usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
FINALLY someone who doesn't think komaeda is gay! Libtards always assume that he's gay and it's so gross. Yaoi sjws are fucking gross. Like straight people exist?? Stop pushing the propaganda one day we might have a straight people holocaust smh my head
exactly! komaeda is in love with junko in canon so calling him gay is really dumb imo? straight people are so oppressed in this fandom it’s really ridiculous!!!! fujoshis should all just band together on an island and kill each other with rocks!
- mod usami
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usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
Are you a homosexual?
im bi myself, but homosexuals are cool! i think that everyone deserves love!! ^w^
- mod usami
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usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
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hewwo everyone, it’s mod usami here! i guess i should say why i made this blog, huh? well, it was really just because of all the backlash ive been seeing against danganronpa blogs that speak their opinions! so, even if you sjw blogs hate it, ive got opinions and im going to say them! to everyone who will support our future, i really hope that we get along on our time on this island! (╹◡╹)
- mod usami
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