Tengen Uzui’s Fourth Wife
11 posts
She/her 🎉25🎉Kny and One piece fanatic
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uzuifanatic · 4 years ago
good afternoon uzui nation
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
What cuddling and kissing Giyuu would be like??
💧Giyuu x affectionate! S/O💧
He has no idea what he’s doing
Doesn’t have anybody to be affectionate with
Not until you come along
He’ll be stiff for a while, won’t really respond in public
When alone, it’s a whole other story
He’ll always take a second to respond back to your affections
His favorite form of it is cuddling at night and you playing with his hair
Most nights he will cuddle into your chest because he will feel safe and hearing your heart race will make him feel more loved them you know
When you guys shower together, he loved washing your hair, admiring how beautiful and soft it is
The same with your body, he loves everything about it, he loved to admire that this beautiful person is his
His heart swells with love and admiration 
If your a demon slayer, he’ll trust you to take care of yourself, but will still go on missions with you 
If not, he’ll always have a way of making sure you’re safe from demons
When he’s had a long stressful day, he loves to come home to you cooking or waiting for him 
He loves the smile you give him, he loves the hug you give him, he loves the long kiss you share with him 
When it’s been a long day/night, he likes to sit outside with you and drink tea while talking softly
Sometimes you’re next to him, sometimes you’re in his lap, sometimes you’re both laying down enjoying the sky while holding hands 
He loves you with all his being and he just wants the same
Luckily, he does have you and you love him with your whole being as well
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
Rengoku dating a regular citizen??
🔥Rengoku x regular!S/O🔥
Your mother died when you were little, all you had was your father
He did whatever he needed to get money to make sure you were taken care of
Due to this, you were every independent
You sold coal, helped fix small household belongings, took care of kids, helped the elderly, took care of those who were sick 
This was how you met the love of your life, Rengoku Kyojuro
He was wounded a little aways from your house
You noticed he was unconscious, so you picked him up and took him home
You stripped him of his clothes and got to stitching and patching him up
While cleaning his clothes, you wondered what he did since he carried a sword and looked so beat up
He didn’t wake for three days, you changed his bandages and and cleaned him everyday
On the third night, he jolted up, scaring you and accidently pulling too hard on stitch
He relaxed long enough for you to finish and get him fresh clothes
“Thank you for your help!”
His voice was loud and cheery, his smile was comforting and joyous
After he left, he visited you often
He brought gifts: food, clothes, jewelry, small items, anything that reminded him of you while out on missions
You worried for him when he left and took too long to come back
He had not told you of his job, he said it would be safer if you didn’t know
You liked him and you trusted him 
But the worry became worse when he showed up even more wounds
You lied him down before leaving to your small town
“Why Y/N! What a n-”
“Please! I need help! I need bandages and alcohol please! Someone I care about is in critical condition!”
Everyone trusted you and would help you in anyway they can, so many heard what had happened and dropped off supplies and food to help you and your lover 
After he was better, you both worked hard to repay everyone back for their kindness
They didn’t let you, but you’re very persuasive and repaid them behind their backs
When he left, you gave him a long and passionate kiss, your way of saying I love you
He happily returned the kiss before leaving and returning home to his own family 
(You don’t meet his family until his little brother follows Rengoku to your residence)
(You immediately love him so much)
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
May I request a Luffy with a crush?? But like he’s oblivious, y’know, himself??
🍖Luffy x Reader🍖
Okay, this boy is oblivious
Doesn’t know what he’s feeling
He just knows it’s not platonic for Y/N
Will play 20 questions with each crew member to figure it out
He’s even more confused 
While he doesn’t get it, he does find himself doing weird things
Like sharing his food
Letting Y/N sit on his special seat with him
Making sure she’s okay before anyone/anything else
It isn’t til you talk to him that he starts to understand
“May I ask you something, Captain? Why do you let me sit up here? I thought it was your special seat? Also, why do you share your food-y-your meat?”
You suddenly find yourself crying
Luffy doesn’t say anything until you finish, letting you get whatever you need out 
He hugs you after, a tight, comforting hug
It leaves you blushing and smiling
“I don’t know, I get this weird feeling in my stomach around you. My heart beats fast too!”
You understand real quick
He’s got crush
You kiss his cheek and try to explain to Luffy what he feels and that you feel the same way
Still doesn’t really get it 
But he does kiss your cheek and his signature laugh carries in the breeze
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
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peak devastation
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
We all have that one character we’re in too deep for.
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
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Artist Dena Nguyen
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
I saw that you write for USM?? May I request Danny Rand on a carnival date??
You have been crushing on Danny Rand for a long time
He was so cute, calm, and sweet
You have history with him and often get paired together for projects and such
Today, he was absent, and you were very happy and upset  
Happy because you tried a new hairstyle and were nervous what he would say since he always noticed small things like that
Upset because you wanted to see him and know what he would say
History was boring and lonely without him
You opened your notebook to take notes when a small note fell out
It was written in small font, Danny’s handwriting
Meet me outside after school
Obviously, you were going
School went by slow, but it was finally over
You saw him wearing his usual wear, looking as handsome as ever
He waved to you and gave you a dazzling smile
“I like you and I want to take you to the carnival that just opened”
You were shocked but delighted
“I like you too, let’s go”
It was perfect and magical in your eyes
You played games with Danny and won all kinds of stuffies and plushies
You got food and smeared it on his face before running away
He caught you since he’s faster and stronger than you
When you caught you, he couldn’t help but admire your soft, cute features
You were beautiful 
You were kind and was always helping someone else before yourself
You were smart, getting amazing scores on tests and assignments
You were strong in your own useful ways
He truly liked you  
He was pleased when you reciprocated his feeling back
This day has been amazing for both of you
He wanted to kiss you badly
You were already in his arms due to him catching you, your hands holding his bicep
“You really are buff”
You blushed at your outburst
He laughed and kissed your cheek
“You’re cute”
The night ended too fast for both of your liking, but you ended it with a promise to do it again
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uzuifanatic · 5 years ago
May I request an Uzui with an s/o who saves him??
Uzui was already tired from the previous mission
Trying to beat this lowlife demon was proving to be difficult
The demon being sly as a fox
He didn’t mean to, it just happened
He lost his footing and went tumbling throughout the dense forest
He saw it coming, the hands of the demon
The hands that would slice him to pieces  
It didn’t happen
Instead, a loud clang rang in his head
He looked up to another demon slayer, one with beautiful features
She glowed in his eyes, glowed like the stars on a dark night
She blocked the attack and sent the creature flying back
He was amazed and couldn’t help but admire her strength and speed as she quickly defeated the demon
She ran to Uzui and checked him for wounds
“Thanks for distracting him while I saved the girls”
“No problem”
“Why don’t we get you to a doctor, I think you might’ve hurt your ankle”
“Well, this isn’t very flamboyant”
“Please, Tengen Uzui the sound Pillar? I’ve heard he’s as flamboyant as they come”
He laughed at her flirt and rather enjoyed the company she gave
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