Vanessa Recamadas
5 posts
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vanessarecamadas · 4 years ago
Blog 5: Start Small, Think Big
Starting a business does not need to be pocket wrenching. This is evidenced by the statement of Eric Ries that a start-up is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Success can be engineered by following the right process, which means that it can be learned and it can be taught. Technopreneurs should take Minimum Viable Product (MVP) into consideration. MVP by definition is the basic minimum product that customers can touch and feel. One of its purpose is to help technopreneurs enter the market with a small budget.  
For the update of Mobile Food Bank, the number of respondents are now close to a hundred. The revenue model was given a lot of attention and planning since the Mobile Food Bank will also be expected to do some charitable deeds through donation. The researchers also prepared for the upcoming pitching event. The problem, solution, product, target market, revenue model, competition, team, ask, and summary were being organized for the pitch deck. 
Throughout the semester, I learned a lot about the nature of start-ups. I gained ideas on how to properly manage a business. The techniques learned are practically helpful because anyone can venture anytime into business. As long as there is perseverance and positive attitude, success will follow.
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vanessarecamadas · 4 years ago
Blog 4: Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset
     “Business is all about solving people's problems - at a profit.”                                                                          ― Paul Marsden
Problems are wake-up calls that needs our creativity.It tells us that we can always do something to resolve or at least, make the situation better. This is what I learned from the Lecture Series 1: “ The Start-up Ecosystem in the Philippines & Why Do you Need to Start Now” Even though Philippines has a very slow internet connection, it does not hinder Filipinos to be tech savvy. Due to that reason, Philippine start-ups are thriving and are creating innovative solutions towards the current problems that we are experiencing as stated by Mr. Brasileno. Where there is need, there is innovation, and there is money in innovation. We start start-ups to solve problems and at the same time, achieve financial growth and success.
Successful entrepreneurs do not come from a smooth path. Just like how Mr. Kit and Ms. Kristel Nacua of Ehatid Store described their Startup journey, it was bumpy road but they managed to survive because of their determination. For the 2nd lecture, Ms. Geisha of CDO b.i.t.e.s. introduced Technology Business Incubation which supports startups that use modern technologies as the primary means of innovation. This reminded me of the ongoing Korean television series, Startup. It is set in South Korea's fictional Silicon Valley, called Sandbox, and tells the story of people in the world of startup companies. I shared this because I find it easy to understand what Ms. Geisha is talking about such as their Demo Day since it was shown on that Korean tv series. In CDO b.i.t.e.s., they help startup companies by providing training, mentoring, office space, internet connection, and has partnership with DOST, DTI, and DICT. Technology Business Incubators produce successful and financially viable firms that can survive on their own. 
For the update of the Mobile Food Bank, so far, there are now 46 respondents and majority of them expressed their support for the project. The idea was new to them and some of the respondents have shared their idea to improve the project. Since most of the respondents are still students whose ages are below the ages allowed to enter the mall premises, the respondents suggested that the scope of service should be expanded to grocery shopping delivery. Among those shopping online for groceries and food delivery services stated that majority of them will still continue the practice even when the pandemic passes.
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vanessarecamadas · 4 years ago
Blog 2: Plan your work and work your plan.
PRESUMED PROBLEM: Prevalence of Undernutrition in the Filipino Community, specifically in Mindanao.
Alternative Hypothesis: The Mobile Food Bank project is supported as an alternative solution to mitigate undernutrition in Mindanao’s Filipino community.
Null Hypothesis: The Mobile Food Bank project is not supported as an alternative solution to mitigate undernutrition in Mindanao’s Filipino community.
 *Statistical Instrument: Online Survey Questionnaire Method via Google Forms
*Sampling Method: Random sampling
 *Population Parameter (p):
        Age range: 19-20 years old
 *Please refer to attached Infographics
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 The group has decided to reject the null hypothesis.
 Rejecting the null hypothesis confirms that the group will move to the next step of the business proposal. The group will incorporate the recommendations collected once the population of 100 respondents is reached then improvise a strategic plan based on recent statistical data.
 In the past weeks of planning of our group proposals, the team was faced with critical decisions while brainstorming:
 a) change the proposal into a more profitable project.
 b) continue with the original proposal.
 The team chose to continue the recent proposal and improvise; the team incorporated the team members’ ideas to make the Mobile Food Bank a profitable project fit for the nursing role in Diet and Nutrition Assessment in the Community.
Plan your work and work your plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Each member of the team participated to maneuver the project. Planning took time because all ideas were brilliant and they had a hard time deciding on what idea should be worked on. After the brainstorming phase, the team came up with the idea, Mobile Food Bank, the team realized that business is not only about money but also, the heart to help others. As nursing students with entrepreneurial mindset, the team wanted to achieve the goal of establishing profitable business through a disruptor while also considering the well-being of people. 
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vanessarecamadas · 4 years ago
Blog 3: Teamwork makes the dream work
• Food Security among the Filipino communities in Mindanao.
• Alternative Hypothesis:
The Mobile Food Bank project is supported as an alternative solution to achieve food security in the Filipino communities in Mindanao.
   • Null Hypothesis:
The Mobile Food Bank project is not supported as an alternative solution to achieve food security in the Filipino communities in Mindanao. 
 *Statistical Instrument: Online Survey Questionnaire Method (via Google Forms)
 *Sampling Method: Online Random Sampling
 *Population Parameter (p):
 • Female-50%
 • Male-50% 
 • Age range: 19-25 years old
   CONCLUSION: To creatively present the conclusion, the team ingeniously compressed it in the infographics.  Kindly refer to the attached infographics.
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In the past few weeks of the planning phase of this project proposal, the team was challenged with a critical decision while brainstorming the scope of our disruptor proposal. This challenge was to modify the project proposal into a technology-based and profit-centered project.
 • The team has finally made a decision to accentuate the technological and profit-generating qualities of the Mobile Food Bank. The team has put much consideration to their advisor’s comments about focusing on technology and profit as a main motivation in guiding the creation of their project proposal. Therefore, the past few weeks have been consisting of project modifications, trial and errors, brainstorming, and surveying the appropriate features and properties the Mobile Food Bank can develop or offer that can perfectly fit into the criteria of technology and profit. 
Teamwork makes the dream work. Teams are more likely to be successful than as individuals. This is true to the team as they came up with efficient solutions through brainstorming ideas which helped them achieve maximum productivity. The team took some setbacks as opportunities for improvement just like how they managed to carry out the modifications in the project proposal. As the team read the responses of the survey about online food delivery services, the team realized that there are a lot of factors that affected the respondents’ perception about the topic. Aside from financial ability to pay for the services, factors like hearsay, feedback, and disciplining oneself from impulsive purchases also affect how they show interest towards food delivery services. Moreover, the impact of applying empathy map on the survey, improved the responses that the team received as compared to their first survey. The responses now are more relevant which enabled the team to maneuver the project gracefully.
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vanessarecamadas · 4 years ago
The Holy Grail of Business Industry: Technopreneurship
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On September 09, 2020, Ma’am Hebra gave us an introduction to GEE16. At first, I thought that this subject is no different from the entrepreneurship subject back in senior high school. I thought we were going to do some online selling. I even got worried about how we will work our business as a group considering that we are far from each other. But shortly after Ma’am Hebra clarified that senior high school entrepreneurship is different from entrepreneurship in college, I felt at ease. But what made it different this time?
Here’s what I learned, willingness to make a change is the first step towards success. Outside our comfort zones are endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. Ma’am Hebra introduced us to technopreneurship that is the new breed of entrepreneurship. It is the amalgamation of science and technology with entrepreneurship to achieve the goal of starting start-up businesses on our own. We cannot deny the fact that this field is intriguing to the whole business community. Traditional enterprises are adapting to technology-enabled commerce to survive the competition. Before, we used to patiently wait for public utility vehicles under the heat of the scorching sun or even during heavy rains. But now, we can book and expect a biker to come shortly to pick us up. It is possible through the help of an alternative transport service such as Angkas that disrupted the transport industry to improve services for the commuters. All thanks to the accessibility of the internet that fueled the success of the innovative technopreneurs all over the world. It now became the holy grail of fast-paced commerce.
Technopreneurship paved the way for game-changing innovations. I hope that throughout this subject, I will be able to learn valuable things in life, make a change, and contribute to the betterment of everyone.
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