✨ Trinket ✨
74 posts
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vanilladreams-bah · 4 hours ago
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✨ A gift from Mod Byrd :; Homestuck Fictive✨
Name(s): Eridan, Caspian, Adrian, Maris
Pronoun(s): he/sea/ocean/sea/wave/aqua
Age: 16
Gender(s): oceancoric, oceanic, gendersea, seagender
Orientation: Demiromantic/Pansexual
Source: Eridan Ampora (Homestuck
Role: BPD holder
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Typing quirk: types very formally, doubling w’s and v’s (wwith a wwobbly accent).
Personality: Has a bit of a better than you attitude, which he uses to mask his own insecurities. Rather flirty, growing attached to people quickly and warming up to them. Once you break through seas “better than you” he is a very shy person.
Role performance (How they do their role): He fronts to handle BPD episodes, masking the negative emotions fairly well.
Front triggers: His source, BPD splits, going to the beach, swimming
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vanilladreams-bah · 24 hours ago
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Anon, if you'd like to re-request I'd absolutely love to do this one!! -🐮
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Hello! Spare masc object show fictive please, preferably inanimate insanity or bfdi? Feel free to decline if you don't know enough about them :]
I've been meaning to get around to ii but I do not know enough about either of these sources sorry 3:
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Denied :; Not enough knowledge about source
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vanilladreams-bah · 24 hours ago
hello there!! I saw object shows and I got all excited:3
perhaps could I request a random transfem fictive from hfjone? I understand if not!!
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I had so much fun with this one you get a level 2 <3 enjoy!!
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✨ Now bringing you a gift from Mod Willard :; Transfem HFJONE fictive ✨
Name(s):; Whippy Creamy
Pronoun(s):; she/chill/mi/ve/ver/yum/cre/cream
Age:; Ageless, young adult presenting
Gender(s):; Transfem
Orientation:; polyamorous bisexual objectum
Source:; HFJONE
Role:; Comedian (uses comedy to soothe the body/fronts to do fun things to cheer the body up/cheers up ver headmates)
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Typing quirk:; All lowercase, uses B) a lot
Extra:; She prefers to go by Whippy Creamy instead of any human name
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
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✨ Now bringing you a gift from Mod Kitkat :; Memeject ✨
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Names) :; Crumb, Cuppie, Kitty, Serena, Annabelle, Jorts, Memer
Pronoun(s) :; they/cat/kit/calico/prussian/siamese/sphinx/munch/munchkin
Age :; 19
Genders) :; crumbcharaic, calicosunnic, catkinnic, facecovercomin
Orientation :; animal alter 4 animal alter
Source :; catcrumb NOT CUPTOAST
Role :; Verbal shutdown holder / autism symptom holder
Faceclaim ::
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Typing quirk :; talks in short simple sentences. has a sort of baby talk when they think it's funny. uses no punctuation and all lowercase. grammar is varied from message to message.
Personality :; Very childlike, free and happy. Extremely silly and prides catself on being perceived as funny.
Role performance :; Fronts during episodes of verbal shutdown, particularly semi-verbality episodes. Doesn't really stress about not being able to have big conversations.
Front triggers :; Semi-verbal episodes, catcrumb posts, cats, drawing
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
wait whats this blogs dni? /genq
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Proshippers, radqueers, and pro-endogenic systems (whoch you can find here - 🐾). Mostly we block people we don't want interacting though -🐮
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
and mod willard any object show guy with doegender. okay im done requesting have fun guys
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I got so excited for this one so you get a level 3 <3
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✨ Now bringing you a gift from Mod Willard :; Doegender Object Show Fictive ✨
Name(s):; Bella, Mellody, Bea, Maggie, Arlie, Stella
Pronoun(s):; she/meek/breeze/doe/soft/uh/hoof/song
Age:; 23
Gender(s):; Doegender
Orientation:; Lesbian
Source:; Barf Bag from Battle For Dream Island, BFB specifically
Role:; Soother
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Typing quirk:; Types normally, a bit informally, sometimes starts phrases with 'uh' and ends phrases with ... (Uh, this is an example...)
Personality:; Bella is gentle and romantic, though she avoids confrontation and prefers to talk to those that her system is close to. A real sweetheart all around, and surprisingly not as anxious as you'd think
Role performance:; Good at breathing and grounding exercises to help calm the body down
Front triggers:; Penelope Scott music, her source
Likes and dislikes:; Likes soft things, deer, drawing, romcoms, listening to Penelope Scott and Cake Bake Betty, snacking. Dislikes vomit, cold days, tank tops
Extra:; Please do not call soft Barf Bag
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
also giving mod trinket the opportunity to do any fnaf guy of their choice with an association w pink and as a protector!
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I appreciate you giving me a FNAF guy AND!!! Full freedom. I really enjoyed this ask!!
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✨ Now bringing you a gift from Mod Kitkat :; FNAF Fictive ✨
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Name(s) :; Mangle, Mange, Chomp, Atlas, Badger, Feral, Wyld, Static
Pronoun(s) :; she/he/it/they/mange/feral/chomp/bite/static/lunge
Age :; Ageless (More like a middle an a young dog combined)
Genders) :; Manglecharcomfic, Bite87gender, FNAFcharaic, Mangstaticgender
Orientation :; N/A effectively an animal
Source :; Mangle - FNAF 2
(Bonus) Role :; Protector
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
no ideas for requests so im giving mod byrd the opportunity to do an undertale guy of their choice with splat/splats pronouns
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I fixed the issue with mods not being able to access asks but Mod Byrd did your ask :33
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vanilladreams-bah · 2 days ago
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i cant access the ask but!!! a gift for anon (level 2 bc you requested thrice and i LOVE finding faceclaims)
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✨ Now bringing you a gift from mod Byrd ;; Undertale Fictive ✨
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Name(s): Quill, Pen, Acrylic, Ink
Pronoun(s): splat/splatter/paint/marker/color
Age: Ageless, presents as an adult.
Gender(s): paintgender, skelegender
Orientation: Asexual biromantic
Source: Ink Sans (Undertale AU)
Role: Absorber. Does his job by taking front and absorbing all emotions so everyone is able to function again.
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Typing quirk: Types in all lowercase. Has a formal way of typing, using proper spelling and punctuation while staying in all lowercase.
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vanilladreams-bah · 3 days ago
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✨ Now bringing a gift from mod 🐮 :; level 2 TMBG songtive ✨
Name(s): Hector, John, Sisyphus, Micha, Elton, Statler, William
Pronoun(s): he/strike/xe/grey/drip/tea/leaf/storm
Age: Ageless, adult presenting
Gender: Male, grattiaen
Orientation: Gay, asexual
Source: You Probably Get This A Lot by They Might Be Giants
Role: Grounder (makes sure the body is grounded and not dissociated)
Faceclaim: Shown below, appear headless and in monochrome, sometimes carries around strikes own featureless head
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Typing quirk: Very formal, proper punctionation, doubles i's (Thiis iis an example.)
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vanilladreams-bah · 3 days ago
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Hello, I'm Willard (🐮), he/him, and I'm a new mod here!! I specialize in fictives/songtives but I can make templates for anyone. Predominately object shows but I'll add a few other fandoms to the list as well. Since I'm starting off here I'll be taking a few free level 2-3 packs! Happy to be here :]
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vanilladreams-bah · 3 days ago
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hello friends. my name is byrd, i am a new mod on the vanilladreams-bah blog. my priorities would be homestuck and undertale fictives, but i do not have much of a dni, outside of the blogs dni. <3
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vanilladreams-bah · 3 days ago
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Hello everyone !! I added a good friend as a mod' They'll make a post in a minute but I am now going to tag my alter packs with #🐾 and you can call me mod Kitkat
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Thank you for being patient while we figure out how to do this together!
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vanilladreams-bah · 3 days ago
hi bestie can i get a level 2 or 3 of a sonic oc. preferably a special interest holder and possibly a like. people pleaser?? if that makes sense.
Ofc <3 I think! You'll like him.
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✨ Now bringing a gift :; Sonicsona ✨
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Names) :; Reagan, Cole, Avery, Chase, Reed, Clay, Seth, Brock, Collin, Kai, Luke, Beck, Colt, Levi, Reese, Bennett, Brett
Pronoun(s) :; he/dae/xe/mur/bec/fir/book/tea/rain/aca(/academia)/stude/coze(/cozy)/dream/grum
Age :; same age as the body
Genders) :; alagender, transmasc, axolotlgender , aoxolswimic
Orientation :; pansexual, preferring to date within the partner system
Source :; brainmade/sonicsona
Role :; masker, emergency fronter
Faceclaim ::
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Typing quirk :; types with standard grammar, uses capitalisation for emphasis only. underuses punctuation and has a knack for run on sentences. uses emotes (<3, :), :|) instead of emojis (🩷, 😊, 😐).
Personality :; Dae is a tired and mildly grumpy alter. Xe rather be curled up in a cozy chair rereading childhood stories while is rains outside. Mur probably owns a cottagelike home in headspace, socialising with those bec considers close. Fir probably wouldn't have friends if not coaxed into interaction, as book is a moderately solitary alter.
Role performance :; Tea is able to near perfectly mask as the bodies singletsona in an emergency situation. Rain is second line of defence for social situations where the normal fronters are unable to front for whatever reason. Aca is not quite a social alter, doing the bare minimum to get through the situation without raising red flags. This doesn't mean that stude is mean or passive aggressive, rather that coze is lower energy than the normal fronters.
Front triggers :; Dream's job, sonic discussions and media, cozy reading time, earl grey tea, an alter fumbling a social interaction, requests for grum, rainy days, intensely nostalgic moments
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vanilladreams-bah · 4 days ago
A level 2 or 3 pack for an Australian trauma protector named Flora that enjoys green and nature? I'm still looking for the rest of my identity, feel free to decline this! Thank you luv
Yeah!! Sorry this took so long ^^" Also disclaimer that this is not the typical alter so it may look a little different!!
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✨ Now bringing you a gift :; Trauma protector ✨
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Name(s) :; Flora
Pronoun(s) :; she/it/they/green/flor/leaf/stick/wind/cloud
Age :; early 20s
Genders) :; Greencolouric, naturecomfic, jadeshadeic, femleafequse
Orientation :; omnisexual
Source :; brainmade
Role :; Trauma protector
Faceclaim :;
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Typing quirk :; types with an accent, specifically an australian accent. uses proper punctuation and standard grammar. uses lowercase specifically.
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vanilladreams-bah · 14 days ago
Hello!! Could I get a pack for a nonverbal mod booster (no specific gender) based on like. Purple and birds? Can be an introject if you feel froggy. Lmk if you need more info!
- 🐮
ooooh this was really fun!!
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✨ Now bringing you a gift:; Nonverbal mood booster ✨
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Name(s) :; Elysia, Cathrine, Finch, Robin, Dove, Rachelle, Morgan
Pronoun(s) :; she/flap/chirp/wing/violet/royal/amethyst
Age :; Ageless
Genders) :; Avianic, Birdfreak, Lavendcoric, Purplealtic
Orientation :; Sapphic
Source :; Brainmade
Role :; Mood booster
Faceclaim :;
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Credit @flock-of-flightless-birds
Typing quirk :; Semiformal speaking pattern, proper grammar, capitalisation, and punctuation.
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vanilladreams-bah · 15 days ago
can i have a non canon dsmp ghost ? preferably one who's dating ghostbur and is a woman / fem person
with a lot of pastel blues involved please
Ooohhh this was tricky! But I had fun :3
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✨ Now bringing you a gift :; Non canon Fictive ✨
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Name(s) :; Quackity, Alexia, Alexandria, Bluey, Ice, Powder, Maya, Cornflower
Pronoun(s) :; she/they/it/feather/gho/wing/faze/beak/ecto
Age :; Ageless (Undead)
Genders) :; Deadduck, Ducksleepic, Duckbeing, Ghostvitica, Ghostcute
Orientation :; Bisexual Ghost4Ghost
Source :; Noncanon DSMP
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