vagxr-blog · 9 years
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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Despite herself, Reina couldn’t help but smile. She hasn’t had a whole lot of friends in the  past  few  years--  acquaintances or friendly faces,  sure, but when  you  moved  around  as much as Reina did, well... you didn’t really  have  time  to  form relationships before moving on to the next town. 
She had always remembered Carter fondly, though-- even if they were a pain in the ass, Reina genuinely had missed them.
“Yeah, alright,”  Reina said,  trying and  mostly failing to make her tone grudging as she shifted her car into gear. “Chipotle it is.”
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Reina’s words only prompt Carter’s grin to widen.     It’s just as she suspected — Reina really hasn’t changed at much at all . It’s a relief, to say the least.   Sure, Carter has changed plenty since the days of running around Dayton like a couple of punks, but that didn’t mean that she was ready for the rest of her world to change, too. As far as constants go,     Reina was a pretty reliable one,     even if she had a  slight species change somewhere along the way.
“Yeah? I missed you too, loser.”      Carter leans over the console to  give Reina a big, obnoxious smooch on the cheek before turning to  wrestle her wallet out of her jacket pocket. “Chipotle?”
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
◇ name → reina tavarez. ◇ are you single → yes. ◇ are you happy → passably. ◇ are you angry? → frequently. ◇ are your parents still married → hell yeah-- divorce is a sin, y’know.
◇ birth place → dayton, ohio. ◇ hair colour → black. ◇ eye colour → brown. ◇ birthday → march 3. ◇ mood → tired. ◇ gender → female. ◇ summer or winter → summer. ◇ morning or afternoon → afternoon.
◇ are you in love → no. ◇ do you believe in love at first sight → no. ◇ who ended your last relationship → me. ◇ have you ever broken someone’s heart → doubt it. ◇ are you afraid of commitments → sort of. ◇ have you hugged someone within the last week? → nope. ◇ have you ever had a secret admirer → back when i was in school, yeah. ◇ have you ever broken your own heart? → nah.
◇ love or lust → lust, for now. ◇ lemonade or iced tea → lemonade. ◇ cats or dogs → dogs. ◇ a few best friends or many regular friends → a few best friends. ◇ wild night out or romantic night in → a wild night out. ◇ day or night → night.
◇ been caught sneaking out → yes. ◇ fallen down/up the stairs → yes. ◇ wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? → yes. ◇ wanted to disappear → yes.
◇ smile or eyes → eyes. ◇ fat or skinny → i literally do not care. ◇ shorter or taller → taller. ◇ intelligence or attraction → intelligence. ◇ hook-up or relationship → hook-up.
◇ do you and your family get along → for one day a year, sure. ◇ would you say you have a “messed up life” → i mean, it’s not conventional, but messed up seems kinda strong. ◇ have you ever ran away from home → yep-- and honestly, i’m still running. ◇ have you ever gotten kicked out → no.
◇ do you secretly hate one of your friends → no. ◇ do you consider all of your friends good friends → no. ◇ who is your best friend → i don’t really know-- i don’t see many people with any sort of frequency, but i’ve known carter longest. ◇ who knows everything about you → no one, really.
♔ meet the muse.
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
my body isnt a temple, it’s a condemned building covered in prophecies in the form of graffiti. my soul is a shrine made of garbage and neon and i am holy, hallelujah.
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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BACK  | 2007 Ford Focus | Archive
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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       Reina huffed, still a little bitter about being denied a chance for a meal.         Werewolf metabolism was a bitch, and she hadn’t eaten practically all         day. She shot Carter a look as the other harped about the clutter in her         car, shutting her door and cranking the engine irritably.         In lieu of answering the question, Reina grumbled, “I almost forgot what         a pain in the ass you are.”         Maybe she was a little hangry.
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        “Honestly? My only tolerable coworker has been out sick all week —          which might be bullshit, since I’m not even sure if half-demons can           even get mono  —   so all the pizza probably tastes like pure hatred.”           Not to mention Carter is just sick of pizza.    She didn’t think it was           possible, but apparently it did happen.
         Carter tapped impatiently on the passenger-side window until Reina          unlocked the door and allowed  Carter to plop into  the shotgun seat.         “You realize there are, like,     FIVE empty soda cans on my floorboard,            right? Don’t have car-guests often?”
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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Yeah totally
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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       “What the fuck,” Reina whined, following Carter out of the pizza place           nonetheless. It had smelled good in there, and Reina’s stomach was            growling with hunger-- never mind how badly she had to pee.            Still, Reina was nothing if not cheap, and she perked up immediately            when Carter offered to buy her food. “Fine. But for future reference,            it’s rude to invite people to pizza places if they can’t actually eat the            pizza. In fact, some would even go so far as to say that it’s cruel.”
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          “NO TIME. You’ve gotta get me out of here.” Carter didn’t waste time             on pleasantries.     Never mind that she hadn’t seen Reina in years —             Carter’s eyes are on the prize,  and the prize is getting the Hell out of              here before her manager appeared to insist she work over-time…   Or             just  complained  that  she  was  leaving  a  good  ten  minutes  early.            “C’mon, move your ass.           We can stop at Chipotle or some shit if              you’re hungry — my treat.” 
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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shitheads reunited
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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        “This place better not have shitty pizza, because I           just drove for six hours straight, and I am starving.                                In related news-- where’s the bathroom?”
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vagxr-blog · 9 years
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