vanilla1cream · 14 days
Yandere Kabru’s Party
Summary: Headcanons about the yandere group and thier lovely darling
Warnings: Reader is an adult 18 +, all characters are adults, 18 +implies, Dubcon, Non consensual touching, Licking, slight manhandling, Scenting, Spooning, Reader has no alone time, No privacy while bathing, Controlling behaviors, groping, Forced proximity, Manipulation, Inappropriate Magic usage on the reader, The group is very weird mentally
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You've been a huge mess since the disappearance of your friend, you've been so worried and scared.
Then you came across a really nice a group of people who aided you with the retrieval of your friend (F/n).
Your whole world came crashing down when you found your friend's decapitated head.
It's been a long road recovering from that tragedy, but ever since you joined Kabru and his friends, they never wanted to leave you alone.
Someone just had to accompany you wherever you went and even if it was the bathroom.
A week after that incident, rin wanted too show me a secret garden she found while looking for herbs. I couldn't believe a place like this existed, I was enamored by the beauty of it. Rin made me a flower crown and I found the rest of the herbs for healing. A while later I noticed started to feel exhausted and I passed out. Rin noticed this and chuckled to herself, she laid down next to me and started to feel and touch my body. She even kissed me while leaving a trail of saliva " Mmph.I love you so much angel, like you would never believe". She used her magic spell to put you to sleep. When you woke up the next day your still confused on what happened.
Holm loves your company. He enjoys discussing the different types of magic with you and the types you specialize in. He would practice how to perform summoning familiars with you in case your in a dire situation and no one would be there to help you...maybe. He usually holds both of your arms when practicing with you, "That's it. Just focus on materializing the creature you have in your mind." When kabru isn't around he would want you to be near him while traveling for some supplies. He also would wrap his arm around yours despite your resistance. When you wanted to have some alone time to yourself, holm would guilt trip you into thinking you don't wanna spend anytime with the group."Don't you want to spend more time with us? Are we not enough for you? Am I not enough for you?" This would make you feel awful and after that, you would never be by yourself again.
Daya is the quiet one. She mostly keeps to herself but you see her interact with holm and kabru sometimes. She finds comfort when interacting with you. Ever since she met you it's like she's gained a sense of purpose, someone worth protecting. She sees your innocence and how kind you are. She would stand guard whenever you went to the bathroom or did anything else. One day when we had to cross a tricky pond she offered to carry me, I declined but then she just picked me up and carried me along the way which made me blush "Don't worry, I got you".
Mickbell is the playful one. Mickbell loves it when you play games with him, even pulling silly pranks on the other party members. When we were at a rest stop, mickbell wanted me to cast a spell on kabru. So when we did that, kabru was shocked when he saw his hair was hot pink. "Haha! See that's hilarious!" He often gets very jealous when the other group members have thier time with me. He would always want me to hold his hand "Aw please?? I really want to!"
Kuro mostly keeps to himself but hes very tolerable. Most of the time your very thankful for his company since he doesn't insist on closing in on your space like the others do. He loves it when you cook your famous dinners for the party. Sometimes he would lean down just to get some head rubs from you " Kuro loves your affection!" Sometimes he would nuzzle up on your lap while your reading a book. Although he does lick you quite alot and rub his head against yours which takes you by surprise most of the time. Little did you know he was actually scenting you.
Ever since he encountered you, kabru would always want to be around you. He wanted to learn everything about you, your favorite color, food, animal, things like that. Where you grew up in, the type of magic you study, etc. Every time you cooked, he would always be the one to help you with any ingredient you needed and chop up the vegetables and meat. I also let him taste test the food before serving. He loves to hold my hand everytime time we travel and sometimes wrap his arm around my waist much to my dismay. He also caresses my cheeks and rubs my ears quite a lot. One day kabru wanted to show me a secret place he found in the dungeon and took us both there. We found a lot of treasure and useful items, then when we were done kabru kissed me on the cheek. Another time I was feeling super sick and the whole group was panicking that day. Kabru never left my side and tended to my needs “I never want anything to happen to you, you mean everything to me my sweet”. When we’re sleeping kabru would always cuddle up beside me. As I was in a deep slumber he would spoon me while dreaming.
The group really holds no boundaries when it comes to you. Someone has to be with you 24/7 regardless of where you went. The bathroom, picking herbs, gathering food supplies, it’s so frustrating! I was very happy to have some time away from them when I told them I’m going to bathe. I was finally happy I had some privacy for myself or so I thought. Just as I was rubbing some sweet scented soap on my body two arms wrapped around my waist “Hey angel”. Both rin and daya were naked in the lake with me. Rin kept scrubbing away at my body despite my whimpers and discomfort, daya was holding me close to her chest and she whispered soft words at my ear “Shh your almost done”.
It seems no matter what you say or do, they don’t want to leave you alone. But is there a reason for that? When you came into thier lives it gave them a sense of purpose. It gave them something to care for and to protect. Something to love. You will never understand why they care about you so much and why they obsess over you like this. Everything they do, everything they see, it always falls onto you.
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vanilla1cream · 26 days
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current struggle: dungeon meshi making me want to draw animals and monsters but I suck at it (Laios boobs out because if I had to draw clothes with all the animal parts I would have cried)
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vanilla1cream · 1 month
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Wip 😇
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vanilla1cream · 2 months
Omg!!!!!! Yess this is amazing you’re such an incredible artist this fits right into my story!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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For anon!
Hopefully that’s what you pictured OwO
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vanilla1cream · 2 months
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Laois as yandere⁉️
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vanilla1cream · 3 months
Yandere kabrus group headcanons are coming up 😈
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vanilla1cream · 3 months
💬dungeon meshi art request
Here is Kabru! Thank you very much for your request @ropes3amthoughts and @idiotlane 🥹💖
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vanilla1cream · 3 months
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POV ur a monster and unsupervised Laios is super normal about you
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vanilla1cream · 3 months
Yandere Dungeon Meshi
Summary: You were a mage traveling alone while looking for your best friend in dungeon when suddenly you were attacked by a wyvern. However a traveling group swooped and saved you from the monster and it seems that this group just does not want you to leave them…at all.
Warnings: Reader is 23, All characters are adults 20+, Death of monsters and a character, blood, violence, gore, non consensual touching, licking, hand holding, Scenting?
Kabru’s party various x reader
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I began to travel deep into the dungeon at a steady pace. You’re an elf that has a very elegant looking staff along with a purple hoodie crop and a pink skirt and black leggings and boots. You are also quite short for an elf since your height is about 4”12 inches in height. I look around the place that I reached in the dungeon and it seems to be an undiscovered place. It was a lair of some sort and there were plants growing around the area and on the top of the ceiling there was a crack in it that illuminated moonlight.
The moonlight traveled to what appears to be a nest of some sort made of branches but also crystals? I walked over to the nest to get a closer look and I saw 3 iridescent purple eggs in it. I was perplexed I’ve never seen eggs like these ever, but it couldn’t be dragon eggs since they never shine like this.
My inspection was cut short when I heard a loud thud noise that caused me to fall to the ground. When I looked up I saw a large wyvern staring down at me. I gasp in fear and slowly back away “ I - I don’t mean you any harm!” The wyvern stares at me and roars in anger, it flapped towards me now I had no choice but to fight it. I began to cast an ice spell and that formed a sharp blade I then threw it at the wyvern that managed to cut a part of its throat. It shrieked in pain but then it advanced towards me and used its talons to attack me.
“Aghh!!” I felt an awful pain on the side of my stomach and fell to the ground. Tears streamed down my eyes. I couldn’t reach my staff and the wyvern was about to attack me again, I closed my eyes.
But then a lightning strike came out of nowhere and hurled the dragon to the ground. I looked up and saw a group of people advancing towards the wyvern, I could make out two dwarfs , a gnome, half-foot, kobold, a tall-man, and another tall-man that looks to be the leader of the group.
The leader charges towards the wyvern and starts slashing its sides while the other group members attack around it. Then the leader finishes with a final blow to the throat and wyvern falls to the ground.
My breathing starts to get weaker and weaker, the last thing I see is a pair of legs walking in front of me.
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My eyes felt heavy as I began to wake up. As I woke up I noticed that I was on a soft sleeping mat with a pillow.
“ Oh she’s finally awake you guys!” The gnome beside me smiled at me.
When I looked at the side I saw the same group as before and thier leader was looking at me with a relieved smile “ Hey there, I’m so glad you’re finally awake. You took a hard blow from the wyvern but don’t you worry, cause holm here helped heal you back!” Thier leader smiled at me warmly and he also looked quite handsome.
The gnome named holm helped sit me upright “ Oh thank you all so much for saving me and healing me” I thanked the whole group and they all nodded and smiled. The kobold wagged his tail when he saw me.“So who are you and what where doing traveling alone?” I replied to the blue eyed leader “ My name is (y/n) and I’m traveling throughout the dungeon in search of my friend. He’s been missing for 2 weeks and he was last seen going into an unknown dungeon.”
I pulled out the missing poster in my travel bag and hand it to the leader, the black haired girl also takes a look out of curiosity. “ Hm he doesn’t seem familiar to me and we haven’t came across him” says the girl and he hands me back the poster “ Ah alright that’s fine.” The leader looks at me again “ Oh sorry I didn’t introduce myself, my name is kabru and this is my party, that’s rin, holm, kuro, daya, and mickbell.”
I turned to them all and smiled “ Well it’s nice to meet you all.” The tall-man named rin seemed to blush slightly when I smiled. “ How could I repay you all for saving me?”
Kabru looked confused “ Oh no, you don’t have to do anything (y/n)! Saving you was our top priority.”
“But I insist! I mean it’s the least I can do for y’all savin-“ then I heard a loud grumble noise. “ Aww man were so hungry!” The little one called mickbell whined on top of the kobold “ Agreed kuro is too hungry.”
Then I had an idea “ Okay! How about I make you all a decent dinner?” The group looked at me surprised " You know how to cook?" Rin looked at me and wonders. " Yes! I know how to prepare certain meals and since i've been to the dungeon numerous times I also learned how to gather up many ingredients and supplies for cooking. My magic can help with that too."
So after a few minutes I made everyone a hearty meal, ( I also snuck in some of those wyvern eggs in it too btw ;). " This is the best food i've ever had in my entire life!!" Both kuro and mickbell wolved down thier food as rin and daya shake thier heads at thier bad manners. " Now this is even better than the food we had at the surface" holm was happy to have a decent meal. Kabru finished his first serving quickly " Oh man! I need a second bowl of your amazing cuisine (y/n)!"
I chuckled at him " I'm super happy you all love the food so far! But you know this is just a simple meal after all." I give kabru his second helping and he excepts it happily " This is more than just a simple meal this is amazing!" Kabru complimented you and you couldn't help but blush at his words. He noticed this and smiled.
After an amazing meal, kabru and the group wanted me to join thier party. I was slightly hesitant but I decided to join them anyway and they were quite happy about it. I felt a little overwhelmed joining a large group since I never did before but I knew it was for a good cause since they agreed to help me find my missing friend.
Two weeks have passed and there's still no sign of him. I was starting to feel sad that I couldn't find my friend, although traveling with my new group has helped me cheer up from this. Mickbell and kuro are the more playful ones of the group, they would always tell me jokes and pull pranks on the other members that make me laugh. Kuro would also accompany me to pick some herbs and I would pet his head " Kuro loves helping you!" Holm would teach me some healing and elemental magic to add to my spell book, he was always gentle when teaching me and would hold my hand while doing it. Daya loved taking walks with me and we would talk about random things, she also held my hand at one point which caused me to blush. Rin taught me some of her spells and she also accompanied me when I needed some ingredients or herbs for spells. Unbeknownst to me when I was picking some flowers, rin was behind me and stared at my butt, she smiled and licked her lips. When we were having a small snack in a meadow she accidently touched my thigh while grabbing the water " Oh! don't worry, it's alright!" Rin continued to eat her snack and when I looked away she smirked to herself.
When I wanted to take a walk or just clear my head, kabru would always come with me since he didn't want me to walk alone and protect me. He would always listen to anything I needed to let out and give me reassurance " Don't worry (y/n) he'll show up soon". He also helped me prepare dinner for everyone and would gather and cut up some ingredients for me. I also made him a flower crown while out in the meadow and he really loved it. Sometimes while we're traveling he would hold my hand, this isnt the first time he did this but I knew if I resisted he would just hold my hand again. He also rubbed my ear one time a butterfly was on it I was speechless after that.
After a fight with another monster in the dungeon, me and kabru sat together staring at the lake. “ So (y/n), I was wondering. When we finally find your friend what are you going to do next?”
I turned to kabru and spoke “ Well.. I do hope to find him soon. But when we do I’ll we will probably have to part ways from there.” Kabru paused and stared at me shocked “ Y-your gonna leave?” I was a little confused at his reaction but I wanted to give him a straightforward answer “ Oh um well yes. After we find my friend I plan on returning to the surface with him and be finished with this place” kabru looked at me again with an expression of conflict and stared at he ground “ huh I see.”
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“What?! She’ll leave after we find him?!” Rin was very angry at the news kabru told her, why would you want to leave them?
“Yeah” kabru looked down in frustration “ I tried to convince her to stay a little longer but she didn’t want to.” The whole group looked sad, none of them wanted you to leave at all. Mickbell loved it when you laughed at his antics and jokes, he also enjoyed when you made little gifts for him. Kuro grew an attachment to you and he loved it when you called him a good boy and petted him. Holm and daya enjoyed taking walks with you and teaching them some of thier skills. Rin absolutely loved gathering supplies with you since that’s when the both of you are alone together. She held the jewel necklace you made for her and caressed it.
But with kabru, he loved all the time you get to spend together. Whether it be helping you cook or small tasks like tying up your hair or gathering herbs , he relished all the moments he had with you.
Rin felt devastated by the news she wanted to try to convince you to stay but she didn’t know how. “ So what the hell do we do now then?” She looked at kabru for an answer “ Honestly I don’t even know. Bu-“ suddenly his mind trailed to something else, your friend. He’s the whole reason why you wanted to leave the dungeon. Kabru thought to himself and got slightly angry, it always falls back to your friend on the reasoning behind your departure. But he couldn’t let that happen, he won’t let that happen.
He then had an idea is his mind, it was good that it was night time and you were sleeping right now. Hopefully he can convince rin and holm to help him do this “ Hey I think I actually have an idea come with me.” The group followed kabru “ So? What are we doing?”
“ Oh I think you’re all going to enjoy this” kabru had a dark smirk on his face and led the group to someplace.
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The next day I was traveling with the group and I noticed that everyone was quite happy today. Rin kept holding my hand the whole time even though I declined too. Holm and daya kept giving me smiles through thier glances. When we made a small stop kuro gave me a lick on the cheek “Gahh! Kuro you know I don’t like that!” This made kuro and mickbell chuckle.
I made some snack for everyone with my magic and we all ate together while talking about random things. Rin and kabru kept staring at me with a smile as I talked to holm and the others, they looked at one another and both nodded. Both of them had a silent conversation with thier eyes and smirked.
After a while, kabru led us to a staircase in the dungeon we were heading in and that’s when I spotted something familiar. I stopped in my tracks which made everyone pause “ Wait that looks like-“ I recognized the weapon on the ground is the sword that belonged to my friend. “What’s that (y/n)?” Mickbell looked at the item in curiosity.“ This is (f/n)’s sword, he should be down there guys cmon!” I picked his sword up and immediately went down the stairs.
Everyone else followed me, “ Take your time (y/n)! I don’t want you to trip on anything” kabru caught up to my speed “ I know that, but he could be here down there!” I moved past him, then him and rin went beside each other smirked again.
Then we finally made our way down the stairs and I saw a dimly lit room. “ He has to be in here” I advanced towards the room and everyone followed, I was unaware of the dark gazes they had behind me. “ (f/n)! Are you in here?” I looked around and don’t see him anywhere, I then realized how dimly lit the room was so I used some of my lighting magic to make the place brighter.
The room lit up and that’s when I froze. There was blood splattered everywhere and then I see pieces of flesh and body parts scattered around the place and then my eyes went to a severed human head laying in front of me….it was (f/n). I let out a loud guttural scream from my mouth. I fell to the floor and backed away from his head.
Tears started streaming down my eyes, “N-no! Why!? Why is this happening?! noooo!!” Kabru came beside me and held me gently " I- Im so sorry (y/n)." I cried harder into Kabru's chest and held me tighter, rin went beside me held my back " Im sorry angel, but were to late. It seems a monster must've killed him."
I looked at her with my tear stained face, " But what could've done this?" I see the rest of the group appear " Well, this must be the work of a griffin since they're the only monster that could do this amount of damage" holm explained solemnly and daya was by his side looking around the place. Kuro and mickbell went up to me " Please don't cry (y/n), it hurts our hearts when you do" mickbell and kuro hugged me.
After this horrifying discovery, I decided to gather up my friend's body parts and give him a proper burial. I felt crushed and devastated finding (f/n) like this. We were going to return to the surface together, but now it's not possible. Kabru and his group helped so much during this dreadful time, I'm so thankful to have met them. I couldn't just leave them like that it wouldn't feel right and these are the people that saved my life. So I decided to officially join their group and they couldn't have been more excited for it. I was playing around with kuro and mickbell while casting some fun spells along with them. Holm and daya was playfully chasing us around the place.
Between a few trees stood both kabru and rin looking upon the sight in amusement and tenderness. Rin chuckled " Look at her, so cute huh?"
" Heh, yeah I'm glad she's feeling so much better now" He replied while looking at me lovingly. Rin turned to him " And shes here to stay with us permanently " She states rather maliciously. Kabru nods and rin follows him deeper into the woods " I told you that she wouldn't suspect anything" rin grinned at him. " Well we can thank holm for that and your ability that helped us detect him." They both came to a stop " You did a huge number on him though. You went completely berserk on him like a real demon. But I'll admit that it was pretty satisfying" she smiled at the memory of (f/n)'s screams.
Kabru gave her a dark smile " Well seeing him made me feel nothing but rage but that doesn't mean I regret it" His mind went back to when he was covered in blood and smiled sadistically at your friends body. Kabru laughs and looks at rin
" After all shes ours now "
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vanilla1cream · 4 months
After Zack was finished with his (time) with the caretaker, some of the other cows were jealous
They’re just glaring and pouting
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vanilla1cream · 4 months
Cow xeha: cmon do something! He took my chocolate bar!
Cow vanitas: I don’t see your name on it.
Caretaker: vanitas give it back to him now!
Cow vanitas: too late it’s all gone
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vanilla1cream · 4 months
Please do more of these cows please!
(In the private love room of the farm)
Cow Zack was pounding into his beloved caretaker like no tomorrow. Thrusting Into her fast chasing his orgasm. “Ah!Ah! Oh baby I’m gonna cum so deep into your pussy!ah!” Zack was desperately whimpering now, he can feel his length getting hotter and hotter. “Oh Zack! Yes! Cum! Cum Inside of me!” Zack then pounded even faster inside of her “nghh! Ahhh! I’m cumming!!” Zack releases his long thick ropes of cum inside of the caretaker. He mooed loudly into her ear. The caretaker moaned in pleasure.
Holy shit that’s hot!
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