do they know that you do it on purpose because you like how you get under his skin.
He probably tells you to shut up all the time and you'll respond with make me, then he'll kiss you, which is what you want.
Even though he acts annoyed with you, he's your number 1 supporter, and he wants to accomplish everything you set your mind to.
Whenever you two plan a date he'll let you pick where to go, even if it's something out of his comfort zone. He won't care and just wants to spend time with you.
Smoky started to like you when he sees all the ideas that you come up with in terms of helping all of the citizens of Nameless City.
Smoky doesn't typically debate, so whenever you want to, you will probably have to go to someone else from the Rude Boys.
Honestly, due to his shy nature, you more than likely will initiate any kind of romance, whether it be public or private.
He knows that you dream beyond Nameless City, and will support you in whatever journey you decide to take in life.
Even though he is the opposite of you, you find lots of energy in spending quality time with just him, hanging and talking about life together.
Due to the nature of your personalities, I don't think people would believe you guys are dating at first.
Hyuga will spend a lot of time just listening to you talk and reason about anything and everything.
When he does get tired of you talking, he'll probably kiss you to shut you up. Which then will probably lead to some good quality time (wink wink).
You probably work in something creative like in the arts. Maybe performer or designer, or something along those lines.
Hyuga is your number one fan even though he does not physically show it. He will be there at every showcase that you have, front and center.
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vanillainverse · 1 year
Since I'm getting asked about this a lot...
You can find the High&Low manga g-SWORD HERE
It's only the raws to the manga though, and the only source with the English translation seems to be lost.
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vanillainverse · 1 year
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a night of monopoly in S.W.O.R.D.
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vanillainverse · 1 year
The great expressions of High&Low
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„Look how adorable I am with my kicked puppy expression?!Yeah?I´m still gonna come for you with the nastiest wrestling moves like a squirrel on acid!“
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„Oh yeah?!What are you gonna do?Fight me?!“Makes angry Fujio noises to assert dominance.
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Odajima; „Yeah,go Sawamura!“
Jinkawa; Is painfully single in silence
Shidaken; „Sachio is so gonna go on a rampage!
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„Is this man serious?!At least tell me you´re joking?!Imma go fishing,I might decide not to come back.“
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„Doesn´t the loony bin have a field trip you gotta return to before they see a unmedicated,delusional nutjob is missing?!“
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Plans Jigsaw-style murder in silence.Heavily debating to might attack and bite someone later on.10/10 Hyuga would adopt that feral gremlin
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Yamato; „Why can´t there be at least motorcycles?!“
Cobra;“No idea what´s going on whatsoever,just gonna look cute,heavily pretending to understand sports.“
„That shit´s like straight porn those guys are hot but I have no idea what the fucks going on“
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„How do you play this shit?!Is he supposed to fail miserably?!“
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hissing like a kitty cat and inhuamne demon screeching noises
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„Don´t make the others see you´re dating that crazy chaos of a human being they might doubt the rest of your sanity Cobra,still kinda proud tho.“
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“That´s it.I´m hallucinating.I´m going insane!What was in those noodles earlier?!Nobody gonna belive that,I need evidence!“
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Emotional support from the distance,might run when shit goes downhill idk.
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„Im too young for this kinda high blood pressure!“Man is a single mother of 9
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“Fuck leading S.W.O.R.D imma be a Supermodel!”
Also he´s coming for them fishies,swim little Nemo!Swim!
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„Oh I shouldn´t love that as much as I do.Did I just discvover a   kink?!Gotta call Tsukasa later…“
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„Why are we screaming?!“
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“Bitch what in everything holy is going on here and why the fuck am I not notified?!” or "Oh,great!Now I gotta go and bleach my eyes simpsons style.”
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Confused but at least got the spirit!
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vanillainverse · 1 year
Validating my delulu ass is the only way to my heart
As much as I stan the women in High&Low, I should be placed in there for Yuken’s plot. I can’t properly fight but I can wipe a wound with rubbing alcohol and tell him he’s doing great
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vanillainverse · 1 year
Whenever I walk out my room after a good nap, my parents wonder if I’ve been drinking.
I’m not drunk though, probably just high on my antidepressants.
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vanillainverse · 1 year
As the eldest daughter of an Asian family, Hyuga better watch out.
As much as I stan the women in High&Low, I should be placed in there for Yuken’s plot. I can’t properly fight but I can wipe a wound with rubbing alcohol and tell him he’s doing great
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