Just Some Random Stuff
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My inbox is always open for questions and art requests. Add me on Steam and Xbox live: R1verLee. Twitter: @R1verLee
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vampire-riverlee · 4 years ago
I MADE A THING it’s a mashup ENJOY :D
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vampire-riverlee · 4 years ago
This Is Halloween - Panic! At The Disco
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vampire-riverlee · 4 years ago
Just listen.
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oh shit.
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Get on my blog. RIGHT NOW. HOLY SHIT.
MOTHERFUCK *head explodes*
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WHAT IS THIS GREATNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This song makes me want to orgasm. It’s perfection.
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vampire-riverlee · 4 years ago
I wanted to download We Will Rock You, but…
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vampire-riverlee · 4 years ago
I found this. And I love it. I love it so very, very much.
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vampire-riverlee · 6 years ago
watching the Twilight movies again was a bad idea. because its 4am and i work in 9 hours.
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vampire-riverlee · 6 years ago
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I’m not too late for the cute lil ghosts, right?
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vampire-riverlee · 6 years ago
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More Halloween face spam
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vampire-riverlee · 6 years ago
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Sorry for the face spam but uh its Halloween again
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
FYI if anyone wants to know where i spend my time its mostly on twitter @r1verlee
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
I havent been here in ages. I hope everyone is doing well! Come say hi if you want to 💜
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
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My late breakfast was so nice and in such a lovely house #food #waffles #sunflowers
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
who’s your cute toothy person~ and are they single ;^}
Lungs the vampire!! n yes he’s a gentle soul looking for 💞💓💞
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(I hope i’m thinking of the right toothy person theres a few haha)
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
How about I seduce the goblin with my shaved 6-pack
-A werewolf named Chad
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
FAHC Halloween headcanon
Geoff- he may not trick-or-treat himself, but he has to go out with his crew because, as Gavin put it, “ But Geoff, it’s a family bonding experience. You can’t have a family with out a father or other male figure.” Michael backs up his boi with “Yeah, pops. You don’t even have to buy a costume. Just wear that goofy suit and put on an eyepatch. Blam! Instant costume!” After yelling at Michael for calling him pops, he begrudgingly agrees and slips a flask into one pocket and a blunderbuss in the other. “Gotta keep with the pirate theme” he’d mumble. As long as his crew had fun he didn’t mind being dragged along. What helped was Jeremy and Gavin offering him candy every now and then. Jack- Ever the caring and loving mother figure of course went out with her children. Like Geoff she didn’t partake in the festivities, but laughed as Michael, Jeremy and Gavin got into a heated argument about which fun-size candy was the best, which ended when Gavin shouted “Clearly Jeremy is the best fun-sized candy!!” Which caused bouts of laughter from everyone, cursing and blushing from Jeremy, and Gavin’s candy bag knocked out of his hand. Jack is dressed as Zoey from Left 4 Dead and in her health kit has water and bandages, flashlights and protein bars, and a gun and knife. Ryan- The scariest guy of the group, you’d think he’d be a scary monster, or pull his “I’m a normal person” routine again. Nobody believes it when he comes out dressed as a “sexy” cat. With all the questioning looks he shrugs and says “Mica wants to be a witch and asked if I’d be her cat. I let her pick the costume….. Take one more picture and you,lol wake up 6 feet under.” Gavin, who was hiding around the corner squawked and ran to his room. Gavin- Ever the one to be gaudy, dresses as a Pharaoh. His bracelets, collar and headpiece all have an element of real gold and jewels; most likely acquired during a heist. Once he sees Ryan is a cat he struts over to him. “What a pretty kitty,” he’d say, “someone seems to be sucking up.” To which Ryan replies with a set of brass knuckles a hair away from Gav’s face, “It’s the Egyptians that worshipped cats, not the other way around. I suggest you try to get on my good side.” Gavin squawks an apology and runs to the fridge, tossing a can of Diet Coke at Ryan. “That’s no house cat, that’s a bloody panther,” he’d whisper to Geoff, who’d chuckle. Michael- Wants the candy but doesn’t care so much for trick-or-treating, decides to pull pranks on the teens walking the streets alone. At one point he separates from the group and comes back with two giant bags of candy. When asked where he got them he shrugs and keeps walking. He’s dressed as a classic vampire; fangs, cape, fake blood capsules and bottles in his pockets. He scared a couple teenagers when he leaned in and “bit” one and “blood” spurted out. They dropped their candy and ran screaming as Michael laughed, picked up the bags, and walked away. Jeremy- Is 100% there for the experience. The trick-or-treating, the costumes, the late night walking about Los Santos, and the candy. The brilliant bugger dressed as a father/grandpa with wires leading to three “kids” dressed as ghosts. He had an iPod with a few recorded clips of kids saying “Trick-or-Treat!” and “Thank You!” He went back to the penthouse with the most candy, took what he liked, and left the gross stuff in a bowl on the table. Mica- Knew where the party would be, and after trick-or-treating dragged the crew with her. She was a witch, a very fashionable witch. She wore a pointy hat and had a witchy broom but that’s where the likeness ended. She wore a black crop top with stars and moons scattered across the fabric and a grey and black pleated skirt that went to her knees. She wore this leggings with the cat faces like halfway up the legs and a pair of short boots. Ryan followed her, as he was a witch’s cat, and they won best couple costume at the party. Lindsay- Dressed to the nines, as Scarlett Johansson. Not from any of her roles as an actress, just as Scarlett, walking down the red carpet. Now that doesn’t mean she wasn’t armed to the teeth, a pistol strapped to her thigh under the dress, this barrettes in her hair? A set of iridescent brass knuckles. And a knife sheathed just below the low back line of her dress. Ever a sight to behold she received many free drinks at the party, that she shared with Mica and Jack. Trevor- A fan of Donnie Darko, dressed as Donnie. He only went to the party where people constantly mistook him as a drug dealer. He sat next to Geoff at the bar and joked “If I had a gram of dope every time someone asked me for drugs, we’d be rich. We could just buy the bar!” Geoff smiled and replied with “I already own this bar.”
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vampire-riverlee · 7 years ago
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Hey yall im RiverLee and its Halloween
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