41 posts
when i’m not making videos, i like to write stories. this is a side blog for rcse-tvler ☀️.member of exowritersnet.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
soundproof. pt 2
part 1
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
Your head has been killing you all day.
After the scary events of the previous night, you hadn’t been able to find sleep. Everytime you were closing your eyes, you could physically feel the threatening figure following you to the convenience store, his lanky build hiding in the shadows of your room. You had welcomed the daylight filtering through your curtains with open arms, and had immediately gotten up, getting busy around your house, even taking time to prepare a killer breakfast for your mom. You had ignored her frown and her suspicious gaze while you were taking your banana bread out of the oven, perfectly knowing how she had probably noticed your feverish behavior, and that she was certainly going to question you later on. You didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was when it came to you and your ability to hear people’s thoughts, and that’s the reason why you had completely ignored her nagging when you suggested to accompany her shopping. You usually avoided stores and shopping centers like the plague, because the continuous waves of people thoughts could easily overwhelm you, but today, your fear of staying alone after what had happened the previous night was bigger.
You’re currently deeply regretting your decision. You had spent roughly an hour shopping with your mom, but the constant noise in your head had given birth to an unbearable migraine torturing your temples.
Even with the blinds lowered, burying yourself in the dim light of your silent room, laying down on your bed, the constant buzz at the back of your head doesn’t want to stop this time. It’s worse than usual, making your room pitch around you everytime you dare to open your eyes. The pain killers your mom had brought you earlier had been useless and were left lying on your bedside table with your phone turned off.
You raise with difficulty your heavy eyelids when you hear three very soft knocks on your door.
« Come in… » you groan, sitting up straight against your headboard.
You stop breathing when your door opens and that you realise it’s not your mom standing in doorway. Clear brown hair covering his forehead, not wearing his glasses this time, almost drowning in a baby blue stripped shirt way too big for him, and the same deafening silence of his thoughts, Baekhyun is softly smiling at you.
« Hey stranger. »
« Baekhyun? » you dumbly answer, rubbing your sore eyes.
« Your mom let me in. She told me you weren’t feeling too well. »
« Yeah I… what? Wait a minute… » you suddenly stutter, worried that he might have talked about the previous night events.
« Don’t worry, I haven’t mentioned anything about… last night. » Baekhyun sighs, taking a seat on your bed when you pat the empty space at your feet to invite him to sit down. Strangely, you already feel the comforting warmth spreading through your body, similar to the moment when his fingers were entwined with yours the previous night. « She recognized me because she saw me a few times at the convenience store. I just told her that you and I were friends. »
« And she bought that? »
« Hey! We’re totally friends! » wails Baekhyun, a hand on his chest, feigning to be hurt by your words. « She looked extremely happy about it. She even invited me to stay for dinner. » He lets out in between giggles, giving birth to a grin on your face.
« Yeah… that totally sounds like her. » You hug your knees closer to your body, a blush blooming under your cheeks.
« I guess that you don’t really bring friends over that much.»
« Actually, I don’t… really do friends. » you shrug after a few seconds of silence, averting your gaze away from Baekhyun’s kind eyes, your cheek resting on your joined knees.
« So… you still don’t know how to control it right? »
« What do you mean? »
« Hearing other people’s thoughts. You still haven’t found a way to block them out.»
You suddenly feel like your heart is free falling through your ribcage. Your brain doesn’t believe what your ears have just heard, but your body reacts anyway. Unconsciously, you let go of your legs, and sit up on your knees, getting closer to Baekhyun, your eyes wide.
« Wh-What? How do you… Wait no, that’s not… how did you figure it out?»
Baekhyun shrugs, and smiles mysteriously at you.
« You can’t hear my thoughts, right? » he asks, and you furiously nod, encouraging him to continue. « Well… let’s say that I am aware of certain things. »
« Baekhyun you better be more precise than that or I’m going to scream. »
« Alright, alright, calm down… » he whines, frowning at you. « I have… abilities. »
« You can hear what people think too?! » you let out, pressing your shaky hands on your aching temples.
« Not really. It’s… different. I just had to learn how to protect myself. Mostly my mind. » explains calmly Baekhyun, his warm eyes not leaving yours. « Usually, when when I meet people, I don’t have to conceal my thoughts more than I usually do. Yesterday night, with you, when you realised you couldn’t hear me, I think your mind unconsciously tried to force its way in. »
« Excuse me?! »
« God, I don’t mean that in a bad way! » Baekhyun pleads, covering his face with his hands when he notices your revolted expression. « What I mean is that, people around you, they do not protect their thoughts, so you just have to listen. With me, it’s different, you have to work for it. That’s what I felt with you. I can still feel you right now.»
« Well I’m not trying to… »
« Hey, I know. You just don’t control your… Talent yet. That’s probably the reason why you’re suffering right now. Listening to a group of people, all at them same time is exhausting for your mind.» He concludes, softly flicking your forehead.
« So… what can you do exactly if you can’t listen to people’s thoughts? » you question, folding your legs under your body, focused on Baekhyun’s face.
« I’ll show you. »
Your eyes widen with anticipation. His eyelids closed, silence engulfing your sense, you can only hear the frenetic beatings of your heart inside of your ribcage.
Soft beads of golden light slowly make their way out of Baekhyun’s joined hands, and flow around the space in the darkness of your room. You repeatedly blink to make sure your mind isn’t playing any trick on you, before meeting Baekhyun’s clear brown gaze. His smile is kind and gives birth to little crinkles by the corner of his eyes.
« I think I need to lay down for a bit. » you hear yourself mumble.
« Come here. » says Baekhyun, patting a pillow on his lap to invite you to lay on it.
His soft hands find your aching temples, and surprisingly the usual warmth from his fingers manage to subside your migraine. The constant noise at the back of your head is faint, almost reduced to silence.
« How do you do that? » you breathe.
« Training. » you can almost hear his smile in his voice. « A friend of mine could do a hundred times better though. He could make this migraine disappear in less than a minute.»
« You mean that… There are other people like me? Like us?»
You’re almost angry at yourself when you hear the hope lacing your own words. You close your eyes, your cheeks ablaze, not wanting to decipher the pity in Baekhyun’s gaze.
« Hey. » you hear him say, his warm hands still softly caressing your temples. « You’re not alone in this anymore. »
The tears prickling behind your eyelids finally overflow, leaving burning trails on your cheeks. Your eyes open slowly when you feel his lips shyly touch your forehead. One of his hand glides from your temple to the apple of your cheek, his thumb tracing imaginary circles on your skin.
« You’re not alone anymore. » he repeats in a sigh.
The little lights floating around you shine brighter now. Almost like a promise.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
soundproof. pt 2
part 1
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
Your head has been killing you all day.
After the scary events of the previous night, you hadn’t been able to find sleep. Everytime you were closing your eyes, you could physically feel the threatening figure following you to the convenience store, his lanky build hiding in the shadows of your room. You had welcomed the daylight filtering through your curtains with open arms, and had immediately gotten up, getting busy around your house, even taking time to prepare a killer breakfast for your mom. You had ignored her frown and her suspicious gaze while you were taking your banana bread out of the oven, perfectly knowing how she had probably noticed your feverish behavior, and that she was certainly going to question you later on. You didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was when it came to you and your ability to hear people’s thoughts, and that’s the reason why you had completely ignored her nagging when you suggested to accompany her shopping. You usually avoided stores and shopping centers like the plague, because the continuous waves of people thoughts could easily overwhelm you, but today, your fear of staying alone after what had happened the previous night was bigger.
You’re currently deeply regretting your decision. You had spent roughly an hour shopping with your mom, but the constant noise in your head had given birth to an unbearable migraine torturing your temples.
Even with the blinds lowered, burying yourself in the dim light of your silent room, laying down on your bed, the constant buzz at the back of your head doesn’t want to stop this time. It’s worse than usual, making your room pitch around you everytime you dare to open your eyes. The pain killers your mom had brought you earlier had been useless and were left lying on your bedside table with your phone turned off.
You raise with difficulty your heavy eyelids when you hear three very soft knocks on your door.
« Come in… » you groan, sitting up straight against your headboard.
You stop breathing when your door opens and that you realise it’s not your mom standing in doorway. Clear brown hair covering his forehead, not wearing his glasses this time, almost drowning in a baby blue stripped shirt way too big for him, and the same deafening silence of his thoughts, Baekhyun is softly smiling at you.
« Hey stranger. »
« Baekhyun? » you dumbly answer, rubbing your sore eyes.
« Your mom let me in. She told me you weren’t feeling too well. »
« Yeah I… what? Wait a minute… » you suddenly stutter, worried that he might have talked about the previous night events.
« Don’t worry, I haven’t mentioned anything about… last night. » Baekhyun sighs, taking a seat on your bed when you pat the empty space at your feet to invite him to sit down. Strangely, you already feel the comforting warmth spreading through your body, similar to the moment when his fingers were entwined with yours the previous night. « She recognized me because she saw me a few times at the convenience store. I just told her that you and I were friends. »
« And she bought that? »
« Hey! We’re totally friends! » wails Baekhyun, a hand on his chest, feigning to be hurt by your words. « She looked extremely happy about it. She even invited me to stay for dinner. » He lets out in between giggles, giving birth to a grin on your face.
« Yeah… that totally sounds like her. » You hug your knees closer to your body, a blush blooming under your cheeks.
« I guess that you don’t really bring friends over that much.»
« Actually, I don’t… really do friends. » you shrug after a few seconds of silence, averting your gaze away from Baekhyun’s kind eyes, your cheek resting on your joined knees.
« So… you still don’t know how to control it right? »
« What do you mean? »
« Hearing other people’s thoughts. You still haven’t found a way to block them out.»
You suddenly feel like your heart is free falling through your ribcage. Your brain doesn’t believe what your ears have just heard, but your body reacts anyway. Unconsciously, you let go of your legs, and sit up on your knees, getting closer to Baekhyun, your eyes wide.
« Wh-What? How do you… Wait no, that’s not… how did you figure it out?»
Baekhyun shrugs, and smiles mysteriously at you.
« You can’t hear my thoughts, right? » he asks, and you furiously nod, encouraging him to continue. « Well… let’s say that I am aware of certain things. »
« Baekhyun you better be more precise than that or I’m going to scream. »
« Alright, alright, calm down… » he whines, frowning at you. « I have… abilities. »
« You can hear what people think too?! » you let out, pressing your shaky hands on your aching temples.
« Not really. It’s… different. I just had to learn how to protect myself. Mostly my mind. » explains calmly Baekhyun, his warm eyes not leaving yours. « Usually, when when I meet people, I don’t have to conceal my thoughts more than I usually do. Yesterday night, with you, when you realised you couldn’t hear me, I think your mind unconsciously tried to force its way in. »
« Excuse me?! »
« God, I don’t mean that in a bad way! » Baekhyun pleads, covering his face with his hands when he notices your revolted expression. « What I mean is that, people around you, they do not protect their thoughts, so you just have to listen. With me, it’s different, you have to work for it. That’s what I felt with you. I can still feel you right now.»
« Well I’m not trying to… »
« Hey, I know. You just don’t control your… Talent yet. That’s probably the reason why you’re suffering right now. Listening to a group of people, all at them same time is exhausting for your mind.» He concludes, softly flicking your forehead.
« So… what can you do exactly if you can’t listen to people’s thoughts? » you question, folding your legs under your body, focused on Baekhyun’s face.
« I’ll show you. »
Your eyes widen with anticipation. His eyelids closed, silence engulfing your sense, you can only hear the frenetic beatings of your heart inside of your ribcage.
Soft beads of golden light slowly make their way out of Baekhyun’s joined hands, and flow around the space in the darkness of your room. You repeatedly blink to make sure your mind isn’t playing any trick on you, before meeting Baekhyun’s clear brown gaze. His smile is kind and gives birth to little crinkles by the corner of his eyes.
« I think I need to lay down for a bit. » you hear yourself mumble.
« Come here. » says Baekhyun, patting a pillow on his lap to invite you to lay on it.
His soft hands find your aching temples, and surprisingly the usual warmth from his fingers manage to subside your migraine. The constant noise at the back of your head is faint, almost reduced to silence.
« How do you do that? » you breathe.
« Training. » you can almost hear his smile in his voice. « A friend of mine could do a hundred times better though. He could make this migraine disappear in less than a minute.»
« You mean that… There are other people like me? Like us?»
You’re almost angry at yourself when you hear the hope lacing your own words. You close your eyes, your cheeks ablaze, not wanting to decipher the pity in Baekhyun’s gaze.
« Hey. » you hear him say, his warm hands still softly caressing your temples. « You’re not alone in this anymore. »
The tears prickling behind your eyelids finally overflow, leaving burning trails on your cheeks. Your eyes open slowly when you feel his lips shyly touch your forehead. One of his hand glides from your temple to the apple of your cheek, his thumb tracing imaginary circles on your skin.
« You’re not alone anymore. » he repeats in a sigh.
The little lights floating around you shine brighter now. Almost like a promise.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
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MLB X EXO #SUHO ✧ MLB New Collection
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
requests? 🙈💓
#100 Dialogue Prompts- Angst Edition
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend.”
“If only you knew what you’d brought upon yourself.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
“How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
“I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
“Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
“Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
“Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
“You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
“Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
“If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
“It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
“I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
“Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
“You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
“I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
“We should probably stop talking forever.”
“If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
“To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
“You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
“This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
“I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
“I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
“Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
“I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Just get out. I- I don’t want you hear, just leave.”
“You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
“Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
“This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
“Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
“Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
“Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
“You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
“My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
“You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
“Evil doesn’t come close.”
“Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
“I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
“Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
“You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
“No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
“This is always how it ends.”
“Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
“Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
“This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
“You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
“I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
“Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
“She drowned and he lost his mind.”
“We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
“You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
“Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
“You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
“Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
“Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
“I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
“Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
“Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
“Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
“After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
“What made you think I cared for you?”
“It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
“Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
“Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
“Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.”
// GuYs, i haVE ofFiciaLly hAd toO muCh coFfeE. I never thought this day would come (or night/morning. It’s 2 am lmao), but here we are. I want to sleep, how are you my darlings? xox //
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
soundproof. pt 2
part 1
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
Your head has been killing you all day.
After the scary events of the previous night, you hadn’t been able to find sleep. Everytime you were closing your eyes, you could physically feel the threatening figure following you to the convenience store, his lanky build hiding in the shadows of your room. You had welcomed the daylight filtering through your curtains with open arms, and had immediately gotten up, getting busy around your house, even taking time to prepare a killer breakfast for your mom. You had ignored her frown and her suspicious gaze while you were taking your banana bread out of the oven, perfectly knowing how she had probably noticed your feverish behavior, and that she was certainly going to question you later on. You didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was when it came to you and your ability to hear people’s thoughts, and that’s the reason why you had completely ignored her nagging when you suggested to accompany her shopping. You usually avoided stores and shopping centers like the plague, because the continuous waves of people thoughts could easily overwhelm you, but today, your fear of staying alone after what had happened the previous night was bigger.
You’re currently deeply regretting your decision. You had spent roughly an hour shopping with your mom, but the constant noise in your head had given birth to an unbearable migraine torturing your temples.
Even with the blinds lowered, burying yourself in the dim light of your silent room, laying down on your bed, the constant buzz at the back of your head doesn’t want to stop this time. It’s worse than usual, making your room pitch around you everytime you dare to open your eyes. The pain killers your mom had brought you earlier had been useless and were left lying on your bedside table with your phone turned off.
You raise with difficulty your heavy eyelids when you hear three very soft knocks on your door.
« Come in… » you groan, sitting up straight against your headboard.
You stop breathing when your door opens and that you realise it’s not your mom standing in doorway. Clear brown hair covering his forehead, not wearing his glasses this time, almost drowning in a baby blue stripped shirt way too big for him, and the same deafening silence of his thoughts, Baekhyun is softly smiling at you.
« Hey stranger. »
« Baekhyun? » you dumbly answer, rubbing your sore eyes.
« Your mom let me in. She told me you weren’t feeling too well. »
« Yeah I… what? Wait a minute… » you suddenly stutter, worried that he might have talked about the previous night events.
« Don’t worry, I haven’t mentioned anything about… last night. » Baekhyun sighs, taking a seat on your bed when you pat the empty space at your feet to invite him to sit down. Strangely, you already feel the comforting warmth spreading through your body, similar to the moment when his fingers were entwined with yours the previous night. « She recognized me because she saw me a few times at the convenience store. I just told her that you and I were friends. »
« And she bought that? »
« Hey! We’re totally friends! » wails Baekhyun, a hand on his chest, feigning to be hurt by your words. « She looked extremely happy about it. She even invited me to stay for dinner. » He lets out in between giggles, giving birth to a grin on your face.
« Yeah… that totally sounds like her. » You hug your knees closer to your body, a blush blooming under your cheeks.
« I guess that you don’t really bring friends over that much.»
« Actually, I don’t… really do friends. » you shrug after a few seconds of silence, averting your gaze away from Baekhyun’s kind eyes, your cheek resting on your joined knees.
« So… you still don’t know how to control it right? »
« What do you mean? »
« Hearing other people’s thoughts. You still haven’t found a way to block them out.»
You suddenly feel like your heart is free falling through your ribcage. Your brain doesn’t believe what your ears have just heard, but your body reacts anyway. Unconsciously, you let go of your legs, and sit up on your knees, getting closer to Baekhyun, your eyes wide.
« Wh-What? How do you… Wait no, that’s not… how did you figure it out?»
Baekhyun shrugs, and smiles mysteriously at you.
« You can’t hear my thoughts, right? » he asks, and you furiously nod, encouraging him to continue. « Well… let’s say that I am aware of certain things. »
« Baekhyun you better be more precise than that or I’m going to scream. »
« Alright, alright, calm down… » he whines, frowning at you. « I have… abilities. »
« You can hear what people think too?! » you let out, pressing your shaky hands on your aching temples.
« Not really. It’s… different. I just had to learn how to protect myself. Mostly my mind. » explains calmly Baekhyun, his warm eyes not leaving yours. « Usually, when when I meet people, I don’t have to conceal my thoughts more than I usually do. Yesterday night, with you, when you realised you couldn’t hear me, I think your mind unconsciously tried to force its way in. »
« Excuse me?! »
« God, I don’t mean that in a bad way! » Baekhyun pleads, covering his face with his hands when he notices your revolted expression. « What I mean is that, people around you, they do not protect their thoughts, so you just have to listen. With me, it’s different, you have to work for it. That’s what I felt with you. I can still feel you right now.»
« Well I’m not trying to… »
« Hey, I know. You just don’t control your… Talent yet. That’s probably the reason why you’re suffering right now. Listening to a group of people, all at them same time is exhausting for your mind.» He concludes, softly flicking your forehead.
« So… what can you do exactly if you can’t listen to people’s thoughts? » you question, folding your legs under your body, focused on Baekhyun’s face.
« I’ll show you. »
Your eyes widen with anticipation. His eyelids closed, silence engulfing your sense, you can only hear the frenetic beatings of your heart inside of your ribcage.
Soft beads of golden light slowly make their way out of Baekhyun’s joined hands, and flow around the space in the darkness of your room. You repeatedly blink to make sure your mind isn’t playing any trick on you, before meeting Baekhyun’s clear brown gaze. His smile is kind and gives birth to little crinkles by the corner of his eyes.
« I think I need to lay down for a bit. » you hear yourself mumble.
« Come here. » says Baekhyun, patting a pillow on his lap to invite you to lay on it.
His soft hands find your aching temples, and surprisingly the usual warmth from his fingers manage to subside your migraine. The constant noise at the back of your head is faint, almost reduced to silence.
« How do you do that? » you breathe.
« Training. » you can almost hear his smile in his voice. « A friend of mine could do a hundred times better though. He could make this migraine disappear in less than a minute.»
« You mean that… There are other people like me? Like us?»
You’re almost angry at yourself when you hear the hope lacing your own words. You close your eyes, your cheeks ablaze, not wanting to decipher the pity in Baekhyun’s gaze.
« Hey. » you hear him say, his warm hands still softly caressing your temples. « You’re not alone in this anymore. »
The tears prickling behind your eyelids finally overflow, leaving burning trails on your cheeks. Your eyes open slowly when you feel his lips shyly touch your forehead. One of his hand glides from your temple to the apple of your cheek, his thumb tracing imaginary circles on your skin.
« You’re not alone anymore. » he repeats in a sigh.
The little lights floating around you shine brighter now. Almost like a promise.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
soundproof. pt 2
part 1
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
Your head has been killing you all day.
After the scary events of the previous night, you hadn’t been able to find sleep. Everytime you were closing your eyes, you could physically feel the threatening figure following you to the convenience store, his lanky build hiding in the shadows of your room. You had welcomed the daylight filtering through your curtains with open arms, and had immediately gotten up, getting busy around your house, even taking time to prepare a killer breakfast for your mom. You had ignored her frown and her suspicious gaze while you were taking your banana bread out of the oven, perfectly knowing how she had probably noticed your feverish behavior, and that she was certainly going to question you later on. You didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was when it came to you and your ability to hear people’s thoughts, and that’s the reason why you had completely ignored her nagging when you suggested to accompany her shopping. You usually avoided stores and shopping centers like the plague, because the continuous waves of people thoughts could easily overwhelm you, but today, your fear of staying alone after what had happened the previous night was bigger.
You’re currently deeply regretting your decision. You had spent roughly an hour shopping with your mom, but the constant noise in your head had given birth to an unbearable migraine torturing your temples.
Even with the blinds lowered, burying yourself in the dim light of your silent room, laying down on your bed, the constant buzz at the back of your head doesn’t want to stop this time. It’s worse than usual, making your room pitch around you everytime you dare to open your eyes. The pain killers your mom had brought you earlier had been useless and were left lying on your bedside table with your phone turned off.
You raise with difficulty your heavy eyelids when you hear three very soft knocks on your door.
« Come in… » you groan, sitting up straight against your headboard.
You stop breathing when your door opens and that you realise it’s not your mom standing in doorway. Clear brown hair covering his forehead, not wearing his glasses this time, almost drowning in a baby blue stripped shirt way too big for him, and the same deafening silence of his thoughts, Baekhyun is softly smiling at you.
« Hey stranger. »
« Baekhyun? » you dumbly answer, rubbing your sore eyes.
« Your mom let me in. She told me you weren’t feeling too well. »
« Yeah I… what? Wait a minute… » you suddenly stutter, worried that he might have talked about the previous night events.
« Don’t worry, I haven’t mentioned anything about… last night. » Baekhyun sighs, taking a seat on your bed when you pat the empty space at your feet to invite him to sit down. Strangely, you already feel the comforting warmth spreading through your body, similar to the moment when his fingers were entwined with yours the previous night. « She recognized me because she saw me a few times at the convenience store. I just told her that you and I were friends. »
« And she bought that? »
« Hey! We’re totally friends! » wails Baekhyun, a hand on his chest, feigning to be hurt by your words. « She looked extremely happy about it. She even invited me to stay for dinner. » He lets out in between giggles, giving birth to a grin on your face.
« Yeah… that totally sounds like her. » You hug your knees closer to your body, a blush blooming under your cheeks.
« I guess that you don’t really bring friends over that much.»
« Actually, I don’t… really do friends. » you shrug after a few seconds of silence, averting your gaze away from Baekhyun’s kind eyes, your cheek resting on your joined knees.
« So… you still don’t know how to control it right? »
« What do you mean? »
« Hearing other people’s thoughts. You still haven’t found a way to block them out.»
You suddenly feel like your heart is free falling through your ribcage. Your brain doesn’t believe what your ears have just heard, but your body reacts anyway. Unconsciously, you let go of your legs, and sit up on your knees, getting closer to Baekhyun, your eyes wide.
« Wh-What? How do you… Wait no, that’s not… how did you figure it out?»
Baekhyun shrugs, and smiles mysteriously at you.
« You can’t hear my thoughts, right? » he asks, and you furiously nod, encouraging him to continue. « Well… let’s say that I am aware of certain things. »
« Baekhyun you better be more precise than that or I’m going to scream. »
« Alright, alright, calm down… » he whines, frowning at you. « I have… abilities. »
« You can hear what people think too?! » you let out, pressing your shaky hands on your aching temples.
« Not really. It’s… different. I just had to learn how to protect myself. Mostly my mind. » explains calmly Baekhyun, his warm eyes not leaving yours. « Usually, when when I meet people, I don’t have to conceal my thoughts more than I usually do. Yesterday night, with you, when you realised you couldn’t hear me, I think your mind unconsciously tried to force its way in. »
« Excuse me?! »
« God, I don’t mean that in a bad way! » Baekhyun pleads, covering his face with his hands when he notices your revolted expression. « What I mean is that, people around you, they do not protect their thoughts, so you just have to listen. With me, it’s different, you have to work for it. That’s what I felt with you. I can still feel you right now.»
« Well I’m not trying to… »
« Hey, I know. You just don’t control your… Talent yet. That’s probably the reason why you’re suffering right now. Listening to a group of people, all at them same time is exhausting for your mind.» He concludes, softly flicking your forehead.
« So… what can you do exactly if you can’t listen to people’s thoughts? » you question, folding your legs under your body, focused on Baekhyun’s face.
« I’ll show you. »
Your eyes widen with anticipation. His eyelids closed, silence engulfing your sense, you can only hear the frenetic beatings of your heart inside of your ribcage.
Soft beads of golden light slowly make their way out of Baekhyun’s joined hands, and flow around the space in the darkness of your room. You repeatedly blink to make sure your mind isn’t playing any trick on you, before meeting Baekhyun’s clear brown gaze. His smile is kind and gives birth to little crinkles by the corner of his eyes.
« I think I need to lay down for a bit. » you hear yourself mumble.
« Come here. » says Baekhyun, patting a pillow on his lap to invite you to lay on it.
His soft hands find your aching temples, and surprisingly the usual warmth from his fingers manage to subside your migraine. The constant noise at the back of your head is faint, almost reduced to silence.
« How do you do that? » you breathe.
« Training. » you can almost hear his smile in his voice. « A friend of mine could do a hundred times better though. He could make this migraine disappear in less than a minute.»
« You mean that… There are other people like me? Like us?»
You’re almost angry at yourself when you hear the hope lacing your own words. You close your eyes, your cheeks ablaze, not wanting to decipher the pity in Baekhyun’s gaze.
« Hey. » you hear him say, his warm hands still softly caressing your temples. « You’re not alone in this anymore. »
The tears prickling behind your eyelids finally overflow, leaving burning trails on your cheeks. Your eyes open slowly when you feel his lips shyly touch your forehead. One of his hand glides from your temple to the apple of your cheek, his thumb tracing imaginary circles on your skin.
« You’re not alone anymore. » he repeats in a sigh.
The little lights floating around you shine brighter now. Almost like a promise.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
As long as you can remember, you’ve always been wrapped up in noise. A constant buzzing made of indistinct words you couldn’t understand. Unless you were alone with someone. At this point, you could hear every single thought passing through their mind right at this moment. An obvious intrusion into their intimacy, and you hated it. Then you decided to distance yourself from people. The buzzing was still there in your head, faint, but you weren’t intruding people’s minds anymore. Loneliness was a hard price to pay to be a decent human being, you used to say to joke, under your mom disapproving look. She was against your decision to cut yourself from civilization, but you were determined, and blinkered. You were working as a freelance graphic designer, so you didn’t need to meet anyone face to face and you could work from your room. You hung onto the habit to go out after 11 pm, when the streets were empty, to take walks around your neighborhood, and occasionally stop at the closest convenience store to drink a strawberry flavored milk, before heading back home to sleep. It was your favorite thing to do, because you could finally be out in the open without that constant buzz crowding the back of your head.
That night, you had not planned to stop for a drink. You are walking in the middle of the empty streets, under the dull lights of the lampposts, thinking hard about the best photoshop templates to use for your next job, when you hear them. Disturbing thoughts, about you, the color of your hair under the moonlight, about your body, its shapes, and the way your grey coat conceals them. Thoughts about the feeling of your skin under rough fingers. That’s when you finally distinguish the faint noise of footsteps behind you. Someone was following you. You feel your heart pick up its pace, and your hands starting to shake, so much that it seems impossible for you to reach for your phone snuggled in a pocket inside of your coat, right against your left hip. You try to calm yourself down, controlling your breathing pattern. You couldn’t get back to your house, you were absolutely terrified of the idea of that person following you there. That’s when you notice the blinding lights of your usual convenience store, right ahead of you. You could probably find someone to help you there, and right at this moment, you couldn’t care less about hearing their thoughts. Unconsciously, your legs pick up their pace, and you find yourself inside the little shop, hidden behind shelves full of ramyeon cups, your arms tightly bound around your chest, as if they were trying to keep your heart from jumping out of it. A part from you, the shop is totally empty, and the thought of your stalker following you inside makes tears prickle behind your eyelids.
« Is everything alright miss? »
You slowly turn around to face a young man, probably around your age. His light brown hair are long, and a heavy fringe is sitting on his forehead, almost covering his hazel eyes already hidden behind golden specs. He’s wearing a light blue jacket with a yellow name tag reading « Baekhyun ».
And then, despite of your shaking hands and the fear seeping through your blood, something strikes you.
You can’t hear him. Nothing. Not even a whisper, or a lost thought. The constant buzz in the back of your head when you’re in a sea of people has gone. It’s just you and the deafening silence of your own jumbled thought. And him, looking at you with his eyes full of questions.
« I-I… Just… There was a man outside and… and I think he’s following me? And I- he’s going to- I mean I think he’s… »
The words coming out of your mouth don’t make any sense, but how do you tell a perfect stranger that you knew someone was about to assault you because you’ve heard their thoughts?
You’re startled when Baekhyun’s warm hands find a place on your shoulders, in a comforting gesture. An unusual warmth radiates from his fingers and somehow help your lungs to let the oxygen in.
« Calm down, sweetheart. You’re safe here. So, you’re telling me that someone’s been following you around and you’re worried he might attempt something tonight? »
« Yes » you finally breathe out, somehow relieved that he’d find the right words to describe the situation.
Baekhyun turns around and goes out of the section where you’ve been standing to take a look through the shop bay window. He comes back to you a few seconds later, with a frown deforming his beautiful face.
« There’s a weird lad waiting on the pavement, just in front of the shop. I‘m going to call the police right away, they will know how … »
« No, no, no, please, don’t do that. » you cut him off, your voice shaking with distress. « They won’t be able to do anything. As long as this guy doesn’t actually assault me, they can’t do anything. At best, He’ll be out of the station tomorrow morning, and he’s… he might just come back and… » your eyes are slowly filling up with tears, and it feels like the walls of the shop are closing in, countering you to breathe correctly.
« Hey hey hey please, stay with me. ». His warm hands are back on your shoulders, and his lovely face in your field of vision. He bites his bottom lip, his worried gaze boring into yours, lost in his own thoughts. « I might have an idea. » he finally says after a minute of silence, looking behind him. « Do you trust me? ».
Strangely, you do. Even if you’ve just met him. Even if you can’t hear a single thought passing through his mind. You can’t help but trust him with every fiber of your being, because he makes you feel safe. You shyly nod, and let his hands fall from your shoulders. One of them catches yours, his fingers filling up the spaces in between yours. His warm eyes smile before his mouth does, and his hand softly squeezes yours, just to reassure you.
« Follow me. »
Baekhyun pulls you out of the section you’ve been hiding in, before leading you to the front of the shop where stools and tables were disposed just in front of the bay window. He slowly sits you down and gets back next to you, his hand still encasing yours. Your eyes scrutinize the darkness through the window, when they finally spot him. You can trace his threatening silhouette, a face mask concealing his features, his eyes trained inside of the store.
« Hey, look at me. »
The fear in your gaze is obvious when you finally turn your head to look at Baekhyun. Surprisingly, he’s smiling at you, little crinkles forming at the corner of his bright eyes. His round cheeks seem even more prominent now, and you can almost feel a fire blooming under your own cheeks when you realise how handsome he actually is. The warmth of his fingers still between yours manage to soothe your racing heart and the shaking of your legs.
« If we manage to make him believe you’re with me, he might just drop it. » Baekhyun finally explains, propping himself up on this elbow, his face getting closer to yours.
« Makes sense. » you sigh, mimicking Baekhyun’s position, rubbing the wrinkles on your forehead. « What if he stays there? »
« Well I’m going to be the one assaulting him. »
You can’t help but burst out laughing out of nowhere. Once your giggles start, it’s impossible for you to stop them, and soon enough, Baekhyun’s clear laughter joins yours. It’s the only thing you can hear. No more intime thoughts, no more annoying buzz countering your to think. Just Baekhyun’s lovely laugh making you forget just how broken your mind is.
« Thank you. » you breathe, squeezing Baekhyun’s hand still in yours. « Other people wouldn’t have bothered doing what you’ve done and would’ve just called the police.»
« It’s alright. » He blushes, looking down at your hands entwined. There’s a silence again, and it feels nothing but comfortable. And for the first time in your life, you would’ve given everything just to know what was going through Baekhyun’s head.
« I think he has left. »
He’s right. When you take a look through the window, the street in front of the store is completely empty, and the threatening figure has disappeared. You let out a relieved sigh, a hand on your racing heart. Finally you were going to be able to head back home. You stiffen when you realise you’re going to have to walk back home alone, in the dark, and that he still might be waiting for you to come out.
« Listen… if you’re still feeling unsafe, my shift ends in an hour. I can walk you back to your house. » Baekhyun hesitates, looking a bit embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck, probably coming to terms with the same thought. Your perplexed orbs meet his. « I can offer you a drink if you like? » he adds, a smile finally lighting up his face.
You glance at your hands still tangled, and smile softly when you feel the unusual warmth spreading through your fingers.
« Do you have strawberry flavored milk? »
part 2
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
soundproof. pt 2
part 1
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
Your head has been killing you all day.
After the scary events of the previous night, you hadn’t been able to find sleep. Everytime you were closing your eyes, you could physically feel the threatening figure following you to the convenience store, his lanky build hiding in the shadows of your room. You had welcomed the daylight filtering through your curtains with open arms, and had immediately gotten up, getting busy around your house, even taking time to prepare a killer breakfast for your mom. You had ignored her frown and her suspicious gaze while you were taking your banana bread out of the oven, perfectly knowing how she had probably noticed your feverish behavior, and that she was certainly going to question you later on. You didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was when it came to you and your ability to hear people’s thoughts, and that’s the reason why you had completely ignored her nagging when you suggested to accompany her shopping. You usually avoided stores and shopping centers like the plague, because the continuous waves of people thoughts could easily overwhelm you, but today, your fear of staying alone after what had happened the previous night was bigger.
You’re currently deeply regretting your decision. You had spent roughly an hour shopping with your mom, but the constant noise in your head had given birth to an unbearable migraine torturing your temples.
Even with the blinds lowered, burying yourself in the dim light of your silent room, laying down on your bed, the constant buzz at the back of your head doesn’t want to stop this time. It’s worse than usual, making your room pitch around you everytime you dare to open your eyes. The pain killers your mom had brought you earlier had been useless and were left lying on your bedside table with your phone turned off.
You raise with difficulty your heavy eyelids when you hear three very soft knocks on your door.
« Come in... » you groan, sitting up straight against your headboard.
You stop breathing when your door opens and that you realise it’s not your mom standing in doorway. Clear brown hair covering his forehead, not wearing his glasses this time, almost drowning in a baby blue stripped shirt way too big for him, and the same deafening silence of his thoughts, Baekhyun is softly smiling at you.
« Hey stranger. »
« Baekhyun? » you dumbly answer, rubbing your sore eyes.
« Your mom let me in. She told me you weren’t feeling too well. »
« Yeah I... what? Wait a minute... » you suddenly stutter, worried that he might have talked about the previous night events.
« Don’t worry, I haven’t mentioned anything about... last night. » Baekhyun sighs, taking a seat on your bed when you pat the empty space at your feet to invite him to sit down. Strangely, you already feel the comforting warmth spreading through your body, similar to the moment when his fingers were entwined with yours the previous night. « She recognized me because she saw me a few times at the convenience store. I just told her that you and I were friends. »
« And she bought that? »
« Hey! We’re totally friends! » wails Baekhyun, a hand on his chest, feigning to be hurt by your words. « She looked extremely happy about it. She even invited me to stay for dinner. » He lets out in between giggles, giving birth to a grin on your face.
« Yeah... that totally sounds like her. » You hug your knees closer to your body, a blush blooming under your cheeks.
« I guess that you don’t really bring friends over that much.»
« Actually, I don’t... really do friends. » you shrug after a few seconds of silence, averting your gaze away from Baekhyun’s kind eyes, your cheek resting on your joined knees.
« So... you still don’t know how to control it right? »
« What do you mean? »
« Hearing other people’s thoughts. You still haven’t found a way to block them out.»
You suddenly feel like your heart is free falling through your ribcage. Your brain doesn’t believe what your ears have just heard, but your body reacts anyway. Unconsciously, you let go of your legs, and sit up on your knees, getting closer to Baekhyun, your eyes wide.
« Wh-What? How do you... Wait no, that’s not... how did you figure it out?»
Baekhyun shrugs, and smiles mysteriously at you.
« You can’t hear my thoughts, right? » he asks, and you furiously nod, encouraging him to continue. « Well... let’s say that I am aware of certain things. »
« Baekhyun you better be more precise than that or I’m going to scream. »
« Alright, alright, calm down... » he whines, frowning at you. « I have... abilities. »
« You can hear what people think too?! » you let out, pressing your shaky hands on your aching temples.
« Not really. It’s... different. I just had to learn how to protect myself. Mostly my mind. » explains calmly Baekhyun, his warm eyes not leaving yours. « Usually, when when I meet people, I don’t have to conceal my thoughts more than I usually do. Yesterday night, with you, when you realised you couldn’t hear me, I think your mind unconsciously tried to force its way in. »
« Excuse me?! »
« God, I don’t mean that in a bad way! » Baekhyun pleads, covering his face with his hands when he notices your revolted expression. « What I mean is that, people around you, they do not protect their thoughts, so you just have to listen. With me, it’s different, you have to work for it. That’s what I felt with you. I can still feel you right now.»
« Well I’m not trying to... »
« Hey, I know. You just don’t control your... Talent yet. That’s probably the reason why you’re suffering right now. Listening to a group of people, all at them same time is exhausting for your mind.» He concludes, softly flicking your forehead.
« So... what can you do exactly if you can’t listen to people’s thoughts? » you question, folding your legs under your body, focused on Baekhyun’s face.
« I’ll show you. »
Your eyes widen with anticipation. His eyelids closed, silence engulfing your sense, you can only hear the frenetic beatings of your heart inside of your ribcage.
Soft beads of golden light slowly make their way out of Baekhyun’s joined hands, and flow around the space in the darkness of your room. You repeatedly blink to make sure your mind isn’t playing any trick on you, before meeting Baekhyun’s clear brown gaze. His smile is kind and gives birth to little crinkles by the corner of his eyes.
« I think I need to lay down for a bit. » you hear yourself mumble.
« Come here. » says Baekhyun, patting a pillow on his lap to invite you to lay on it.
His soft hands find your aching temples, and surprisingly the usual warmth from his fingers manage to subside your migraine. The constant noise at the back of your head is faint, almost reduced to silence.
« How do you do that? » you breathe.
« Training. » you can almost hear his smile in his voice. « A friend of mine could do a hundred times better though. He could make this migraine disappear in less than a minute.»
« You mean that... There are other people like me? Like us?»
You’re almost angry at yourself when you hear the hope lacing your own words. You close your eyes, your cheeks ablaze, not wanting to decipher the pity in Baekhyun’s gaze.
« Hey. » you hear him say, his warm hands still softly caressing your temples. « You’re not alone in this anymore. »
The tears prickling behind your eyelids finally overflow, leaving burning trails on your cheeks. Your eyes open slowly when you feel his lips shyly touch your forehead. One of his hand glides from your temple to the apple of your cheek, his thumb tracing imaginary circles on your skin.
« You’re not alone anymore. » he repeats in a sigh.
The little lights floating around you shine brighter now. Almost like a promise.
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
for FUCKS sake
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
➵ Yves Saint Laurent x Lay Zhang
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
➵ Gucci x Baekhyun 
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valentinohsehun · 6 years ago
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valentinohsehun · 7 years ago
this makes my heart go 💗💓💗💓💗💓💓💓💗💓💗💓💗💓💗💓💗💓💗💓💗💓💗✨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫
sober thoughts.
pairing: kyungsoo x reader;
prompt: kyungsoo’s drunk. his words are sober.
« Kyungsoo, please, for the love of god, you gotta help me here. » you plead, pulling onto the heavy arms of your very drunk best friend, sitting down on the pavement, his eyes unfocused, a permanent pout on his lips.
« Babe, you don’t understand, my legs feel like jelly, I can’t stand… can’t we just call a taxi, please… »
« I literally live two streets away from here, I did not think of taking my wallet with me you jerk.»
You were already deeply regretting answering your phone earlier this evening. Usually, your Friday nights were spent at home, on your couch with your cat, catching up on your tv shows with a cup of tea. Tonight, your best friend had called you completely desperate and drunk, slurring into his phone that he had ended up in a bar downtown and that his friends had left him behind, probably too drunk themselves to actually notice someone was missing, and that he didn’t know how to head back to his dorm, and that he’d lost his wallet on the way. You only had the time to put on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and to wrap a wool scarf around you to find yourself a few meters away from the warmth of your apartment, in front of a pub where Kyungsoo was sulking. When his glassy stare had met your worried eyes, his face had come back to life, a genuine smile stretching his lips, and crinkles carving the corners of his eyes.
You finally give up, and crouch down, your back to him. You hear him let out a surprised gasp when your hands grip the underside of his knees, encouraging him to climb onto your back. Once you feel the heaviness of his arms coiled around your shoulders, you push onto your legs to get up with difficulty, the weight of his body crushing your already aching back. He giggles softly into your ear when you wobble on your legs, trying to find your balance just before heading in the direction of your flat.
« What’s so funny? » you huff, a bit out of breath.
« I’ve never had a piggyback ride before. I didn’t know you were that strong. »
« Well what else can I do? I could’ve called Chanyeol or Jongin to help, but from what I’ve heard on the phone when I tried to reach them, I think they were in a worse state than yours. »
« You’re such a strong and independent woman. That’s one of the reasons why I love you so much. »
He softly buries his face in the back of your neck, and it feels like magic is tingling down your spine, making you shiver.
« Are you cold? » he mumbles, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You sigh deeply, shaking your head. You’ve known Kyungsoo for years, since you were kids, and he’d always been like family to you growing up. He was often teasing you and pushing you around, like an older brother would do, but during the last few months, something had changed in the air. He was still bugging you and making sure to embarrass you when you were hanging out with common friends or with your families, but when it was only the two of you, his hand would sometimes find yours in the darkness of your room while watching a movie, or under tables everytime you decided to eat out. He’d randomly kiss you on the forehead when dropping you off at work. When you’d sometimes join him for a tour date, he would hug you tight just before getting on stage. You knew that best friends could be sometimes clingy or touchy with eachother, but it had never been the case with Kyungsoo, and this new behavior was leaving you more than confused. And having him hanging onto your back breathing down your neck wasn’t helping. Especially when you feel his plump lips on the side of your throat as you are heading out of your building’s elevator, just before hearing him whisper how grateful he was for you coming to get him.
You stumble with him still on your back and quickly let go of his body on your couch, exhaling loudly. A smile finds a way on your lips when your cat jumps onto Kyungsoo’s lap, cuddling his chest.
« Long time no see Loulou… » says Kyungsoo, letting his hand pet your cat’s head, laughing quietly when it starts to purr. « I was on tour, that’s why I haven’t been around that much… I hope you took care of my best friend for me. »
You leave Kyungsoo in your living-room, his deep voice echoing on the walls while you take time to prepare a makeshift bed on the floor of your room for you to sleep in. « Kyungsoo, time to go to bed. » you call out, suppressing a yawn with a hand on your mouth. You watch your best friend slowly putting your cat on the floor, get up to his feet with his hands on the back of the couch, and stumbling in your direction, his closed fists rubbing his eyes. He lets himself into your room, and collapses on your bed, his head softly hitting your pillows. You shake your head, and cover him with your own comforter, making sure he’s warm enough before heading out to the bathroom to get yourself ready to bed. When you get back to your room, you’re surprised to see that Kyungsoo seems already fast asleep, soft snores coming out of his open mouth. Not even a minute after turning off the nightlight on your nightstand, your hear his body shuffle on your bed sheets.
« Babe? »
« What Kyungsoo? »
« Why aren’t you sleeping with me? »
« What do you mean? »
« Why aren’t you sleeping next to me, in your bed? »
You’re almost sure that he heard your heart stutter inside of your chest.
« You’re drunk you knucklehead. I’m not taking the risk of you throwing up on me in the middle of the night. »
He stays silent, for a minute, and it’s so quiet in the darkness of your room that you almost believe that he has stopped breathing. You hear him shift on your bed sheets again, and this time, his voice sounds close. He’s lying on his side, on the edge of the mattress, and his hand is looking for you in the dark. You close your eyes when his fingers find your arm, leaving a burning trail on your skin.
« Babe? »
« What, again? »
His fingers finally tangle themselves with your hand, fitting perfectly in the spaces between yours.
« I think I’m in love with you. »
Your heart is in your throat, and you can feel tears prickling just behind your eyelids. Surprisingly, your voice stays steady.
« Kyungsoo, you’re drunk, you can’t say things like these without meaning them.»
« Being drunk doesn’t change my feelings for you, dummy.» he whispers, his hand tightening around yours. «Having you in my life, throughout all those years, it was a blessing. You’re my best friend, I’m your person, and I love you with everything I have. »
« Kyungsoo… »
« I know you might not feel the same… but I’ll wait for you alright? I will wait forever. I’ll always find you, wherever you are in the world, and I’ll make sure everything’s alright for you, because that’s what you deserve, because you’ve always been looking out for me. »
You’re softly crying now, muffling your sobs into your pillows to make sure he isn’t hearing you. His hand is still holding yours, his thumb drawing invisible circles on the skin of your knuckles.
« And if you can’t find love anywhere, if by 30 you’re not married, will you marry me? I’ll marry you in a heart beat. Right now, tomorrow, next year, in twenty years, here, or on the other side of the world, it’s up to you, I’ll let you decide. We’re gonna have three kids, they’ll have your eyes, and your strength, they’ll be loving, kind-hearted and courageous, just like you. Three, five, ten kids, no kids if you want, it’s fine too, as long as it’s what your heart longs for. You just have to ask, and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you the world and I… I’ll buy you a house by the countryside, and I’ll build you a treehouse in the garden, just like the one your dad made for you when we were kids? Do you promise? That if by 30 you’re not married, you’ll marry me? »
You squeeze his hand, he squeezes yours back.
« Can I give you an answer tomorrow? » you finally say after a few seconds of deafening silence, keeping your voice steady to make sure he doesn’t notice you were crying your heart out. « If you haven’t forgotten about this conversation, I’ll give you an answer, I promise. »
« Alright then. » he sighs, sounding relieved. « Goodnight babe, I love you. »
He doesn’t let go of your hand for the rest of the night.
When the morning finally comes, you try not to think of the conversation you had with Kyungsoo. You get busy taking care of Loulou and doing the housework, trying to get as far away as you can from your best friend still asleep in your bed, and from the possibility that the words he had written in your heart were just drunken thoughts soon to be forgotten.
And as you were busy making scrambled eggs above your stove, a pair of strong arms perfectly fits around your waist. Like puzzle pieces, your back finds its place against his chest. Kyungsoo softly whispers in your ear « I did not forget. Can we get married now? »
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valentinohsehun · 7 years ago
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Spellbound | Kyungsoo
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◇ Link to Masterlist
◇ Genre: Harry Potter/Hogwarts! AU, Fluff 
◇ Summary: Do Kyungsoo is perfect. He’s cute, he’s kind, and he’s brilliant at Potions. Who could blame you, then, for falling for him?
◇ Word Count: 6.7k
◇ A/N: I hope all the Potterhead-Ls like me out there have as much fun reading this as I did writing <3
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valentinohsehun · 7 years ago
sober thoughts.
pairing: kyungsoo x reader;
prompt: kyungsoo’s drunk. his words are sober.
« Kyungsoo, please, for the love of god, you gotta help me here. » you plead, pulling onto the heavy arms of your very drunk best friend, sitting down on the pavement, his eyes unfocused, a permanent pout on his lips.
« Babe, you don’t understand, my legs feel like jelly, I can’t stand… can’t we just call a taxi, please… »
« I literally live two streets away from here, I did not think of taking my wallet with me you jerk.»
You were already deeply regretting answering your phone earlier this evening. Usually, your Friday nights were spent at home, on your couch with your cat, catching up on your tv shows with a cup of tea. Tonight, your best friend had called you completely desperate and drunk, slurring into his phone that he had ended up in a bar downtown and that his friends had left him behind, probably too drunk themselves to actually notice someone was missing, and that he didn’t know how to head back to his dorm, and that he’d lost his wallet on the way. You only had the time to put on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and to wrap a wool scarf around you to find yourself a few meters away from the warmth of your apartment, in front of a pub where Kyungsoo was sulking. When his glassy stare had met your worried eyes, his face had come back to life, a genuine smile stretching his lips, and crinkles carving the corners of his eyes.
You finally give up, and crouch down, your back to him. You hear him let out a surprised gasp when your hands grip the underside of his knees, encouraging him to climb onto your back. Once you feel the heaviness of his arms coiled around your shoulders, you push onto your legs to get up with difficulty, the weight of his body crushing your already aching back. He giggles softly into your ear when you wobble on your legs, trying to find your balance just before heading in the direction of your flat.
« What’s so funny? » you huff, a bit out of breath.
« I’ve never had a piggyback ride before. I didn’t know you were that strong. »
« Well what else can I do? I could’ve called Chanyeol or Jongin to help, but from what I’ve heard on the phone when I tried to reach them, I think they were in a worse state than yours. »
« You’re such a strong and independent woman. That’s one of the reasons why I love you so much. »
He softly buries his face in the back of your neck, and it feels like magic is tingling down your spine, making you shiver.
« Are you cold? » he mumbles, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You sigh deeply, shaking your head. You’ve known Kyungsoo for years, since you were kids, and he’d always been like family to you growing up. He was often teasing you and pushing you around, like an older brother would do, but during the last few months, something had changed in the air. He was still bugging you and making sure to embarrass you when you were hanging out with common friends or with your families, but when it was only the two of you, his hand would sometimes find yours in the darkness of your room while watching a movie, or under tables everytime you decided to eat out. He’d randomly kiss you on the forehead when dropping you off at work. When you’d sometimes join him for a tour date, he would hug you tight just before getting on stage. You knew that best friends could be sometimes clingy or touchy with eachother, but it had never been the case with Kyungsoo, and this new behavior was leaving you more than confused. And having him hanging onto your back breathing down your neck wasn’t helping. Especially when you feel his plump lips on the side of your throat as you are heading out of your building’s elevator, just before hearing him whisper how grateful he was for you coming to get him.
You stumble with him still on your back and quickly let go of his body on your couch, exhaling loudly. A smile finds a way on your lips when your cat jumps onto Kyungsoo’s lap, cuddling his chest.
« Long time no see Loulou… » says Kyungsoo, letting his hand pet your cat’s head, laughing quietly when it starts to purr. « I was on tour, that’s why I haven’t been around that much… I hope you took care of my best friend for me. »
You leave Kyungsoo in your living-room, his deep voice echoing on the walls while you take time to prepare a makeshift bed on the floor of your room for you to sleep in. « Kyungsoo, time to go to bed. » you call out, suppressing a yawn with a hand on your mouth. You watch your best friend slowly putting your cat on the floor, get up to his feet with his hands on the back of the couch, and stumbling in your direction, his closed fists rubbing his eyes. He lets himself into your room, and collapses on your bed, his head softly hitting your pillows. You shake your head, and cover him with your own comforter, making sure he’s warm enough before heading out to the bathroom to get yourself ready to bed. When you get back to your room, you’re surprised to see that Kyungsoo seems already fast asleep, soft snores coming out of his open mouth. Not even a minute after turning off the nightlight on your nightstand, your hear his body shuffle on your bed sheets.
« Babe? »
« What Kyungsoo? »
« Why aren’t you sleeping with me? »
« What do you mean? »
« Why aren’t you sleeping next to me, in your bed? »
You’re almost sure that he heard your heart stutter inside of your chest.
« You’re drunk you knucklehead. I’m not taking the risk of you throwing up on me in the middle of the night. »
He stays silent, for a minute, and it’s so quiet in the darkness of your room that you almost believe that he has stopped breathing. You hear him shift on your bed sheets again, and this time, his voice sounds close. He’s lying on his side, on the edge of the mattress, and his hand is looking for you in the dark. You close your eyes when his fingers find your arm, leaving a burning trail on your skin.
« Babe? »
« What, again? »
His fingers finally tangle themselves with your hand, fitting perfectly in the spaces between yours.
« I think I’m in love with you. »
Your heart is in your throat, and you can feel tears prickling just behind your eyelids. Surprisingly, your voice stays steady.
« Kyungsoo, you’re drunk, you can’t say things like these without meaning them.»
« Being drunk doesn’t change my feelings for you, dummy.» he whispers, his hand tightening around yours. «Having you in my life, throughout all those years, it was a blessing. You’re my best friend, I’m your person, and I love you with everything I have. »
« Kyungsoo… »
« I know you might not feel the same… but I’ll wait for you alright? I will wait forever. I’ll always find you, wherever you are in the world, and I’ll make sure everything’s alright for you, because that’s what you deserve, because you’ve always been looking out for me. »
You’re softly crying now, muffling your sobs into your pillows to make sure he isn’t hearing you. His hand is still holding yours, his thumb drawing invisible circles on the skin of your knuckles.
« And if you can’t find love anywhere, if by 30 you’re not married, will you marry me? I’ll marry you in a heart beat. Right now, tomorrow, next year, in twenty years, here, or on the other side of the world, it’s up to you, I’ll let you decide. We’re gonna have three kids, they’ll have your eyes, and your strength, they’ll be loving, kind-hearted and courageous, just like you. Three, five, ten kids, no kids if you want, it’s fine too, as long as it’s what your heart longs for. You just have to ask, and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you the world and I… I’ll buy you a house by the countryside, and I’ll build you a treehouse in the garden, just like the one your dad made for you when we were kids? Do you promise? That if by 30 you’re not married, you’ll marry me? »
You squeeze his hand, he squeezes yours back.
« Can I give you an answer tomorrow? » you finally say after a few seconds of deafening silence, keeping your voice steady to make sure he doesn’t notice you were crying your heart out. « If you haven’t forgotten about this conversation, I’ll give you an answer, I promise. »
« Alright then. » he sighs, sounding relieved. « Goodnight babe, I love you. »
He doesn’t let go of your hand for the rest of the night.
When the morning finally comes, you try not to think of the conversation you had with Kyungsoo. You get busy taking care of Loulou and doing the housework, trying to get as far away as you can from your best friend still asleep in your bed, and from the possibility that the words he had written in your heart were just drunken thoughts soon to be forgotten.
And as you were busy making scrambled eggs above your stove, a pair of strong arms perfectly fits around your waist. Like puzzle pieces, your back finds its place against his chest. Kyungsoo softly whispers in your ear « I did not forget. Can we get married now? »
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valentinohsehun · 7 years ago
pairing: baekhyun x reader;
prompt: you can hear everything, but he’s just silence.
As long as you can remember, you’ve always been wrapped up in noise. A constant buzzing made of indistinct words you couldn’t understand. Unless you were alone with someone. At this point, you could hear every single thought passing through their mind right at this moment. An obvious intrusion into their intimacy, and you hated it. Then you decided to distance yourself from people. The buzzing was still there in your head, faint, but you weren’t intruding people’s minds anymore. Loneliness was a hard price to pay to be a decent human being, you used to say to joke, under your mom disapproving look. She was against your decision to cut yourself from civilization, but you were determined, and blinkered. You were working as a freelance graphic designer, so you didn’t need to meet anyone face to face and you could work from your room. You hung onto the habit to go out after 11 pm, when the streets were empty, to take walks around your neighborhood, and occasionally stop at the closest convenience store to drink a strawberry flavored milk, before heading back home to sleep. It was your favorite thing to do, because you could finally be out in the open without that constant buzz crowding the back of your head.
That night, you had not planned to stop for a drink. You are walking in the middle of the empty streets, under the dull lights of the lampposts, thinking hard about the best photoshop templates to use for your next job, when you hear them. Disturbing thoughts, about you, the color of your hair under the moonlight, about your body, its shapes, and the way your grey coat conceals them. Thoughts about the feeling of your skin under rough fingers. That’s when you finally distinguish the faint noise of footsteps behind you. Someone was following you. You feel your heart pick up its pace, and your hands starting to shake, so much that it seems impossible for you to reach for your phone snuggled in a pocket inside of your coat, right against your left hip. You try to calm yourself down, controlling your breathing pattern. You couldn’t get back to your house, you were absolutely terrified of the idea of that person following you there. That’s when you notice the blinding lights of your usual convenience store, right ahead of you. You could probably find someone to help you there, and right at this moment, you couldn’t care less about hearing their thoughts. Unconsciously, your legs pick up their pace, and you find yourself inside the little shop, hidden behind shelves full of ramyeon cups, your arms tightly bound around your chest, as if they were trying to keep your heart from jumping out of it. A part from you, the shop is totally empty, and the thought of your stalker following you inside makes tears prickle behind your eyelids.
« Is everything alright miss? »
You slowly turn around to face a young man, probably around your age. His light brown hair are long, and a heavy fringe is sitting on his forehead, almost covering his hazel eyes already hidden behind golden specs. He’s wearing a light blue jacket with a yellow name tag reading « Baekhyun ».
And then, despite of your shaking hands and the fear seeping through your blood, something strikes you.
You can’t hear him. Nothing. Not even a whisper, or a lost thought. The constant buzz in the back of your head when you’re in a sea of people has gone. It’s just you and the deafening silence of your own jumbled thought. And him, looking at you with his eyes full of questions.
« I-I… Just… There was a man outside and… and I think he’s following me? And I- he’s going to- I mean I think he’s… »
The words coming out of your mouth don’t make any sense, but how do you tell a perfect stranger that you knew someone was about to assault you because you’ve heard their thoughts?
You’re startled when Baekhyun’s warm hands find a place on your shoulders, in a comforting gesture. An unusual warmth radiates from his fingers and somehow help your lungs to let the oxygen in.
« Calm down, sweetheart. You’re safe here. So, you’re telling me that someone’s been following you around and you’re worried he might attempt something tonight? »
« Yes » you finally breathe out, somehow relieved that he’d find the right words to describe the situation.
Baekhyun turns around and goes out of the section where you’ve been standing to take a look through the shop bay window. He comes back to you a few seconds later, with a frown deforming his beautiful face.
« There’s a weird lad waiting on the pavement, just in front of the shop. I‘m going to call the police right away, they will know how … »
« No, no, no, please, don’t do that. » you cut him off, your voice shaking with distress. « They won’t be able to do anything. As long as this guy doesn’t actually assault me, they can’t do anything. At best, He’ll be out of the station tomorrow morning, and he’s… he might just come back and… » your eyes are slowly filling up with tears, and it feels like the walls of the shop are closing in, countering you to breathe correctly.
« Hey hey hey please, stay with me. ». His warm hands are back on your shoulders, and his lovely face in your field of vision. He bites his bottom lip, his worried gaze boring into yours, lost in his own thoughts. « I might have an idea. » he finally says after a minute of silence, looking behind him. « Do you trust me? ».
Strangely, you do. Even if you’ve just met him. Even if you can’t hear a single thought passing through his mind. You can’t help but trust him with every fiber of your being, because he makes you feel safe. You shyly nod, and let his hands fall from your shoulders. One of them catches yours, his fingers filling up the spaces in between yours. His warm eyes smile before his mouth does, and his hand softly squeezes yours, just to reassure you.
« Follow me. »
Baekhyun pulls you out of the section you’ve been hiding in, before leading you to the front of the shop where stools and tables were disposed just in front of the bay window. He slowly sits you down and gets back next to you, his hand still encasing yours. Your eyes scrutinize the darkness through the window, when they finally spot him. You can trace his threatening silhouette, a face mask concealing his features, his eyes trained inside of the store.
« Hey, look at me. »
The fear in your gaze is obvious when you finally turn your head to look at Baekhyun. Surprisingly, he’s smiling at you, little crinkles forming at the corner of his bright eyes. His round cheeks seem even more prominent now, and you can almost feel a fire blooming under your own cheeks when you realise how handsome he actually is. The warmth of his fingers still between yours manage to soothe your racing heart and the shaking of your legs.
« If we manage to make him believe you’re with me, he might just drop it. » Baekhyun finally explains, propping himself up on this elbow, his face getting closer to yours.
« Makes sense. » you sigh, mimicking Baekhyun’s position, rubbing the wrinkles on your forehead. « What if he stays there? »
« Well I’m going to be the one assaulting him. »
You can’t help but burst out laughing out of nowhere. Once your giggles start, it’s impossible for you to stop them, and soon enough, Baekhyun’s clear laughter joins yours. It’s the only thing you can hear. No more intime thoughts, no more annoying buzz countering your to think. Just Baekhyun’s lovely laugh making you forget just how broken your mind is.
« Thank you. » you breathe, squeezing Baekhyun’s hand still in yours. « Other people wouldn’t have bothered doing what you’ve done and would’ve just called the police.»
« It’s alright. » He blushes, looking down at your hands entwined. There’s a silence again, and it feels nothing but comfortable. And for the first time in your life, you would’ve given everything just to know what was going through Baekhyun’s head.
« I think he has left. »
He’s right. When you take a look through the window, the street in front of the store is completely empty, and the threatening figure has disappeared. You let out a relieved sigh, a hand on your racing heart. Finally you were going to be able to head back home. You stiffen when you realise you’re going to have to walk back home alone, in the dark, and that he still might be waiting for you to come out.
« Listen… if you’re still feeling unsafe, my shift ends in an hour. I can walk you back to your house. » Baekhyun hesitates, looking a bit embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck, probably coming to terms with the same thought. Your perplexed orbs meet his. « I can offer you a drink if you like? » he adds, a smile finally lighting up his face.
You glance at your hands still tangled, and smile softly when you feel the unusual warmth spreading through your fingers.
« Do you have strawberry flavored milk? »
part 2?
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valentinohsehun · 7 years ago
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CEO Zhang 😍😍😍😍
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