valutric · 2 years
Why Is GPT-4 Important and What has Changed?
What Has Changed in GPT-4?   The release of GPT-4, OpenAI's most recent big language model, has been announced.  This  model  is a sizable multimodal model that can produce text outputs from both image and text inputs. A substantial development in artificial intelligence, particularly in natural language processing, may be seen with the recent release of GPT-4. This paper explores the origins and evolution of generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), as well as what new possibilities GPT-4 unlocks. We also provide a full study of its sophisticated capabilities. GPT-4 was created to increase model "alignment," or the capacity to carry out user goals, while simultaneously improving model veracity and producing output that is less obscene or hazardous. Performance upgrades As one may anticipate, GPT-4 models outperform GPT-3.5 models in terms of the veracity of the responses. With GPT-4 scoring 40% higher than GPT-3.5 on OpenAI's internal factual performance benchmark, the percentage of "hallucinations," when the model commits factual or reasoning errors, is reduced. Also, it enhances "steerability," or the capacity to modify behavior in response to user demands. You may instruct it to write, for instance, in a different tone, style, or voice. Attempt prompts that begin, "You are a garrulous data expert," or "You are a terse data expert," and have it walk you through a data science idea. The model's adherence to guardrails is another enhancement. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
How to Understand your Best Customers
  Who are your ideal customers? You have good and bad customers. Bad ones continually haggle about prices, pay late, constantly complain, grab all your promotions and leave you as soon as another company comes along. The ideal customers, on the other hand, are the ones that pay on time, give you as much notice as possible, share information, become partners giving you useful feedback. You know the ones – they are a pleasure to work with. But who are they? What makes them different? What do they really want? How can you help them even more? Are they online? Targeting, satisfying and keeping the ideal customer is crucial. Ideal customers are worth more than you think. Pareto ’s 80:20 law suggests that 80% of your sales come from only 20% of your customers. Research suggests that your best 20% of customers generate 140% of your profits. This means that many of your other customers generate losses. A company’s best customer could be worth 30 times the worst customer. Chris Anderson’s Long Tail theory challenges Pareto and suggests otherwise . Regardless, you need to know who are your best customers. Are all of them online? So we need to know our ideal customer ’s profile – who they are, where they are, what they want, what they spend, any distinguishing characteristics. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
AI and low-code development top hot BPM trends -
AI and the BPM makeover Meanwhile, Forrester's Koplowitz said BPM is in the throes of an "extreme makeover," in which artificial intelligence (AI) is being brought into the fold to enhance automation and help better serve customers. He argued that AI is being used in BPM in three key areas: Process optimization through machine learning, augmenting humans with new sources of cognitive expertise and deploying new user interfaces. He further argued that BPM systems have been good at automating structured processes, but AI technologies such as natural language processing and sentiment analysis can help to interpret intent from unstructured data sources. Telecommunications and IT network management is all about automation and intelligence -- insights derived from analytics and AI to make the network more adaptable with greater capacity, lower costs and flexibility to support more advanced services -- Fox said. Essentially, the network is the foundation for digital transformation, he noted. And BPM will continue to improve the network to enable the support of expanding digital operations throughout the enterprise. "Our MetTel Labs teams are experimenting further ways of enhancing our BPM platform with artificial intelligence through the expanding use of bots and deeper applications such as IBM Watson," Fox said. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Organizations Struggle with Time to Value for BI
New research from TDWI highlights the obstacles analytics projects face and suggests best practices for overcoming those challenges.Many enterprises have invested heavily in business intelligence (BI) and analytics solutions, but they aren't always seeing the benefits they had hoped to achieve with those solutions. More specifically, they say that it takes too long to achieve value when starting a new analytics project. That is one of the key findings of a new study titled "Accelerating the Path to Value with Business Intelligence and Analytics," published When asked to prioritize their goals for their BI and analytics efforts, survey respondents ranked "reduce project time to value" number one. That wasn't a surprise for David Stodder, senior director research, business intelligence at TDWI and the author of the report. "I hear all the time that organizations want to get to value faster," he said. However, when asked about their satisfaction with the current time to value of their projects, only 10% said they were "very satisfied," and nearly half (45%) were either "somewhat unsatisfied" or "not very satisfied." The reason for that dissatisfaction became clearer when respondents were asked to compare their current time to value with past performance. Only 8% of those surveyed said projects are delivering value much faster than they were a year ago. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
How to Protect Your Company's Most Valuable Asset
Is your intellectual property protected against copycats? BobRelated: Debunking the 5 Biggest Myths of EntrepreneurshipDiscover more about segments and guests below ... Alan Taylor's Biggest Business BlunderHave you ever created a bulletproof brand only to have imitators capitalize on the back of your hard-earned genius? Alan Taylor shares what he considers the most consequential mistake of his career, failing to secure intellectual property rights for his brand, with attorney and author of The Entrepreneur's IP Planning Playbook, Bob Composing Contracts to Prevent Litigation"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen." Klinck, founder of Klinck LLC, says any agreement that's important to your business should be put in writing; however, that doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune hiring a law firm. Get Klinck's guide to affordably protecting partnerships and intellectual property. Selecting Brand Names for SuccessThe name of your company should encapsulate your brand. Klinck encourages listeners to perform their due diligence when vetting this critical marketing component. Discover how to efficiently review potential brand names and integrate intellectual property planning into your overall business strategy. Military Spouses Facing UnderemploymentU.S. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Why your KPI methodology should use 'right brain' words
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Despite the appeal of trendy technologies like artificial intelligence, one consultant is encouraging CIOs to go back to business intelligence basics and rethink their key performance indicator methodology. Mico Yuk, CEO and co-founder of the consultancy BI Brainz Group in Atlanta, said companies are still struggling to make key performance indicators actionable -- and not for lack of trying. It turns out the real stumbling block isn't data, it's language. "KPIs are a challenge because of people, not because of measurements. A lot of problems that exist with KPIs are in the way that people interpret them," she said in an interview at the recent Real Business Intelligence Conference. Yuk sat down with SearchCIO and talked about how her key performance indicator (KPI) methodology, known as WHW, breaks KPIs into simple components and why her research drove her to consider the psychological impact of KPI names. This QA has been edited for brevity and clarity. You recommend teams should have at least three but no more than five KPIs. What's the science behind that advice? The KPI methodology you ascribe to is called WHW. What is WHW? Yuk: WHW stands for What, How and When. We took Peter Drucker's SMART concept. Everybody knows him. He's the 'If you can't see it, then you can't measure it' guy. His methodology is called SMART, which stands for specific, measurable, accurate, results-oriented, and time-oriented. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Find the Digital Skills Your Company Needs to Succeed
Reaching business goals, even surviving in an era of disruption, requires a tech-smart workforce.Today’s workplace is undergoing massive disruption, demographic shifts in workforce composition, employees with new and greater expectations, and emerging technologies that are changing the way work is done. In fact, every business is a tech business today, and companies can't expect to succeed without embracing and leveraging those latest technologies. Such changes bring risk as well as opportunities, says Michael Gretczko, a principal at Deloitte Consulting and general manager of ConnectMe, a digital workplace service for human resource departments. Disruption requires a digitally skilled workforce that can use technology to open the door to new opportunities and help an organization achieve and maintain maximum competitiveness. "Digital skills span from technical skills, like cloud development, software engineering and cognitive technology development, to functional skills, such as digital marketing, and then to 'ways of working' skills, such as agile methods and design thinking," he explains. Beyond pure technology jobs, business functions such as HR, marketing and finance can benefit from the contributions made Getting started Gretczko believes that organizations must foster a commitment to continuous learning. "First, help employees understand the basics: what being digital means and how it impacts their role," Gretczko recommends. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Want Customers to Buy? Use These Tested Advertising Strategies That Actually Work.
Is a long subject line better than short? Do green envelopes do better around Christmas? Is a postcard enough copy?There’s no reason to guess!Instead, you can apply tested principles in preparing your promotional materials that increase their effectiveness. Advertising legend Robert Collier called it “taking the guess out of advertising.”Related: 4 Ways to Market Your Business for FreeCollier understood that writing advertising copy (or any form of persuasive material, for that matter) should be something of a science. He liked to refer to the work of the Tested Selling Institute and Word Laboratory Inc., which identified words and phrases salespeople could use to get customers to buy. These “Tested Selling Sentences” were to be memorized and used Collier believed that taking this kind of approach to selling would be just as effective when applied to the printed word. For example, his research showed that in writing sales pieces, there were certain tested openings to letters that would invariably win readers’ attention, which, of course, is the first step to making a sale.Of all these openings, the word “how” seemed to work the best. In some cases, using the word “how” in a headline could greatly increase the pull of a sales piece. This rule is certainly used widely today, as “how” frequently appears in headlines, blog posts and article titles.This magic word seems to work no matter what product is being sold. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Benefits of public cloud: Unilog's Google adoption
Unilog's shift to the public cloud involves considerably more than obtaining a new place to park its IT infrastructure. The e-commerce company, based in Bangalore, India, with North American headquarters in Wayne, Pa., traditionally offered its core B2B software platform through a private cloud hosted in a colocation facility. Unilog, however, wanted to speed up customer deployments, improve its ability to scale and lower its operating costs. The company decided the anticipated benefits of public cloud could deliver on those requirements.  Swamy Mahesh, CTO and vice president of U.S. operations at Unilog, said Unilog selected Google's public cloud from a short list of providers that included Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace. The company also hired Agosto Inc., a Google cloud partner based in Minneapolis, Minn., to provide support and consulting services. Unilog worked with Agosto to establish a strategic roadmap for public cloud adoption, which kicked off with a lift-and-shift migration from Unilog's private hosted setting to Google. The task involved moving Unilog's virtual machines to the new environment and optimizing them for Google Cloud. The initial migration soon led to other opportunities for improvement. "It became apparent that strategic challenges were on the end of that" lift-and-shift phase, said Rick Erickson, executive vice president at Agosto. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
You Are Doing Analytics Wrong: Here Is Why
Analytics ROI often falls short because businesses overlook important parts of the process.Businesses across industries want to compete on insights, and yet many of them aren't getting the ROI they expect. Somewhere between raw data and actionable insights, processes break down or they don't exist. It's not just a tool problem. Organizations need to change the way they think and behave. Data is data Every company has data, but not all organizations treat data as a valuable corporate asset.  If they did, they probably wouldn't have multiple copies of customer records, none of which is "the golden record." "There's no documentation so there's no traceability," said Ivan Chen, director of Enterprise Business Analytics at GPU manufacturer NVIDIA. "If you really want to get value out of your data, you have to put structure around it. We realized that, so we're putting plans in place to provide a foundation for analytics." Chen is wrapping up the first month of a three-month pilot that will enable self-service analytics.  As a first step, his team is inventorying all of NVIDIA's data assets, documenting them and putting them in a central repository.  "We're codifying all the business logic in the repository so that people can see how the transformation that was done," said Chen. "That way, there's a baseline for discussion." In the next phase, analysts will get access to self-service analytics.  "The Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
6 Dynamic Ways to Serve Your Clients
Client service, broadly defined, means supplying your customers with what they want, when they want it and how they want it, in a friendly and professional way. Client service is a vital ingredient in any business. In fact, a good service interaction can hike business-to-business transactions Related: 6 Things Your Small Business Needs to Spend More Money OnSo delivery of great client service needs to be on your mind for both growing your business and robust retention rates.But what are the best ways to deliver dynamic service to clients? Here are six.1. Always available wins the gameClients like to know that people are available to them -- always be available to respond to their needs, whether they are asking about shipment dates or product features. Answer phone calls, e-mails and texts as quickly as possible, but certainly within 24 hours.If a client is asking about something you need to check on, whether it’s product specifications or a billing date, don’t let that stop the quickness of your response. Tell the client you need to take a thorough look at the spec sheet once you’re back in the office, or you want to touch base with the accounting department. Then, of course, follow up with the answer. Clients will appreciate knowing their needs are on your mind.2. Listen to their needs, not your quotaThe best client service comes from people listening to other people. All businesses have needs. Products and services are purchased because those needs are filled. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
How Do You Get New Employees Invested in Your Mission as You Scale?
How do you learn how to scale your team across different cities while remaining true to your core and making someone truly believe your mission? On this episode of Resilience, Liz Rose Chmela, founder of Made By We, shares how she dealt with scaling her business while remaining true to her and her client's missions. Watch the full episode on Alley's YouTube channel.Related: This Wellness Company Finally Found Success After Pivoting 4 Times in 7 YearsEntrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders. We provide expertise and opportunities to accelerate brand growth and effectively monetize video and audio content distributed across all digital platforms for the business genre.EN is partnered with hundreds of top YouTube channels in the business vertical. Watch video from our network partners on demand on Amazon Fire, Roku, Apple TV and the Entrepreneur App available on iOS and Android devices. Click here to become a part of this growing video network. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
3 Edtech Trends to Watch in 2017
Technology in education is not new The coming years promise to be full of new companies, dramatic news cycles, unicorns, and IPOs. All of that can be said with a high degree of certainty simply because of the enormous volumes of investor dollars being pumped into startups in this space. EdTechXGlobal and IBIS Capital released a study earlier this year that projects a 17% growth rate for the industry through 2020, ultimately surpassing $252 billion in market value.All of that money and growth is bound to attract high quality innovations as well as overnight failures. Entrepreneurs looking to get involved need to recognize which is which, and can better calibrate their judgement These are three edtech trends that entrepreneurs should watch:1. Digitized Test PrepStandardized tests are the gateway to better education opportunities. Because they are so important, there is an enormous industry of book publishers and tutors dedicated to helping students prep for test day. But until recently, that test prep has been done with unwieldy books and archaic practice methods.“Test preparation has been dominated This is a giant leap forward in many respects. Today’s students are arguably more comfortable interacting with screens than with pen and paper as it is, so digitizing their test preparation is at least customized to their learning preferences. But the ability to analyze data in a digital environment gives educators tools they have never had before.2. Community-Based Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
4 Myths About Innovation You Need To Avoid
. The ancient Greeks, for all of their centaurs, hydras and medusas, never had any stories of unicorns, they simply believed that some existed somewhere. Of course, nobody had ever seen one, but they believed others had.  Travelers would go to far away places, bring back stories of them and speak of the magical properties contained in their horns.  Alas, no matter how hard anyone searched for unicorns, none were ever found, but that didn’t stop people from looking. All too often, modern executives operate on similar principles. They see “secrets of Steve Jobs”and “habits of Elon Musk” written about in blogs and the business press or hear them whispered about in hushed tones at conferences. The truth is, most of these are myths with little to no evidence behind them. Here are four you especially need to avoid. 1. The Lone Genius And The Eureka! Moment Probably the most persistent myth about innovation is that it is the product of a lone genius who has a magical moment of epiphany and changes the world. This notion can be incredibly appealing because it implies that, if we are one of the chosen, a great idea will come to us in a flash and the job will be done. Like unicorns, the Eureka! Moment is mostly a myth. Consider the often told story of Alexander Fleming, who came back from his summer holiday in 1928 to discover that his bacterial cultures were contaminated That’s all true, but it leaves out some crucial details. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
Rethink Your Brand’s Future
Wipro started out selling vegetable oil. It now provides global information technology, consulting, and outsourcing services and is known as the “IBM of India.” It has grown annual revenue to close to $8 billion. It is hard to believe that Wipro actually stands for Western India Palm Refined Oils! For your brand to grow continually, what you sell today is not necessarily what you will sell in the future. Your marketing messages of today are not necessarily what they should be tomorrow. Your key differentiators today may not necessarily be relevant tomorrow. To that end, you should build innovation into the DNA of your business to thrive long-term. In my new book, Rethink Your Marketing: 7 Strategies to Unleash Revenue Growth, I point out that the foresight to strategically plan for the future can open up game-changing growth opportunities for your business, whereas the failure to consider your future can have devastating consequences. Consider the Fortune 500. According to Capgemini Consulting, 52% of the companies in the Fortune 500 have gone belly-up, been acquired, or shut down operations since the year 2000. Yikes! As a marketing leader, you need to be working on two businesses – what you are doing today, and what you should be doing in the future. You may sell vegetable oil today, but that does not mean you shouldn’t sell enterprise-level technology solutions tomorrow. With this in mind, innovation and evolution are business imperatives. RIM vs. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
The Four Modes of Thinking and How They Impact Performance
Hi there, this is your brain speaking. Just wondering what thinking mode you are operating in today?  Seems simple, but it’s important to know what’s going on up there. Here’s why: Success in today’s hyper-competitive global economy depends on what’s happening upstairs in that frontal lobe of your brain where problem-solving, creativity and other cognitive functions take place. Our research with thousands of managers and individual contributors throughout North America and in 48 countries suggests that we need three to four times as many ideas every day to perform at peak levels in our work. Anything less than a constant flow of ideas won’t be sufficient as we enter a future of constant change. Fortunately, doing a quick, unannounced spot check on your thinking mode couldn’t be easier. Use the list below to identify which of the four dominant thinking modes you are operating in right now. Then check out the tips following on how to alter your thinking style. DEFEATIST MODE This mental state is dominated In this state of mind, we’re mostly “going through the motions,” sustaining the status quo. We incessantly check our devices. We multitask, and we grind it out – on autopilot. In Sustainer Mode, if an idea does happen to flutter into mind, we’re apt to ignore it or conjure reasons it will never work, or will be shot down If this is your mental state at present, give your brain a kiss! You’re on a performance path, at least as far as generating ideas is concerned. Read the full article
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valutric · 2 years
5 Key Considerations in Converting Your Nonprofit to a For-Profit
Deciding to convert Practice Makes Perfect from a nonprofit to a for-profit public benefit corporation was one of the most challenging undertakings of my business career. Not only is restructuring a business incredibly difficult, but there were a few things I wish I knew before I embarked on the transition that caught me off guard. Below are five things to consider.1. Timing No one can really tell you how long the entire process is going to take. We had the best lawyers in the world during our conversion, and at one point they told us the process would take six to eight weeks. From previous experiences, we knew that lawyers tend to overpromise on timing, but nothing could’ve adequately prepared us to go through an almost 18-month process from evaluating whether we should go forward with the conversion to finally dissolving the nonprofit.Related: 3 Most Common Ways to Transition Your Nonprofit to a For-profit Business2. Fundraising We spent a lot of time trying to raise capital. We had an initial investor encourage us to make the conversion and promise to support us through the transition. When we eventually started the process, and went to the firm for the capital, we realized we never agreed on the terms of the investment. When you’re a nonprofit, you’re not used to thinking about terms of the investment in exchange for a percentage of your company or a value on what your company is worth.Once we lost our lead investor, raising money became even more difficult. Read the full article
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