vanamation · 9 days
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I found a ridiculous amazing hat (under the cut) and wanted to draw Vale wearing it, but then the sketch
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vanamation · 17 days
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Found this old wistful Vale sketch tucked away in my Procreate files :)
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vanamation · 21 days
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“Having survived shootouts, cave-ins, drownings, and more, Wyatt figured his luck was due to run out at any moment. But it wasn’t luck that had scooped him up and carried him on foot across miles of barren wilderness; It wasn’t luck that had met him halfway on horseback and rushed him into town just as the storm bore down on them; It wasn’t luck that was visiting his bedside daily until he recovered, bringing flowers and drawings to brighten the room. So even if his luck was nearing its end, he knew he had nothing to fear; he had something better on his side, something that made him feel like he could live forever.”
Yeehawgust day 31: Cowboys Never Die!
And that’s THE END!!! Once again this Yeehawgust has been a fantastic experience and it was a pleasure participating. Despite falling a bit behind in the end, I had so much fun dreaming up a sort of “direct to DVD sequel (affectionate)” storyline to follow up the original. Thank you to everyone who followed along and liked/shared my work— I read every tag on your reblogs and they mean a lot to me :’)
HUGE thank you to @yeehawgust / @ceilingcow for creating and moderating the challenge and giveaway!!
As always I’ll probably be posting cowboys year-round, but I’ll see y’all next year for Yeehawgust 2025!
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vanamation · 25 days
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Howdy, folks, I sure hope you're enjoying this year's Yeehawgust. It's time for the annual tradition... the Yeehawgust giveaway! This year there will be three winners and three prize packs, each of which comes with the base set of prizes and then a different artist-made bandana. You can pick which bandana you'd prefer if you have a preference when you enter.
This giveaway is open to folks who have completed and posted at least one piece based on the Yeehawgust 2024 prompts or will post one by August 31st when the giveaway closes. Reblogs don't count as entries, only entering through the form below counts as an entry. However, the more entries the giveaway gets, the more surprise bonuses there will be with the prizes so sharing is appreciated, pardner! đŸ€ 
You can enter the giveaway and read all the details here!
This giveaway is not administered, sponsored, or endorsed by Tumblr and adheres to all guidelines laid out by Tumblr in their Contest, Sweepstakes, and Giveaway Guidelines. (Full details in compliance with the guidelines are available at the entry form link.)
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vanamation · 25 days
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“The fear of losing Wyatt again drove Clare across that big empty space, even as lightning licked like snake tongues at his heels. Later, the townsfolk would catch wind of the event and spin a yarn that Clarence Valentine outran a storm with his partner in his arms.”
Yeehawgust day 30: The Big Empty!
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vanamation · 27 days
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“With only one horse remaining to carry the wounded to safety, a painful decision had to be made. Clare clung to Wyatt as Patience left them in the dust, and watched with swelling worry as a sky-wide cluster of storm clouds threatened her promise to return with help in time.”
Yeehawgust day 27: Left in the Dust!
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vanamation · 1 month
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“There was a shot, followed by a scream—not of pain, but of fury—then a snap—of both tree limb and spine. When the dust settled Patience cried out for Daisy, and Clare cried out for Wyatt, they both listened for a response, but all they heard was the wind’s mournful moan.”
Yeehawgust day 25: Listen to the Wind Blow
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vanamation · 1 month
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“The knife glinted as Barlow carved the air around Daisy’s tiny frame. He called down from the canyon rim, ‘All y’all gotta do is clear off that scrap of land, and the little lady walks away in one piece.’”
Yeehawgust day 24: View From the Canyon Rim!
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vanamation · 1 month
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“Off to visit yer uncles, huh? What a coincidence—so are we!”
Yeehawgust day 22: Horse Girl (girl on a horse
 close enough)
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vanamation · 1 month
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No caption for this one, just a quick sketch of some fluff :)
Yeehawgust day 20: Rustlin’ up some grub!
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vanamation · 1 month
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“While fence-mending typically signified an unfortunate loss of freedom, Wyatt didn’t mind being penned in—he’d spent the past three years in a tireless race across an endless expanse, and was more than happy to finally settle down in a patch of heaven he and Clare called their own.”
Yeehawgust day 18: Don’t Fence Me In! (or do, in this case)
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vanamation · 1 month
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“Buck up, cowgirl—Yer Uncle Wyatt an’ I ain’t movin’ far. We’ll just be a short trail ride away.”
Yeehawgust day 15: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
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vanamation · 1 month
Interrupting my semi-daily Yeehawgust posting to share these two new posters for my indie animated webseries, which follows a timid sheep and the wolf demon who possesses her and grants her werewolf shapeshifting abilities. It is not about queer cowboys but it IS about self-acceptance and the power of friendship wrapped up in a reverse "who's the werewolf?" mystery :)
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Happy Indie Animation Day! Here are two brand new posters for Bleating Heart, featuring the show's updated logo (with typography by Sidney Gale!)
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vanamation · 1 month
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“The look Clare gave Wyatt warned him to not pick a fight with a man packing heat, but Wyatt was already fired up.
“‘Tell your boss he can have our land when he pries this deed out of my cold, dead hand!’”
Yeehawgust day 14: Packing Heat!
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vanamation · 2 months
After seeing them as part of Yeehawgust I decided to poke through your prosper&vale tag and I just wanna say I’m *obsessed* with these cowboys omg. And I love your style, it’s so charming!! I saw on an older post you’d mentioned a comic(I think) you’d been posting on IG? Is that still a thing by chance?
Ahhh you are too kind!! I’m so glad you like my cowboys, thank you for taking an interest them!!
IF I remember correctly, the comic I mentioned was a sequence of illustrations that went along with a “short story” (it was actually the first chapter of a novel I’d written but I was too nervous to talk about it publicly so I just called it a short story haha). I never finished the full sequence and ended up archiving all the posts just to keep the story under wraps until I was ready to do more with it.
I do intend to do something with it eventually, whether I post the book online and/or adapt it into a full length comic. But right now it just exists as random drawings, many of them Yeehawgust posts. :) (Shoutout to Yeehawgust for giving me an outlet to share my boys!!)
If you do want to see more of them, I have a Prosper and Vale highlight on my Instagram page that has some sketchbook sketches sprinkled in, and on my portfolio website, the first sequence is a suuuper early version of a story moment in click-thru storyboard format.
Thank you for the ask!! It might just be the first I’ve ever gotten on this account and it made my week :’D
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vanamation · 2 months
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“So maybe the buffalo hadn’t roamed there in some time, and the deer and the antelope weren’t at play—but it would be home enough. After all, they’d be there together.”
Yeehawgust day 13: Where the buffalo roam!
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vanamation · 2 months
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“Clare was looking at him with the alert gaze and rigid stillness of a spooked deer, so much so that Wyatt was afraid any sudden movement would send him bounding across the meadow. He gave a timid wave and said the only thing he could think to say after three long years of being apart: ‘Howdy, pardner.’
“Then Clare did run, but not away, and Wyatt nearly leaped into his arms.”
Yeehawgust day 12: Pardners for Life!
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