Wisdom's Golden Song
510 posts
You're gonna carry that weight. [Indie OC]
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vacabund-archive · 8 years ago
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vacabund-archive · 8 years ago
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Zazie Beetz photographed by Adhat Campos.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
;; aw, Angel is gonna miss her alien mama :{
And I'm gonna miss having Sonja be purely exasperated by Angel.. But there's always skype. Or other forms of communication to get the two of them together again.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
Okay! Hiya, hi there. Sonja-Mun here. You all remember me from when I used to compose for Sonja. The funny thing about that composition thing is that there is not a single ounce of muse left in my head for this beautiful badass.
It sucks for me to say that because Sonja was the muse that helped me get over some serious shit in my day to day.. But I guess she's served her purpose and left 'cause I can't find her. 
Um.. I plan on giving her three weeks to come back (cause I spent a week looking for her already) and if she doesn't come back I'm just gonna archive this blog and walk away.
I have apologies for everyone this puts in a shitty position. People that replied to me and are waiting on me for things. I put you guys in a fucked up spot and my inability to reciprocate your efforts sucks.
I'm sorry. And that is how this song ends.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
    "Monster... Is th- Monster, you haven't aged a day!"
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She couldn't forget.. No, there wasn't a single moment of their adventures together that the brunette couldn't recall with crystal clarity. The Arcanum, the chase, the night in jail.. Gods, how c-
    "Strawberry, don't you remember? I know I.. I know I look older but.. Surely, you have to remember."
+ vacabund
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
    “Could someone spare a quarter.. I’m impossibly shortchanged here.”
Coffee shop blues. Stuck in the diner with naught but 9 dollars, her DB Cello case and a half-written sonnet scrawled across like three notepads.. Such was the struggle of a young and budding bard with a day job.. Always came up short at the pancake window.
  Which would not be a bad name for a progressive rock album. No time to focus on that now.. 
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  No matter how awesome it would be.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
A show of force... Oh, sorry. A show of minimal force. It wasn't much, Sonja could do that with her feet. Her eyes never left the Commander's, not a word uttered in response to the nonsense about repetition.. No movement from her at all, really, save for the rise and fall of her chest and the occasional blink or two.
    "If you try to hurt it, then yes. I will stop you. I'll draw my montante from its storage deck, rise swiftly, and cleave your head from your shoulders. It'll be very showy, sort of dramatic.. and it will certainly be a fitting end for a fool such as yourself."
To illustrate her point, Sonja reached into the guitar case she'd set up behind her and pulled the aforementioned storage deck free. All it would take was a tap.. A single tap and she'd be armed and ready to behead.
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    "Go on. Light the keg.."
     At this point, all Shepard could respond with was an exasperated tossing of her hands into the air. And punctuate that with a pinching of her nose, at a total loss of how to answer to… any of that. 
    “Well, Sonja, then. Forgive me if I end up callin’ you Hikui a couple times—impressions, repetition and all. Good to meet you, and glad t’have been of assistance. You know? I get that a lot, about stressing people out. But…" A flare of biotics, resulting in a small detonation putting a hole in a nearby wall. 
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“Are you really gonna stop me when the keeper comes to fix that?" Childish? Yes. Sure. ”Maybe I just wanna talk to it, though." The skittering sounds came quickly, and more biotics flared—a perk of her brows, daring a response from Sonja. …She was apparently really up for pushing buttons, today.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
    "That you believe there is no freedom is a sign of your complacency! You are a captive here.. You shoudn't come to terms with that.. You shouldn't be- Dammit."
She was being too loud. Some of the other beasts were beginning to stir. She reached a hand up to unbuckle the restraints on the case she'd with her but she found her hand stayed by the silence..
  There was no din. No alarm raised as the beasts were woken from their slumbers. No curiosity, no worries... Just sad eyes doing their best to convey a message to her. The roaring fury she'd generated on arrival was pulled down.. Condensed. Focused into something quiet. Something she could manage just beneath the surface and convert into determination. 
This was over. She swore it by her goddess above, this monstrosity would end.
    "You can't move, but you can breathe.. How long can you survive outside of water? Be approximate. I don't want this tale to become a requiem.."
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nd again, the Siren seemed to doubt Sonja's resolve. So used to dealing with these weak willed humans that she could not see an oath for what it was. Sonja set her case down before the cage, releasing the restraints upon it and letting the facade fall to the ground.. revealing the zweihander, Bass, within. She caught the hilt, running a thumb along the red die that hung about it, waiting for the creature to swim free of its range.
    "I'll carry you to the ocean if I must.. But first I will free you from this."
Ennie tightened her fingers around the edge of the glass wall, sinking down lower in the water. She knew the truth of the woman’s words; after all, she had been stolen from her home. During her early days she had fought back at the humans with all she had, but it had gotten her no where. It was simply easily to accept her life as this way, as she saw no escape from it.
But it was hard to explain all of that to her new visitor, so she took a deep breath before propping herself back up on the wall. “I am not complacent.” She stated, her eyes glancing down at the woman. The walls of the tank were high enough to force her to look down on all of her visitors, although she much preferred to be at eye level. “But I can not leave. There is no way.”
The mermaid had tried desperately those first few nights, but she had no way of leaving without the transport tank they had used to carry her in. Beyond that, she didn’t know how far they were from the ocean, or how to get there. Too many variables, it seemed. "I can not move on land." She told the woman, looking down forlornly at her tail. "I mean- a little, I suppose. But not far, or fast." In truth, she could do little more than flop as a fish did, but she felt rather foolish admitting that.
The woman’s words suddenly dawned on her, and Ennie looked back up excitedly. “You would help me?” She asked, leaning forward over the tank. “I appreciate it, truly, but I do not see how.” Even with the two of them, it would be difficult to move Ennie across land. She tried to tell herself it would not be possible, but the excitement still grew inside of her. This woman cared, that much was clear to see. It had been a long time since Ennie had met anyone who seemed to recognize that she had feelings just as they did.
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
places url????
Opinion on;
Character in general: Miranda Lawson is an interesting beast. She's equal parts courageous, frightening, warrior, matron aaaand badass. I dig it.How they play them: -Sweats nervously-  You're cool. You're very cool. You write well, you tell good stories, you keep people interested.. Your Miranda is alive. She's a being that I want to get to know.. and every little bit you write about her elps to get me there. Its awesome.The Mun: Like most people on this site I have absolutely no clue who you are.  All I know is that you write like its your job and thats fucking awesome. I want to write with you more.. I wanna compose brilliant things with you.. and you're fucking awesome. Thats about all I can offer by way of praise. I just.. Just know that I have the utmost appreciation. 
Do I:
RP with them: We have like.. two threads going, I think? Want to RP with them: Yeah! ALL THE FUCKING TIME!
What is my;
Overall Opinion:  +600 Approval. All the approval. LOVE!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
... my 115th follower is an Isabela. 
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
can i jump on this url bandwagon even tho i replied once to our thread then went on hiatus//
Opinion on;
Character in general: NAISHE 'ISABELA' OF THE SEA. THE BLADED SIREN. THE BELLE OF THE BAYS. THE DUAL WIELDING, DICK WRECKING DUELIST WARRIOR! I really fucking like Isabela. I hope that's understood. How they play them: ... Okay, can we turn things down for a little bit? Turn all the lights off in the church and focus in on our message for the day? I'm really fucking love the way you write Isabela. I... I've always been in love with Isabela and when I read your replies, or your ic musings or even go ON your BLOG... Top notch. You're top notch, I fucking love your Isabela. The Mun: I don't even know you! I don't know the first thing about you, all I know is that you write with the grace of a blessed blade through rolling waves and I want to know more about you and what made you the beautiful composer you are today. 
Do I:
RP with them: We have the one thread. With a.. now defunct!sonja trying to get Isabela to love her. Want to RP with them: ... Can we please? Like I- I would love that. I really would. 
What is my;
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Overall Opinion: 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
One more follower and I'll hit my favourite number. My all-time favourite! ... ...
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
Opinion on;
Character in general: ... !!! !!! ANGEL! ANGEL MY LOVE! ANGEL! Sonja's 'daughter', the one child that Sonja wouldn't mind raising and having attached to her name. I love Angel, she's an amazing character and I enjoy having her in my life.
How they play them: My overwhelming appreciation for Angel would not exist if you didn't play her to the beautiful extent that you do. 
The Mun: ... aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Do I:
RP with them: Mhmm. Multiple threads. Angel is currently helping Sonja deal with her limbs being ripped off.Want to RP with them: Muchly. Very muchly. All the time, yes. 
What is my;
Overall Opinion:  -Daniel Bryan YES! YES! YES!- .gif 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
//hands over url, even though we've interacted all of once! //
Opinion on;
Character in general: Andri'da'assen Mahariel is like an elvhen summer. She's warm, she's amazing, she's fun to look at, fun to enjoy... but if you catch her on the wrong day she will roast you alive... and I find that alluring.
How they play them: Not my favourite Andri blog.. as I remember this one Andri'da'assen blog that had this really awesome- You play her so very amazing. I tried to make a joke but its not going anywhere, so know that I love your portrayal. 
The Mun: Eper cool! You made that starter for me and earned my eternal love and I think that's really important. 
Do I:
RP with them: Mhmm! Sonja and Andri have beef currently.Want to RP with them: YES! Sonja must get over her issues and party with Andri more.
What is my;
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Overall Opinion: 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
[ gently places url. ]
Opinion on;
Character in general: Ariana is a take no bullshit, hardass, lovable, violent, warrior goddess and she deserves to be respected as such. I've held nothing but respect and love for her since I threw Sonja t her companion that one time.
How they play them: I only know one mun who plays Ariana Shepard, and I'm pretty sure that the one mun that I know is the very best Ariana Shepard roleplayer this side of the multiverse. 
The Mun: There are some moments where I think I've lost you (mainly through my own faults) but then there are other moments where I think we're gonna be friends for a long ass time. All in all though: Tovarishchi sezam beskonechnosti!
Do I:
RP with them: YEAH!Want to RP with them: YEAH!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Repeat 'YEAH!!!!!' ad infinitum. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vacabund-archive · 11 years ago
    "What accident? The first words       out of your mouth should have      been an apology, were that the      case! You could've killed people!"
Children frequently played in the royal gardens.. Had this idiot's descent not been plotted before- She refused to offer him leniency. Refused.
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    "You'll find proper tools in the       servants quarters. That is       also where you will be when       not supervised by my knights.       And I invite you to rethink your       'leaving' policy. Your death will        not be pleasant.. I promise you."
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★        ”Wow, you must be a great person.               Someone accidentally crashes their ship in your yard,                and you threaten to take their life.                Cause that’s definitely going to bring back your yard, y’know.”
            Why does he always get stuck with the snooty ones? She couldn’t have been some agreeable old lady or someone who was demolishing their yard anyway- no, she had to be a bitch.
             ”Yeah, fine, whatever you want.               As soon as my ship is fixed, i’m leaving.               Debt or no debt.”           ★
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