The Painted Fierce
325 posts
Character blog for Hotgo-un Valirelia Hirano Mercenary and Adventurer, showcasing her adventures around Eorzea, and the Company which she leads in tandem with her Wife and family
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
vali-ffxiv · 5 years ago
Reblog if your Muse has a kill count of 5+
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vali-ffxiv · 5 years ago
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Seems the phishers are trying to get people to go to their sites this way now. Domain ends in  before being buried by more legit looking things so you know. Be on the look out and be careful friends!
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vali-ffxiv · 5 years ago
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Reblog this with your FFXIV character’s face!
I need them
For reasons
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vali-ffxiv · 5 years ago
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vali-ffxiv · 5 years ago
Send “I’ve got you” to help my muse wash off blood from their body
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Your Muse’s Backstory
1. Where were they born? What is the story behind their birth, if any?
2. Has their living situation changed from when they were born?
3. What occupations did their parents have when they were born? Did this job influence your muse in any form?
4. Did they have any childhood enemies? Any friends? Enemies that became friends?
5. What sort of religion was practiced in their home? Did religion play a role in their upbringing?
6. How many siblings did they have? What was their relationship like? Were they an only child who wished for siblings?
7. What is their fondest memory? Their worst?
8. If they could name the worst moment of their life, what would it be? Did this change them as a person or change how they perceived the world, themselves, and others?
9. If they were to make a timeline with their life events, which ones would they list? Which would they leave out? 10. What was the hardest lesson they had to learn as they got older?
11. What occupation did your character want to have growing up? Is this the same as what they wish to be, or are in, now?
12. Did they face any kind of bullying or abuse growing up?
13. Are there any moments of their past they keep secret?
14. Did they live near extended family in the past? How did this shape their environment? Are any of their relatives near their age? What are their feelings towards extended family in general?
15. Would they rather go back and relive their childhood? Why or why not?
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll give a screenshot for it!  (Note: some folks may not be able to take screenies of their muses to suit the prompt, so editing is allowed and encouraged for those who are so inclined.)
[I’m not a meme blog, and these memes I make are just as much for me as they are for you!] 
Send 🛡️ to see my muse in their current tank glamour(s)
Send 🔨 to see them in their current DoH glamour(s)
Send ⛏️ to see them in their current DoL glamour(s)
Send ⚔️ to see my muse in their current melee DPS glamour(s)
Send ✨ to see them in their current caster glamour(s)
Send 👗 to see them in a fancy dress
Send 👙 to see them in their underwear
Send 💖 to see them in their favourite outfit(s)
Send 👘 to see them in an outfit traditional to their culture
Send 🎩 to see my muse in their favourite headpiece
Send 👕 to see my muse in their favourite top
Send 🧥 to see my muse in their favourite coat
Send 👖 to see my muse in their favourite bottoms
Send 👢 to see my muse in their favourite pair of shoes
Send 🔫 to see my muse with their favourite weapon(s)
Send 💄 to see them in their going-out attire
Send 👀 to see them in something suggestive
Send 💍 to see them wearing an expensive outfit
Send 🎮  to see them in a cosplay of the mun’s choice
Send 🎀  to see them in a cute outfit
Send 🛌 to see them in their PJ’s/Sleep attire
Send 👎 to see them in something they’d never wear
Send 👾 for them posing with their favourite minion/pet(s)
Send 🌦️ to see them out in their favourite kind of weather
Send 🏖️ to see them in their favourite climate(s)
Send 🏠 to see them in their home or place of origin
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
a concept: regaling ryne with stories of her dad's exploits, including: the drinking match vs moen, getting cornered by three angry women in the middle of the rising stones, running nekkid thru the dravanian forelands with a convenient nutkin
2019 bullying alphinaud is OUT, bullying thancred is IN
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
LFRP - Orieldis Vann || Crystal DC
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Age: 26
Birthday: 9th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/9)
Race: Half Ala Mhigan Highlander, half Garlean Pureblood
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Average height Ala Mhigan with tanned skin
Red eyes
High cheekbones and white hair, denoting her Garlean lineage
Athletic build
Red tattoos on her face
Scarred body
Long series of deep gashes that criss-cross down her back
Like really strong
Piera Neros - One of Ori’s closest friends, the nearest thing to a pillar in her life.
Soaring Griffin - Piera’s wife and the other half of Ori’s support structure.
Xev’tan Tatsae - An old friend and flame of Ori’s. She would give much and more for the captain, and he for her.
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TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: Smokes ‘em if she gots ‘em. Drugs: All of the drugs Alcohol: Like a fish
RP HOOKS ––– –
Void Hunters/Monster Hunters: Ori is a void hunter by trade and a monster hunter as necessary to feed her vices pay the bills. She has established a large network among other hunters both void and otherwise and is well-known in the community as being loud and obnoxious but effective.
Ala Mhigan: Ori was born into Imperial rule over Ala Mhigo. Characters of a similar background may know her - Older Mhigans who escaped before the occupation may know the name Vann from Ori’s mother.
Underworld types: Ori frequents establishments designed to feed vices - pillowhouses, fogweed dens, gambling rings, fight clubs. If your character has a thing for the shady side of life, they may know Ori by reputation.
Open to ideas! If you don’t see a hook here but would still like to RP with Ori, let me know! We’ll figure something out.
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ABOUT ME  ––– –
31/M US central time zone. Typical time-lost proto nerd, but I still think I’m approachable and open. Feel free to hit me up for anything! I’m always happy to meet new people. Main blog is
Discord: SessionZero#2491
Tumblr: Message me here or on SessionZeroArt
In-game: Approachable in game! Just send a /tell first if you’re aiming to RP.
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Send me “My turn!” for dialogue my muse would have while in a party with yours.
In honor of the recent TRUST NPC prompt going around!
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Me: try out AiPortraits, what's the worst that could happen.
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
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Heyo frems~!
I’ve been wanting to try and get back to doing some arts recently, but I am sorely out of practice. So, I need your help!
Send me screenshots of your beautiful OCs for me to practice with!
Everyone loves free art, right? Sketches will be simple B&W headshots similar to those above, though they may or may not be inked for clean lines (depending on how my hands cooperate during the sketching).
You don’t need to follow me to be picked, though followers and mutuals may take priority. Choices will be based entirely on my energy levels and inspiration, so feel free to send a few different characters!
This will be an ongoing practice for me and there is no real deadline for submitting. I can’t promise to draw everyone’s characters, but I will keep going for as long as I am able!
Thank you lovelies~! ♥
If you want to support me and my art, consider buying me a ko-fi? Hugs are good, too. I like hugs.
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
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FFXIV friends, reblog this post with a screenshot of your character.
Since it’s maintenance tomorrow, I have nothing else to do, I might doodle your character.
I’ll do as many as I feel like, chosen randomly based on whether I feel inspired by your character. Please don’t come at me if you don’t get one, it’s nothing personal! Don’t expect anything amazing. I’m putting a time limit on each drawing. I will aim to do at least 5. Yes you can post pictures of the new races from the benchmark. Happy Shadowbringing!
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Did this to my alts before heading out, queue once peeps
Fantasia and Remove Gear BEFORE Maintenance!
I dunno if this has been said, I know there was a post about buying the fantasia sooner rather than later. But if you’re becoming a cat man or a bun girl,  be sure to use your fantasia and un-equip everything BEFORE you log out for maintenance. Otherwise you’ll have to queue in twice. 
Happy fantasia-ing
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
Them as a person :
Level of attractiveness :
What annoys them most :
What they like the most :
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours :
Overall opinion :
Rating :
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Reblog if your muse is Panromantic/-sexual
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Other pride-flag bubbles for your muses: [LGTBQA+] [Ace] [Aro] [Bisexual] [Grey-Asexual] [Demi-Asexual] [Gay] [Lesbian] [Transgender] [Intersex] [Agender] [Genderfluid] [Nonbinary]
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vali-ffxiv · 6 years ago
Send me “♦” for a random headcanon. And send “♢” for a random headcanon involving our muses.
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