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⸺ 𝐎𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚 𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𐙚
⸺ Vinnie Hacker ⸺
— "Qual foi Vinnie, vai ficar com essa cara de morto até quando?" — Jordan perguntou sorrindo, dando um soquinho no ombro do loiro — "Tá assim só porque tá sozinho, 'cuzão do caralho."
— "Eu disse que não queria vir, você me arrastou" - Vinnie respondeu com acidez, a 'festa' que Jordan estava organizando em sua casa parecia mais um encontro de casais do que qualquer outra coisa — "Tá todo mundo em uma 'melação do caralho e eu tô aqui sozinho igual um idiota." 𐙚
— "E aquela gostosa que você tava pegando? Já te largou?" - o mais alto alfinetou com um sorriso, pegando seu copo de vodka e o virando a metade do mesmo em um só gole — "Fica aqui mais uma meia-hora, a gente vai jogar verdade ou desafio ainda, você tem que participar."
— "Babaca do caralho" — Vinnie disse com um sussurro com raiva, pegando sua jaqueta da cadeira e se preparando para levantar — "Valeu por me chamar, mano, mas rolê de casal não é pra mim nã.."
A fala do loiro foi interrompida pelo som de passos sobre as escadas, por elas desceram um lindo garoto loiro com olhos azuis brilhantes, usando apenas uma camiseta do Garfield e um calção preto e curto. O menor tentou passar por ambos os garotos, mas a mão de Jordan rapidamente envolveu seu pulso e o puxou novamente.
— "Qual foi pirralho, vai me ignorar? —Jordan perguntou com um sorriso, sua única resposta foi um tapa forte do menor em seu peitoral.
— "Já te falei 'pra fazer menos barulho quando trás essas 'coisas' para casa" - o loiro menor disse irritado, seus olhos afiados alternando entre o rosto de seu irmão e as pessoas que estavam na sala, indo até a geladeira e pegando a grande garrafa de água — "E quem é esse aí?"
— "E eu já te falei pra ser menos chato, não?" — perguntou arrogantemente, bebendo outro gole de sua bebida e dando um tapa no ombro de Vinnie, que saiu de seu transe — "Se apresenta aí, cara."
— "H-hm? V-Vinnie, meu nome é Vinnie" — disse, estranhando seu próprio nervosismo, estendendo sua mão rapidamente para o mais novo — "E você, como se chama?"
— "Vinnie? Nome bonito" — o mais baixo apertou a grande mão do mais alto com leveza, um sorriso em seu rosto — "Me chamo Nick, esse idiota nunca falou de mim para vocês?"
— "Ei! Eles não podiam saber que eu tenho um irmão tão fofo como você" — Jordan disse, sua cara fazendo uma falsa expressão de tristeza, ele passou os braços ao redor do pequeno garoto, abraçando-o fortemente — "Eles virariam lobos atrás de um único corderinho, sabe?"
— "Pare de me chamar desse apelido vergonhoso, Jordan" — disse irritado, tentando se desvencilhar do aperto do mais alto, conseguindo apenas quando mordeu o antebraço do mesmo — "É um prazer te conhecer Vinnie, agora se me dão licença."
— "O prazer é meu" — o maior disse baixinho, observando o mais novo subir as escadas rapidamente com um copo de água em suas mãos, batendo a porta do quarto e a trancando — "Porra! Porque caralhos você não me apresentou essa gracinha antes?"
— "Porquê eu sabia que você ia ficar babão assim, nem pense nisso Vinnie" — o mais alto disse irritado, era verdade que talvez ele fosse um pouco superprotetor com Nick, mas o que ele poderia fazer? Seu irmão era tão adorável que ningu��m o merecia a este ponto, pelo menos por agora — "Ele é apenas um bebê, não entende dessas coisas."
— "Puts, ele é de menor?" — Vinnie perguntou preocupado, torcendo internamente para que fosse mentira.
— "Tem dezenove, mas isso não importa" — o Powell disse virando o rosto, bebendo outro gole de sua bebida — "Eu gosto de você, cara, só não consigo imaginar meu irmãozinho namorando você."
— "Assim você me ofende, cunhado" - o Hacker disse brincalhão, seu outrora mal-humor sendo praticamente destruído, dando lugar a um sorriso de orelha-a-orelha em seu rosto — "Você vai me ajudar a ficar com ele, nem que eu te pague."
— "Nem pensar, ele nem deve gostar de caras como você, ele é muito delicado para isso" — o maior disse com um semblante sério, apenas bebendo sua bebida com um forte aperto no copo — "E não me faça essa cara, se quiser tentar você mesmo tem que pedir, se ele aceitar então tudo bem."
— "Posso subir lá agora?" - o loiro perguntou animado, pronto para subir as escadas correndo e ir nos braços do 'grande amor de sua vida'.
— "Você vai lavar minha roupa por um mês, entendido?" — o Powell perguntou suspirando, olhando de canto para Vinnie — "Inclusive minhas cuecas e meias, fechado?"
—"Que tipo de irmão é você? Vendendo o amor do seu próprio irmãozinho?" — Vinnie perguntou com uma falsa cara de decepção, que logo sumiu de seu rosto quando percebeu que Jordan não cairia neste papo, estendeu sua mão e apertou a mão do mais velho — "Fechado!"
— "Fica aqui, vou tentar convencer a fera" — o mais velho dos dois disse com um pequena chave nas mãos, abriu a porta do quarto de Nick e entrou, logo fechando a porta.
Vinnie esperou nervosamente do lado de fora, seus dedos sendo estalados repetidas vezes em menos de 3 minutos, seus pés batiam no chão rapidamente. O loiro ouviu o som de tapas e gritos agudos de Jordan dentro do quarto, como era possível uma coisinha tão fofa controlar um gigante de um metro de noventa?
— "E-entra aí, filho da puta" — Jordan disse saindo do quarto ofegante, sua mão segurando seu peito, marcas de unhas em seus braços e rosto, aproximou seu rosto do de Vinnie e sussurrou — "E mais uma coisa, se você deixar meu corderinho machucado eu arranco seu pau e bolas com uma faca cega, entendeu?"
— "E-entendi, cunhadinho" - o mais baixo dos dois disse com um sorriso nervoso, se afastando de Jordan rapidamente e entrando no quarto do menor, trancando a porta em seguida — "Ufa!"
— "Então é você é o amigo que o Jordan falou? É..até que dá pro gasto" — o menor disse com um sorriso arrogante, se levantando da cama e indo até o garoto loiro a sua frente — "Deu sorte que eu te achei muito gostosinho lá embaixo, mas foi uma surpresa você ter pedido algo assim, você não parecia esse tipo de cara."
— "E eu não sou, mas não posso deixar um gatinho como você escapar, certo?" — Vinnie disse com um sorriso, sua confiança aparecendo rapidamente em seus gestos e postura — "O que ele disse que eu pedi? Quero saber se você quer a mesma coisa que eu."
— "Ele me disse que um amigo dele queria experimentar coisas comigo" — o mais baixo disse com um sussurro, sua pequena mão adentrando a camisa térmica de Vinnie e massageando seu abdômen definido e largo — "E ele também me disse que esse amigo não me decepcionaria nos "atributos" físicos, mas não sei se é verdade."
— "Atributos físicos? Hm? Tão pequeno e tão safado assim?" — Vinnie perguntou com um sorriso arrogante, sua mão grande e lotada de veias envolveu o rosto do menor, o puxando para um beijo lento e intenso — "Vou te mostrar os atributos que seu irmão falou, gatinho."
O pequeno sorriu ao sentir a brutalidade de Vinnie, foi arrastado até a cama e posto no colo do loiro mais alto, o mesmo o olhava com os olhos semicerrados pelo desejo e um sorriso em seus lábios.
— "Você é bem apressado, não?" — Nick perguntou ofegante, ficando de joelhos no colo do mais velho e o puxando para um beijo, seus dedos puxando levemente os cabelos da nuca de Vinnie.
— "Eu ainda 'tô muito calmo, gatinho" — o loiro disse com um sorriso, dando uma pequena mordida no lábio de Nick e afastando-se levemente — "Se dependesse de mim você nem de shorts estaria mais."
— "E tá esperando o que? Não me diga que está com pena" — provocou com um sorriso arrogante, passando sua mão no maxilar definido do mais velho.
— "Pena é o caralho" — disse com um sorriso safado, apertando a bunda arrebiatada e macia do menor com suas mãos — "Só tava esperando você falar isso."
As mãos grandes e fortes do mais velho agarraram o tecido fino e macio do shorts com força, rasgando-o em instantes, o corpo delicado e lindo de Nick ficando totalmente exposto para Vinnie.
— "Isso aqui é a visão do paraíso, porra" — o loiro disse com um sorriso de canto, levando três de seus dedos para os lábios macios e carnudos do menor — "Chupe eles, loirinho."
O menor olhos com os olhos semicerrados para o mais velho, envolvendo seis lábios ao redor dos dedos grossos e grandes de Vinnie, os chupando de maneira lenta e provocativa. O loiro observava a cena com desejo e vontade, sua mente pensava o que o pequeno garoto em seu colo era capaz de fazer com seu pau nos lábios, apenas o pensamento o fez ficar duro como pedra.
— "É o suficiente?" — o menor perguntou com um sorriso, retirando seus lábios dos dedos do mais velho, um pequeno fio de saliva os conectando.
— "Mais que suficiente, gracinha" — o mais velho disse sorrindo, beijando Nick ferozmente e guiando seus dedos molhados até a entrada rosada e apertada do menor.
O mais novo gemeu no beijo e contraiu seu corpo ao sentir seu interior ser invadido pelos dedos longos e ágeis do mais velho, sua bunda roçando tanto nos dedos quanto no enorme volume que o pau de Vinnie fazia sobre a calça de moletom.
— "Até seu gemido é perfeito, puta que pariu" — o mais alto disse arfante, seus dedos sendo apertados pelo interior quente do garoto, este que apoiou sua cabeça no ombro de Vinnie e o mordeu para abafar seus gemidos — "Já está assim só com três três dedos? Imagine com o meu pau, hm?"
Os movimentos dentro do pequeno garoto continuaram por 10 minutos, os sons de gemidos enchiam o quarto, Nick começou a estimular mais o pau do loiro assim que o viu arfar quando o fez pela primeira vez. Os movimentos do mais velho só pararam quando sentiu que seu pau iria explodir de tanto tesão acumulado.
— "Porra, gatinho" — o mais velho disse com um sorriso, retirando seus dedos do pequeno e pegando seus cabelos loiros e macios em seus dedos — "Porquê não chupa meu pau igual você fez com os meus dedos, hm?"
— "Igualzinho, amor?" — o menor perguntou com um sorriso safado, mordendo levemente seus lábios ao sentir os dedos de Vinnie apertarem mais seus cabelos — "Relaxe na cama e deixa eu brincar com ele amor, tá na hora de te compensar."
— "Tenho certeza de que vou gostar muito, loirinho" — Vinnie disse com um semicerrar de olhos, beijando Nick pela última vez e soltando seus cabelos, colocou seus braços apoiados na cama atrás de si e deixou-se a mercê do mais novo — "Se divirta, loiro."
O mais novo não disse nada, apenas sorriu e se abaixou ao nível do abdômen do mais velho, levantou a camiseta preta e deu leves beijos e mordidas no tanquinho definido e perfeito. Nick seguiu em direção ao chão, sua cabeça no meio das pernas musculosas e longas de Vinnie, viu o pau coberto pela calça de moletom pulsar para si.
— "Parece que meu irmão estava certo mesmo, Vin" — o mais novo disse sorrindo, aproximando seus lábios da protuberância a sua frente e deixando pequenos beijos por toda a extensão do pênis coberto.
— "Isso não é nem metade ainda, gracinha" — Vinnie disse com um sorriso arrogante, pegando nos cabelos do menor e aproximando mais o rostinho delicado do mesmo em seu pênis coberto — "Coloque na boca loirinho, tenho certeza que você vai gostar do sabor."
— "Está bem apressado, certo?" — o menor perguntou arrogantemente, seus dedos magros e pequenos indo até o cós da calça, abaixou-a levemente e viu a cueca boxer branca quase ser rasgada pelo pau monstruoso do maior, a área da glande estava completamente úmida pelo pré-semen que escorria.
O menor pegou o elástico da cueca em seus dentes e a abaixou em um só movimento, o pau grosso e pulsante de Vinnie ficando acima de sua testa, irradiava calor e desejo. Nick usou suas duas mãos para segurar a base do pau do mais velho, deixou-o na frente de seu rosto e olhou nos olhos de Vinnie.
— "S-sem provocações príncipe, p-por favor" — o maior disse arfante, o menor no meio de suas pernas exibia um sorriso arrogante e apenas deixava pequenos beijinhos sobre a glande sensível de seu pau — "V-você sabe mesmo deixar alguém louco, ein?"
— "É a minha especialidade, amor" - o menor disse, dessa vez dando uma longa lambida sobre toda a extensão do membro a sua frente — "Chega de provocações, certo?"
Vinnie gemeu rouco ao sentir os lábios carnudos e macios do menor envolverem metade de seu pênis em um único movimento, suas mãos instintivamente se moveram até a nuca do mais novo, o empurrando mais para baixo. Nick engolia o pênis de Vinnie com maestria, sua mão masturbava a outra metade que ainda não havia engolido. O mais novo desceu mais sua cabeça e engoliu totalmente o pênis do maior, a glande alojada em sua garganta estava praticamente matando o loiro acima de si de prazer.
— "P-puta que pariu" - gemeu rouco, seus olhos se revirando automaticamente, a garganta de Nick era tão quente e apertada — "C-como caralhos uma coisinha assim chupa tão bem um pau?!"
- "Você que é muito sensível, Vin" - o menor disse com um pequeno sorriso, afastando-se do pau do mais alto, pegando-o novamente em suas mãos e o marturbando rapidamente - "Eu nem comecei a chupar direito ainda."
Após algum tempo usando suas mãos no pau de Vinnie, o mais novo colocou-o novamente em sua boca e engoliu-o novamente. Os sons de sucção e pequenos engasgos despertaram algo novo dentro do mais velho, suas mãos inconscientemente foram até a nuca do menor e a abaixou de uma só vez, seguidos de repetidos movimentos de vai-e-vem.
— "I-isso, porra!" - Vinnie disse arfante, sentindo seus quadris levantarem em busca de mais contato, o menor continuava com aquele sorriso arrogante no rosto e seus olhos brilhavam com uma falsa inocência, o mais velho sentiu seu clímax chegar rapidamente.
Vinnie afastou o rosto do menor de seu pênis rapidamente, seus jatos de esperma saíram de sua glande direto para os lábios e queixos do menor. Após cerca de 6 jatos do líquido grosso e branco, o mais alto largou o garoto e tentou equilibrar sua respiração.
— "Você não está pensando em fazer apenas isso, certo?" — Nick perguntou com um sorriso, sua voz levemente rouca, usou seus dedos para direcionar toda a porra de Vinnie para dentro de sua boca.
- "N-Nem pensar, gatinho" — o mais velho disse com a respiração pesada, pegando o pequeno garoto novamente em seu colo e o fazendo sentir seu pênis já novamente endurecido em suas costas — "Você não vai andar amanhã, te garanto."
— "Espero que você seja um homem de palavra" — disse com um sorriso safado, descendo beijos pelo pescoço de Vinnie.
→ Talvez as imagens do inicio mudem, não sei se gostei muito delas. É isso, boa leitura e bom dia ⋆
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⸺ 𝐎𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐚 𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𐙚
⸺ Vinnie Hacker ⸺
— "Qual foi Vinnie, vai ficar com essa cara de morto até quando?" — Jordan perguntou sorrindo, dando um soquinho no ombro do loiro — "Tá assim só porque tá sozinho, 'cuzão do caralho."
— "Eu disse que não queria vir, você me arrastou" - Vinnie respondeu com acidez, a 'festa' que Jordan estava organizando em sua casa parecia mais um encontro de casais do que qualquer outra coisa — "Tá todo mundo em uma 'melação do caralho e eu tô aqui sozinho igual um idiota." 𐙚
— "E aquela gostosa que você tava pegando? Já te largou?" - o mais alto alfinetou com um sorriso, pegando seu copo de vodka e o virando a metade do mesmo em um só gole — "Fica aqui mais uma meia-hora, a gente vai jogar verdade ou desafio ainda, você tem que participar."
— "Babaca do caralho" — Vinnie disse com um sussurro com raiva, pegando sua jaqueta da cadeira e se preparando para levantar — "Valeu por me chamar, mano, mas rolê de casal não é pra mim nã.."
A fala do loiro foi interrompida pelo som de passos sobre as escadas, por elas desceram um lindo garoto loiro com olhos azuis brilhantes, usando apenas uma camiseta do Garfield e um calção preto e curto. O menor tentou passar por ambos os garotos, mas a mão de Jordan rapidamente envolveu seu pulso e o puxou novamente.
— "Qual foi pirralho, vai me ignorar? —Jordan perguntou com um sorriso, sua única resposta foi um tapa forte do menor em seu peitoral.
— "Já te falei 'pra fazer menos barulho quando trás essas 'coisas' para casa" - o loiro menor disse irritado, seus olhos afiados alternando entre o rosto de seu irmão e as pessoas que estavam na sala, indo até a geladeira e pegando a grande garrafa de água — "E quem é esse aí?"
— "E eu já te falei pra ser menos chato, não?" — perguntou arrogantemente, bebendo outro gole de sua bebida e dando um tapa no ombro de Vinnie, que saiu de seu transe — "Se apresenta aí, cara."
— "H-hm? V-Vinnie, meu nome é Vinnie" — disse, estranhando seu próprio nervosismo, estendendo sua mão rapidamente para o mais novo — "E você, como se chama?"
— "Vinnie? Nome bonito" — o mais baixo apertou a grande mão do mais alto com leveza, um sorriso em seu rosto — "Me chamo Nick, esse idiota nunca falou de mim para vocês?"
— "Ei! Eles não podiam saber que eu tenho um irmão tão fofo como você" — Jordan disse, sua cara fazendo uma falsa expressão de tristeza, ele passou os braços ao redor do pequeno garoto, abraçando-o fortemente — "Eles virariam lobos atrás de um único corderinho, sabe?"
— "Pare de me chamar desse apelido vergonhoso, Jordan" — disse irritado, tentando se desvencilhar do aperto do mais alto, conseguindo apenas quando mordeu o antebraço do mesmo — "É um prazer te conhecer Vinnie, agora se me dão licença."
— "O prazer é meu" — o maior disse baixinho, observando o mais novo subir as escadas rapidamente com um copo de água em suas mãos, batendo a porta do quarto e a trancando — "Porra! Porque caralhos você não me apresentou essa gracinha antes?"
— "Porquê eu sabia que você ia ficar babão assim, nem pense nisso Vinnie" — o mais alto disse irritado, era verdade que talvez ele fosse um pouco superprotetor com Nick, mas o que ele poderia fazer? Seu irmão era tão adorável que ninguém o merecia a este ponto, pelo menos por agora — "Ele é apenas um bebê, não entende dessas coisas."
— "Puts, ele é de menor?" — Vinnie perguntou preocupado, torcendo internamente para que fosse mentira.
— "Tem dezenove, mas isso não importa" — o Powell disse virando o rosto, bebendo outro gole de sua bebida — "Eu gosto de você, cara, só não consigo imaginar meu irmãozinho namorando você."
— "Assim você me ofende, cunhado" - o Hacker disse brincalhão, seu outrora mal-humor sendo praticamente destruído, dando lugar a um sorriso de orelha-a-orelha em seu rosto — "Você vai me ajudar a ficar com ele, nem que eu te pague."
— "Nem pensar, ele nem deve gostar de caras como você, ele é muito delicado para isso" — o maior disse com um semblante sério, apenas bebendo sua bebida com um forte aperto no copo — "E não me faça essa cara, se quiser tentar você mesmo tem que pedir, se ele aceitar então tudo bem."
— "Posso subir lá agora?" - o loiro perguntou animado, pronto para subir as escadas correndo e ir nos braços do 'grande amor de sua vida'.
— "Você vai lavar minha roupa por um mês, entendido?" — o Powell perguntou suspirando, olhando de canto para Vinnie — "Inclusive minhas cuecas e meias, fechado?"
—"Que tipo de irmão é você? Vendendo o amor do seu próprio irmãozinho?" — Vinnie perguntou com uma falsa cara de decepção, que logo sumiu de seu rosto quando percebeu que Jordan não cairia neste papo, estendeu sua mão e apertou a mão do mais velho — "Fechado!"
— "Fica aqui, vou tentar convencer a fera" — o mais velho dos dois disse com um pequena chave nas mãos, abriu a porta do quarto de Nick e entrou, logo fechando a porta.
Vinnie esperou nervosamente do lado de fora, seus dedos sendo estalados repetidas vezes em menos de 3 minutos, seus pés batiam no chão rapidamente. O loiro ouviu o som de tapas e gritos agudos de Jordan dentro do quarto, como era possível uma coisinha tão fofa controlar um gigante de um metro de noventa?
— "E-entra aí, filho da puta" — Jordan disse saindo do quarto ofegante, sua mão segurando seu peito, marcas de unhas em seus braços e rosto, aproximou seu rosto do de Vinnie e sussurrou — "E mais uma coisa, se você deixar meu corderinho machucado eu arranco seu pau e bolas com uma faca cega, entendeu?"
— "E-entendi, cunhadinho" - o mais baixo dos dois disse com um sorriso nervoso, se afastando de Jordan rapidamente e entrando no quarto do menor, trancando a porta em seguida — "Ufa!"
— "Então é você é o amigo que o Jordan falou? É..até que dá pro gasto" — o menor disse com um sorriso arrogante, se levantando da cama e indo até o garoto loiro a sua frente — "Deu sorte que eu te achei muito gostosinho lá embaixo, mas foi uma surpresa você ter pedido algo assim, você não parecia esse tipo de cara."
— "E eu não sou, mas não posso deixar um gatinho como você escapar, certo?" — Vinnie disse com um sorriso, sua confiança aparecendo rapidamente em seus gestos e postura — "O que ele disse que eu pedi? Quero saber se você quer a mesma coisa que eu."
— "Ele me disse que um amigo dele queria experimentar coisas comigo" — o mais baixo disse com um sussurro, sua pequena mão adentrando a camisa térmica de Vinnie e massageando seu abdômen definido e largo — "E ele também me disse que esse amigo não me decepcionaria nos "atributos" físicos, mas não sei se é verdade."
— "Atributos físicos? Hm? Tão pequeno e tão safado assim?" — Vinnie perguntou com um sorriso arrogante, sua mão grande e lotada de veias envolveu o rosto do menor, o puxando para um beijo lento e intenso — "Vou te mostrar os atributos que seu irmão falou, gatinho."
O pequeno sorriu ao sentir a brutalidade de Vinnie, foi arrastado até a cama e posto no colo do loiro mais alto, o mesmo o olhava com os olhos semicerrados pelo desejo e um sorriso em seus lábios.
— "Você é bem apressado, não?" — Nick perguntou ofegante, ficando de joelhos no colo do mais velho e o puxando para um beijo, seus dedos puxando levemente os cabelos da nuca de Vinnie.
— "Eu ainda 'tô muito calmo, gatinho" — o loiro disse com um sorriso, dando uma pequena mordida no lábio de Nick e afastando-se levemente — "Se dependesse de mim você nem de shorts estaria mais."
— "E tá esperando o que? Não me diga que está com pena" — provocou com um sorriso arrogante, passando sua mão no maxilar definido do mais velho.
— "Pena é o caralho" — disse com um sorriso safado, apertando a bunda arrebiatada e macia do menor com suas mãos — "Só tava esperando você falar isso."
As mãos grandes e fortes do mais velho agarraram o tecido fino e macio do shorts com força, rasgando-o em instantes, o corpo delicado e lindo de Nick ficando totalmente exposto para Vinnie.
— "Isso aqui é a visão do paraíso, porra" — o loiro disse com um sorriso de canto, levando três de seus dedos para os lábios macios e carnudos do menor — "Chupe eles, loirinho."
O menor olhos com os olhos semicerrados para o mais velho, envolvendo seis lábios ao redor dos dedos grossos e grandes de Vinnie, os chupando de maneira lenta e provocativa. O loiro observava a cena com desejo e vontade, sua mente pensava o que o pequeno garoto em seu colo era capaz de fazer com seu pau nos lábios, apenas o pensamento o fez ficar duro como pedra.
— "É o suficiente?" — o menor perguntou com um sorriso, retirando seus lábios dos dedos do mais velho, um pequeno fio de saliva os conectando.
— "Mais que suficiente, gracinha" — o mais velho disse sorrindo, beijando Nick ferozmente e guiando seus dedos molhados até a entrada rosada e apertada do menor.
O mais novo gemeu no beijo e contraiu seu corpo ao sentir seu interior ser invadido pelos dedos longos e ágeis do mais velho, sua bunda roçando tanto nos dedos quanto no enorme volume que o pau de Vinnie fazia sobre a calça de moletom.
— "Até seu gemido é perfeito, puta que pariu" — o mais alto disse arfante, seus dedos sendo apertados pelo interior quente do garoto, este que apoiou sua cabeça no ombro de Vinnie e o mordeu para abafar seus gemidos — "Já está assim só com três três dedos? Imagine com o meu pau, hm?"
Os movimentos dentro do pequeno garoto continuaram por 10 minutos, os sons de gemidos enchiam o quarto, Nick começou a estimular mais o pau do loiro assim que o viu arfar quando o fez pela primeira vez. Os movimentos do mais velho só pararam quando sentiu que seu pau iria explodir de tanto tesão acumulado.
— "Porra, gatinho" — o mais velho disse com um sorriso, retirando seus dedos do pequeno e pegando seus cabelos loiros e macios em seus dedos — "Porquê não chupa meu pau igual você fez com os meus dedos, hm?"
— "Igualzinho, amor?" — o menor perguntou com um sorriso safado, mordendo levemente seus lábios ao sentir os dedos de Vinnie apertarem mais seus cabelos — "Relaxe na cama e deixa eu brincar com ele amor, tá na hora de te compensar."
— "Tenho certeza de que vou gostar muito, loirinho" — Vinnie disse com um semicerrar de olhos, beijando Nick pela última vez e soltando seus cabelos, colocou seus braços apoiados na cama atrás de si e deixou-se a mercê do mais novo — "Se divirta, loiro."
O mais novo não disse nada, apenas sorriu e se abaixou ao nível do abdômen do mais velho, levantou a camiseta preta e deu leves beijos e mordidas no tanquinho definido e perfeito. Nick seguiu em direção ao chão, sua cabeça no meio das pernas musculosas e longas de Vinnie, viu o pau coberto pela calça de moletom pulsar para si.
— "Parece que meu irmão estava certo mesmo, Vin" — o mais novo disse sorrindo, aproximando seus lábios da protuberância a sua frente e deixando pequenos beijos por toda a extensão do pênis coberto.
— "Isso não é nem metade ainda, gracinha" — Vinnie disse com um sorriso arrogante, pegando nos cabelos do menor e aproximando mais o rostinho delicado do mesmo em seu pênis coberto — "Coloque na boca loirinho, tenho certeza que você vai gostar do sabor."
— "Está bem apressado, certo?" — o menor perguntou arrogantemente, seus dedos magros e pequenos indo até o cós da calça, abaixou-a levemente e viu a cueca boxer branca quase ser rasgada pelo pau monstruoso do maior, a área da glande estava completamente úmida pelo pré-semen que escorria.
O menor pegou o elástico da cueca em seus dentes e a abaixou em um só movimento, o pau grosso e pulsante de Vinnie ficando acima de sua testa, irradiava calor e desejo. Nick usou suas duas mãos para segurar a base do pau do mais velho, deixou-o na frente de seu rosto e olhou nos olhos de Vinnie.
— "S-sem provocações príncipe, p-por favor" — o maior disse arfante, o menor no meio de suas pernas exibia um sorriso arrogante e apenas deixava pequenos beijinhos sobre a glande sensível de seu pau — "V-você sabe mesmo deixar alguém louco, ein?"
— "É a minha especialidade, amor" - o menor disse, dessa vez dando uma longa lambida sobre toda a extensão do membro a sua frente — "Chega de provocações, certo?"
Vinnie gemeu rouco ao sentir os lábios carnudos e macios do menor envolverem metade de seu pênis em um único movimento, suas mãos instintivamente se moveram até a nuca do mais novo, o empurrando mais para baixo. Nick engolia o pênis de Vinnie com maestria, sua mão masturbava a outra metade que ainda não havia engolido. O mais novo desceu mais sua cabeça e engoliu totalmente o pênis do maior, a glande alojada em sua garganta estava praticamente matando o loiro acima de si de prazer.
— "P-puta que pariu" - gemeu rouco, seus olhos se revirando automaticamente, a garganta de Nick era tão quente e apertada — "C-como caralhos uma coisinha assim chupa tão bem um pau?!"
- "Você que é muito sensível, Vin" - o menor disse com um pequeno sorriso, afastando-se do pau do mais alto, pegando-o novamente em suas mãos e o marturbando rapidamente - "Eu nem comecei a chupar direito ainda."
Após algum tempo usando suas mãos no pau de Vinnie, o mais novo colocou-o novamente em sua boca e engoliu-o novamente. Os sons de sucção e pequenos engasgos despertaram algo novo dentro do mais velho, suas mãos inconscientemente foram até a nuca do menor e a abaixou de uma só vez, seguidos de repetidos movimentos de vai-e-vem.
— "I-isso, porra!" - Vinnie disse arfante, sentindo seus quadris levantarem em busca de mais contato, o menor continuava com aquele sorriso arrogante no rosto e seus olhos brilhavam com uma falsa inocência, o mais velho sentiu seu clímax chegar rapidamente.
Vinnie afastou o rosto do menor de seu pênis rapidamente, seus jatos de esperma saíram de sua glande direto para os lábios e queixos do menor. Após cerca de 6 jatos do líquido grosso e branco, o mais alto largou o garoto e tentou equilibrar sua respiração.
— "Você não está pensando em fazer apenas isso, certo?" — Nick perguntou com um sorriso, sua voz levemente rouca, usou seus dedos para direcionar toda a porra de Vinnie para dentro de sua boca.
- "N-Nem pensar, gatinho" — o mais velho disse com a respiração pesada, pegando o pequeno garoto novamente em seu colo e o fazendo sentir seu pênis já novamente endurecido em suas costas — "Você não vai andar amanhã, te garanto."
— "Espero que você seja um homem de palavra" — disse com um sorriso safado, descendo beijos pelo pescoço de Vinnie.
→ Talvez as imagens do inicio mudem, não sei se gostei muito delas. É isso, boa leitura e bom dia ⋆
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Yandere Brother
Tw: heavy incest, definitely yandere, age gap, stalking, sexual content, feelsbad parental trauma, infantilization, AFAB fem reader, A Lot Of Words (abt 4000+)
Self indulgent post. Feeling pretty down right now, just need someone 2 coddle me. This doesn't belong to any fandom or whatever. It is just general ramblings about an older brother who seems to love you a little too much.
Don't take this post too seriously. Just enjoy it as a fictional fantasy.
pt 1 out of 2 3
Click here for part 2
Ever went batshit insane on your sibling? Cause they took that last popsicle stick you were saving for later, or cause they stole your charger? Living with a sibling for so long bound to breed some conflict, especially if your parents clearly favor one of you against the other.
"You got shit grades? Why can't you be like your smarter older brother? No phone for a week."
"I don't care if it's your birthday present or something you bought with your hard earned money, share your laptop with your little sister. Don't be selfish. What's yours is ours too."
"No, you can't go out with your friends. You have to stay home and look after your younger siblings. That's your responsibility, you're their older sibling. Don't be such an irresponsible piece of shit."
"What? You want new clothes? Why? Don't waste money, just wear your big Sister's clothes."
"Give your stuffed toy to your little brother. You're too old to be having that."
The worst types are those who would use your parents blatant favoritism against you on top of already being the better child. Smugly smirking at you as you get berated by your parents for something THEY did. Your parents won't believe you as you're the worthless one.
Maybe even bully you in school and sabotage every good thing that happens in your life. Like stealing your significant other, ruining your chances of getting a scholarship, spreading nasty rumors about you...
When you have that variant of an asshole sibling, its time to cut them off.
But imagine. An older brother that shines so brightly, making you look so dim in comparison.
He works hard, gets an A plus-plus for every single subject. Excel in every extra curriculum including but NOT limited to: piano, violin, cooking, karate, swimming, basketball, painting and chess. Extremely popular in school, all the girls want him and all the boys wanna be him. Teachers has the utmost respect and love for him, some even swoon at the thought of your big brother.
He is so handsome and well built, absolutely far beyond the image you can ever hope to achieve. Kind, charming and manipulative a joy to be around too. What an Adonis, he is.
Your older brother is everything you are not. The yang to your yin, except he took that white circle from your yin and made you completely pitch black.
It is natural, everyone would either compare between the both of you or don't remember that you exist. Always thinking your big brother is an only child and you're... Just there. Out of place.
You must be an accident, an unwanted child that was produced from a night of passionate carelessness by your parents.
However, your big brother isn't doing all these just to spite you or snatch all your parent's love and attention.
It is all for you.
Never did he once call you by any derogatory names, your big brother would only call you by an affectionate nickname or an endearment such as 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'my love', 'dear' and many more.
Which creeped you out. Your parents think nothing of it, it's just some brotherly love, right?
Yeah, the running of his slender fingers through your hair, hours of cuddling on the couch, kisses given to your forehead, cheek, neck, shoulder, knuckles and temples, brushing strands of your hair away from your face, excessive fixing of your clothes on you, frequent hugs from your back while you're fixing a bowl of cereal for yourself, sensual caressing of your cheek and thigh, the arm permanently wrapped around your waist and him being the big spoon in bed are all fucking platonic, alright.
Your parents love how he would never complain if they made him take care of you while they fuck off to do whatever things romantic couples do.
He is an outstanding chef, only cooking the things you like perfectly, just how you like it. He has no regard to his own or even your parent's preference in food. As long as you're happily and healthily eating, he's fine.
The last piece of cake is always for you, no matter how delicious it was. His fries? You want it? All yours. Your favorite pizza that happens to also be your parents' favs? Back off, mom and dad, you are a growing girl. You need your nutrients, hence you get the last slice. Hell, you even get to eat his slice if you want to.
He wouldn't touch anything of yours in the fridge, but you are free to eat whatever you want that are his. He genuinely doesn't care if you ate the last scoop of chocolate ice cream he was thinking about for the entire day. He doesn't give a crap if you ate all the snacks he bought with his own allowance. He bought them with the thought of you in his mind.
Why else do you think all the food he buys are only foods that you specifically like and very rarely the foods that he or your parents like?
If he comes back with a paper bag of takeaway, it's yours. No question about it. Even if he is sipping on a smoothie, you're always welcome to take a sip... Or finish the rest of it. Do you want another one? Big brother can always buy a bigger cup for you. Are you hungry? Want big brother to buy you a burger? No? Are you sure?
You tried being a good little sister by giving back. Never again.
You got your big brother an energy bar from a nearby convenience store once. Gave it to him before a field trip into the wilderness. He was over the moon, singing praises up and down for a whole fucking week and his doting on you increased tenfold. It was suffocating.
But... Not bad of a deal. An energy bar for a brand new Ipad he got you by breaking his piggy bank. Though, you wouldn't want to go through his lovesick fever again, so that was the last time you're doing anything remotely nice to him with your own will.
Your big brother will gas you up. He supports you in whatever you want to do as long as it won't hurt you or separate the both of you in the long run. That means, no drugs, no cigarettes, no parties, no sleepovers and no boyfriends. Or boy, friends.
If you're attracted to girls too, don't let him know for the sake of your social life.
Other than that, you want to pursue your dreams of being an artist? Big brother will support you from behind, guiding your hand that's holding the brush. He took years and years of art classes and he was the best of all, isn't that such a nice privilege?
Want to be a famous sports player? Sure! Big brother will correct your form and tend to any injuries lovingly, always making sure to give you a sweet kiss on it.
Oh, you want to be a best-selling author? Big brother has contacts, you know. All you have to do is just ask and maybe return the favor with a kiss.
An... Internet influencer? An actress? An international celebrity? He's a little hesitant on that one. Big brother will make sure to educate you on the dangers and demands of the entertainment. Frame it in such a way that it scares you off, look at what it has done to one of big brother's classmate. She took her own life because of the stress and injustice! Big brother says to stay away from it.
Unless you're hiding behind a fake identity.
But... Parents aren't as supportive? Wants you to excel in your studies just like big brother? They're seeing you as a lesser being than your older brother?! This is a travesty!
Whenever they make rude remarks about your performance at school, big brother always has your back, he is going to stick up for you and yell at them despite knowing he would get some flak later.
However, it doesn't mean big brother will neglect your academic needs. He will gladly pull you up the ranks and beat even the highest overachiever in your school. If that is what you want.
The thing about your older brother is, he is only supportive of you for things that YOU want (and things he considered 'safe'). No, he knows that you don't want to be a surgeon, this sudden declaration means nothing to him because he knows it was a product of your parents or peers pressuring you. He won't hear it. He will only tend to things YOU want. It is YOUR world and everyone is just living on it.
Regardless, Your big brother would patiently tutor you and help with any homework. With one condition, you sit on his warm lap the whole time. No, he won't yell. He won't get frustrated. Your big brother won't give up on you. You and him will work it through, together.
Let's say, you came back home with a big C- scrawled on your corrected exam paper. Your parents are indifferent. Family friends are secretly mocking you behind everyone's backs. Your teachers can only shake their heads at your grade.
But Big Brother... He would welcome you home with a warm hug, pick you up and twirl you around as he coos about how proud he is of you. It is an improvement from your D+ before, he is so glad to see your grades go up. Your older brother would kiss you on the forehead and tell you that you did a great job, he would tell you to relax as he makes you a warm, hearty meal as one of your many rewards.
It doesn't matter if your grades dropped instead. You could come home crying with a massive, fat "F" on your paper and he would still envelope you securely in his strong arms. Mumbling that it is okay to fail, you can always get back up and try again. He would repeatedly assure that he would love you and your 'F's will change nothing. He is proud of you nonetheless, you're always going to be his beloved little sister.
Big brother tries not to leave you alone with your parents if you come home with a failing grade. They're only going to make you feel terrible, like a moron. Whereas you're not, you're your big brother's darling angel who deserves the utmost respect and love.
Any passive-aggressiveness from your mom would be met with an angry scowl and an aggressively hurtful remark about an insecurity of hers. Big brother does not give a shit if his venomous insults were low blows that leaves your mom awake in anguish for many nights, she hurt his precious baby sister.
Any disapproving scolding from your father will lead to a yelling match between him and his golden son. Sometimes if big brother deems your dad's words to be crossing over the line, a fistfight might just break out. Big brother would always be the victor because he is simply too strong and large.
Or maybe its because your parents do not want to lose such trophy of a son. The only thing which makes them better than all your family friends and your parent's colleagues.
Your parents do get compliments about how your brother gets along very well with you.
Relatives and other adults found it strange yet adorable that the both of you never had any sibling rivalry. Your big brother would always treat you like a princess and give you the best toys, the best candies and the best gadgets. Any appropriate gifts addressed to him goes straight to you. Constantly spoiling you rotten.
They didn't like how he was super overprotective of you, though. He wouldn't let anyone carry you, only HE gets to hold you. Your big brother simply doesn't trust your safety and comfort with anyone else, he is even wary about the abilities of your parents. He was like a feral guard dog with exemplary parenting skills, skills better than actual parents.
He is the type to wrap his coat around you because HE feels cold.
You wish that you had a bit more freedom. Because of your possessive older brother, your relationship with your cousins is close to nonexistent. You missed out playing fun games with them, you missed out slumber parties, you missed out knowing what "going for a walk with the cousins" on Thanksgiving means.
No one dares to interact with you. Your older brother would surely have something up his sleeves to blackmail them with. You're always seen with him, either in his lap or in his arms. He is also either seen spoon feeding you or tilting your sippy cup against your lips or playing with you and your toys. He stopped doing most of that when you turned 8... Because you had a very public mental breakdown due to the humiliation of being treated like a helpless toddler.
Big brother still haven't broken the habit of gathering your food for you and pouring your drinks, though. It hurts him to see you grow up, but everyone must move on.
You were unfortunate enough to be in the same school as your big brother for a few years. The school you went to is fucked up enough to cram elementary, middle and high schoolers all together in one compound but different buildings.
The age gap of 10 years would mean that, when you're 5, he would be 15 learning about the mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell. Big brother dart out of class whenever it is break time or lunch time to seek you out. He would bring you away and make you sit on his lap as he chats with his friends.
If you want his attention, he would gladly give you ALL of it. Which... Kind of made his friends jealous of five year old you. They won't say anything about it because it's ridiculous and your brother is too hot and popular for them to do anything bad.
You get what those glares mean. So you try your best not to distract your older brother during lunch breaks, quietly eating away at your lunch (and his own if you're still hungry).
All your big brother's friends know about you. Because that is literally all he talks about. Endless praise and no criticism at all. He shows off your drawings to his friends and made them hype you up as well.
They know he can get a little... Unhinged at times when it comes to his love for you. But they knew not to question it, their reputation depends on his mood!
The easiest way to make him like you (if you are his classmate instead) is either to compliment you or give you something you like. But be careful, you don't want to give the wrong idea that you are a rival for his baby's attention.
You were bullied by your peers once in elementary school. You came crying and bruised to your older brother, he comforted you by gently kissing the pain away as he coos sweet nothings. He promised that he will fix everything as he offered you the candy bar someone gave him as a love confession. (of course, he declined politely)
And he did, he solved it. You don't know what happened to your bullies but they came to school, scared shitless upon seeing you. A week later, they were all gone. Your teacher telling the class that these kids' families had to move to another away for something. One was due to 'work', one was because of 'family matters'... It was left vague.
You knew your big brother had something to do with it, but... What could he have done to scare their families to flee the state? He was only a teen!
The both of you had respective bedrooms, but your big brother is constantly stationed in yours, that his room becomes a museum of your creations a library for his textbooks. He still kept that crayon drawing you made of a flower when you were four.
Unlike your parents, he had never dismissed your fear of monsters under the bed as something silly. He instead cupped your cheeks and pressed foreheads, promising that he would always protect you. To ease your worries, he would do routine checks in your closet and under your bed.
He would always offer to sleep with you. He's always the big spoon.
But there was a point in your childhood that you would continuously turn him down. Because you're a 'big girl' and you can face your imaginary monsters by yourself. Your big brother would just stare in shock before smiling, he can see that you're still scared. Tucking you in and kissing you good night is always a must, stroking your hair and singing a lullaby to ease your trembling self to sleep.
You would wake up and find him holding you close to him anyways.
You had always felt safe in his arms, but as you grew older, you felt that it was... weird.
As you reach your preteen years, you yearn for privacy. You wish that your brother would leave you alone to scroll mindlessly at your social media app. Instead, he would snuggle himself up against you and watch whatever you're watching. It's stressful because he would steer you away from anything 'inappropriate' for you. He would comment on everything that appears on your screen, to try to teach you the obvious. Yes, you get it. The t-rex chasing those teens aren't real, they're just CGI.
Texting your friends is hard too. He can see everything, you had to warn them beforehand.
He went absolutely ballistic when one of your friends sent you a five second GIF of animated breasts floundering about. The said friend suspiciously had to leave the state.
Speaking of friends, he only allows interactions between girls. But even so, he does more research than the FBI on them. He knows and remembers the lineage of each and every one of them, their contacts, their parents' infidelity Family Matters, their history from the very beginning and especially their personality.
No, he doesn't care if you and your friends are 5 or 18, they're all getting a thorough background check. It's for your own good.
You managed to get over your fear of the night because your desire for privacy was more intense. The only way you could browse the net without him breathing down your neck is by staying up at night. After tucking you in and accompanying you until you're asleep, he would go back to his own room to work on his university assignments. Lucky bastard received a scholarship from a prestigious university 30 minutes away from home.
It took you a while to master the art of deception. After a few nights of accidentally falling asleep and many weeks of getting caught faking it as he watches you, you managed to fool him.
But not for long, no matter how faint your eyebags were, he knew what you were doing. So your brother fucking grounded you. Your brother, and not your parents. Your big brother took away your gadgets and began sleeping in your room again.
Of course, this was one of the very few rare times he got upset with you. It is not a good feeling, you cried which secretly tugged at his heartstrings. However, he has to be firm because he loves you but you crossed his boundaries.
Your parents would rarely have any idea what your big brother is doing to you. As long as you seem normal and he's not becoming a 'disgrace', they won't care.
Your grounding continued on until he graduated and found a place to live on his own. During your punishment, your friendships deteriorated because there were no other way to contact your friends. You get to speak of this insanity to them only at school.
During which, big brother would keep you entertained by getting you dolls, do arts n' crafts with you, make homemade slime, story telling, instrument playing and generally live like a kid in the 70's.
Sometimes he would hand you his phone, which a picture of you as his lock and home screen wallpaper. You were allowed to play 'age appropriate' games which he installed in it when he's too busy to play with you.
Every other app was protected with a password EXCEPT:
His photo gallery.
Being the curious little girl you are, you decided to check it out.
Only to be met with thousands upon thousands of pictures and videos of you. There were selfies of himself alone and with his friends scattered around here and there. Maybe some pictures of his university stuff too, but the sheer number of media about you is horrifying.
Yeah, curiosity creeped the cat out. You're not going back there again.
He tried getting your parents to agree with his plan of adopting you and letting you live with him after he got a job and a cozy apartment. Your brother even prepared a presentation slideshow and everything, proving that he could provide for you much better than your parents can.
Of course your parents said no, because, what the fuck?
As a result, he cussed them out. Your dad and your brother got into a physical altercation which gave your dad a broken nose, broken arm and a black eye. Your brother walked away only with a few bruises and a cut under his right eye, he brought you back to his apartment and whipped up your favorite comfort food while your father was admitted into the hospital.
They were upset about it for a while but decided to not hold a grudge or press any charges to keep this incident under wraps. As a peace offering, you get to stay over his place on Fridays and weekends. You don't have a say in this matter.
But hey, you get way more privacy than before. But your older brother moving out doesn't stop him from popping in randomly to shower you with love and maybe start another fight with your old man.
Your big brother began earning a lot of money. His starting salary is so fucking high, you can't even comprehend how it is possible for him to get it at that age. Hell, you don't even know what he works as. He's rarely busy!
You thought it was hell. Your brother would send you to high school and pick you up almost every day. Sometimes he has no choice but to send mom and dad to do it, thanks to his job that you still have no clue what it is about.
Just like how it was in middle school, your older brother sends you off with a kiss on the forehead on good days. A kiss on the neck on bad days. You would bring your own lunch packed by him, still warm and fresh because it was made with love and care.
Your brother has a youthful look to him. Making a lot of people think he is your hot, older boyfriend. Which... Makes you shiver in a mix of disgust, shame and anger. The look of pure surprise on your friends' face when you tell them the truth is something that would haunt at 3am.
You dread the days where he didn't pack any lunch for you. That means he would purposely drop by and hand you your favorite fast food takeaway. It almost always would come with a bouquet of flowers for you and leave after giving you a kiss.
To your friends, they're familiar with this creepy behavior and understood the context behind it.
To others? Aww, how romantic. That's so cool, you have a rich boyfriend!
Makes you want to crawl into a hole and die.
Your older brother with his newfound wealth would spoil you a lot more. He obviously saves up for your college fund too, but he has so much disposable income that he gets you give you as much as a thousand dollars as "pocket money". You get to use his credit card as much as you want, go nuts on the online shopping, get as many cute but useless kitchen gadgets as you want.
He is at your beck and call, your big brother is like your chauffeur, wherever you want to go, he will bring you. As long as it isn't anywhere near the sketchiest parts in town.
During summer holidays, he would book plane tickets for the both of you. Just tell him where you want to have your vacation, he will take care of everything. Be it Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Switzerland Disneyland-- No price seems to be too high for him, no place seems too far for him.
Your parents aren't invited, though. Which leads to another major fight between him and them.
(click here for Part 2)
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Yandere brother pt2
Part 2 of my self indulgent incest fic, gonna be a part 3 to this.
Tw: Heavy incest, sexual themes, infantilization, AFAB reader, yandere, general predatory, creep behavior, violence, A Lot Of Words (about 5000+ words)
Don't take this post too seriously, just take it like a forbidden fictional fantasy.
Ignore the plotholes too, im just writing whatever made my HeartTussy throb.
Part 3
Even though your parents are enabling your brother, they do try their best to subtly keep you away from him and try to guide you on your life journey as soon as you turn 13.
Your dad taught you about self defense and not so subtly hint that you may need to use some of these moves on your big brother. It was hard to find time to be alone with your dad, but during those rare and precious windows of freedom where your big brother has to go to university AND you're free? It's gun training time.
Your big brother tried giving a LOT of talks, including but not limited to the birds and the bees, puberty, the no boyfriend rule and many cringe inducing but crucial talks.
You were ADAMANT that you only want your mom to teach you about "girly things", which... made your brother whine about how sad he feels because you trust mom more than him.
Well yeah. He does not have a pussy. Mom does and you do.
At the end of the day, your big brother gave up with a dramatic sigh. He did tell you to feel free to ask him anything if whatever mom told you weren't clear. You didn't like how he would undermine her intelligence.
Ah, teenage years. Do you remember when you woke up with a face full of raging acne? All bumps and lumps with icky pus? You were a little upset about it, but you felt worse when your big brother began fussing over your skin condition.
Big brother would spoil you with only the finest and most expensive skincare ever. Facemasks, serums, luxury moisturizer, you name it, he will hand it over. Your older brother would take you to facial spas with the most sophisticated dermatological tech ever, those types of places where the richest of the richest only go.
You were insecure, you felt the pen holder that is on the shiny, marbled receptionist counter cost way more than you can ever dream to earn. You felt fucking poor in there despite wearing and holding all the pricy things your big brother gifted you before.
When he and the receptionist are discussing about the best possible package to purchase for you, you snuck out. This is unbearable, you can't take it anymore.
Yes, it is nice to be spoiled. Nice to be pampered, but it was all too much for your teenage brain to take in. You felt extremely inferior in there, your head made it seem like everyone is giving you nasty looks for leeching off your big brother's hard earned cash.
You ignored the incessant ringing of your phone as you took an Uber to the nearest pharmacy. You didn't need state of the art machines to get rid of acne. You didn't need face masks with 24k gold flakes in it. You didn't want to feel like an alien specimen in a lab. You did your research, you talked to your mom, you talked to what little friends you had...
All you need are those boring, clinical looking bottled skincare like CeraVe or Cetaphil. The stuff that's made by dermatologists and are proven to give you what you actually need.
Yeah, it isn't that cheap. But it surely is much better than the treatments paid by your big brother costing five figures. Plus, you finally get to put your "pocket money" to use. That $150 worth of acne fighting products hardly put a dent in your wallet.
To your partial surprise, you were accosted by your big brother while waiting for your ride back home. Unsurprised that he is angry, surprised that he managed to find you.
Then you remembered, you're holding the $2500 phone he got you and not your $15 burner phone.
You brought your palm to your forehead, your big brother told you he installed a tracking app on it. You were careful not to do anything on it because you knew that tracking app can also reveal ALL your activities to your older brother. Including but not limited to your browser's history, texts, recordings of phone calls, etcetera.
He held you tight in his arms as he reprimanded you. Tears were streaking down his face as he did so, landing on your clothes. He pinched your ear as punishment and dragged you back into his car, where he would bring you back to the spa to do your treatment anyways.
You would come out of the room glowing, skin clear of any flaws. Maybe even levitating because the treatment is Just That Good ™️. But you felt dirty. Going through this programme wasn't your choice. You can only give a tight lipped, insincere smile as your big brother and the estheticians praised you.
He apologized for yelling at you and bought you your favorite ice cream afterwards.
The thing that you found it weird and unsettling is that... He never asked you why you ran away. He only chalked it up as "normal" teenage rebelliousness and an attempt to "get his attention".
You ate your ice cream in small scoops as your big brother rambled on about bringing you to a luxury hairdresser to do your hair. You said you thought your hair is fine, he began nagging about how it's "dry", "oily", "ridden with split ends".... You zoned out. Whatever, his word is god, you guess.
He moved on, mumbling about how he is going to take you shopping, clothes, gadget, books, furniture basically non-consumable products. You stopped him there and said you have too many things already, it's piling up in your room and you're struggling to find space to put them.
He backtracked and said grocery shopping, you objected, saying your parents already did them and you do not want to have too much perishable items. It is wasteful to let them expire as you can't consume all of them in time.
He wanted to bring you to an amusement park soon. You said no, you have exams coming up. You need to focus on your future.
Gym? You're not comfortable doing all that around strangers. He agrees.
Movie theaters? Nope, you need to study. And you have friends.
He stammered, as he is running out of options, he offered to tutor you.
His heart shattered when you bluntly said you didn't need him anymore.
Then, he stopped talking. Only propping his head up with his elbow to watch you eat.
You know that he is trying to find ways to spend more time with you. Seeing that you now refuse to stay at his place during the weekends and on fridays. Your parents didn't actually force you to go there, they were "hesitatingly encouraging" you to. But they were more than happy to have you separated from him because he is a fucking weirdo.
The times where your parents forced you to be with him is when they can feel another fist fight is about to occur. You get it. For the sake of your father's nose cartilage, you begrudgingly agreed to this facial treatment in the first place.
Suddenly, your brother went on a rant about how your parents are poisoning you. Accusing them of planting a bad image of him in your head. They must have told you false stories about him being cruel, that's why you don't want to be with big brother anymore! Your dad is twisting the idea of big brother because he has a grudge on him!
You tiredly pushed another scoop of ice cream into your mouth to avoid talking back and causing a scene in an ice cream parlor. Of course, your big brother will never physically hurt you, but he can get super embarrassing if he wanted to. Reputation is damn crucial to a teenager
You let him vent. You let him get it all out of his system. If you don't, your dad is getting another cast done. It's literally the same thing he complained to you just a few days ago, verbatim.
"Ever thought of getting a fucking girlfriend instead of clinging onto my balls like a parasite?"
He watched you wide eyed. You realize what had escaped your lips and so you slapped your mouth shut before apologizing profusely. He does NOT like the topic of getting romantic partners and he hates it if you use profanity.
You were ready to get scolded, you were used to him treating you like a cringy nine year old. He is probably going to see this as another temper tantrum from you.
The classic "Language!" Never came. He is just frozen there, heartbroken and silently upset. His eyes were watery and his eyebrows were knitted together.
If you were someone else, mentioning about how he should get a girlfriend is enough for him to go batshit insane on you and get your molars knocked out. But coming from his beloved little sister, it is a whole new world of hurt.
He began softly sobbing in his hands, giving you this dilemma whether to try and comfort him or not.
If you do, you're going to enable him again. Possibly even making him worse, making him not take your "NO"s seriously. And that is dangerous.
If you don't... You seriously do not know what is going to happen. You don't want him to hate you (and possibly get your nose disfigured), but you don't want him to have this unhealthy, creepy ass obsession for you.
Before you could come to a conclusion on what to do, he told you to stay put as he excused himself to the bathroom, sniffling and wiping his face.
You contemplated on running away, calling an Uber to take you home and "accidentally" leaving your expensive phone on the table. So he can't track you down.
But you decided against it and ate your melted ice cream in silence.
Your brother came back half an hour later with puffy eyes and a warm smile. Asking if there is anything else he could get you from the ice cream shop. Would you like to try, pistachio? Mango? Black sesame ice cream? Big brother will buy it for you, just say the word.
No, you just want to go home. He frowned before reaching for your hand to grab it, as usual.
You remained silent as he firmly held onto your hand like a parent holding onto a helpless toddler.
After that, he acted like nothing ever happened. He never brought up that outburst again and continued babying you. However, you felt like something shifted. Something is wrong.
Yeah, there is that usual hostility between him and your parents, but... Toned down for a reason. Even your dad got a little unnerved when he stopped throwing punches arbitrarily.
For sure, it isn't out of the goodness of his heart. He has an ulterior motive to this.
He still attends Parent Teacher Meetings in place of your parents, winning the hearts of your teachers and other school staff. He tries his best to paint your mom and dad in a negative light, so if anything happens to you or there are some matters requiring a legal adult/guardian, they should contact him and him only.
They gobbled it up, if you had a penny for every "You're so lucky to have such a caring and loving big brother", you would have two dollars, 200 pennies.
There were teachers trying to woo him using you as a tool to get closer to him. Your big brother took it the wrong way and saw them as competition, causing them to flee the state for "family matters".
He brings the best cakes and pastries during PTA bake sales, always raking up the most revenue and donations. Your club members and charities love him because his handsome face, alluring physique and fucking Psychopathic charm adds to the tastiness of his otherwise only slightly better than average goods.
Your friends say he makes the best brownies in town. You can only give them a bitter smile as you ring them up, those are actually boxed brownies.
That's not to say he doesn't have any baking skills whatsoever. He mainly reserves his real handmade goods made from scratch for you, where it is tailored to specifically fit your taste. You get to choose how sweet, how savoury, how soft, how flakey and how flavourful you want it to be.
Sometimes when your brother comes to visit you at your parents' home, you would have friends over. He would be warm and welcoming if they're all girls (that passed his intensive background check) and does not show a pinch of romantic interest in him. Icy, stoic and even downright rude if one of your girl bffs flirts with him, absolutely apeshit hostile when there is a boy. Doesn't matter what sexual orientation, cis or trans, no boys allowed.
You know what he is doing. He is trying to get your friends' approval so they would encourage him to be around more. To be around you. It does freak you out because you ever found out one of your best friends was converted into a spy for big brother. She was paid cash and apple pies in exchange for information about you.
It was hard to know who to trust. All your girlfriends seem to be enamored by him, very few are taking your concerns seriously. Those who do suddenly told you to stop talking to them one day... And eventually had to flee the state.
You felt lonely and helpless. You are under surveillance one way or another. God knows how much your brother actually knew about you.
I, the narrator, am god. And I can tell you, it's a LOT. Like a whole fucking lot. He just let some things go undiscussed such as your curiosity about things that makes your brain, heart and pussy go 'BRRR'.
You better be careful on what you consume online.
Back to the subject about your friends, he would often act as a chauffeur for you and them. Driving you all to where ever you guys want to go, be it the Mall, the movies, each other's houses, wherever, whenever. Provided you're sitting in the passenger's seat.
It's humiliating. You had to pay the 'cab fee' by giving him a kiss on the cheek and receiving one on the forehead in return. If he is feeling bold, you'll receive a kiss on the lips and he will claim it as merely a gesture of brotherly love to his darling baby sister. It's hard to pull away because his hand is holding the back of your head in place.
Usually this does incite a sense of fear and "what the fuck", but it's all washed away when big brother distracts them with his charm, money or other bribing tools.
At least he gives you an illusion of privacy when he drives away. Leaving you and your friends "alone" to do whatever teenage girls do.
You know he's lurking around somewhere, watching.
Your friends would have a common topic of finding their siblings annoying and generally pieces of shit. You can't relate at all, but began you wish the relationship between you and your older brother was... Normal. Where he would purposely eat your fries just to spite you, hog your gaming console, call you DickHead Fucker McStupidface and not... endless predatory love bombing.
You sighed. The grass is always greener on the other side.
He made a massive deal out of your 18th birthday. Your big brother threw you the biggest party you have ever attended and invited basically everyone who passed the vibe check. Which includes people you don't know, like his shady work associates, some strangers and existing friends who he thinks are the "best candidates" to be your best friends, the midwife who delivered you for some reason, strangely a few political figures you see on TV and many others.
However, none of the people who he sees as a threat to his relationship with you were invited. Including, but not limited to your parents, obviously the friends/teachers/doctors who thought his kisses and touches on you were weird, anyone who made a lighthearted joke about you that didn't sit well with him...
He rented out a ballroom to throw this colossal party in, along with food catering and entertainment. Your favourite singers, performers and dancers were all present. Your jaw dropped when you met them in person, they're known and loved worldwide and yet here they are standing in front of you, greeting you a sweet 18th.
There is no way he could afford all these without breaking a sweat unless he is secretly a multi-billionaire. Which you think he is, because rich elites and controversial celebrities that you recognized from entrepreneur magazines were invited. Your brother has mannerisms of one too.
You were treated like the fucking president of the world, your brother made sure to let you know you are loved deeply. Everyone loves you, you are full of worth, you deserved to be pampered, etcetera. There wasn't a second where no one's attention is on you, it's stressful to be under so many pairs of eyes, to be the main subject so many hidden opinions.
You are the center of all, the world orbits around you and not the other way round.
You are being recorded, live streamed, remembered and perceived for better or for worse. The spotlight seems too bright and the stage seems too Broad and tall. And it is all yours prance around.
Cheers and praise would fill the hall, but none of them are coherent or genuine to you. Smiles lit up the room but their eyes do not show the same joy, they're here for one thing and one thing only: your brother, his wealth and the immense power he seemingly held.
Despite this bonanza, you have never felt so lonely and unloved in your life. Your big brother bastardized love and affection. This sick display made you nauseous, degraded and obviously upset.
Does your brother think you never noticed the malicious, jealous, lecherous gaze of many? Does he think you're deaf enough not to hear the occasional whisper thinking that you're a good for nothing spoiled brat who spreads her whore legs for her big brother? Did he miss the conversations where they're discussing about using you as leverage against your brother? What about the tightening of balled fists whenever you're mentioned?
This party only shows that everyone is out there to get you, to witness your downfall, to see you fail and drown.
You bolted to the bathroom and into a stall, your only sanctuary at the moment.
You threw up, sobbed and trembled. Luckily you had your $15 burner phone hidden in your puffy ball gown dress, one of the very, very few things your brother doesn't know about.
You called your mom and cried, asking her to pick you up because you're scared, tired and angry at your brother. Your dad also got into the phonecall and agreed to get you the fuck out of there.
You didn't have glamourous makeup streaking down your face because you refused to have your makeup done the way your brother wanted it to. He said it's either his way or no makeup at all. You chose the latter to at least feel like you had some autonomy over yourself.
He made you wear some basic makeup anyways. But nothing too dramatic.
You stifled your sobs when you heard a door open. A feminine voice called out for you.
You gave no reply and waited.
She said your brother is looking for you.
Feeling your blood boil, you told her to tell your brother to fuck off.
She muttered an apology before scuttling out. Soon enough, she came back. This time, she slid a notebook between the door gap with something scrawled onto it.
" What's wrong? Are you feeling ill? Please come out :( I love you "
No doubt, it's your brother's handwriting. You crumpled it and threw it into the waste bin nearby.
You told her to leave you alone. She left without a word.
Half an hour later, someone else enters the bathroom. You opened your mouth, about to begin spewing insults about your brother.
Only to be met with the voice of your mom calling out for you.
You rushed out of your hiding place and found yourself in the arms of your mother. You clutched her shirt and cried hard, you didn't want this. You wanted to spend your 18th birthday with people of your choice, your liking. Not total strangers and a creep of a brother.
You begged your mom to get you out of here. She consoled you, saying that your big brother is worried and waiting for you outside the restroom.
You said you didn't want to see him. You wanted to go home and hide in your sheets, away from the blinding spotlight.
It puts her in a tough position. He wouldn't believe her if she said you didn't want to see him. She knows her son would maliciously take a dig into her insecurities again and break her heart for the millionth time.
So she just dragged you out of there, attempt to scurry past your big brother and avoiding his wrath. Not a surprise, he stopped the both of you.
Your mother decided to sacrifice you to the monster by letting you go. To save herself from getting hurt both emotionally and physically, though she did receive a scowl from him.
He is unbelievably tall. Your big brother still needed to crouch to get to your level, you were crying, rubbing the tears away with the hilt of your palm.
What's wrong? He cooed lovingly. His eyes were softened and his eyebrows were knitted in concern. He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears away with his thumb. Your big brother massaged the back and base of your neck as you are forced to calm down.
His hands trailed down to your arms, gently rubbing them up and down and fixing the sleeves of your fairytale-like dress. He peppered kisses all over your face, whispering sweet nothings to soothe you. Saying that you his one and only baby sister no matter how old you are, he won't ever leave you. Your big brother loves you to the moon and back, it hurts him to see you upset like this on one of the biggest birthday of your life.
Finally, engulfing you into a secure embrace. Rubbing circles on your back.
And it works. It genuinely calmed you down. This technique brought you back to a time where everything seems to be simple. Where it's just playtimes with big brother and cuddling. No concept of social status, no eerie weirdness, no need for reading between lines, just peace.
For the rest of the night, you're in his lap. His arms securely wrapped around you as he amicably chat with the attendees. You're Tiredly resting while aimlessly staring at different points of interest. It could be the delicious food, it could be the performers, it could even be one of the guests uncomfortably staring at you.
You absentmindedly played with his tie as you rest your head against his chest. Your older brother won once again, managed to manipulate you into thinking he is a safe space whereas the true safe space is home, away from this man.
It gets weird WEIRD after your 18th birthday. His hands begin to creep up your thigh at times, you would have to slap it away. His strokes somehow felt a lot more sensual. His hand would rest on the small of your back whenever the both of you are out. You don't know how it was possible, but your big brother became even more handsy on you.
Yeah, his hand massages are nice. But was it necessary for him to linger his lips on your knuckles while he gives you bedroom eyes?
He got a whole lot more possessive too, actively telling every male he comes across with you that you're "off the market". You would call him out for it but he is still insisting that you are "unavailable" to date.
You feel like he doesn't call you by your name anymore, it's all pet names. Including this one nickname which is embarrassingly sappy.
He doesn't correct anyone if they think the both of you are a couple, not even hinting at the true nature of your relationship. He would frown if you do, though. When quizzed about his reaction, he would simply just dismiss it as nothing important.
He would heavily protest against the idea of you working for money (He isn't as opposed if it's your dream job, though.). But, he isn't against the idea of you "working for him". You didn't feel like sticking around to find out what the job description is.
Your parents are pretty much punching bags for him, your big brother's increased possessiveness means intense beat downs and verbal abuse on the daily. It got so bad that your dad was fighting for his life on the hospital bed as he filed for a restraining order against your big brother. They still wouldn't want to press charges or report him to the police at all.
Imagine the Judge's face seeing your mummified father in court, only getting a restraining order against the person who did it and not... a jail term. Your brother did not once show any remorse, it was just blank stares at everyone else except you. He would smile and draw a heart in the air, which absolutely creepy to people who witnessed it.
Other than that, he still treats you like a kid. He would offer to do anything and everything for you, especially your chores. He would still get food for you at parties, get you cups of your favorite drink and spoon feed you if you're not paying attention. He would still wipe the sleep out from your eyes and wipe your face clean with fresh towels.
He would pay for all your expenses without complaint. Well, almost without complaint. He would whine about you not spending enough time with him while he's paying for your college. Saying that he doesn't have to and he is bringing these burden upon himself is the best way to shut him up or reduce him into a blubbering mess, frantically assuring that you are the best thing that ever happened to him and you are not at all a nuisance.
For 18 years, you have never initiated a conversation discussing about his feelings for you, it would get awkward or messy and you knew it. Your parents weren't perfect either, they did not pay attention until only recently. Letting this sick infatuation fester and escalate.
Due to the restraining order, your brother can't visit you at your parents' home. But he can visit you at your college which sucks. Literally everyone recognizes him as your boyfriend because the way he greets you with a warm hug and a kiss. Not to mention, the gifts you would receive that are typically given by lovers.
Also, as a birthday gift, your brother bought you a fucking house. In a suburban neighborhood. One condition: it is under your brother's name, so it is technically still his, so you would have to live with him. Of course you rejected it which made him use every trick in the book to guilt trip you or lure you in.
You stood firm and said no despite how guilty he made you feel or knowing how luxurious your life would be if you accepted. He went quiet for a while before smiling, ominously stating that you're always welcome to come and live with him in "your" house no matter what. He was so sure that you would eventually come around and give into him.
Despite it all... No doubt, you still love your fucked up brother. He was always there for you regardless of circumstance, so you can't bring yourself to get a restraining order against him. You prefer using more "peaceful" methods to distract him from you such as using your vast amounts of pocket money to hire someone to pursue him romantically.
Even the people who you hired was off put by how his interests are only about you.
In the end, you said "scratch that" and paid someone to befriend him to get a deeper insight about the nature of his "brotherly love". It was hard to evade his notice, but with enough time, precision, money and luck, you managed to keep these under wraps.
You paid to set up a fake scenario for your agent and your big brother to meet. It starts off with you mentioning that you're really craving for some bread or pastry from a specific bakery that sells out pretty quickly. You told him that as he is driving you to college.
You put up a convincing act that you really, really, really wanted one today, repeating it multiple times. Your brother, being the doting man he is, promised that he will get you one by lunch.
You cringe as he rests his hand on your thigh, but made no move to push it away as he rubs it up and down.
So you went on with your day, trying not to think about how he gently grabbed your chin and kissed you in front of your friends before driving away.
Seems mundane, but the thing is, your hired spy has already bought the last two. The bakers were also in on this operation.
Your big brother panicked as he found out that it's all sold out and he will break a promise with you. He tried asking the employees if they could bake at least one now just for you, he would pay extra.
It is notable that he refered to you as "my baby".
They obviously declined. They were sympathetic, however he was still told to come back earlier tomorrow.
Then, that is where your hired help would swoop in and save the day.
Out of the kindness of your spy's heart, he offered your brother one of the pastries. Your brother was grateful, according to your spy. He shook his hand and offered to pay, your spy declined per your instruction and said he understand how shitty it is to disappoint our loved ones.
From there, a friendship blossomed between your intel and your brother due to common (fabricated) experiences.
Your brother never specified or confirmed what the relationship between you and him was. If your spy didn't know all the details, he would have thought you were his dearly beloved wife.
It went on for a while, but it kind of worked. His friend took at least 5 minutes of your big brother's attention away daily. Giving you at least 5 minutes to fucking breathe.
Your spy did tell you that its a bit... Actually VERY mentally taxing to hang out with him. All your brother talks about is you, your interest, your cute little quirks and habits, your personality... Sometimes the conversations were sprinkled in with curious questions about your spy's fictional loved one or life story.
Big brother STILL haven't deny or corrected anything even though when your spy outright verbally assumed that you are your brother's spouse.
Your spy said it was hard to sit there and listen to him speak about you as if you were his lover, his child and a toddler all at the same time. They're all overlapping and it's undeniably fucking creepy.
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Yandere Brother Pt 3
Tw: suffocating unbearable love, violence, general yandere, female reader shenanigans, infantilization, and of course incest. also christmas
minors and ageless blogs dni please <3
click here for part 1 and part 2
Click here for my new oc Yves (PLEASE READ IT I LOVE YVES)
plotholes and emglish errors everywhere and i could not be bothered :100emoji: please dont point it out thanks xoxo
Caught the Covid fuk now i cant leave my bed im so damn sick and pukey all the time, i dont fuckin know where my roommate is but at least they're not here to get infected, feeling like a busted up rustbucket rn
So this was originally written last year, couldnt find what else to write but this christmas time is perfect, so like dont mind the shoehorning of Christmas somewhere in this fic
You're having your summer break and you plan to pick up on a new hobby. Crocheting, perhaps.
Fuck, your brother picked up your search history from his spyware. Now you're left to deal with $1000 worth of wonderful quality crocheting materials and your big brother being your personal crocheting mentor.
This is where it gets frustrating. Yes, if you have the resources, you would enjoy your hobbies more. But, just like... What if you didn't like crocheting in the end? You're stuck with all these.
It happens to every single potential hobby. Stamp collecting? Your big brother will bid to the death for an extremely rare stamp from the 1900. You're not even fucking collecting the stamps, the stamp book already comes arranged with all the stamps ever produced. A collection that would only give a hardcore stamp collector an instant orgasm upon sniffing it.
Nail art? Where the hell should you keep all the acrylic powders, fake nails, drills and drill bits? Not to mention the dizzying numbers of nail polishes, nail brushes, nail stickers and cuticle sticks. Of course, your big brother is going to hire a professional nail artist to make sure you're practicing your hobby safely while he's learning how to do it himself, so he could replace your mentor too. He would become so skilled that he could qualify to open up a 5 star nail salon. But he's not interested unless you are.
Painting? you absolutely do NOT need all of those tubes of paint. The difference in shades for some of them are so small that you mistook it for the same colour. You would have a headache choosing the right type of paper, right type of primer and right type of fixative to use.
Are you having troubles on painting? Let big brother teach you. You would sit on his lap as he guide your hands across the canvas. Don't you think his warm hand enveloping yours feel nice? Doesn't his free hand feels nice sensually rubbing your thigh? Don't you just feel protected in his hold?
Makeup? Same situation with your nail hobby. You're essentially being babied by him and experienced celebrity makeup artists, you would drown in a mountain of eyeshadow palettes, primers, setting sprays, skin care products, anything and everything related to makeup.
Every instrument ever? Big brother would insist lovingly providing all the music lessons you need. He is a musical prodigy after all. If it's something ridiculously obscure like a Glass Armonica or the Theremin, big brother would master it in a couple of weeks, earn a fucking pHD in it and THEN teach you. No instrument is too expensive or hard for him. Your big brother is crossing his fingers HARD for you to have this hobby.
Chess? Oh, he is also a prodigy in it. He could teach you. Your chess pieces would be custom made to your liking, by the way. It would be the perfect density, perfect size, perfect texture for you. He knows what you like and you hate that.
Sports? Take a look at his "achievement room". It's filled to the brim with golden medals and trophies of every sport competition ever. He's not leaving you alone for this one.
Pottery? Welcome to your very own personal pottery studio, furnished with all types of drying racks, ovens, kilns, turntables and equipments you have never heard of. Big brother is always there to supervise you, making sure there won't be any accidents.
Cooking and baking? You get to have an industrial sized kitchen all for yourself. Everything is decorated such that it looks like you would be on television, starring in a cooking show. You don't need to clean anything, or prep anything, or actually do anything, really. There's a team of professional chefs and assistants to do everything for you. They're paid to cheer and clap and celebrate when you pour cake batter into a pan.
Gardening? Well, there's a massive plot of fertile land for you to garden to your heart's content at the house he bought as your 18th birthday gift. If you want a big project, it will be done overnight. You wouldn't hear the gigantic machineries and vehicles tumbling about due to the soundproof walls he installed. No one would be able to hear you both either, doing god-knows-what inside.
Video games? Your big brother personally do not encourage you to pursue this. But... Nonetheless, he would spoil you rotten with all the latest gaming consoles, limited edition merchandises, pre release copies of your favorite game franchises and whatever your gamer heart desires. All at a hefty price of... Daily cuddles and kisses. And you also have to move in with him. And he gets to decide what game you're playing, if he deems it a "bad influence"? It is not staying in his house.
You rather not.
Nothing is fun because the fun parts are already done for you. You don't get to experience the highs and lows of picking up a hobby, you don't get to explore and experiment. You're literally cursed with luxury.
So imagine your boredom, stress and paranoia during summer break. All your friends are spies for your brother, your hobbies aren't even "yours", leaving your house would inevitably lead you to your brother and all digital footprints are heavily scrutinized by him too. No privacy, no autonomy, all monotony.
You juggled three smartphones at once. Throwing one up in the air, catching the other one with your dominant hand, throwing the last to your other hand. Who gives a damn if one, or all of them breaks? It's riddled with spyware and your big brother would buy you every time a new model is released anyways. Which is... A new phone, a month?
You stopped caring where he gets the money. Obviously he has an assload and can afford to wipe his ass with thousand dollar bills regularly.
It's summer break. One last resort to try and spend your time like a regular ol teenager is taking up a part time summer job. There is a wide variety of jobs to choose from with your qualification. Granted, it's minimum wage and mostly customer service.
If you work as a barista, the cafe or juice bar you'll be working at will LOVE the crap out of you.
Your older brother will visit daily and increase their sales tenfold. Of course, he would pick the drinks that you like doing. It's okay if you fucked up, its only your beloved big brother's order, you can add as much sugar, salt, pepper, cyanide as you want. He will never yell at you, never tell you that you made anything wrong or never even die.
The management will suddenly see a surge in daily customer count. Thanks to big brother's networking. And like him, they also will accept anything you make with no complaint... As per his instructions. You could go full on ridiculous and give them a cup of ice drizzled with strawberry scented dish soap and call it Tutti Frutti, they would still pay for it and take it with them. Though, you're not sure if they ever consumed anything from you.
Without fail, your brother would visit you during every break and hand you your meal along with a kiss on the forehead or the cheek. He would bring you out to eat but you would refuse everytime. You also didn't want his company, which made him pout and whine without fail. But it's nice that he would actually back off after the sixth "no".
However, you know that fucker is watching you from a hidden camera somewhere in the nooks and crannies of whatever breakroom you're resting in.
He would engulf you in a big hug when you get off work, telling you how proud he is of you for getting through another workday like a champ. Praising you for all the hard work and excellent performance, making sure to soothe and comfort you if you happen to come across a rude customer earlier in the day.
You try not to think too much about their fate.
You will be fed, bathed and loved after every shift.
Hell, he would even build up a company from scratch just to hire you. Any position you want, barista, manager, cashier, back office work, janitor- you name it, you get the "job" and get paid a pretty penny. All your other coworkers and customers are probably paid actors and actresses to simulate a "real life working experience" safely. He controls it all, making sure you have just the right amount of drama, the right amount of diplomacy and the right amount of gossiping. You're rarely pushed out of your comfort zone, though. Big brother always has your safety and best interests at heart.
Of course, he will never tell you all of this, to keep the immersion going. You're going to feel sad that you're not exactly experiencing reality. But a bastardization of it. Might as well star in a trashy reality TV show instead, at least, it's much more authentic than whatever your big brother has going on for you.
He doesn't need to even tell you though. You would pick it up easily and quickly especially if you already watched the Truman Show. Don't tell him you did, god help you if he ever gets an inkling that you knew about the existence of the Truman Show. He deemed that movie as demonic propaganda and he needs to lecture some sense into you. If you want out, just say that you're 'bored' and want to do something else. Your big brother will gladly drop everything and do anything in his power to help you "achieve" what you want.
But for the sake of "plot" in this latest installment, you agreed to work in a quaint little bubble tea stall. Where you're the only employee, making drinks for whoever is ordering in front of the shop's decorated window.
Of course, your big brother miraculously happens to work in a nearby skyscraper as one does. It's not that you didn't do your research, you were a hundred percent certain he didn't work in that building, because that fucker never goes to work... At least, physically. Perhaps he does his job, whatever that may be, through online means.
You were planning to use your bicycle to get there that you got yourself with "your" money. He never bought you a car or a bike or anything that would get you around, he saw it as something unnecessary. Why would you need it when big brother is available 24/7 to bring you anywhere?
Actually, you could have gotten yourself a car with the allowance he gives you every day for being cute and adorable, and being patient with his incessant kisses and hugs and cuddles and love and touches and his fucking insanity in general.
But you know that he's going to kick up a massive fuss about driving alone. It was hell to even get your license with him actively trying to sabotage you at every exam- which includes him stooping so low to bribe the examiner to fail you. However, you persevered, and you got that stupid license. All the while, he was lamenting about how you're going to leave him all alone, how you don't need big brother anymore, how society pressured you to grow up too fast and recklessly drive off wherever.
You knew better than to fall for that. Or even entertain it either. Eventually, he gave up trying to guilt trip you into crying, apologizing to him and sobbing in his arms, promising that you won't leave him.
It's not like he DIDN'T kick up a fuss when you said you're using a bicycle either. He began freaking out about your safety, fearing that you might get run over.
Well. You admitted defeat. He's driving you to fucking work and back. It's not worth it to fight this battle.
So you began working in the stall. You had someone train you for your first 2 weeks. Then you were on your own.
The owner, who is also the person who showed you the ropes around there, said business isn't good, but it isn't bad either. So you didn't need to worry about rush hour where hoards of thirsty, sleep deprived office workers trample over each other to get their daily boba fix. It's pretty peaceful working there.
But what you do need to worry about, is your fucking big brother.
He would come and buy a drink, whichever you like to make. It can be the most expensive one, or the cheapest one, the most elaborate one or the simplest one. It's up to you, he will pay for it and happily drink what you made.
You could make him pay for the most expensive drink there is but serve him a cup of lukewarm water, and he would still drink it with glee and fork over his money, telling you to keep the change (which is usually a hundred bucks extra).
Let's say you want to be decent and make him drink that you know he would actually like. Which is anything that tastes generally fruity. And insist that you like making it even though it actually sucks.
He knows. He can tell that you're specially making his favourite drink. And that makes him happy and more obsessed with you if that's even possible at this point.
He would leave a massive tip and a kiss on your forehead.
Although your brother is fucking gross and weird like that, you still love him. Probably a bad idea but you're working so hard, trying your best to earn money honestly just to get him a Christmas gift.
Despite the restraining order between your parents and him, your brother is still invited back home each year to be jolly together. Preparations start a few days before Christmas, where you would see an unusual sight.
All of your immediate family members in the same room, or at least in the same house together without fighting to the death. Your dad's bones are intact, your mom didn't have her insecurities jabbed on for once. They're not exactly on speaking terms, per se.
You woke up one morning to see an... appropriate sized tree for your parent's house, erected in the middle of the living room. Adorned with beautiful ornaments and... are those pictures of you on the ornaments?
Wrapped presents were patiently sitting under the tree. There was a small box with your father's name on its tag, another small one with your mother's name on it. A decent sized box was addressed to your brother, must be a combined present from your parents.
Your shoulders sagged in defeat when you saw your presents took up the perimeter of the tree and even conquered the couch, the back of the couch and under the coffee table. You lost count after gift box #27.
Since everyone is in the kitchen, you quickly place the presents you got for your parents... and your brother.
You panned to the fireplace. Your Christmas stocking is filled so much to the brim that your brother must have added 5 more next to your original one. Your parents' and your brother's stockings are relatively empty. You stuffed them with candies and nuts to make them look less embarrassing.
You straightened your back, that should do it. Your ears perked up when you heard some clamoring in the kitchen. It must be your brother.
You let out a surprised yelp when you're yanked back by a pair of arms that snuck around your waist. "Merry Christmas, my little wittle precious baby!" You squeezed your eyes shut and scrunched your face as he attacked you with a barrage of kisses.
He giggled and squealed as he held you in his arms and twirled you around in glee. You let out a scream of horror as your feet dangle off the ground. He does this every Christmas morning when you were a child to wake you up further and get you excited for the holiday. But you're not a kid anymore, and this is horrifying.
Finally, he stopped and put you down. Your hair is frazzled and the world around you is gyrating. He squeezed you in another hug and gently rocked you side to side.
He immediately unlatched when you said you're hungry. Your big brother gleefully lead you to the dining table, where he fixes up a napkin around your neck like a bib. You asked him why is he tying a ribbon on your hair, he said that you are his Christmas present and he is spoiling himself this year.
Before you could respond, he gave you a brief peck on the head before frolicking away into the kitchen.
Your parents came out of the kitchen, greeting you. They're holding a tray full of steaming hot breakfast foods, no doubt your brother forced them to make it for you. Every Christmas generated a metric ton of leftovers. It's because your brother wanted you to try all of the foods from all over the world. But don't worry though, the leftovers could be so intact that it was given out to neighbors and friends and extended families. Some didn't even need to cook after that, the sheer amount of leftovers was enough to fuel ten more Christmas gatherings.
Croissants, quiches, various types of bread, eggs, ham, bacon even panettone made from scratch. Looking at the spread in front of you is dizzying, your big brother sets down the last plate right between your hands. It's a breakfast plate your brother customized to fit your usual preference, everything is shaped into a heart. He patted your head as he took a seat next to you.
Everyone ate in silence. Everyone was focusing on their own meal except... your brother. Who else would rather stare at you adoringly instead?
He asked if you wanted to go make snowmen outside. Not without proper winter protection, that is. You shrugged, it's not like you could escape your family anyway. Your friends are all busy with their own families, and you don't even have friends. Everything is closed and if you lock yourself in your room, your brother will just pick the fucking lock and force his way in.
Your parents tried making small talk, this earned a feral glare from your brother because it interrupted the connection between the both of you. They paid him no mind and began asking about your life. You tiredly replied to their questions and asked some back yourself, to try to find any sense of normalcy. Your brother would be disengaged with the words coming out of your parents mouth, but highly interested in what you had to say.
The rest of the morning went by uneventfully. You offered to help clear the table and do the dishes. Your brother just 'aww'd at you and gave you an appreciative kiss on your forehead. That wasn't an explicit yes, he appreciated the gesture, but he wouldn't allow you to dirty your hands doing chores.
He told you to wait for him to clean up. In the mean time, he gave you permission to open some of the gifts he got you. Frankly, you don't even want to deal with it at all, it's just too much crap. You decided to go through the stockings instead and grab some snacks for yourself.
As expected, he filled it with the most expensive treats and the freshest oranges. These types of foods are usually served in a formal setting, like eating gold crusted caviar at a 10 star restaurant, all dressed up in fancy clothes. But he just... shoved it in a Christmas stocking as if they're mundane chocolates.
Whatever, you shoved some into your pockets.
You turned around to see your brother smiling lovingly at you. He wrapped a puffer jacket around you, his scarf with his cologne on it, a pair of thick mittens on your hands , a winter hat snuggly fitted to your head, and a pair of thick pants he made you wear in front of him.
He picked one of your numerous christmas presents and handed it to you. He clasped his hands together expectedly as he watches you.
Your brother urged you to open it, go wild. Rip the wrapping to shreds. You felt so bad seeing how well wrapped it is and the quality of the wrapping paper is... indescribably good. It doesn't even feel like paper, it feels like silk.
So your carefully dismantled it, trying not to tear anything. You look up to see that your brother is pointing his camera at you, capturing this very precious moment. He encouraged you to go on.
You managed to remove the packaging and revealed a box of expensive winter boots. These are high quality and you would have been the source of envy even though most of your "friends" are also from wealthy families. Not everyone gets to have these.
You appreciate it but... You already had a pair of winter boots, the ones from last year, and the year before that. And the year before that, and a week ago where your brother is freaking out about you potentially having frostbite on your toes.
"It's the latest model! It was released as a part of a Christmas special, it will keep you warm and protect your feet too. It was selling out fast, I'm so glad I managed to get a pair for you, I can't have my sweetiepie sad on Christmas day!" Gushed your brother. You slipped them on.
You can't tell the difference between the one you had last year and the one on your feet now. Maybe some minor difference in it's stylistic design but... they're equally as comfortable.
You thanked your brother and finally gave him what he actually wanted from all this: a hug. He put away his phone and returned the embrace, sinking so deep into your jacket that neither of you can move without stumbling. You know he expected you to show gratitude for all his gifts through his main love language; touch.
It is exhausting.
After that, he brought you out to his private plot of land which he made into a park, complete with swingsets, monkey bars and slides. But these aren't for the public, it's for you. All the equipment are well maintained and look brand new even though you know it's been there for years.
He's not fond of throwing snowballs because it could hurt you. But he allows you to throw as much as you want at him. Even after the stunt you pulled last year.
You packed snow around a rock and hurled at him with all your might, it went straight to his head and his right eye was busted for months. Your brother didn't see that as something wrong, though. Even if you tried to apologize, he said that it was an accident and it was alright, he still loves you dearly and you did 'nothing wrong'. The first thing he did after recovering from his injuries at the hospital is to take you out for hot chocolate and then give you a backrub back home because winter could make your muscles stiff; and hence you must feel strained and sore.
He was still mildly bleeding from his gauze at the time, it was covering at least 70% of his upper head. Your brother was clueless when you asked if he needs any painkiller for his recent injury. He claimed to not feel the pain, but his wincing tells you otherwise. He rewarded you for your concern nonetheless with hugs and kisses and another massage.
You laid yourself on the snowy ground and started making snow angels. Your brother had his camera out and began capturing every moment he has with you.
You felt uncomfortable. And the cold is nipping at your bones even though you're thoroughly insulated by the sophisticated winter gear your brother made you wear. You're ready to go home now.
It shocked your brother and made him a bit desperate. He stammered and stumbled over his words, asking you if you wanted to play on the swing, build a snow man, play on the slides, the merry go around and... throw snowballs at him. Are you cold? He was in the middle of removing his own jacket to layer it onto you, but you stopped him.
You said you're tired. You don't find this fun and you're too old for this.
Maybe you're thirsty? He packed a flask filed with steaming hot chocolate for you- no? You're not thirsty or hungry? Maybe you wanted to use the bathroom-- no? You don't have to go?
He tried listing out all the possible reasons you wanted to go home and all its' solutions. Desperately wanting you to stop growing up so fast.
You got sick and tired of this, you yelled at him at the top of your lungs that you wanted to go home. You then stormed away towards the car, leaving your brother to stand there in silence, his camera capturing your explosive outburst.
Your brother saw you slamming the door angrily as you got in.
He sighed, gulping and hovering his finger over the delete button. But he ultimately decided against erasing the footage, it's still a video of you after all. Your brother assured that he's coming to the car, he wipes a stray tear away as he heads to his vehicle.
The both of you stayed silent as he drove you home.
Once you arrived, you bolted out of the car and ran back in. Locking yourself in the bedroom and barricading the door with random furniture. Hugging your knees close to your chest as you pray that your brother does not go after you by climbing into your windows.
And... he didn't. He left you alone for once. For a few hours too. It gave you the much needed relief, you felt like you could breathe now.
You're starting to feel a bit hungry. And you're hungry enough to be willing to face your older brother. So you began unbarricading, placing your dressers to it's original place.
You carefully unlocked the door, fully expecting him to be waiting outside for you. To your surprise, no one was in the hallway. You could hear some noises downstairs, in the kitchen.
You cautiously went down, the tree is still intact. Nothing is broken and there doesn't seem to be signs of a fight. You released a breath that you didn't know that you were holding, happy to know that you don't need to spend another Christmas at the hospital visiting your badly battered parents.
You whipped your head to the sound of your brother calling your name softly. He's holding a baking tray and a bowl, you can't tell what is in there because he's too tall. He smiled at you as he set it down on the dining table. The tray contained freshly baked parts of a gingerbread house and the bowl contained vanilla frosting.
You scanned the rest of the table. There are numerous small glass bowls containing different types of candy and snacks; from pretzel sticks to colourful chocolate rocks, to real gold leaves. Piping bags with metal tips are present too next to a box of plastic gloves.
Your brother pulled your chair out and invited you to sit there. You did, and he called you a good girl. His good girl. As you put on a pair of plastic gloves, he kissed you on the temple.
You asked where your parents are. He said that they're preparing the food for dinner, which includes ham and a roast turkey. And 15 other dishes.
You quizzed on, asking if there will be more people coming in. He shook his head: no. It's only the four of you. In the meantime, you should enjoy yourself building this gingerbread house. He puts on his own pair of plastic gloves too and began filling the piping bag with icing.
The two of you worked in peace, you opting to decorate the house while he pipes the details on the gingerbread men.
There is only two, a large one and a smaller one. You can guess which represents who.
You noticed the odd choice of attaching the small one to the large one's torso. With strategic use of the candies and frosting, he made it look like the larger gingerbread man is carrying the smaller one on its hip. He piped your defining features onto the baby gingerbread, and piped his features on the larger one.
He noticed you staring, your brother asked if you had a hard time connecting the pieces with frosting and if you needed his help. You said no, you just need a spatula from the kitchen. He tried to get up from his seat, but you pushed him back down, saying that you can get it yourself. He pouted, telling you to be careful and not touch the knives or stoves. Your brother went back to obsessing over the details on his gingerbread men.
You went inside the kitchen and greeted your parents who are busy cooking. You go through the drawers to find a silicone spatula and decided to help pick up some stray food scraps on the floor, throwing them into the bin. But as soon as you step on the pedal and have the lid swing open, you saw two crushed, but perfectly edible, gingerbread men in the garbage bin.
You returned to the dining table to see that your big brother is proudly presenting his work. He said this represents you and him... as if you already haven't figured it out. He said he dreams of having you live with him in a perfect fantasy house, fantasy world where you never have to grow up. And he will always be there by your side, taking care of you till the end of time. You will be pampered and spoiled rotten, you don't have to do anything, you don't have to lift a finger. Your big brother will do everything for you. He would even breathe for you if he could.
You nodded in acknowledgement, too tired to engage with him. You sat back down, continued with the gingerbread house. You failed to notice the flicker of sadness in his eyes, your brother felt so neglected and unwanted these few years. He wished that you were a kid again so the both of you could play together and be happy. The more he tries to win your favour, the more distant you get from him. He is endlessly chasing and you are running non-stop.
The rest of the afternoon went by uneventfully, other than the fact that your big brother rests his head on your shoulder the whole time.
Now, it's time for dinner. You tried helping them bring out the dishes, your brother praised you for being a darling as usual. He lets you have the first bite of the turkey, tearing a small inconspicuous piece of flesh from the bird and hand feeding it to you. It's still warm, juicy and delicious. Maybe it's the feeling of being special that makes it even tastier.
You chew as you brought out the casserole, setting it down on the table.
You looked at the spread. It looks like a buffet at a high end hotel. So many varieties and extremely nutritious.
Your brother fixed your napkin bib for you again and took food for you. Slumping in your seat, you were thinking of protesting but you knew it's easier to just wait for him to carve the best parts of the turkey for you and let the food pile up neatly on your plate first. He returned it to you, all your favourite dishes are on it within sensible portions. But these are still a lot of food for a person.
He didn't care about praying. Your brother wanted you to eat as soon as possible because you must be hungry. And it is absolute sacrilege to let you go hungry.
You insisted that you join your parents in saying grace and you're not that hungry. Your brother looks uncomfortable, still believing in his sick mind that you're starving to the point of emaciation. But since you are adamant in doing such 'pointless' things In his mind, he agrees, only if he leads it.
Everyone bowed their head down and held each others' hands.
Your brother said the shortest, most insincere, laziest grace ever. Once he fulfilled your requirement, he urged you to eat.
You're upset, you felt really angry and you thought he was mocking you instead. So you opted to eat alone in your room, you made it clear that you didn't want anyone in. Especially not your big brother.
He cried out a desperate plea to get you to stay with him. You ignored him and took a couple more of your favourite finger foods. Predicting a fight between your brother and your parents.
You wrenched your arm away from his powerful grip and fled the scene, hurrying up the flight of stairs. Only slowing down when you're out of sight.
As you thought, sounds of verbal fighting started resonating throughout the house. You heard your brother screaming his head off at your parents for being bad influences and poisoning you to hate him. Your parents defended themselves and this only fuelled the fire. You didn't want to be around when your brother started hurling chairs, so you slammed the door as hard as you could. The sudden loud noise did stop the commotion downstairs briefly. But it continued soon after.
You ate alone, in your barricaded room. Wishing that you're born into a 'normal' family, with 'normal' trauma. To a lot of people, you are complaining about a blessing. But you are always feeling alone, the only person facing a problem which everyone sees as a solution.
You scraped the last bits of food with your spoon. Waiting for the sounds of the ambulance or at least for the fighting to quiet down.
You looked at the clock. It's 1 AM. It's been relatively quiet for a while now, they should be finishing up their fight or cleaning up. Time for you to return your plate.
You grunted as you pushed the furniture away from your door which felt like the umpteenth time. You left your room and head downstairs.
Hearing soft sobs from one person, your brother. He's sitting in front of the tree, hugging the present you left for him earlier. The presents addressed to your parents are both missing, presumably being taken back to their room. A blanket is loosely draped around his shoulders.
You took slow steps, unsure if you should comfort him or not. But before you can even decide to chicken out, he spotted you. However, to your surprise, he didn't approach you or tell you to come forward. He gave you a soft assuring smile, before returning his attention to the tree.
You set your plate aside and went by his side. Your brother watched you with puffy eyes full of love, yet it tells you that he has been irreparably hurt by something... or an accumulation of things.
"Thank you..." He whispered, refering to the gift you gave him. It isn't something particularly valuable to you. It's a picture of the entire family in a photo frame. Your brother is going to cherish it, because it is a gift from the person he loves most in the world. But deep down, he secretly wishes that it was a photo of you and him alone.
He still looks extremely upset and distraught. Almost like he is at the brink of a breakdown. Your brother usually verbalizes what he wanted, but he couldn't this time.
You wonder what your parents got for him. You peeked over his shoulder to see that an unopened box containing a plain T-shirt and a pair of socks is carelessly discarded to the corner of the room.
Then, it clicked. Just like you, he felt alone. Maybe you will never understand why he holds you so dear in his heart. Just like how no one will understand him either, his struggles are unique to him with no one to relate.
He destroyed the relationship between himself and your parents. His friends are all superficial. You're grown up and constantly rejecting his love.
Not a single one of you paid attention to him. Yes, it is hard to think of a present for someone who has everything. But they could have put in a bit more effort, the colour of the shirt and socks aren't even in his favourite colour or in the correct size. You could have removed your parents from the photo, your brother will never remove it himself. Because that would mean defacing your gift for him.
And growing up, your parents never saw him as... a person. As someone with feelings and a personality. They only saw his value as a trophy piece to show off to their friends and family. Same goes to his friends now, if it wasn't for his skills and possessions, he would be nothing to anyone.
He had to beg to be loved. Even that isn't reliable, he could give it his all and everyone around him will expect more. Your brother could never dream of being the receiving end of his own affection. It seems like an impossibility to him.
Perhaps he is doing all of these despite getting nothing but disgust and disdain from you is all to protect your innocence, to not put you through what he had to face. It's just that he went about it the wrong way. Or maybe he is just... wrong in the head. Or maybe he was hoping by loving you so much, you would give him the intense type of love he was yearning for his entire life.
Either way, he is alone.
The both of you are now seated in front of the fireplace. You didn't want to open presents, your brother is okay with that. He did not nag you to do it for once. Snuggling closer, the both of you shared a blanket. He still looks unhappy and crestfallen.
You remember you still had the ribbon bow on your head.
He hovered his arms around you as you squirm in his grip. You managed to crawl into his lap and rest your head on his chest. He lets out a chuckle and some sniffles, clamping his arms back down around you.
You reminded him of one last gift. Your brother is confused until he saw your ribbon.
From that moment on, he burst into tears of joy. He found you so unbearably adorable, so unbearably cute that his heart couldn't take it. An excited squeak escaped his lips as he held you even tighter. Peppering kisses all over your face, neck and head.
He started blabbering in baby talk, calling you every pet name and listing out everything he loved about his 'gift'. Repeating that this is the best gift he ever received and this is all he ever wanted. You are all he ever wanted. Praising that you remembered what he loves.
You hope that he could feel a little less lonely tonight. You can't peer into his head and know exactly what is going on inside. But you knew, he was happy.
Your breathing calmed him down and he closed his eyes, nuzzling against your neck. The collar of your shirt wet from his tears and your arms are secure around him. Your brother mumbled "I love you." as he adjusted you on his lap. Pressing your form against his, enjoying the heat that the both of you shared. Wishing that this moment will never end and you will never part from him.
You realized another thing too as he strokes your hair.
Your older brother is the only person in the world who harbors true, undying, unconditional love for you.
Even though he has his flaws, there will be no one else like him. Ever.
So you closed your eyes and melt into him. Just like before, you felt safe.
The both of you fell alseep in front of the hearth, surrounded by gifts, mostly unopened ones. Snowflakes floating down from the skies and landing delicately at the edge of the roof. Feeling unburdened and content in the living room.
Merry Christmas.
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Henry Winter aesthetic moodboard!!
"Who will you be tonight, that's the question."
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Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson in Titanic (1997) directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron.
-Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes. Not yet, do you understand me? -I'm so cold. -Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old… an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me? -I can't feel my body. -Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
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Been gatekeeping this JK video but i think its time to share it to the world…it’s huge 😳
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Jungkook’s trousers struggled to stay flat 👀😈
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Yoongi just flaunted his bulge on Fallon during that sope moment. Yes yoongi we know you’re big, yes you know how to make us wet. Yes i want you between my legs. Thank you
Yoongi was showing bulge in the whole performance and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it 👀😏 (x)
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Babe are you okay down there? Looks…restrictive. Lemme kiss it better for you 🥺😏
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BTS - Namjoon [ Bon Voyage(?) to be realeased episode ]
Credit too: @JIMINA_S2_ on twitter
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[ source: RACTICE RECORD] BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Tomorrow’ ]
[ photo is mine. please do not steal or repost. ]
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[ source: Solo 2023 concert ]
[ video is not mine. Credit to @/charly.min on tiktok ]
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[ source: ITS S(?) ]
[ credit: @/18kpopbulge18 on twitter ]
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[source: unknown source]
[credit to: @/spicypromise on twitter]
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