vagabond-narrartor · 3 years
Currently trying to pass a friend of mine but she hasn’t done 80% of her work so this is TOUGH
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vagabond-narrartor · 3 years
Types of Dark Academia characters, according to their outfits
The narcissist with lots of secrets: Black turtleneck, with a gold coin necklace over top. A tartan mini skirt, or checked trousers. Trench coat. Red lips and dark eyes. Books in languages no-one else understands. Thinks they’re better than you, and probably are.
The messy researcher: Cosy jumpers with shirt collars poking out. Slouchy tartan trousers. Dark socks and oxfords. Old-school messenger bag bursting with various notes and journals. Has started about 30 projects or books in the past week, and hasn’t finished any of them.
The garden party prep: Sweater vests. Pale khaki trousers/chinos, or a traditional white midi dress. Socks pulled up. Boat shoes. Expensive watch. Might play some cricket or croquet later.
The student dreamer: Knit cardigans over knee-length skirts or pinafores. Mary-Janes or ballet flats. Bouncy hair and wide eyes. Sometimes a beret. Likes autumn, and writing long letters.
The aspiring professor: Tweed. Wears suits to class. Coats and blazers waistcoats and undershirts and trousers/skirts, all in tweed or tartan, browns and greys. Kind of intense. Secretly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but at least they have great notes.
The edgy poet: Oversized, unbuttoned plaid shirts or blazers over turtlenecks. Cigarette trousers. Combat boots. Black coffee. Actually very sentimental, but also might have accidentally killed someone with their classmates.
part 2 coming soon
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vagabond-narrartor · 3 years
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i didn't know i was in Othello
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vagabond-narrartor · 3 years
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vagabond-narrartor · 4 years
Recently, I’ve developed feelings to pick at the existences around me. Other beings that have found themselves in my life and my heart. I wanna delve into their brains, there existence. I wanna know if their brains have sharp edges and are in need of sanding or if it’s more smooth and somewhat like a Roman marbel bust. I’m so inthrawled with people who simply live. Life is so mysterious yet plain and simple at the same time. And all I wanna do is pick at it until it gives me the answers I search for.
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vagabond-narrartor · 4 years
Happy New Year!! During all this, my brain has been thinking and deciding things that the rest of my nervous system had nothing to do with. For instance, I’ve surrounded myself and obsessed over the Dark Academia ( DA ) aesthetic. So, I’ve changed almost everything about my wardrobe actually I was pretty close to burning it or something. Next, I’m going to seize all my social media platforms and change my username. Which is how Vagabond-Narrator. It just seems so me ( you don’t know me and neither do I but I’m just hoping it works ) with my story telling passion and historical knowledge also the empty feeling that I feel like I’m never at home even in my own house. But that’s it for now.
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vagabond-narrartor · 5 years
At 18, everyone receive a superpower. Your childhood friend got a power-absorption, your best friends got time control, and they quickly rise into top 100 most powerful superheroes. You got a mediocre superpower, but somehow got into the top 10. Today they visit you asking how you did it.
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vagabond-narrartor · 5 years
Yes click the link
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Welcome to Build-a-Frog!
Click here to enter
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
I felt this on a spiritual level
I just realized the Five Stages of Grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) spell out DABDA and I feel like this is Important Information
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
I see the word ‘cowboy’ in a post and I just BLACK OUT and smash reblog
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
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Y'all I'm so bored and depressed but like who isn't
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
That moment when
Your in the middle of an exam and you forget everything because you were stressed on learning it in the first place
Your with your family and your trying to think of a good excuse to leave because your mentally drained
Your asked "hey you look so tired what's wrong" and you can't answer because your parents asked you and you don't want a snarly comeback from people who don't understand
You met someone new and you want to know everything about them but you think you'll come off as desprate or needy
You come up with a valid reason to do something against your parents will but you can't say anything because your being "disrespectful" or you have an "attitude"
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
More Concept Playlists
+ You walk out of your shitty roadside motel room that you’ve been staying in since you ran away from home. It hasn’t been cleaned since the 50s but at least no one will find you out here, in the middle of the desert. You head towards the ice machine, but someone is already there. It’s the most popular girl in school, who you’ve had a crush on since 6th grade. She’s run away too.
+ You and your fed-up punk friends attempt to summon a demon at your all girls catholic boarding school, determined to wreck some wacky havoc on the oppressive staff. But the fun doesn’t last long as you realize you have unleashed something far more sinister. Something that doesn’t slam doors or break windows but drips deep into your psyche and reveals the meaning of pure evil.
+ The year is 1987, You’re part of a ragtag band of misfits that have been friends since childhood. All of you are gay, but no one has admitted it yet so rifts are forming in the gang. One summer morning you roller skate over to your best friend, the only other girl in the groups house to tell her you’re in love with her. Will it tear group apart once and for all or bring you back together?
+ You’re 17 and in love with your manic pixie dream girl of a best friend. It’s a wednesday night in early june and you can’t sleep because all you can think about is her stupid perfect crooked smile and just when you think you can’t stand it anymore you hear a tapping at your window. You open it and there she is, with that smile. She asks you if you want to go on an adventure. You’ve never wanted anything more.  
+ July is the season of rabid dogs. There’s something about the constantness of the heat that drives spikes into the head. This year there’s a new plague: the teenage girls. They are sick. The are restless. They are hungry. Their bare feet burn on the hot concrete but they won’t stop until they have tasted the blood of every abusive man in town.
+  You and your closest friends sit on the roof of your suburban house watching the sunset. The crisp, nearly-autumn breeze blows against your oversized hoodie while you sip cheap, lukewarm beer from a paper bag. No one says anything, no one has to.
+ It’s 1:30 am and you’re driving out of the city with your girlfriend asleep in the passenger seat. there are lights glowing on the highway and in the city behind you but it feels like it’s just the two of you, and you wish it could last forever
+ The year is 1975. The Russians went ahead and nuked us and well, just about everyone died. But don’t worry! There were a few survivors. You and your gang find yourselves with the entirety of west Hollywood all to yourselves and nothing keeping you from the thousands of mansions and all the goodies they might hold
+ You’re on the road with a crappy RV you bought somewhere sketchy with your best friend and her dog on the trip of a lifetime trying to make it as a bluegrass singer. You fall in love over crumpled maps, roadside lemonade, campfire sing alongs, and grimy dive bars where you pay for meals by washing dishes.
+ You walk into your room, satin gown flowing in your wake,You dramatically collapse into a dark velvet chair as if the cameras are rolling. You put on a record and pour your fourth glass of red wine. Your fifth husband has mysteriously died, good thing he left everything to you in the will.
+ You’re at a Halloween party in the basement of a seedy punk club, so wasted you can’t see straight. The ground starts shaking. More than it was before, are you imagining it? No. The bands screaming has gone from angry to terrified. The apocalypse is happening right now.
+ You stand in front of the house at the edge of town. The house with boarded up windows. The house with broken glass in the yard instead of flowers, like everyone else in your small misty mountain town. The house no one talks about. The house you only go when you have nowhere else to go. You have someone to find in there, someone you need to bring home.
+ Is there any place better to dissociate than a roller rink?
+ Everything is perfect here. It’s a nice cabin, tucked away in the depths of the Ozarks. The lake is right out back so she can swim whenever she wants. Swimming makes her happy. And all of this is to make her happy. This morning you wake up early to watch the sun rise over the water. It’s a perfect morning for a perfect place, golden light seeping through everything. Highlighting orange starting to creep into the leaves. Your breath catches in your throat. It’s almost October. Yes, this place is perfect. But it’s time to go home.
+ You’re a music producer who died overdosing on cocaine at a club in the 70s. You awaken in the exact spot you died in the year 2073. You’re hungry, thirsty, and hornier than you’ve ever been. But most importantly, you look as fly as you always have and you’re surrounded by beautiful women.
+ She’s an urban witch. A drugstore sorceress, mixing potions of Xanax and gasoline. Selling them on a street corner in the east village. No one knows her name, few know her face, But they say you’ll know her when you see her. You approach her on a chilled November night and offer a pack of cigarettes for a love potion. Hands shaking with anxiety and cold. She looks you in the eye and tells you you don’t need love potion. She’ll give you everything you want for free.
+ My boyfriend Oliver. I know this isn’t a concept but he’s super cute and i love him so let me live……DM me if you wanna see pics
+ You’re driving through the depths of the Appalachian mountains on a foggy night. You see a dark figure with glowing eyes up ahead at the edge of your headlights and your heart stops beating. No. It can’t be him…. He wasn’t supposed to be able to find you all the way up here I. You get closer and your shoulders relax, It’s just an old man. He smiles when you pass, his milky eyes reflecting back at you like stars. probably just a friendly local out for a late night stroll. You’re safe. It’s fine. Only 10 miles to go. Your engine dies the moment you realize that human eyes dont glow.
+ You’re a nerd, a nobody, the kid who sits by herself at lunch. The kid who never talks and never gets noticed by anyone. Yet here you are, dressed in your big sisters clothes, standing in the coolest girl in schools living room while a party rages around you. Tonight you’re going to be cool. Tonight you’re going to be the life of the party. Tonight she’s finally going to realize you exist. This is either the bravest thing you’ve ever done or the stupidest.
+ You’ve been climbing the mountain for three days and three nights. Out of food, out of water, and utterly, painfully alone. Just when you think you can walk no farther, you hear a waterfall in the distance. With your remaining ounce of strength you launch yourself the final few yards. You collapse to your knees and peer into the clear, cool water. But Instead of seeing your face your entire life is reflected back at you.
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
Learning is amazing. I'm constantly ravenous for knowledge. But, going to school ruins learning by adding due dates and pressure to know it simply to pass a test. Learning was this great concept until our horrible school systems ruined it. Also, sorry I've been gone.
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
This is too cute not to reblog
i needed the full songs worth of this not 15 seconds
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vagabond-narrartor · 6 years
Do you wanna hear one of the funniest fucken stories?
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