urnos · 10 years
master plan updated again recently and the changes it's been making to the overall garrison experience are things i don't think i could live without at this point anymore
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urnos · 10 years
heroics are getting to a point now where i can take on half the dungeon and live if the healer is even half-awake, i really need to step into challenge modes more often
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urnos · 10 years
M and M Oversights LLC is now official, new guild, new state of mind, new business plan - take the average shitty roleplayer on wyrmrest accord turn them into semi-competent raiders within the confines of rp thereby increasing both their skill and their storytelling and character and world building
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urnos · 10 years
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urnos · 10 years
i need urnos for emotional support NOW
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urnos · 10 years
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urnos · 10 years
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at least he's honest
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urnos · 10 years
i almost never play alts, i never find them to be as fun as my warrior but this expac is really changing my perspective on that. now that i'm more settled in on my main and starting to cleave off content that i don't need to do anymore i'm having more time to focus on both raiding and becoming more self-sufficient and making a bunch of alts with a barn for savage bloods is really the best way to go about this right now. the current economy is going to collapse in on itself because everyone has their own supplies of ores and herbs so once people stop needing crafted gear (and they will, it'll happen sooner than they think too) the only real things to sell would be darkmoon cards and savage blood. once all of the wings of lfr unlock i'm not really sure what to anticipate will sell well outside of those two things
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urnos · 10 years
felweed replied to your post “felweed replied to your post “felweed replied to your post “with...”
ok that's what i figured. im stuck on the sixth/seventh wave of silver PG the only dungeon i can do rn is skyreach but im focusing on questing in nag, no more alts until then lmao
questing in nagrand is both the quickest and best way to gear up for beginning heroics for fresh 100s but yeah, trying to level alts at the same time is going to sideline you so much it'll take forever to get to that point otherwise
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urnos · 10 years
felweed replied to your post “felweed replied to your post “with mythic highmaul opened this week...”
do you think i should DPS in glad before tanking? just to preview it? i want to get her in a good place gear wise before i level my ally priest aaradia
honestly they're not very similar in playstyle or even in stats - glad stance doesn't even really have a working mastery stat other than the increase in attack power. gearing up for glad requires gearing in a direction that most of the time doesn't click well with straight up tanking although you can do it. that aside i would almost always recommend doing content you haven't seen before as dps so you can get at least a taste of what's to offer since so much is riding on the tank to know what they're doing and to know what to expect. when you're geared enough you should do some heroics and at least one lfr lockout as glad before throwing yourself in the tanking role, after some experience with both you'll start to easily shift in and out of roles as needed
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urnos · 10 years
every blood elf roleplayer i've come across has had some of the most boring sleepy time bullshit in their flags that i honestly feel like taking a nap after reading a wall of text that generally can be summed up as either 'tall strapping lad with huge cock looking for an elf girl to smash' or 'petite elf girl looking fuck anything that moves but guess what im very cute and/or sexy let me write out five paragraphs about my hair' or just links to a blog that's supposed to be either an inspo blog or an actual ic accounting of their character but almost always has some of the most bigoted racist and transphobic shit i've seen years smeared all over it. walking through silvermoon city is like throwing yourself into an acid bath and coming out the other side covered in hate and bile
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urnos · 10 years
felweed replied to your photo “ever since switching to my bugboy robocop outfit i haven’t had anyone...”
Aarune is 90 and in a sick edgy red/black tmog and i havent had a yaoigirl playing a male BE come up to me yet ;_;
i've had more people try to erp with urnos than they have with my belf monk. people have tried but then they read her character flag and realize she's more like a fuckin musclebeast crawling out from the deep desert dunes than a generic demure elf girl and they usually give up and i'm so glad that they just fuck off man
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urnos · 10 years
challenge modes and gold invasion reward bags are also great ways to gear up but that requires either a lot of coordination or a lot of luck. i've yet to receive anything from my gold invasion bags but crystals and resources but they do have a chance for some cool mounts and good items (weapons in particular) to pop out of them. i've been pretty lucky with follower missions though and i'm closing in on 650 ilvl on urnos. hopefully with a score that high i can start getting into harder content quicker. i'm definitely enjoying my time right now
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urnos · 10 years
felweed replied to your post “with mythic highmaul opened this week i’ve been extremely busy trying...”
sioux is at 596 and im trying to get her up for MC i wanna raid tank this expac im reading strats and everything
nagrand will get you to 610 ilvl very quickly. you should only have to do MC once for the helm/mount and after that you should focus on heroics and doing lfr when you can, saving your bonus rolls for normal/heroic highmaul instead of lfr. try to find the best collection of crafted gear as well - for my monk for example i'll be using crafted shoulders, darkmoon faire deck trinket and another ring to round my 3 warlords crafted epics since they both give me the biggest bonuses overall and fill slots that are difficult to acquire good gear for otherwise. i'd definitely get the crafted plate shoulders for sioux and reroll the stats for maximum efficiency as you won't be seeing them until very deep into the raid. you'll gear up fast once you start chaining heroics but getting ready to actually tank will probably take a little more time, there are a lot of mechanics involved for the entire raid and i'm enjoying it a lot
another thing to note is that lfr is being specifically touted as more of a place to gear up offspecs or alts quickly, learn the very basics of the fights and to experiment with what works best for you. it's very easy, easier than it's been before by a long shot, but normal and heroic definitely have made up for that by being more difficult. i'm excited to see what mythic has to offer
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urnos · 10 years
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ever since switching to my bugboy robocop outfit i haven't had anyone try to erp with me and/or make me their daddy with the cummies and i'm very thankful, thank you bug armor for saving my soul from goblins and blood elves
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urnos · 10 years
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urnos · 10 years
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no fuckin thanks
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