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ursaius · 4 months ago
Dollheartedgf aka 150151 is not Claudia please leave them alone they're just an innocent bystander. Claudia took their previous URL when dollheartedgf changed it.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
I wanna make it clear though that no one should be harassing anyone in my behalf. I've already sent my ex to the 9th layer of hell in my mind and that's all the revenge I need. I hate the fucker but they're a loser and don't waste your time with them y'all they're really not worth it. Best revenge is a life well lived and all that just block them and don't give them your time and attention it's what they feed off of. And don't get this twisted as me defend or doing anything for you Claudia. I do not care about you or how your doing or how your own actions "hurt you too" lmao be so real. I just don't want people feeding into complexes. Stop talking about me and to me and I will do the same. That's what a said like two weeks ago but you had to come and spout some bullshit at me last night.
Dollheartedgf is not the person in question. Claudia stole their previous URL please extra please do not harass dollheartedgf
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ursaius · 4 months ago
Lmao not then saying people are parasocial with me 😭 I'm not the one out here trying to get everyone to pitty me and lying so no one faults me for the shit I did. And not you out here trying to question my identity as butch because I'm not out here defending you 😭 I don't have to fucking defend you because your the one that did this to ME I didn't do shit to you. You're the one that got into this relationship knowing you were catfishing me, YOUR the one that continued to lie, YOUR the one that lied about your name pretending to be Charlotte, YOUR the one that continued to use jes's pictures even after she begged you to stop, YOUR the one that kept changing your name and URL to avoid the accountability and responsibility of your actions. No one's fucking canceling you, your not nearly important even to be a victim of cancel culture. You did a lot of fucked up shit and your mad that no one's gonna let your forget it or let it go CAUSE YOU DID SOMETHING FUCKED UP. sure if we broke up cause you cheated on me it would be whatever no one would give a fuck but that's not what happened. And I'm not the solo victim of all of this your victimized toothfairyfemme and you victimized jes. The only reason you refuses to acknowledge them is because they're both POC and ones a femme and that doesn't fit into your narrative of this being an attack on you because of race and people dick riding a butch. You fucked upped and you refused to own it and you fucking messaged me asking for a bullshit favor that i don't fucking owe you and something that's to late to do
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I'm not ever gonna forgive you and you can take your bullshit sorry excuse for an apology and shove it up your ass. Like I'm gonna do shit for you while your still accusing me of misgendering you WHICH I NEVER FUCKING DID. I told everyone I was done with the situation weeks ago your the fucking one that came knocking on my door after I have said a million times to fuck off and never speak to me again and don't reach out EVER. If you want people to leave you alone after what you did fucking LOG OFF. Delete your accounts, stay off your phone, read a book, take a walk, go outside, find a hobby, get irl friends, stop getting all your validation off the Internet. And I do just fine defending and protecting the femmes in my life and femmes that don't fucking catfish, race fake, lie, and steal peoples identities. I can call myself a butch with pride knowing I've never purposely got into a relationship with a femme that was based on a lie about who I am. Be angry Rennie but be angry at the person that caused this all the happen, yourself.
Dollheartedgf is not Rennie/Claudia and has never been Rennie/Claudia stole their previous URL after dollheartedgf changed it. Please leave dollheartedgf alone they're not involved in anyway, shape, or form.
hey sweethartfemme/puppycatfemme/femmesunbream/ earthfairyfemme whatever the fuck is back and going by bloodlustgf now jsyk 😭🙃 ik u have that thread u update
lol yeah ive gotten enough of these now to confirm it! if anybody who had this gross loser danger to our community blocked before (full thread here, used to go by sweethartfemme/earthfairyfemme/lesbunnyfemmebatdollyfemme/saturnfemme/dollheartedfemme/sunkissfemme/stemmefawn/femmesunbeam the list goes on 😭) for their absolutely vile actions before including but not limiting to racefaking, catfishing the butch they were dating for 2 months, catfishing using MULTIPLE girls photos who they did not have permission for, catfishing using a girls photos after she'd asked them to stop multiple times only to have her and all her friends blocked, catfishing using photos of that girl as a 14 YEAR OLD MINOR on her NSFW ACCOUNT next to posts talking about in depth r*pe fantasies and other kinks (again after this girl had already begged her to stop using her photos), sexualized this girls photos and talked about nsfw situations with them, said that their ex butch @ursaius deserved to be catfished and lied to bc hes white, impersonating @toothfairyfemme (pretending/telling people they were them, claiming to have the same first and last legal name, stealing photos, pretending to be mexican/filipino), pretending to be an adoptee from mexico, and gaslighting n harassing n sending sooo much hate to toothfairyfemme for speaking up about it. this person is dangerous and harmful to the butchfemme community and has shown no signs of maturing since they keep trying to hide this shit and act like it never happened ‼️‼️‼️
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"a femme who's done nothing but apologize to the internet again and again over shit that was never that fucking serious to begin with"... right. bc were supposed to believe youve learned so much from ur actions and grown and changed when ur saying THAT. 💀 how tf are we supposed to take you seriously or believe you're changing when youve barely apologized to anybody and keep changing your names/spellings/blogs every other week to avoid accountability!!! any time this subject comes up u stil act like u are in the right here and everyone else has been harassing u for things so minor and small and u dont deserve any of this. to this day you are STILL telling ppl that all u did was "copy someones bio" when asked what u did wrong. like dont be shy tell ppl what really happened bc ACTUALLY PEOPLE ARE MAD AT U FOR POSTING PHOTOS OF A 14 YEAR OLD TO UR NSFW ACCOUNT AFTER SHE ASKED U NOT TO..... PPL ARE ALLOWED TO BE UPSET ABOUT THAT STILL like log the fuck off its over!!! 3 months going by while u double down on ur actions not being that big of a deal does not suddenly make everything fine and what u did ok 💀💀💀
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ive said it before but ill say it again "making your whole personality about loving and PROTECTING butches after you catfished a butch you were dating with a strangers photos you were asked to stop using several times is fucking INSANE btw. not to mention a lot of those photos being of a literal 14 year old and being posted to your NSFW ACCOUNT. and catfishing several other minors as an adult for like 3 years. insane."
also so sick and twisted how theyre like "oh it was only two months of catfishing" as if ANY catfishing is okay and as if ursa hasnt said before PUBLICLY how that was one of their biggest fears and said he mentioned it to you multiple times. you took advantage of that poor butch!! receiving fallout for your nasty actions for longer than your relationship lasted means nothing when those actions were so beyond vile! not to mention everybody else you hurt and catfished for YEARS pretending to be other people... like we have LOST THE PLOT!!!
anyway if u had this person blocked before under their old usernames be sure to block again bc this is a NEW account! would recomend blocking because they change their username all the time. they are a master manipulator and are rlly good at hiding the truth and rewording what they did to make it seem like not that big of a deal. i think everybody who wants to avoid interacting with this person has a right to know that this new account is them. plz rb this if u can to help spread the word we cannot keep letting them get away w this 😭😭💜
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ursaius · 4 months ago
oh my fucking god every time i take an internet break this bitch keeps coming back!!! is this a sign to never leave 🤔 ??? at least it seems theyre going outside and touching grass at this point... but they definitely have not learned their lesson bc theyre victimizing themself AGAIN and trying to take on a whole new identity/pretend they are someone new 😭
anyway. sweethartfemme puppycatfemme batdollyfemme claudia all their millions of names IS THE SAME PERSON AS saturnfemme who changed their user to sunkissfemme then stemmefawn then earthfairyfemme and now femmesunbeam.... literally doing the same name change thing every time someone calls them out lmao. i think theyre going by serenity/juno/mars right now. grift CONTINUIIIIING. as soon as they posted that voice and face reveal it was over like theres no coming back from that... @ursaius posted proof about the voice reveal that this is claudia back trying to get away with this bullshit lol. they also posted about their face reveal and how there was hard proof that theyre the same as photos of claudia you could see in the background of their sisters posts but i cant find that post anymore. probably because its sensitive info im sure u could ask him though
anyway you know the drill block this freak before they change their username again LOLLL like jokes aside they are a fucking predator and a danger to this community. making your whole personality about loving and PROTECTING butches after you catfished a butch you were dating with a strangers photos you were asked to stop using several times is fucking insane btw. not to mention a lot of those photos being of a literal 14 year old and being posted to your NSFW ACCOUNT. and catfishing several other minors as an adult for like 3 years. insane.
so please block sunbeamfemme before they change their username again and stay safe! this person is a real danger to our community. they also have a side account called sweetfawnfemme their instagram is honeycombfemme_ and their tiktok is moonluvbug.
if you have no clue what im talking about but want to be aware of the actions their trying to hide heres some posts about it
@ursaius's post about the whole situation including a google doc
@toothfairyfemme's post about claudia/serenity impersonating + gaslighting them for multiple months
@toothfairyfemme's post about claudia/serenity catfishing using photos as a minor
my post about them being a weirdo
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ursaius · 4 months ago
so. bad news. we have to keep going tomorrow. good news is that I’ll keep going with you
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ursaius · 4 months ago
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the vaticans multicultural anime girls are wearing the racism rosary 💀
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ursaius · 4 months ago
Hey so,
Claudia well now they go by Serenity, are talking about you on their Instagram. Some people are sending them anonymous questions to which they reply to by posting a story. Which are:
1. Someone asked how they were doing about the whole situation with you and they said “ Fine. I have lots of friends who don’t agree with him letting ppl just disrespect me and doxx me so I feel better about allowing myself to be angry about it now.”
2. Someone said that they had the right to be angry but so do you considering what they did to you and how they’re lacking accountability and how their friends are enabling them so this was their response:
“ I don’t control how my friends feel about the situation so..”
“for months” it was literally two months…I have no more accountability to take I took it all already??? I apologized to him both publicly and privately and he decided to take it to the internet?? My friends aren’t enabling anything their simply sticking up for me for being harassed and doxxed hope this helps”
“Him allowing ppl to doxx and misgender me is also hurtful and far more morally wrong than me catfishing him hope this helps”
I would also like to mentioned that they posted a screenshot of a convo with someone on their insta story and they were talking about how they were feeling anxious and paranoid and that they didn’t want to go out. And they captioned it “ literally may god himself take me out if I ever feel sad over a butch who made me paranoid to leave my own house”
And lastly on the anonymous questions they reply to on their story someone anonymously told them this and they agreed to what the person said:
“ people STILL trying to claim you not taking accountability like you didn’t write a five page apology to his ass. He is not traumatized or severely hurt by this if he’s already with someone new! His ass is fine. He is not being harassed or doxxed leave serene alone. Stop defending this white person he is no saint. And that’s so clear to see when he’s willingly putting a poc life in danger”
Another person said this as well which serenity also agreed with:
“People caring more about u catfishing him than him being the one not taking accountability and letting ppl doxx and misgender u says a lot..they’ll always defend the white person even when they’re the ones being malicious”
That’s all, I just thought I should let you know because it’s absolutely crazy that they’re telling their followers that you’re the bad guy here?? When they’re the ones that deliberately hurt you. And they claim to take accountability but what they have been posting on their insta stories says completely otherwise. And they are trying to turn this on you and saying you put them in harms way or are letting people do things to them. As if you have any control of what others do. Idk how the hell they managed to turn this all on you but it’s ridiculous. And they’re also saying that they’re the ones who are angry now. And the worst thing is that they are saying you’re morally wrong or a bad person. Like what??? I just had to share this with you bc it’s literally insane and they’re accusing you of things you didn’t do.
Anyway I’m sorry this person is literally saying all these things about you. And letting others say those things as well, it’s so messed up after all they have done to you and others.
I hope you’re doing well, sending love <3🫂
Literally no one doxxed them. Like at all ever. So that's very funny that they're using a lie they made up to make themselves the victim. And trying to downplay the shit they did to me and once again I am not the only victim here. I'm just the loudest. They also victimized Jess and Lottie by literally stealing their identities. The only reason they're trying to paint me as being the solo victim in all this is because I'm white so it's easier to paint the white person harassing the poc. The way they're deliberately avoiding talking about Jes and Lottie makes this obvious. And also I don't know what pronouns Claudia is using at the moment for all I knew they could have switched and starting using she/her I wasn't stalking their account and checking every five seconds. And given they have a history of using pronouns sets from people they're pretending to be this could have very well been the case. But still I haven't ever misgendering Claudia. And I don't owe Claudia more than that I literally fucking hate you and I hope you burn in hell I'm not gonna unlock you every five seconds to check what fucking pronouns your using to correct someone in an ask telling me that your trying to frame me as an aggressor. Get over yourself and grow up. No one fucking doxxed you. You were fucking lying about where your loved and people just said you could live in Arkansas or you could live in Montreal. That's not fucking doxxing. Posting someone's address is doxxing. You just want something to cling to. And assuming I'm overing it and not struggling because I have a new partner is hilarious ooh sorry I have people that love me I still tried to drown myself last month but thanks for that assumption. I'm still experiencing extreme bouts of hallucinating and I'm constantly scared for my life. But yeah no I'm totally fine and obviously not struggling because you someone know that despite what little I post about what I actually do with myself. And about me taking accountability for fucking what exposing what a fucked up person you are sure I'll take accountability for that. That's me I did that. I told everyone how youve been catfishing for years and how you pretended to be Jess since January even though you lied about it saying it was only since April. I told everyone you were confronted by Jes and told to stop in JUNE you said you would but you but you continue to do it anyway and you blocked her. I told everyone about some of the fucked up shit you did to Charlotte including claiming to have her first and legal last name. Including race faking as a mixed Latino Mexican/Filipino just so you could claim Latin cultures and imitate Lottie even more. Copy and pasting Charlottes post and trying to claim them as your own. Gaslighting everyone into thinking Lotties the crazy one when they made a post about you. To name a few of the fucked up things you've done. Claudia you've made three different people paranoid and afraid to leave their houses because you can't leave us the fuck alone.
And I even stated specifically before that no one should be trying to dox anyone and that's illegal so idk why your 1. Trying to pretend that even happened 2. Trying to frame me
And to anyone trying to act like they know me or anything hey fuck you. I don't talk about my mental health a lot here but I suffer from a lot I'm not well and I'm missing bolts. When I'm stressed or suffering emotionally I have visual and auditory hallucinations, I have depression and anxiety typical for a Tumblr user I know. I have bipolar and either some form of ADHD or ADD but I've not gotten tested because I don't have health insurance. So don't go around assuming I'm doing alright because I have a partner and I'm not posting about how I wanna kill myself every five minutes. I'm not out here throwing pity parties and trying to get everyone to feel sympathy for me. I don't need to anyone with common sense can see what Claudia did was wrong the way they went about it and tried to avoid taking responsibility for it and changing their identity once again just so they could avoid being associated with it is proof. If Claudia wants to paint me as some villain in his attempt to feel like he's not the world biggest douche than by God let the poor fucker I don't care. I mean I care a little but there's literally nothing I can about it because he has a victim complex.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
@amalashuor was studying for her Master's in French before everything was brought to a halt by the increasing violence of the genocide in Gaza, as well as raising a baby. Both are extremely hard to do now under the conditions they are living in.
If you can donate, please do, and if you will not, please reblog.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
I'm done answering any questions about the Claudia stuff and I really don't care what they're doing. So please don't send me ask telling me about the delusional ramblings of a compulsive liar with a a debilitating victim complex because I literally don't wanna know. Unless they're trying to frame me as some baby seal slaughtering murderer Idc. They're gonna keep lying and ruining their own life. I don't have to do anything to see that they get what they deserve. they'll fuck over someone else in a few months and try to paint themselves as the victim than to just like that did to toothfairyfemme and me. It's what they do. All I wish is that if that makes another account to pretend they're not the horrible person they are fucking block me so I never have to interact with you ever again.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
Hey so,
Claudia well now they go by Serenity, are talking about you on their Instagram. Some people are sending them anonymous questions to which they reply to by posting a story. Which are:
1. Someone asked how they were doing about the whole situation with you and they said “ Fine. I have lots of friends who don’t agree with him letting ppl just disrespect me and doxx me so I feel better about allowing myself to be angry about it now.”
2. Someone said that they had the right to be angry but so do you considering what they did to you and how they’re lacking accountability and how their friends are enabling them so this was their response:
“ I don’t control how my friends feel about the situation so..”
“for months” it was literally two months…I have no more accountability to take I took it all already??? I apologized to him both publicly and privately and he decided to take it to the internet?? My friends aren’t enabling anything their simply sticking up for me for being harassed and doxxed hope this helps”
“Him allowing ppl to doxx and misgender me is also hurtful and far more morally wrong than me catfishing him hope this helps”
I would also like to mentioned that they posted a screenshot of a convo with someone on their insta story and they were talking about how they were feeling anxious and paranoid and that they didn’t want to go out. And they captioned it “ literally may god himself take me out if I ever feel sad over a butch who made me paranoid to leave my own house”
And lastly on the anonymous questions they reply to on their story someone anonymously told them this and they agreed to what the person said:
“ people STILL trying to claim you not taking accountability like you didn’t write a five page apology to his ass. He is not traumatized or severely hurt by this if he’s already with someone new! His ass is fine. He is not being harassed or doxxed leave serene alone. Stop defending this white person he is no saint. And that’s so clear to see when he’s willingly putting a poc life in danger”
Another person said this as well which serenity also agreed with:
“People caring more about u catfishing him than him being the one not taking accountability and letting ppl doxx and misgender u says a lot..they’ll always defend the white person even when they’re the ones being malicious”
That’s all, I just thought I should let you know because it’s absolutely crazy that they’re telling their followers that you’re the bad guy here?? When they’re the ones that deliberately hurt you. And they claim to take accountability but what they have been posting on their insta stories says completely otherwise. And they are trying to turn this on you and saying you put them in harms way or are letting people do things to them. As if you have any control of what others do. Idk how the hell they managed to turn this all on you but it’s ridiculous. And they’re also saying that they’re the ones who are angry now. And the worst thing is that they are saying you’re morally wrong or a bad person. Like what??? I just had to share this with you bc it’s literally insane and they’re accusing you of things you didn’t do.
Anyway I’m sorry this person is literally saying all these things about you. And letting others say those things as well, it’s so messed up after all they have done to you and others.
I hope you’re doing well, sending love <3🫂
Literally no one doxxed them. Like at all ever. So that's very funny that they're using a lie they made up to make themselves the victim. And trying to downplay the shit they did to me and once again I am not the only victim here. I'm just the loudest. They also victimized Jess and Lottie by literally stealing their identities. The only reason they're trying to paint me as being the solo victim in all this is because I'm white so it's easier to paint the white person harassing the poc. The way they're deliberately avoiding talking about Jes and Lottie makes this obvious. And also I don't know what pronouns Claudia is using at the moment for all I knew they could have switched and starting using she/her I wasn't stalking their account and checking every five seconds. And given they have a history of using pronouns sets from people they're pretending to be this could have very well been the case. But still I haven't ever misgendering Claudia. And I don't owe Claudia more than that I literally fucking hate you and I hope you burn in hell I'm not gonna unlock you every five seconds to check what fucking pronouns your using to correct someone in an ask telling me that your trying to frame me as an aggressor. Get over yourself and grow up. No one fucking doxxed you. You were fucking lying about where your loved and people just said you could live in Arkansas or you could live in Montreal. That's not fucking doxxing. Posting someone's address is doxxing. You just want something to cling to. And assuming I'm overing it and not struggling because I have a new partner is hilarious ooh sorry I have people that love me I still tried to drown myself last month but thanks for that assumption. I'm still experiencing extreme bouts of hallucinating and I'm constantly scared for my life. But yeah no I'm totally fine and obviously not struggling because you someone know that despite what little I post about what I actually do with myself. And about me taking accountability for fucking what exposing what a fucked up person you are sure I'll take accountability for that. That's me I did that. I told everyone how youve been catfishing for years and how you pretended to be Jess since January even though you lied about it saying it was only since April. I told everyone you were confronted by Jes and told to stop in JUNE you said you would but you but you continue to do it anyway and you blocked her. I told everyone about some of the fucked up shit you did to Charlotte including claiming to have her first and legal last name. Including race faking as a mixed Latino Mexican/Filipino just so you could claim Latin cultures and imitate Lottie even more. Copy and pasting Charlottes post and trying to claim them as your own. Gaslighting everyone into thinking Lotties the crazy one when they made a post about you. To name a few of the fucked up things you've done. Claudia you've made three different people paranoid and afraid to leave their houses because you can't leave us the fuck alone.
And I even stated specifically before that no one should be trying to dox anyone and that's illegal so idk why your 1. Trying to pretend that even happened 2. Trying to frame me
And to anyone trying to act like they know me or anything hey fuck you. I don't talk about my mental health a lot here but I suffer from a lot I'm not well and I'm missing bolts. When I'm stressed or suffering emotionally I have visual and auditory hallucinations, I have depression and anxiety typical for a Tumblr user I know. I have bipolar and either some form of ADHD or ADD but I've not gotten tested because I don't have health insurance. So don't go around assuming I'm doing alright because I have a partner and I'm not posting about how I wanna kill myself every five minutes. I'm not out here throwing pity parties and trying to get everyone to feel sympathy for me. I don't need to anyone with common sense can see what Claudia did was wrong the way they went about it and tried to avoid taking responsibility for it and changing their identity once again just so they could avoid being associated with it is proof. If Claudia wants to paint me as some villain in his attempt to feel like he's not the world biggest douche than by God let the poor fucker I don't care. I mean I care a little but there's literally nothing I can about it because he has a victim complex.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
there's a post where someone said "can you respect trans women who look like men" and someone responded something like "hell yeah I love people who fuck with gender!" and like... yeah that's cool, but in a lot of spaces "trans woman who looks like a man" is a lot less likely to be someone who is intentionally comfortably presenting masculine, and a lot more likely to be a girl who hasn't started transition, or can't safely, or just didn't or couldn't put in the effort to pass as fem today, and a lot of them will just look like schlubby dudes and not a radically presenting queer person. and you should be able to respect that.
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ursaius · 4 months ago
"I should kill myself": self-serving, reactionary
"we should all kill ourselves": building community and connection, ideologically correct
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ursaius · 4 months ago
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ursaius · 5 months ago
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....well yeah. Catfishing is wrong using someone else picture as your own is wrong. Uploading said to pictures to your NSFW blog and therefore sexualizing them is wrong. People are gonna be mad at you for that dipshit.
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ursaius · 5 months ago
hi handsome 🥰🥰🥰i know youre probably tired of people sending you stuff about this but im so sorry your ex is actually like fucking insane the way theyre just avoiding taking accountability for their actions is.... something else and than acting like the people trying to hold them accountable are attacking them im like actually so mad for you anyway I hope you have a lovely day hun and btw i love your little horse collection 🤭🤭🤭 dorky butches are my everything
😔 thank you I really appreciate the support and love I know I've let some of these sit in my inbox for a minute but I'm not ignoring y'all I promise 😔 Claudia is who they are and that's enough said. And yay!! Thank you I also like my horse collection and I ordered more 😼😼😼😼😼😼 because they have an arcane collab 😼😼😼😼😼
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ursaius · 5 months ago
your worth more than some catfish compulsive liar ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ poor sweet butch it's going to be okay im so sorry your having to go through this
Awww thank you darling. So true I am ❤️❤️❤️. I don't know what their fucking problem is. I just got an ask claiming I'm encouraging people to misgender them which I'm literally fucking not but okay💀. I just deleted it I'm not gonna give that any of my fucking time. Such a stupid argument though like I'm supposed to know what pronouns they're using now. I've never misgendered them and I just assumed they've once again changed their name, pronouns, account name and bio like that do everything three seconds. Like obviously as a trans person I do not fucking encourage misgendering anyone even if you hate them but I'm not gonna go out my way to unblock and double check Claudias pronouns every time I get an ask be so for real. Anyway thank you for the support I really needed it. I feel like people have fucking forgotten that I'm the one they manipulated and catfished. All I've done was come out about what they did and how they treated me and what they did to Jess and Lottie to. Like I didn't hold a gun to their head and make them do any of that's those were their conscious decisions.
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ursaius · 5 months ago
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