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दिलवालों की सुनी दशहरा
पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार दशहरा दो अलग अलग कारणों से मनाया जाता हैं| जिसमें पहली कथा के अनुसार शारदीय नवरात्रि की शुरुआत भगवान श्री राम ने की थी क्योंकि रावण ने भगवान माता सीता का हरण कर लिया था| भगवान श्री राम ने माता सीता को बचाने और अधर्मी रावण का नाश करने के लिए कई दिनों तक रावण के साथ युद्ध किया था| रावण से इस युद्ध के दौरान भगवान श्री राम ने अश्विन मास के शारदीय नवरात्रि के दिनों में लगातार नौ दिनों तक मां दुर्गा की अराधना की थी| इसके बाद ही मां दुर्गा के आशीर्वाद से भगवान श्री राम ने शारदीय नवरात्रि के दसवें दिन रावण का वध कर दिया था| बस, इसी परंपरा को हर वर्ष दशहरा के दिन के नाम से मनाया जाता हैं और रावण, मेघनाथ और कुम्भकर्ण को बुराई का प्रतीक मानकर उनके पुतले जलाए जाते हैं| जबकि दूसरी कथा के अनुसार असुर महिषासुर और उसकी सेना देवताओं को परेशान कर रहे थे| इस वजह से मां दुर्गा ने लगातार नौ दिनों तक महिषासुर और उसकी सेना से युद्ध किया था और इस युद्ध के दसवें दिन मां दुर्गा ने महिषासुर का वध कर विजय प्राप्त की थी| जिस वजह से इसे विजय दशमी भी कहा जाता है और इसे धूमधाम से दशहरा के रूप में मनाया जाता है| कहते हैं कि शारदीय नवरात्रि की प्रतिपदा तिथि के दिन किए गए कलश स्थापना, मां की मूर्तियां और बोए हुए ज्वारों का विसर्जन भी विजय दशमी के दिन किया जाता है|
अब यह तो हो गई बात दशहरा क्यों मनाते हैं पर साल 2021 के भारत की राजधानि दिल्ली में दशहरा मनाने पे सरकार ने पाबंदी लगा दी हैं जिसके वजह से ना रावण देहेन होगा, ना माता रानी की प्रतिमा स्थापित होगी और ना ही मेला देखने को मिलेगा| दिल्ली के CM अरविंद केजरीवाल जी ने यह आदेश लोगों की सुरक्षा को ध्यान में रखते हुए दिया गया हैं|
कोरोना महामारी अभी तक पूरी तरह से समाप्त नहीं हुआ हैं ऐसे में दशहरा मनाना इस महामारी को अपने घर आमंत्रित करने जैसा हैं|
परंतु इस तरह के आदेश के वजह से मूर्तिकारों को काफी नुक्सान और दिक्कतें झेलनी पड़ रही हैं| हम इस बार माता रानी से बस इतनी ही आशा करते हैं की अगली बार जब माता रानी आए तब हर कोई धूम धाम से बिना किसी महामारी के डर के उनका स्वागत करे|
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Exercise an essential part of life
“Exercise is a therapy that makes us physically fit and ensures our mental health along with general sense of well-being”. As per the current situation it has been proven that exercise has became an essential part of everyone’s life as it improves our immunity system, nervous system, circulatory system as well as it enhance the strength and efficiency of our cardio vascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to our muscles. Exercises is performed for various reasons by different sections of people for different types of goal. Exercise is derived from a Latin word “exercitium” that means training includes mental training and physical training. Exercises has different types of significance in every individual life. Significance of exercises are: •Boost confidence and makes us differ from the people around us. •Makes us attractive and gives us mental peace. •Makes us flexible and gives strength to our muscles. •Improves our memory and brain functions. •Gives strength to our body to fight against various disease. •Keeps us young and active. •May cure disease. •Brings discipline to our life. •Ensures mobility of our bones. •Leads to a healthy lifestyle. •May cure our deformities. •Enhances quality of sleep. •Lowers the risk of heart disease. •Boost lungs function. Overall it leads to a happy and prosperous life. Exercises are also of various types for different sections of people some are for athletes, some for celebrities, some for professional trainer, some for normal people and many more focusing on different types of personal goals they tend to achieve. So here are different types of exercises these are: 1.Aerobic exercise :- Aerobic exercises are those which includes continuous activity of heart, lungs and muscles. It enhances the efficiency of cardiovascular and lungs functions. It also improves endurance. E.g. – Running, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming etc. 2.Strength training :- Strength training are those which help to build muscle and strength. These activities builds our body and strength, it also tones our body. Strengthening your body not makes you stronger but It also stimulates your bone health. E.g. :- Squats, push-ups, pull-ups etc. 3. Stretching/Flexibility exercises :- Flexibility exercises are those which induces the flexibility and mobility of joints and muscles. These activities involves easing and stretching our body in different positions and hold these positions while concentrating on¹ breathing. E.g. :- Yoga, Pilates etc. Every individuals choose their types of exercises according to their needs and requirements. Diet plays a very important role in our exercise routine. A healthy diet is essential for good health as the exercise is. It provides all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals which is required for our body to build muscles, strengthening our body, and also smoothens different body parts function. If exercise provides strength then diet nourishes our body. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet. Diet is equally important for our body as the exercise. So while doing exercise always keep in mind about a healthy diet. Today’s youngsters can’t make exercise as habit due to making the higher goal at beginning. So start with small goals at beginning to make a healthy habit and live a happy life.
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Rapist or The Rape Victim who actually suffered ?
Rape one of the worst thing cause to females still one of the common issue in Indian society. People want it’s end but not death penalty for the closed ones who attempted, people talk about this shows concern but don’t help the victim at correct times, people play politics over this but doesn’t help actually, people insure their daughter, mother, wife or sisters safety but do not insure safety of the females walking around them, people sympathize but no one wants to marry them or understand them or support them, people speak ill things about rapist but still they put up questions to the girls about what timing it was, why she was alone, which type of dress she was wearing, what activity of her provoked him, why she was out so late and at last the conclusion came out that somewhere it was also females fault. Is this for real?
Like how, when, why and from where these double sided face or narrow-minded people came from why even they are speaking, judging, or commenting on victim situation when they didn’t help, they were not present, they don’t know anything, etc. Why even they are putting up these questions? Who are they to judge others just by knowing half side of the story of incident or having half knowledge about the situation. Who gave them the right to put allegations on the victim?
Rape is a brutal crime where females loose everything, they are the ones who got depressed physically, mentally and emotionally. Unlike some rapist who enjoy their stay in jail. Infact, there was a misconception that rapist were normally stranger to the rape victim but in the research done by Glasgow University it was proven that in most of the cases the rapist were well known person of rape victim. The rapist were none other then rape victims brother, father, relative, friend, ex-partner, partner, boss, colleague, family friend and many more. None of the women is safe neither in garden, movie hall, office, cab, train, hospital, road, temple and not even in home as she don’t know who can be the one harassing her. As it happens on streets, in cars, in schools, in parks, and in alleys. The rapist do not consider age, race, or social status. Rape is not a selective crime it is now in most cases is a very casual crime committed by either known or stranger.
Even if the Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder case have recently proven that is doesn’t have much effect on the criminals as one of the criminal being juvenile at time of crime had been released and along with that our beloved CM Arvind Kejriwal has also given him a tailoring machine. This type of delay judgment of Fast-track court proved the incapability of our Indian constitution and it’s justice.
A lot of scene, candle march and many more have been made over the alleged gang rape and murder of the 19-year old woman in Hathras. It is bitter truth that in the country like India where we worship women as Goddesses is not a bit safer country for women to live. It is shameful that in India rapes take place every day. Safety of women in India has become a crucial issue. Rape is a disease which has no boundaries, from parties to workplaces to our homes, rape and harassment have become a norm.
The crime rate against women has increased by 3.78 lakh from 2018 to 2019 as per NCRB latest report. It also shows that over 4 lakh cases have been reported crime against women as well as 87 cases have been reported on a daily basis and along with this half of the cases have not been registered due to society and surrounding people. The most dangerous state for women to live is Rajasthan it has reported the highest number of rapes cases with 5,997 cases, further it is followed by UP (3,065) and then Madhya Pradesh (2,485). Rajasthan had the highest rate of rape cases i.e., at 15.9 (per lakh population) as per 6th October, 2020 data.
As per the national crime records bureau data the 10 most dangerous state for the women to live, travel, stay or roam in India are the Uttar Pradesh with a rate of 7.4 per capita followed by Arunachal Pradesh with a rate of 5.8 per capita and it is only increasing with the increasing crimes, further followed by Jharkhand with the rate of 5.3 per capita, then Meghalaya with the rate of 5.1 per capita, then Delhi with a rate of 5 per capita, Assam with a rate of 4.4 per capita, Chhattisgarh with a rate of 4 per capita, Haryana with a rate of 3.8 per capita, Odisha with a rate of 3.8 and then Andhra Pradesh with a rate of 3.6 per capita.
Don’t you think that this should now end the narrow-minded thinking end, the illogical society expectation and questions end, rapist should be punished instead of the rape victim, justice should be done in few days only without any delay, some laws should reform in women’s safety, women’s should be making enough compatible to fight for their own self, women’s safety should utmost priority of every responsible citizen and take victim should not be treated as an ‘untouchables’ whereas they must be treated equally.
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