usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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Joe Pickard
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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OKAY I have been meaning to do this for MONTHS but hey, there’s no better time than the present so buckle up, here we go! THESE BOOKS ARE A GODSEND. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for writing aids that ACTUALLY HELP. If you’re like me, and occasionally venture out to buy books on, let’s say, showing vs telling - you will always get the same rehearsed speeches on what that means. -summons pretentious writer’s voice- You’ve got to shoooooow what’s happening in the scene, not teeeeeeell~~ BAH! What you NEVER get, however, is how to do it, or how do it better.
Each of these is so freaking helpful, I can’t even convey. They all follow the same format as the pictures I’ve shown above, so you get one detailed page of descriptions followed by tons of more in-depth, thought provoking concepts. I’ll do my best to lay out the five that I have and if you are interested, hop on over to Amazon and buy these suckers up because they are AMAZING; I have NEVER used a writing resource more than I use these. Negative Trait Thesaurus & Positive Trait Thesaurus -gives you a definition of said negative trait -gives you similar flaws also found in the book -gives you possible causes of WHY the character might have this trait -gives you a list of other behaviors the chara might have -gives you examples of the chara’s thought process -gives associated emotions -gives positive aspects of the trait, as well as negative -gives examples of well known chara’s that have this trait -talks about how the chara might overcome it -gives traits that, when combined with this one, might cause conflict How I use this information: Chara building, or when I get stuck on what I want a character to do. Man, I just can’t decide what they WOULD do. Well, awesome, I have a little guide to help me think through the character’s possible motivations. Also, I get help building a potential backstory because I get a framework of which to think, why is the character this way? Urban Setting Thesaurus & Rural Setting Thesaurus -gives a whole lot of examples of sights, smells, tastes, and sounds -gives examples of textures and sensations (ie at an ‘antique shop’ you may encounter chipped paint, distressed wood, etc) -gives you possible sources of conflict (ie at a ‘hotel’ you might have noisy neighbors) -gives list of people you might expect to find at said location -gives related settings -gives tips on this type of setting -gives a setting description example How I use this information: IMAGERY IMAGERY IMAGERY Emotion Thesaurus (aka MY FAVORITE) -gives a definition of the emotion -gives physical signs and signals (ie chara may look pale, might fidget, etc) -gives internal sensations (aka, blood pounding in the ears, dry throat, adrenaline rush) -gives mental responses (ie fight or flight) -gives cues of acute or long-term impacts of the emotion -gives ‘may escalate to _______’ and directs you to other emotions -gives cues of suppression (ie cues of suppressed rage) -gives writer tips How I use this information: I love this book so hardcore, it’s so helpful with internalizing. It’s great because I get to step outside of that box of using the same five responses to a certain emotion and start really thinking about, what can a character do instead to show that they are feeling this, rather than me using adverbs or his adrenaline pumped fifty gazillion times. These books are all co-written by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi (bless their souls) and if this sounds of interest LOOK INTO IT!! I get such buyer’s regret after buying writing guides but these are legit the best ones I have found and I reference them so, so, so much. Hope this helps anyone out there looking for something life-changing!!
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
Popular apps perfect for students
Staying on top of all your to-dos, errands, tasks and due dates can get complicated but luckily there is an app for everything! If you’re looking for app to wake you up in a morning, manage your priorities or soothe your anxiety, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a list of all the top apps that students are using:
Planner Pro
Remember The Milk
Google Calendar
Pocket Schedule - Class Schedule, Homework Planner
AwesomeNote2 - All in One Organiser
The Homework App - Your Class Assignment & Timetable Schedule Planner
My Study Life
Calendars by Readdle - Event and Task Manager
Class Timetable
Due - Reminders, Countdown Timers
Do! - The Best of Simple To Do Lists
Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple
Glass Planner
Day One Journal
iStudiez Pro
Awesome Note 2
Tide - Stay focused, be peaceful
Focus Keeper
Productive habits and daily goal tracker
HabitBull (recommend by @ravn-studies)
BrainFocus (recommend by @ravn-studies)
Toggle Time Tracker (recommend by @ravn-studies)
Self Control
Jot - Notes Widget
Swipes - To Do List
ClearFocus: Productivity Timer
Binaural beats
Note taking
Microsoft OneNote
Boximize - Structured notetaking, personal database, form builder, manager and organiser
INKredible (recommend by @lottestudiesphysics)
RefME - Referencing Made Easy
Bear (recommended by @revisionsandcoffee​)
InkFlow Visual Notebook
Khan Academy
Hemingway Editor
Coggle mindmaps
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
Sleep Genius
Rain Rain
Pillow: The sleep cycle alarm clock for sleep tracking
Sleepytime Sleep Scheduler
Mental health and self care
Stop, Breathe & Think: Meditation and Mindfulness
Pacifica - Anxiety, Stress, & Depression relief
Calm: Meditation techniques for stress reduction
Moodnotes - Thought Journal/Mood Diary
7 Cups Anxiety, Stress & Depression Chat & Therapy
Smiling Mind
Circle of 6
Health and fitness
Sweat with Kayla - Fitness & Bikini Body Workouts
Yoga Work Out
7-minutes workout
Waterlogged - Drink More Water, Daily Water Intake Tracker and Hydration Reminders
Sworkit (recommend by @leviosa-studies)
Medisafe pill reminder
Plant Nanny Water Reminder
Pocketbook Personal Finance Expense Tracker
Splitwise - Split bills and expenses the easy way
Pocket Expense - Personal Finance Assistant
Daily Budget Original Pro - Saving Is Fun!
Fudget: Budget planner and personal finance tracker
MoneyBrilliant - Personal Finance
The Coupons App
Hope this helps! x
64K notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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The smell of old books and the warm feeling of being inside bookshops. ✨
23K notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
ghost adventures is literally just an hour of guys talking shit to ghosts and then screaming once they square up
110K notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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31K notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
i need someone who loves me as much as matthew gray gubler loves halloween
141 notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
my main hobby is screaming and pointing at the screen whenever spencer reid shows up on the tv
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
Media: women need to speak out against abuse!
Kesha: I was raped
Amber Heard: I was abused 
Media: you’re both lying, gold digging whores 
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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As mentioned on my meal plan post, recipe finding can take up a lot of time so I’ve grouped up some yummy lunch ideas for you!! /ᐠ.ᆽ.ᐟ \
cheese tomato alfredo bake
beef broth udon
teriyaki chicken with zucchini noodles
baked ziti
creamy spinach alfredo pasta
mac & cheese
lemon basil pasta
mushroom + soba noodles
lemon garlic shrimp pasta
4 ways to make penne
chicken / spam sushi 
bacon egg fried rice
pineapple fried rice
sriracha mayo chicken rice balls
tortilla wrap ‘sushi’ roll 
cucumber ham rollups
spinach + feta cheese savoury muffins
cheddar corn fritters
cheesy potato bacon bake
chicken mozzarella sticks
shrimp avocado plantain cups
zucchini tots
Liv’s Healthy Life - 1 / 2 / 3
sweet potato brownies
thai basil noodles
fried brown rice + bell peppers & red beans
roasted pepper oregano pasta
brown rice pasta + sweet potato sauce w/ basil
brown rice + mushroom & kale
18K notes · View notes
usuallyinvisable · 7 years
💞Back To School Glow Up💞
Alright y'all, with school season comin back, here are some prime hoe tips to get y'all ready to slay.
1. Develop a skincare regimen at least once daily: wash, exfoliate*, mask*, toner, essential oils, moisturize.
*once weekly, to avoid overshocking your skin.
2. Tea tree oil is bomb for acne and acne scars. Apply that shit.
3. Coconut oil and castor oil for brow/lash growth every night.
4. Go through your closet, and toss clothes you don’t wear. Invest in more neutral colors and fits to configure a wider variety of cute ass outfits.
5. Don’t be afraid to thrift shop; places like TJ Maxx and The Goodwill have bomb ass brands for cheap.
6. Get your books/supplies ready a week before. Prepare yourself.
7. Have all of your test dates/assignment due dates in your phone before classes start. Make sure to request off days of work the nights before major assignments and exams if you can help it.
8. Things to keep in a bag in your locker: pads/tampons, an extra pair of panties, a spare change of clothes & shoes(in case of a wardrobe malfunction), hairbrush and hairtie, nail file & clippers, makeup remover wipes, concealer, masacara, gum, water bottle, extra pens, some spare cash, phone charger, and earbuds.
9. Keep a water bottle in ya bag at all times. A hoes gotta be hydrated.
10. Keep up with ya studies (see my School and Studying Tips post for more details on how to boost that GPA)
11. A week before school starts, develop getting sleep schedule for school by going to bed half an hour earlier every night. This’ll make waking up earlier less of a hell, trust me.
12. Have a go-to makeup look for school that takes 30 mins or less as a default, if you beat your face in the morning.
13. Replace coffee with tea for a more healthy caffeine fix before class.
14. Prepare yourself a decent breakfast before you go to bed, so you can easily grab and go in the morning. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and decreases cravings throughout the day, and generally boosts your mood and brain power.
15. If you wear a uniform, make sure that shit is comfortable and actually fits you. Make sure nothing hangs off of you, cuts off circulation, itches, irritates, etc.
16. Need a break from studying? Work out. Burn some calories, clear your mind, and stimulate your brain with some exercise. Swear to god this keeps my grades up and my body lookin fly.
17. Invest in a hair mask (any pharmacy or makeup outlet will have them), or make one yourself. They make your hair super soft and shiny for flipping it when you walk past that group of girls who hate you lol
Thats all I can think of for now hoes, get good grades, I believe in all of y'all✨
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
ultimate back to school masterpost
it has come…the witching hour…the time of doom is now upon us…okay so obviously ignore me, i’m a huge nerd. but if you’re like me, going back to school is a terrible, nerve-wracking experience. so here are some tips to help you survive this.
1. Do. Your. Summer. Work. If you haven’t started on it now, turn off whatever device you’re reading this on and start working. Many teachers will test you on whatever summer work you were assigned, and occasionally it can count for a significant portion of your first semester grade. Seriously, don’t put it off until the last minute, because then you really won’t want to do it. Plus, then you’ll have more time to focus on binge-watching Netflix uninterrupted. 
2. Whether you’re moving to an entirely new school or just a new grade, things will change this year in some way. You have to be ready for it. And you-yes, you-can be one of those things. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Want to dye your hair? Try a new extracurricular? Break a bad habit? Learn a new language? Go for it. 
3. Push yourself, but not at the expense of your mental health. No test or project is worth breaking down over. That being said, procrastination is the enemy of progress. You won’t do it later-and if you do, you won’t do it as well as you could have. 
4. Make time for your friends and yourself. Don’t let school take over your life. Self care and having fun are important too. 
5. Wherever you are, whenever you are, people are going to judge you. It’s how we’re wired-we’re a judgmental species. There’s really no point in worrying about how other people perceive you because you can’t please everyone. You could be an actual saint canonized by the pope AND cure cancer AND negotiate an armistice between the forces of good and the rabid radioactive alien wolves sworn to destroy all humanity and still some people are going to call you “bitchy,” “fake,” “weird,” “trying too hard,” et cetera, et cetera. Be unabashedly you. 
6. You are smart. Really really smart. So what if you don’t have perfect grades or the best ACT score? If you’re trying your best-really, really your best-no one can fault you for it. 
7. People who are confident in the knowledge of their own intelligence don’t: 
play the “grade game” i.e. “whadja get??? i’m sure you did great…seriously whadja get tho?? c’mon show me, i won’t tell anyone.” (u know these kids) 
loudly complain about getting an A minus/B plus when they know other people didn’t do as well as them
say they “didn’t study” every time there’s a test
lecture people when they didn’t ask for it
brag about their grades/scholarships/other opportunities 
compare themselves to/compete with other students constantly
condescend to others
talk about how much “busier” they are than other students all the time
put others down whenever they talk about successes (”i’ve won loads of those; it’s not that hard to do.” “you do know everyone who applied for science olympiad got in, right?”) *the last one someone actually said to me-and it was a blatant lie so double wtf?? 
lie about accomplishments when asked (just say you don’t want to talk about it its? not? that? hard?)
make fun of people who don’t do as well as you
Bottom line: Be honest with yourself-do you do any of these things? If so, why? The truth is, if you view your academic life as this crazy competition, you’re not going to have any fun, you’re going to lose friends over it, and people aren’t going to see you as a role model to emulate, they’re going to think you’re well…an arrogant, self-centered tool. Everyone loves that you care about school, and everyone can see that you’re really smart and driven. You have nothing to prove, and everything to lose. If you want to do well for yourself, that’s great. But if it’s all about one-upping other people, it’s not worth it. Like in writing, show, don’t tell, how competitive of a student you are. 
8. Good friends don’t: 
put you down
exclude you
stifle you 
use you as an emotional dumping ground 
stop supporting you 
tell people your secrets
gaslight you 
manipulate you 
make you feel unsafe
abuse you in any capacity
threaten to rescind their friendship for small offenses
make jokes that you find offensive 
ignore you/give you the silent treatment without telling you what’s wrong
pressure you into doing things you don’t want to
only hang out with you when their “best friends” aren’t around
talk about themselves all the time but never ask you about yourself
mooch off you 
stop talking to you for no reason
refuse to stick up for you when people are being jerks
Bottom line-if you feel like you come in second, if you feel like you’re the one that has to do all the work in the friendship, you have to ask yourself why you’re trying so hard. Having healthy friendships is as important as having healthy romantic relationships. Of course, there are degrees to how toxic friendships can be. I’ve been in some fairly awful ones that I had to cut off completely, but I’ve managed to reconnect with other people who I didn’t have good friendships with (i’m always careful never to get too close to those people though.) If you’re being abused or manipulated by a friend, you need to CUT THAT PERSON OFF. You deserve friends who treat you with respect. If your friends don’t, you’re better off alone (at least until you’ve found some real friends.) 
9. No significant other or crush is more important than your grades, your extracurriculars, or your mental health. If your relationship is taking over your life, take a step back and ask, “Where do I see this going?” Don’t waste time with people who don’t treat you right or people who aren’t interested. When the right person comes along (and they will!), you won’t have to feel nervous or awkward around them. 
10. Study smarter, not harder. Use abbreviations in your notes and find shortcuts to difficult math problems. Of course, do all your homework. It’ll cost you big time in the long run. 
11. Buy some clothes that you actually want to wear, and get rid of the ones that you hate. It’ll make getting up in the morning that much better if you feel confident about how you look. Dress for yourself-you are not “slutty” or “trying too hard” for wanting to look good. 
12. Find your textbooks online so you don’t have to lug them back and forth every day. Don’t wait to buy your supplies-buy them now so you can get good deals and won’t end up scouring every office supply store for that particular brand of pencil. 
13. Participate. Seriously. I didn’t realize what a difference this made until I got to high school. Even if you feel like you’re going to get the question wrong, even if you feel like you’re not smart enough to add anything interesting to the class discussion, say something. Not only does it make the teacher notice you-which in a big class is super important-it’ll show that you’re paying attention and that you want to learn. If you participate, teachers will be more likely to remember you and you’ll feel more confident about yourself, as well as less tempted to doze off or talk to your friends. Do this in all your classes-even the ones you’re not as good at-and you will see better grades-guaranteed (especially if they grade on participation). 
14. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re not stupid if you don’t understand something. If you can, ask someone to tutor you if you’re struggling. Ask the teacher for extra practice on what you struggle with. If no one is asking your question for you in class, you have to ask it yourself, otherwise you’re never going to learn. 
15. Hard test? Start studying 3-4 days in advance. One day review notes and material; the others do practice exercises or quiz yourself. If possible, study with friends-as long as they don’t distract you. Take 5-10 minute breaks in between sessions so you don’t burn out. 
16. Make a studying playlist and a motivational playlist. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel about studying. Only do extracurriculars you actually enjoy-not ones you just do because you think it will look good on some application or the other. Don’t load up on these activities either or your grades will start to dip. 
17. Know the dates and times of any big standardized tests you’re taking (SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP tests, IB tests, IGSE, GCSE, SAT Subject Tests, etc.). Plan to start reviewing for these at least a month before the exam. (and a month before only if you know you’re really good at that kind of test-taking.)  
18. Edit your essays, once by yourself and once with a friend. Know the format your teacher wants so you don’t have to waste time googling “MLA in-text citation” every time you have an essay due. 
19. This may come as a surprise to you, but you are not the center of the universe. So before you go on long rants about how hard your life is, remember, you have no idea what the person you’re sitting next to might be going through. You are not the only person ever who’s had to juggle hard classes, extracurriculars, a job, and family problems at the same time. Other people are also struggling-what you’re going through is not more difficult or more meaningful than what anyone else is dealing with. This year, make a resolution to ask people questions about themselves, to listen to others, instead of making everything about you. You will be surprised at how much more people will trust you and how many more friends you will make. Also, guess what? Bad days happen to everyone-so stop taking out your frustrations on people that you care about. It’s petty, it’s stupid, it’s not fair, and it’s the quickest way to make your bad day a little worse. 
20. Regardless of whatever happens this year, you will graduate, you will get a job that makes you happy, and you will be a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, successful human being. If you get nothing else out of this post, take this-don’t get yourself so taken in by that weird, hive-mind-toxic culture that school perpetuates that you lose the ability to deal with the people who are truly important to you. At the end of the day, you want to say that you came out of this school year a happier, wiser person than you entered it. 
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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Which ones do you use? 😁 (Happy New Year🎉)
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
I’ve seen study moods among the studyblr community and I think they’re super cute, so I decided to make some of my own. If anyone has already done any of these, I apologize! I did not mean to steal your idea. Nevertheless, I hope you try these out the next time you need inspiration to study. All study moods include 3 song suggestions and pictures. 
The Hogwarts Experience:
Night time. (preferably winter).  Big, brown desk filled with open textbooks and notes. Library, or a cozy room in your house. Candlelight, or lamps. Possibly near a fireplace. A cozy blanket to keep you warm. Subjects such as History, Science, or reading a book for a class. Harry Potter soundtrack playing in the background. A big cup of hot coffee. 
Song Suggestions: 
Hedwig’s Theme: Harry Potter Theme Song 
Lily’s Theme: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 
The Resurrection Stone: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 
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The All Nighter:
1am-6am. Night before a big exam, or on finals week. All your materials layed out on the floor. Energy drinks and coffee. Sweats and a huge t-shirt. Upbeat music playing to keep you awake. Lots of review, flashcards, practice tests. Possibly some friends with you. 
Song Suggestions:
Never Be Like You: Flume ft. Kai
Gold: Kiiara 
Help Me Lose My Mind (Mazde Remix): Disclosure 
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The Early Bird:
Early in the morning. A clean, white desk next to a window with sunlight pouring in. Studying just one subject, or reading a book. Eating breakfast and listening to soft, calm music. Birds chirping. Fall time. A cozy blanket thrown over your legs.
Song Suggestions:
Birds Flying High: MOWE 
Earth Angel: The Penguins
Roslyn: Bon Iver & St. Vincent 
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The Comfy Kid:
Laying in bed after a shower. Very light studying. Reading a book, or watching video notes. Lots of snacks and pillows. Calm music. Warning: probably going to fall asleep. During sunrise or sunset. Maybe in bed with a significant other, or pet. Coffee.
Song Suggestions:
Sleep Walk: Santo & Johnny 
Bloom: The Paper Kites 
Sweater Weather: The Neighbourhood 
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The Workaholic:
A whole day committed to studying. No distractions. In a library. Classical music plying through your headphones. Writing essays and dong lab write ups. Coffee and snacks. Laptop, books, textbooks, and lots of notes. Alone all day. 
Song Suggestions: 
Primivera: Ludovico Einaudi 
Mirror in the Mirror: Arvo Part 
An Ending: Brian Eno
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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I’d like to spend every day like this
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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| May 6, 2017 | My anxiety is so bad today but I still have to get some work done on my paper about Immanuel Kant. Please give me your best tips for studying with anxiety? Study hard lovers
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usuallyinvisable · 7 years
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