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#when you have a hallway fight scene >>
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Things other countries might not know about Australian elections:
Voting is compulsory. The punishment for not voting is a $20 fine. There is no punishment for vandalising your vote, handing in a blank ballot, or just showing up , having you name crossed off and leaving again.
However, if you don't enrol to vote when you turn 18, our data systems aren't sophisticated enough to catch you.
The Liberal Party is right wing and the Labor Party is left wing.
Because we have compulsory voting, the major parties tend to aim to appeal to undecided centrallist voters. People with fixed political beliefs (most people) are kind of taken for granted. This is very boring but it keeps our politics from getting as polarised as other countries where parties aren't just trying to win over voters but also to motivate their bases to come out and vote.
Voting happens mostly at schools and community centres.
Parties send volunteers to hang out at polling places and try convince people to vote their way. But things stay pretty polite because Australians find enthusiasm to be suspect.
Once you cross a certain line to enter the poling place those people have to leave you alone.
Schools and charities will sell things like homemade cakes and BBQ sausages in bread as a fundraiser.
The sausages are called 'democracy sausages' and taste just slightly of democracy.
You can also do a postal vote and vote in the days before election day at certain places.
Hope this helps.
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i think these two should be friends
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• people in Kyiv steal and vandalize plates with street names so russians won't know where are they currently located
• a professor in KPI faculty of chemistry messaged her students that their only homework is to make molotov cocktails
• in Kharkiv people fucking stole a tank piece by piece while russian troops looked for diesel fuel
• in Dnipro a civilian shitted on a russian mark that helps to navigate their shellings
• obolonian gopniks assaulted russian armored carrier with a piece of asphalt & when a soldier came out they beated him up too
• a video where a man noticed russian troops in disguise & exposed them by demanding to say "паляниця" (a word which russians are struggling to pronounce). also a video where a man shouts after the sounds of explosions 'FUCK YOU I DIDN'T FINISH MY SOUP YET'
• and don't forget the sunflower seeds babushka
I fucking love our people
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Studio Madhouse; Productions (1972 -  )
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Celebrating 1000 Episodes of One Piece!!!!
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shibuya incident arc  (渋谷事変)
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“Star Wars: Visions” Masterpost
Star Wars Visions is dropping Sept 22 and has a new, shiny trailer. To make things easier, I thought I’d make a big info post about Star Wars: Visions (that i started over a month ago and only finishing now lol) since I am SO excited for the long-overdue advent of Star Wars anime. I’m a big fan of anime and was really excited to see the variety of studios and styles being tapped for this project. I also included some links when possible to some of the studios’ past works!
1. “The Duel” (Kamikaze Douga)
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In an alternate Jedi vs Sith universe based on Japanese lore, a former Sith wanders the galaxy and confronts an inner struggle of selflessness vs selfishness. The animation will be stylized as black and white with the exception of the lightsabers. The tie-in novel Ronin by Emma Mieko Candon will be based on this short. As I guessed, "The Duel” looks to be 3D animation since Kamikaze Douga is a CG animation studio. Their animated short Batman Ninja is a fun example of how they work with 3D animation.
2. “Lop and Ocho” (Geno)
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A padawan/master story focusing on Lop, a young bunny Jedi padawan. This short will emphasize its natural scenery in contrast to imperial industrialization. Geno is a pretty new studio, but it’s mostly formed out of the former staff of the now-defunct Studio Manglobe, which made Samurai Champloo back in the early 2000s (although I’m unsure if any of the staff that worked back then are still with the studio).
3. “Tatooine Rhapsody” (Studio Colorido)
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A Star Wars rock opera about a Tatooine garage band trying to make it big. It will be chibi style and feature cameos from existing characters like (chibi!) Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt. Studio Colorido has recently done action anime like Burn the Witch, as well as more sllce-of-life styles like Penguin Highway.
4. “The Twins” (Studio Trigger)
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Follows a set of twins born to the Dark Side where the brother must save his Sith sister from the darkness, inspired by Luke and Leia. Hiroyuki Imaishi from Studio Trigger is directing this short—a brief highlight reel of his animation and directing work can be found here, I’m very excited that he seems to have a super dynamic style and I’m looking forward to seeing such vibrant and colorful concept artworks come to life.
5. “The Elder” (Studio Trigger)
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A story that follows a classic master/apprentice relationship, and of the old generation giving way to the new. Studio Trigger is also animating this short in addition to “The Twins”—some examples of their past work are Little Witch Academia and Promare.
6. “The Village Bride” (Kinema Citrus)
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Described as “romantic and bittersweet,” a fallen Jedi observes the traditions of a small mountain village through the titular village bride, inspired by traditional Japanese mountain culture.  This short apparently “approaches the Force in a really unique way.” Kinema Citrus’ recent works include Revue Starlight and Made in Abyss. Their staff members are former animators from Production IG and Bones, both of which are big and influential animation studios.
7. “Akakiri” (Science Saru)
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A “beautiful yet painful” story about a Jedi and a princess. The concept art looks particularly gorgeous to me. Science Saru combines traditional and 3D animation techniques, and produced Food Chain from Adventure Time as their debut project.
8. “T0-B1″ (Science Saru)
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A “cute and fun story” about a droid boy who wants to be a Jedi, also by Science Saru. Very much inspired by the classic and old-school anime Astroboy, and they even tapped one of the original sound designers who worked on Astroboy.
9. “The Ninth Jedi” (Production IG)
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“The Ninth Jedi” follows the story of a daughter of a Jedi bladesmith who must deliver lightsabers to a group of warriors, all of whom must find a way to work with each other. Just going by name recognition, Production IG is the studio that stands out to me the most! They made the legendary/groundbreaking Ghost in the Shell film in the 90s (and the various sequels), the famous O-Ren Ishii animated sequences from Tarantino’s Kill Bill, and the popular sports anime Haikyuu!!
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two problem children, but they are the strongest.
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JJK 149. Mai Zen'in
It’s fascinating for a battle shounen manga to have a character like Mai who is diametrically opposed to the ideals of strength and self-improvement that are usually valourized in this genre. Mai doesn't die because she can’t get stronger, but because she doesn’t want to. And although that attitude is evidently incompatible with an existence within the world and situation she found herself in, there is no negative value judgment imposed by the narrative itself condemning her unwillingness to unlock her "full potential".
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JJK has always foregrounded competing worldviews and how individuals’ different perspectives and values can either coexist or conflict with others. Maki's ambition to transform the Zen'in clan vs. the Zen'ins' regressive conservatism; Gojou's vision for the jujutsu world vs. the higher ups' ; Yuji's "I want to save everyone" vs. Megumi's "I choose who I save" ; Mei Mei's "I'm on the side of money" vs. Nanami leaving a lucrative job to save people out of compassion, and so on.
So it's particularly impressive that, while operating within the shounen genre, the story continues to maintain its respect for this ideological diversity by preserving Mai’s belief in her own worldview to the very end. Simply put, not everyone wants to become powerful even if they may have the potential to. Not everyone wants to live a life of violence, and not everyone wants to be a saviour for others at the direct expense of their own sanity.
It would be perhaps the more optimistic yet potentially oppressive narrative move to demand for Mai's character to undergo a transformation from a character who resists the shounen ideals to one who accepts them. This type of transformation would by no means be inherently negative; I'm definitely not saying that going down this path would have been bad for Mai's character or for the story. But it would succumb to a temptation to move towards a kind of 'sameness' rather than difference in its depiction of ways of acting in the world. I think Mai's ending is all the more striking because it resists this temptation.
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Because I think that the more typical - and optimistic - development arc for Mai would have been for her to learn how to be willing to become stronger as a sorcerer and eventually fight alongside Maki.
But instead, Mai never ends up conforming to those dominant values of strength and ambition. Neither is she subjected to the kind of development traditionally favoured by the genre that are along the lines of, 'you just need to believe in yourself and work hard' -- because if we really think about it, often times a lot of feats in shounen are accomplished by sheer willpower and self-conviction. (JJK is not always an exception to that trope, nor is it necessarily a bad thing!). Mai had previously firmly stated her opposing point of view, and this essential attitude never changes even when we perhaps most expect it to.
In this situation, rather than working to improve her technique to create stronger objects without it costing her life, Mai passively accepts that her weakness will require self-sacrifice.
It’s a fatalistic attitude resulting from having never wanted to partake in a life of violence and hardship.
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On the one hand, inflexibility and the inability to adapt are not exactly commendable traits; Mai is certainly fixed in her resignation and refusal to work towards her full potential as a sorcerer. On the other hand, to use Nanami's words, being a sorcerer is shit. All the suffering and regret in the story so far has only continued to reaffirm that sentiment. So we also can't fully condemn Mai for rejecting that way of life to the extent that she would rather sacrifice herself than to push forward to have her own "shounen power-up" moment. Because the aftermath of that would be a path likely filled with death, brutality, and suffering.
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The wish to live a normal life is a legitimate and valid one. In an ideal world, her clan would not punish her for it. In an ideal world, opposing perspectives, especially ordinarily pacifist ones like Mai's, would be allowed to exist. Mai having to die because she was unable to escape or adapt to the ruthlessness of the jujutsu world exemplifies how cruel that world is. Mai's persistence in her wish for a normal life, and her "failure" as a sorcerer is not her failure at all; her death reflects a failure of the violently rigid jujutsu clan culture.
In this light, it is all the more tragic that Mai's death was entirely preventable, and fated not by the inevitability of actual "fate", but rather entirely by a radically traditionalist clan system.
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At the same time, as I mentioned earlier, I find it impressive for Gege to have allowed Mai to hold onto her values. Just as Maki has always stayed true to her dreams of overturning the Zen'in clan by becoming a powerful sorcerer, Mai has always stayed true to her resistance to that dark and difficult path. From a writing perspective, I think it's interestingly respectful to Mai's character in that way. It's also for this reason that I consider this chapter to be a worthy good-bye to Mai, as she is faithful to her own way of being in the world until the end. It may not conform to the demands of the optimistic self-improvement narrative generally preferred by shounen, but it is a valid perspective, and it is never depicted to be 'lesser than' or 'inferior to' the shounen narrative.
I'm always interested in stories in which there is a genuine dialogue of a diversity of voices, each with their own perspectives and viewpoints even as they conflict with each other - or in other words stories that prioritize 'difference' over 'sameness' in ways of being, thinking, and acting. It's not necessarily uncommon - most if not all stories will feature different character motivations within a given cast. But I think JJK does this particularly well in a particularly convincing way, and 149 is further confirmation of this for me.
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Finally, it is notable that Mai herself seems to acknowledge this sentiment. She may have been unwilling to imagine a stronger future version of herself, which is opposite to the advice Gojou had given Megumi if he wanted to reach his full potential. But she died for the sake of believing in the stronger future version of Maki, and this is how she is victorious even in death. All the way to the end, Mai had her way of viewing and acting in the world in her individual way, and Maki had hers; importantly, Mai ends up encourages this difference. Right after she states that "You are me, and I am you", that sameness is undercut when Mai immediately after points to their contrasting motivations:
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Mai ultimately encourages Maki to live in the way that Maki wants to live - to the fullest potential of her power and the fullest potential for her capacity to force change upon a corrupt system. Before, Mai had resented Maki for moving on without her ("why didn't you fall down the hole with me?") - she resented how Maki couldn't be the same as her in how she viewed the world. In her final chapter, Mai conversely acknowledged that she herself could never see the world exactly the same as Maki.
Therein lies the cornerstone of her character development; before, she resented that difference between them for those twofold reasons. In the last moments of her life, she no longer resents Maki for moving on without her; she encourages her to move forward into the future. It is of course undeniably tragic, as it must be a future without Mai. And no amount of power gained from such a loss could ever be consolation for that tragedy.
It is fitting, then, that Mai's final message to Maki is full of despair -- yet it is also not without hope. In the interplay between 'construction' and 'destruction', it is ironic yet poetic that Mai wished for her object-construction technique's final and greatest creation to be used to destroy - indeed, to "destroy everything". There is undoubtedly despair both in that command, and in Maki's drive to destruction when she emerges from that room. But somewhere, somehow, there must also be the hope that that destruction will be in the service of "construction", of creating a better future for others, even if it is too late for it to be a future in which they can live in together.
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The Akira bike slide and every animation ever made since the 1988/1990 film releases
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Formation B SSS version (aka the original) 
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so... i woke up at 1:30 am bc my brain is full and the first thing that came to mind is... Latinamerica is collapsing and i wonder if the rest of the world knows.
if it doesn't, then maybe it should, so, i wanna explain:
we are actually about to run out of water: 85% of the mexican territory is in a draught, the worst in 30 years, they say. and there's lakes that are disappearing.
government is spreading "tips" and "infographics" about how to save some water when they're allowing companies like coca-cola and pepsi; cemex, bonafont and bimbo to have leverage in aquifers and they let them own basically 70% of the water in the country thanks to the National Waters Law (Ley de Aguas Nacionales)
oh and just last night (may 3rd) the 12th metro line collapsed in México City and 23 people died. everyone is blaming it on the 2 previous governments' corruption for using cheap materials and rushing to finish it and inaugurate it before it was actually ready
same as México, they're running out of water, so far three states are totally out of it, which is around 1.4 million people.
the press has been calling it the worst draught in the history of the country SINCE LAST YEAR
besides the government has stopped buying vaccines and they're leaving around 70% of the population without a vaccination...
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there's no space left in the hospitals, the government stole the 1.6k million usd loan that the country got for health care related buys during the pandemic and left the hospitals alone to their luck. people have to sell their things; from their TV's and fridges to their cars, houses, bodies... there's actual people recurring to prostitution so they can buy medicine the government is supposed to be providing
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they've been having a hard economic crisis; again, surprise surprise, the government has stolen 14 million quetzales (1.8million usd) that was destined to the healthcare department: since the pandemic started people has been fired by hordes, there's no jobs, there's no money, there's no more safe hospitals or doctors to work in them, or equipment. and the president approved the 2021 budget in the middle of the night and took away money from the health and the education departments, leading to massive protests that, as you have guessed, were repressed with police violence.
Costa Rica🇨🇷
government actually created an espionage agency, the UPAD, they're fining people for being outside hiding behind the excuse of the pandemic; which is making hospitals collapse, they passed a recessive tax reform, the Electoral Supreme Court was scammed in the latest elections and they're actually seeking to create a higher rank power, a "superminister", higher than a president, who can hold the three powers of the nation (dictatorship, everyone?)
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they're enduring a huge political crisis, they have to chose a president and their only two options are: a leftist man that wants to take all the agricultural land and divide it in equal parts, doesn't support lgbtttiq rights, privatize almost all services and more reforms that would lead to massive firings AND a woman that it's being investigated for fraud and money laundering and that descends from one of the biggest peruvian dictators and wants to get him out of prison.
this uncertainty of course has made the usd price to sky rocket (because what else is new) and now the prices of everything are rising as well, and the wages? they're staying still
reports on the presidential debate
El Salvador🇸🇻
another political crisis: the president along with the congress (which is mostly sitting his party) dismissed and basically fired the judges of the supreme court and the attorney general. and recommended/nominated new ones from his party, opening the way to the totalitarianism and welp, the end of democracy in the country: dictatorship.
the people is outraged and the international community along with the America States Organization are rejecting this horrid violation to the Constitution of El Salvador but the panorama is still uncertain.
the government of Ivan Duque just has been in the process of passing a tax reform to collect around 25 billion Colombian pesos (around 6.5k billion usd) through taxes without raising the minimum wages; this would throw the country in an economic crisis that would impact the lower and middle classes and it would take products off the basic market basket.
the people of Colombia have been marching and protesting about this and the government has replied with police violence, they have their own anti-raid police, the ESMAD, and they have orders to shoot to kill, the process now has paused because of the protest.
there isn't yet an exact number on the death count but what the people is sure of is that they're gonna try to hide it along with the number of rapings and tortures the police has been conducting.
in 2019 chilean government rose the price of the metro/subway and there were protests and marches and manifestations, which led, of course, to policial repression, this was a whole ordeal that was condemned by the UN, now, the people is tired that the same government hasn't dealt properly with the sanitary contingency so they starter planing a huge strike; dozens of worker unions planning to march on april 30th to show that they're millions and they want the president out.
then the president was acused of crimes against humanity before the International Court of Human Rights for the repression of the 2019 protests...
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well, if you haven't heard about the venezuelan crisis, you've been living under a rock: it's been going on for more than 20 years, venezuelan people live under a dictatorship (fucking incredible we still have those in the world), the police kills people that march and manifest, citizens don't have dignified access to: public transport, gas and gasoline, electricity, food, water, medicine and medical equipment let alone the covid vaccine.
and when the venezuelan people wanna leave the mediocre and deplorable conditions in which their government had made them live? conditions in which if you don't die of sickness, you get killed by a cop or killed in a robbery or killed on a raid? if you don't die of hunger you die of thirst? they raised the passport prices! and so the venezuelan people as a lot of people in Latinoamérica have to illegally migrate; and we all know how that's seen.
Puerto Rico🇵🇷
an immense femicide rise and Gender Violence alert.
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and all this happened within the last week.
donations and ways to help México and Colombia
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i hope princess diana is waiting for philip at the gates with a double barrel shotgun. get him girl.
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Top 10 my favourite anime tv series.
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10. Cossette no shouzou.
Powerful narrative through image and stage direction. It is the perfect example to talk about artistic direction.
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9. Humanity has declined.
Powerful and creative satire, and it is so freaking funny, I love it.
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8. Kaiba.
Explores interesting topics with such a good technique. We all now that Masaaki Yuassa is a good director.
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7. Tha Tatami Galaxi.
Perfect aesthetic and direction. I wish it was more ambitious when exploring the topic of coming of age tho.
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6. Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Let me say this: this is the most ambitious, creative, imaginative and effective artistic direction I have EVER seen.
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5. Shoujo Kakumei Utena.
A master class in symbolism. There are so many details, so many possible explanations that I just cannot state what is the actual topic of the show.
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4. Kyousogiga.
A master class in rythm and narrative. THIS is jist MAD but high quality that I can just define it as psychodelic.
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3. Haibane Renmei.
Such a nice critique and deconstruction. The atmosphere is perfect and well executed and the topic is deep and explored with humanity.
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2. Serial Experiments Lain.
Just everything, it is so enigmatic and ambitious and creative and effective in every single aspect, it is just perfect.
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1. Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Creative, ambitious, perfect symbolism, perfect cohesion betwee topics and devises used in the script and the audiovisual narrative…and the best part, it is HUMAN, just HUMAN. So powerful and deep but so natural. I looooove it.
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