Week one
Today we had a second design presentation from all the new season designers. This was really useful as not all of us had watched all the presentations. The opera design presentation hasn't happened yet so I’m just communicating with Emeline about her design over teams.
Here are the notes I made from the meetings and from our discussions with Laura today.
Lauras introduction
Terroir and The Electric
vinyl tiles
Scaffold around the screen
Cyc- what kind of Cyc?
Pub carpet- source a base carpet and paint the pattern on using a stencil. Lazer cut the stencil
Traditional wooden pub bar ideally made from ply not matt so we don't have to make the grain.
concrete floor? not really any set
Opera ( Important for me to know)
Vinyl floor, parquet style 
Big drapes- what fabric is it ? what does it need to do, projections?
Plants- huge real plants ideally. Cost? Real or fake? keep in mind that plants are non essential in covid times. can you get a hold of the items you will need? start huge not small. look into office company that hire out plants . will the plants get broken ? what are the covid requirements.
Art Deco furniture
Cane screens
get references of the bars to cost up
like a posh Poirot hotel.
Look at Celtic prop hire.
Plants might be a make.
your job is to assist Emeline ad source things for the show and then make any thing that can't be found. 
look at the props list ad see what is a make.
compare prices for making, buying and hiring.
Make sure things exist so that the design can be changed in time if something isn't achievable 
Meet with the ASMs asap.
If the screens have to be the same as each other they will be a make most likely.
look at the studio 54 parquet floor as reference. 
find a vinyl floor, the cheaper the better. check with companies if they have produce in stock and when we can get them delivered by.
Get the mood boards.
Model presentation is on Thursday.
ask for a list of things to find.
look at Somerset willow company for pre made rattan screens.
if we make the screens will probs be using ply and the CNC machine. 
may have to make compromises on the parquet flooring as it is quite stylised.
you will work with Chloe, work on the same costing sheet.
Be as economical as you can.
Starr cadding the screens.
Is the folding stepladder a make ?
Check on the unusual table.
find out how the furniture and plants will be moved around the space.
bars- find or make ?
unusual chairs ?
sourcing for neon signs ? how specific are they?
cinema chair could be a make ?
Shiny gold Lame bean bag. get a refill of beans. how big is the bean bag ? covid rules with multi casting. look in the holes catalogue.
probs gonna take two 4m widths of flooring to cover the space.
will have to fire proof any fabric for the bean bag that is not mean for theatre ect.
will any actors be allergic to the fire proofing ad it may leave a slimy coating, not pleasant. also how much will it cost to fire proof things, factor this in.
Rattan screens
music stand
key? is it an ornate key?
neon signs.
Other mentions
Allie needs help on costume.
 mosaic, turning this into an archeological dig. 
borrowers- added extra, don't stress about it. 
Be where you are needed, let Laura know where you are.
solar panels for costumes are a possibility. Shiny black, dance floor vinyl for the solar panels? put this onto rubber? leather? Talk to costume about sizes of the panels. Bevel Lino cutter? make patterns in this way ? Rorie - putting vinyl in the laser cutter?
Back bar, bar- rich red mahogany, staining ply wood. water based stains, dark oaks and mahogany to age. satin glaze, sanded back for wear and tear. dust in the cracks. mixed with the ageing because it has to work over all the timelines. make any dirty down/wear and tear subtle. a panelled bar, skirting/cladding to get this effect but might. need painting differently in order to match them.
Carpet- dark deep red with dirty down. might be cleaning the carpet after every show so keep this in mind. gonna need covent garden primer for this. Acrylic carpet, stencil paper, colours Rosco and dirty down. no 3D textured dirt on the carpet.
banner- to the class of 2020 painted and clearly hand made.
The Electric
Concrete Slabs
Cracked tile
scaffold-  who's building is it, paint into it. BP screen attached
dividing screen- muslin over ?dirty dow the muslin to create a dividing wall. make a sample of BP screen under some muslin. this should be on hinges to be easily packed away if possible. 8ft by 6ft by 6ft
Bar- matt finish. Saded back. Graffiti pens. look at grass city Abergavenny.
Stickers/ posters
sticky stains, patches. of stick alcohol /could be mistaken for blood.dirt in the cracks. make the texture as minimal as possible so that the carpet can sit flat over it. some smoother and some rougher textures. pitted. do research into cast slabs.
Tiles- showing the concrete and grouting underneath. Red, Grey, Beige ceramic tiles.
make speakers/ light up
door- frosted glass, wire criss cross stencil on the glass.
Columns- painted black and textured plaster. graffiti and scuffed.
scuffed steel deck- clad the edges of the steel deck- wallpaper, plastic stuff?
Pier- chainlink fence painted black. black and white life ring. not orange. Love locks not covering the fence but clear that there is enough. stage management will probs source them.- collaborate. maybe Dan wants to place the locks himself.
Bea (The toll)
Half mud, half grass. 
3m high security cameras.
more of a dirty, damp earth texture, bad soil.
dirty down plastic chairs  (7 or 8) the dirt needs to stay on the chair the they are wiped-  Covent Garden primer, natural sponges
Road signs- 1.5m wide, 1 new and 1 completely distressed.
prime floor with watered down PVA. 50/50 depending on how liquid the PVA is. do this between layers and only when the final paint job is done.
font of the signs. cut out vinyl, reflective vinyl.
Ellen (The Ache)
Earth- dry dusty earth. vermiculite to give a shimmer to the earth?
Steel frames/ screens- coloured latex to paint red on the screens ? what Finnish on the frames?
chairs- earth climbing up the legs of the chairs. two museum like benches to make one long one. flat colour. and an office chair.satin Finnish on the benched, muted colour.
Extra Notes
Do the gross price and the net price on cost sheets, it is good practice for the future.
square meters and linear meters
hardware and consumables
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Prime board with watered down PVA. 50/50 depending on how thick the PVA is. PVA between layers, don't PVA over the last layer. of paint Finnish.
Figure out square meters and linear meters- think I understand.
net price vs gross price.
do the gross price because you will be paying this when you graduate
hardware and consumables- adhesives, nails, screws ect ( don't forget about this)
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Here are Emeline’s Mood boards for the props and the set, from looking at this I have figured out which items might be a scenic responsibility rather than ASMs.
Barber of seville
Rattan screens
Giovannis sign
Parquet flooring
folding stepladder?
Don Giovanni
Studio 24 sign
Gold pillow/ bean bag
oil tank tables
Cinema chair ?
Marriage of Figaro
Rosina’s sign
Music stand?
I also read through the props list to see if there will be much crossover. There could be a lot of cross over here potentially so I will have to find out what needs to be done by scenics.
meeting with Emeline ASAP would be ideal as I haven't seen a design presentation for her show yet and 
I have already got questions for Emeline.
How many plants ?
How large are the plants?
What will the light be like?
what size for the bean bag?
Size of the Rattan screens?
Vinyl flooring?
Music stand?
I think tomorrow will go to college and see the model box for myself to gauge a better idea of the space. Maybe I can meet Emeline there too for a quick chat.
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Production block 2
Today is day one of the second production block!
There are 4 sets of read throughs, design presentations and meet and greets. I am going to go to one and half of another and watch the others online this week to get an idea of the shows ill be working on. I am also going to be communicator for Emiline on her 3 act Operas which is exciting. I’m looking forward to doing some scenic work this block and I can't wait to be back in workshop tomorrow !
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Week one
Today I have been dropping in and out of calls about the new season shows to get an idea of the designs and an understanding of the scripts. the calls were all at the same time so I chose to go to the the Sherman shows. Terroir and The electric. I went to the read through for Terroir which was interesting. I also went to the read through for The Ache in the morning but because all the actors were in one room rather than on zoom it was hard to catch what they were saying.
the design presentations were really useful and I made these notes..
Dan and Tierney 
Landscape- climate 20 years from now. What will Wales look like in 50 years time ? The play is set in 2040.How we respond to change when faced with extinction. How the past effects the characters. How parents decisions affect their children's lives.
2040- sunset, a bar, raised bay window area, stays the same throughout. a mix of shabby and fresh to show the span of the decades.
The carpets markings are 2m apart to give the actors a guide.
2020- Warm light, a proper pub, lively
2025- hopefull
2030- darker but bright
2040- darker
the light changes to indicate the different times
the space can be lit from underneath to give the effect that they are floating on an island, a feeling of hollowness, isolated. surrounded by water
3 stools, 1 bar, 2 chairs one table.
2020- Polo shirt, 18 years old, smart but ill-fitting clothes
2025- money man successful
2030- a sustainable revolution has happened but he refuses to take part
2020- Foster kid, skater, makes an effort to look effortless
2025- pub owner, clothes fit properly, bar tender, a strong optimist
2020- has a kid, caring, 18 years old, 4 year old child, doing well, hopefully, mom jeans, crop top.
2025- smart. things start to go wrong, but she wants to take control
2020- not as well off as the others, less expensive clothes but always nice to people.
2025- a dad and it suits him, smarter, geography teacher
2020-  doesn't fit with who she is right now, tries to look nice but doesn't quite work.
2025- police woman, come into her own
2030- white shirt, smart trousers
2020- Art student, wants to punch a hole for herself in the world
2025- more tired, more muted
2030- more muted and more comfortable with her life and home.
2040 Rhys and Kyra
dressed for hardy weather. government issued, suit for life. tough, practical, solar panels, long journey, sustainable suit, everyone has one.
Family scale- based on Electra. South end . Loyalty, revenge, change and love.
How can we break the cycle? How can we protect out legacys?
Night club, Fantasy, unreality, stark. holds memory. a space that can shift.
Bar area, dance floor area, door, a pier
Concrete slabs
cracked tiles- bar area
posters and stickers
Graffiti on the bar
neon light- The Electric sign
disco ball
door- glowing light, menacing
Screen- can see through it 
Weathered and worn, overused, boots, she is apart of the space, wears her dads jacket, she blends into the space. been out for hours, messy and scruffy.
Looks comfortable in the space but sticks out with a few more pops of colour. boots, tights, shorts, belt, polo neck top, smudged makeup. been out for hours
Trying to look nice, boots, casual, neat, smart, clean, distant from the club vibe.
Very casual, just turned up, hoodie, joggers, trainers, baggy
Blends into the space, he fits in, visual link to Sacha, leather jacket, ripped jeans, layers.
Preppy, pastel, chinos, polar opposite to the space.
Charlies twin, reflect each other, cording school vibes, neutral colours.
police man, uniform, slightly dishevelled, creased, crooked, rookie cop
I went to the read through for Terroir which was really helpful to understand how it jumps back and forth between the decades and so the space we create needs to cater to all of this.
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Schedule for Monday.
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