valfreyarbor · 4 days
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valfreyarbor · 4 days
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valfreyarbor · 4 days
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valfreyarbor · 4 days
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From Loki's Hut on Facebook
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valfreyarbor · 18 days
the gods have had mentally ill worshippers for as long as they’ve had worshippers.
the gods have had chronically ill worshippers for as long as they’ve had worshippers.
the gods have had neurodivergent worshippers for as long as they’ve had worshippers.
they won’t be offended or think less of you just because your devotion looks different to able-bodied neurotypical devotion. they understand.
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valfreyarbor · 19 days
i return to the garden of eden and God is humming and washing the world in the river with holy water laughing by while folding over Her hands like laundry. the wind blows and the trees moan in reply. i am out in the woods and the world is talking in a language i do not speak and cannot fully understand; i am eavesdropping on the Divine. there's a patch of clover beside me and i run my hand over it and they bend. i am bigger than i know but i look up at the 40 ft trees and i am smaller than i realize. i don't think i know the language of the universe until i whistle and a bird replies. creation sings, it sings, it sings!! and now i realize i sing along.
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valfreyarbor · 19 days
here it is again, my favorite day of the year. we remember today, we are borrowing dirt. you are not above creation; you are a part of it. you are not living on Earth; you belong to Her, you are a piece of Her. you are dust breathing; you are the ashes of a thousand forest fires, the stuff built from the corpses of stars. you are made and guided by the Force that controls life and death, beginnings and ends, and the pathways in between. death is not a curse, it is a phase of being: a roadway between states of consciousness. you'll return back to where you once were. but God has decided that you should get to be of a separate consciousness; God made you alive and human. do well with that and be grateful. and remember today to whom you belong, where you come from, and where you are going.
i hope the Divine may resonate in your life today in a way that you can see. (the Divine is always there; i hope today your eyes may be open to it.)
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valfreyarbor · 19 days
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Felsensteig (eng. ‘rocky path’), Franconian Switzerland
ig: eva.wildflower
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valfreyarbor · 19 days
I’ve always thought myself lucky to be able to experience Thórr’s presence in my life. He has a very particular presence, even as a deity. Some of you may know I don’t have any kind of clairsense, or way to clearly communicate with the divine, but I feel like Thórr has always gone out of His way to make His presence known to me. It always surprises and delights me beyond words to get these signs that are just so clear that I can’t very well ignore them. They come to me even—especially, when I’m not looking for them at all. This is just another testament to Thórr’s kindness. He is attentive and great, hail.
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valfreyarbor · 20 days
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Freddie as a guardian angel!
He’s playing his music from a magical recorder that reaches whoever needs it ❤️
For mrbadguymercury
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valfreyarbor · 20 days
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Death and the Maiden by George Clark Stanton (1832-1894)
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valfreyarbor · 22 days
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valfreyarbor · 22 days
i actually really enjoy when people leave random objects in art galleries and people start treating them as if they're art. I think it puts people into a headspace where they start looking at normal objects differently and its an opportunity for them to realize that they can do this too outside of a gallery setting. You're not dumb or tricked for seeing something on the floor of a gallery and trying to figure it out or appreciating it as an art object. The world is full of beautiful and interesting objects even some random garbage on the street is worthy of that same level of examination. Theres art everywhere if you're primed to see it.
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valfreyarbor · 25 days
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Aphrodite and the golden apple.
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valfreyarbor · 25 days
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Artemis, goddess of the hunt.
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valfreyarbor · 25 days
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Hestia, goddess of the hearth
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valfreyarbor · 29 days
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