uruisgs · 2 years
At work working when it's like 40 degrees outside and I'd rather be home genshing my impact
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uruisgs · 2 years
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uruisgs · 2 years
*twirling hair normally* im sooooo normal about this piece of media,,,, so soso normal,,,,, *begins whirring* sooooooooooooooooooooooo noooooooormaaaaaaaal 
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uruisgs · 2 years
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STRAY (2022) dev. Annapurna Interactive
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uruisgs · 2 years
I have no grander ambitions in life I simply want to live with people I love, play videod Game, and sink my teeth into all the kinds of eatery on this earth
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uruisgs · 2 years
I could recognize him by tits alone
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uruisgs · 2 years
no fucking way
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major greek news channel used kojima’s insta photos saying he’s the man who killed the former prime minister of japan. i am not joking.
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uruisgs · 2 years
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DILUC ✧ Outfit Teaser: Teyvat Style – Silhouettes of the Night
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uruisgs · 2 years
oh my god im so.normal about dilucs new costume
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uruisgs · 2 years
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Red Dead of Night ◊ Diluc
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uruisgs · 2 years
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Happy Holi ft. Kaeya 😌🌸
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uruisgs · 2 years
how am i supposed to relax when there are things
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uruisgs · 2 years
squeak now or forever hold ur cheese
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uruisgs · 2 years
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hey tumblr. why is this now the only recommended tag. i don't make any digital art. why.
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uruisgs · 2 years
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decided to redraw this. for fun.
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uruisgs · 2 years
naruto’s pretty good with kids throughout like the whole series i dont get why he cant bond with his own son its so weird that naruto of all people would be a negligent father
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uruisgs · 2 years
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Compensation for the Pirate queen…?
[art print]
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