Bad biatches
12 posts
Hey there, kittens high schooler who loves art,writing,character ai and TV! good omens,house m.d,fnaf,Sherlock bbc
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usedtrashbag39 · 7 months ago
CHAPTER 6: Lovers rock
(yes inspired by the song “lovers rock” by TV girl)
It was a cold crisp evening and Crowley was sitting- or rather sulking- in a soft armchair in the bookshop he used to spend every day in with his beloved angel Aziraphale. It had been a few weeks since Aziraphale threw away the opportunity for him and Crowley to have their own life away from all the chaos of heaven and hell to be an archangel.
As Crowley lost himself in a freshly opened bottle of Chateauneuf-du-de-Pape Aziraphales favorite wine he still couldn't help but miss the angel. Yes drinking wine didn't do much anyway when he could easily sober himself up within seconds but it worked in the moment. Since Aziraphale left Crowley found himself subconsciously doing things the angel did like drinking his favorite wine or listening to his favorite vinyls even trying sushi.
A knock at the door echoed through the shop causing Crowley to grumble something under his breath and shift his position in the chair.
“We’re closed!”
He shouted to the person outside his voice, slurred from the amount of alcohol in his body and strained from the amount of time he had spent sulking and crying over the past few days. Another harder knock on the door elicited a low growl from the demon. He pulled himself up barely standing on his trembling legs. He sighed again before quickly sobering himself up, grabbing his glasses and moving toward the door where the knocking became a bit more frantic rather than demanding.
When crowley finally reached the door through his lethargic strides he gave the doorknob an aggravated turn and wung it open. Crowleys yellow eyes widened behind his glasses and he had to keep himself still right where he was. Before him stood aziraphale. The angel. No, HIS angel. The angel hadnt changed much except for a bit of white stubble on his face.
“Crowley…My dear. May I come inside?”
Aziraphale urged softly. His voice was shaky and unstable. The man had always been quick to get emotional. Crowley moved aside without saying a word. The angel hesitated before taking the invitation and walking inside. A small relieved yet sad smile crossed the angel's face as he looked around taking in the fact the only difference was a few more plants scattered around the shop.
“I wasnt going to let your shop go to ruin angel.”
Crowley stated coldly but it sounded like it was laced with a genuine care. Aziraphale turned to meet crowleys gaze.
“Y-yes. I see that. Thank you.”
Aziraphale hesitantly walked closer to crowley to which the demons body visibly tensed up. Aziraphale reached a hand toward crowleys face ever so slowly. Crowley brought a swift hand up to grab the angels hand and shoving it away.
“Are you serious? Dont try that shit with me aziraphale.”
Crowley snarled. His aggression much to aziraphales surprise. Aziraphale pulled his hand back letting it rest by his side tilting his head down to look at the floor as crowley began to speak again
“You left me for heaven after everything theyve done to us. Done to you. You left to be some supreme archangel. You ran after more power when we couldve had everything we ever wanted here. As an us you-”
“I know! I know…i hurt you and i had no right nor reason to leave you like that and im sorry. I know i will never be able to make it up to you…”
Crowley sighed heavily. The angel looked pathetic he looked vulnerable. Crowley took off his glasses and tosses them on a nearby table. When he looked back at aziraphale the angel could see the puffiness and red tint of his eyes. Crowley grabbed aziraphales hand and pressed a gentle quivering kiss to the back of it
“Just. dont leave me again…that would be enough. I need you angel…”
The angel looked into crowleys eyes. They were full of hurt and genuine feelings. Aziraphale gave a small nod to the demon a small symbolic promise to never leave his side. The demon placed another kiss onto the angels hand before leading him over to a small sofa. They sat down next to each other hand in hand just admiring each other and the fact they were back together again. The soft music of a vinyl record that crowley had been listening to was now the only sound in the air. As they turned to look at each other they found their faces inching closer only to be broken out of their trances by the sound of the record skipping. Crowley got up slowly and walked up to the record player gently flipping the disc. He sat back down next to aziraphale this time close enough for their thighs to touch flush together. The demon cupped the angels face pressing their noses together.
“Ive missed this angel”
He whispered softly. Their lips intertwined, and their eyes fluttered closed as they enjoyed the reunion, their bodys slowly melting together more and more as the moments went on.
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usedtrashbag39 · 8 months ago
Crowley and aziraphale loved each other and had for thousands of years. Unfortunately Heaven was not thrilled that one of their archangels was coordinating with a demon let alone Crowley. Crowley was a demon high on the chain, when he was an angel he was a Seraphim. A seraphim was the highest rank a member of heaven could be, but yet the "holiest" of angels fell and was corrupted by temptation.
Aziraphale on the other hand is a principality, the lowest ranking of angels, despite being the archangel of the Eastern gate.
This often caused Aziriphale to know more than an average principality because now that Crowley had fallen, or as he'd say 'Sauntered vaguely downwards', he could tell Aziriphale anything that the seraphim knew without any repercussions.
This often caused Aziriphale to have to lie to heaven, Aziriphale wasn't among the purest of angels, he often broke a lot of heavens rules and often committed sins.
One cool autumn morning Crowley lay in bed but when he reached over to embrace Aziriphale the angel wasn't there. Crowley checked the time, it was only 6am, Crowley groggily stood himself up stretching and putting on an old t-shirt. He walked out to the main shop and looked around. He didn't see Aziriphale but he could hear him, he seemed to be talking to someone.
When Crowley rounded the corner of a couple bookshelves he saw Aziriphale kneeling with an open book on the ground in front of him. Crowley knew he was praying and didn't want to disturb the angel but something wasn't right.
Was the angel shaking?
Crowley walked closer,the balls of his feet gently landing on the hardwood floor. He crouched down next to the angel.
"Angel, are you alright?"
Aziriphale turned and quickly hugged Crowley and began to weep into his shoulder
"I'm sorry...oh Crowley I'm so sorry"
Crowley was caught off guard but embraced the angel gently kissing the top of his head and rubbing his back
"Angel, there is nothing to be sorry for..."
Crowley didn't understand why Aziriphale was upset but he knew the angel was vulnerable and needed comfort
" a sinner..."
Aziriphale shakily spoke his head still buried into crowley's shoulder
"Angel look at me..."
He gently lifted the angels chin, his face was red and his eyes puffy, he kissed the angels forehead
"No one is perfect, not even angels...and we aren't with heaven or hell now we are on our own. We are an us…”
Crowley was speaking in a gentle tone, his vibrant yellow eyes dilating, he despised seeing the angel like this. He pulled Aziriphale back into a hug rubbing his head
“Thank you dear…”
Aziriphale whispered, Crowley did not respond; he just continued to comfort the angel in his arms. They sat there for a while before Crowley helped Aziriphale up off the floor. He lifted the angel's chin and gently pressed their lips together in a gentle and warm kiss.
This chapter is more just for like lore but also in a situation ig idrk
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usedtrashbag39 · 8 months ago
6000 years. 6000 years was the time period Crowley and aziraphale had been friends. Despite the risk of even communicating with each other let alone having a relationship the 2 still had an unbreakable bond no matter the troubles they faced. One day Crowley was driving around Soho in his Bently as Bohemian rhapsody by Queen blared through the speakers lightly shaking the car, he decided to stop by the bookshop and check in on his beloved angel friend aziraphale.
When Crowley arrived and parked his car he walked up to the door but he hesitated. He had told himself he was going to tell aziraphale the truth, the truth he said he'd tell him for 6000 years, but Crowley truly didn't want to tell aziraphale fearing the result the confession would have on their relationship. At the same time Crowley knew that aziraphale deserved to know. He built up the courage and walked in the shop where he saw Aziriphale kicked back in a cushioned chair holding an open book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.
"Hello Angel"
Crowley said in a deeper tone than his usual voice, he was trying to sound confident to mask the underlying anxiety.
Aziraphale looked over at Crowley and sat up straight in his chair setting his book and drink down on the desk in front of him
"Are you alright my dear?"
Aziriphale asked clearly able to see the anxiety that filled Crowley and the terrible attempt at hiding it
"I- I'm fine angel"
Crowley felt the nerves rise inside him as Aziriphale slowly walked over to Crowley placing a hand on his cheek
"You look pale my dear..."
Aziriphales hands were soft and gentle as his thumb gently caressed the demon's cheek. Aziriphale was genuinely concerned for his friend
"I..I told you i'm fine i..its.."
Crowley couldn't help but stutter and trip over his words the gentle touch from Aziriphale sent shivers down Crowley's spine
"Crowley my dear...please just tell me what's on your mind."
Aziriphales words were gentle as Crowley considered the angels soft tender words
"Angel...we've been friends for a long time...and..well...I figured if...if beelzebub and Gabriel can..well...maybe we an us..."
Crowley nervously looked into the angel's eyes terrified that the words were now let out into the air. Aziriphale slid his hand from Crowley's cheek down to his upper arm
"Crowley...i...I understand..I just..I had no idea you felt this way..."
Both the angel and the demon caught themselves blushing as they drowned in each other's vibrant opaque eyes.
Crowley felt drawn closer to Aziriphale, the angel's head now only inches away from Crowleys.
"Angel...i..I love you more than the stars..."
Aziriphale was taken aback by the demons comment, Crowley had created the stars and nebulas they were his pride and joy so to be told this deeply shocked the angel
"Oh Crowley~"
Aziriphale got a bit choked up as he cupped Crowley's face pulling him in for a gentle but passionate kiss. Crowley was shocked but eventually he too cupped the angel's face.
It felt like time had stopped and the world stood still. Nothing else mattered at that moment, they were finally happy. They were both right where they were meant to be.
If only it actually went that way 😪
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usedtrashbag39 · 9 months ago
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usedtrashbag39 · 10 months ago
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Not to be dramatic or anything
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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Source Xwitter
Yup, my prediction too.
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
Hey, my fanfic for good omens got taken down off wattpad, and I don't know why, so I'm going to post it on here! If anyone has any requests for other fanfics or situations, please reach out if I know the character/Fandom. I'll try my best to make something!
Much love
-from your favorite trash bag♡
Crowley slithered up the tainted stone wall that surrounded the luscious garden of eden. When he reached the top his body slowly shifted back to normal, the scales slowly faded as black-gray wings stretched out wide. Crowley's long red hair flowed over his shoulders, his yellow eyes narrowly slit in the middle, glanced over to the Archangel of the Eastern gate, Aziriphale, Aziriphale had large white feathery wings stretched out wide as he too looked over at Crowley. Aziriphales eyes were a soft baby blue that kindly complemented his short white curly hair and his long white gown.
"Oh, Hello Crowley~"
Aziriphale gave Crowley a soft smile, his gentle voice strung around Crowley's ears as the demon blushed softly.
"Hello angel."
Crowley didn't smile back but instead gave a small nod of acknowledgement as his eyes wandered back to the endless desert before them.
"Beautiful view up here isn't it~"
Aziriphale muttered softly doing his best to ignore the demons blunt behavior
"Yes, I do suppose it is."
Crowley replied, he couldn't look the angel in the eyes. Aziriphale could never care for a demon such as Crowley, especially one who had been so close to him before they fell. *Crowley had let Aziriphale down.*
Both Crowley and aziraphale looked up as rain slowly started to drip onto their clothing and wings. Aziriphale lifted his left wing covering Crowley's head. Crowley looked over in a bit of disbelief at the angel's action, the demon felt his body unwillingly shift closer to the angel as Crowley fought off the blush that stained his cheeks.
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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You brought Bucky to Ulta with you and he’s standing in front of a row of lipsticks with his arms crossed, a shopping basket in his hand and a frown on his devastatingly handsome face.
Y/N: What color should I get?
Bucky: You don’t even need make-up, you’re beautiful without it. Why do I care what color you get?
Y/N: Because I’m gonna leave a ring of it around your cock.
Bucky: ….
He uncrosses his arms and proceeds to swipe the entire shelf of lipstick into the shopping basket.
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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usedtrashbag39 · 11 months ago
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