urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
this picture is exactly how 'there's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live' feels
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
things may taught me
sometimes friends don't hold on as tightly as you do and thats okay
find your comfort people and stick with them
its okay to doubt people – your gut tells you what it thinks
if you feel like something is off, something is off
being patient with yourself always comes first, you'll always finish whatever you're doing in the end
being hurt is allowed and you're not being attention-seeking if you let others know that you're hurt
sometimes we just have to swallow the bitter pill and suck it up
tell people what you're feeling
wallowing in your misery is okay, but don't do it forever
sometimes you grow out of things you love or you find new ways to do it or you do things you always said you hated but you like it and thats okay
reframing your ideals is always okay
no being has their whole life together
your idols struggle too
perfectionism comes at a cost
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
“trust your gut” is dangerous advice when anxiety causes you to perceive everything as a threat. like if i trusted my gut all the time i’d probably never do anything ever
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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Sorry to everyone who’s enjoyed the last 130 years of science and culture journalism, but Disney needs the money to fund Toy Story 9
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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Mieko Kawakami, from 'Heaven'
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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Mental health struggles sometimes feel like this to me. Stuck inside, observing the mess, and waiting for it to pass.
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
i'm too busy decorating my own world. i've got to admit, it's pretty interesting.
with the books i read, the things i learned, the music i hear, the people i meet and the sights i see. adventures i forage to succumb my desire to embellish my world. you can come in if you want to. it's all to satiate my cravings to belong. if i can't belong in theirs, i'll make my own where i don't have to try, question nor crawl. my little world, my little bubble and those who i care enough for permitted to enter.
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
The curious are always in some danger. If you are curious you might never come home, like all the men who now live with mermaids at the bottom of the sea.
Jeanette Winterson, from Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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Hanging Barrettes // Colleen Toland on Etsy
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
May I know what my chances are? I started studying politics, cultures and languages to understand how to say everything by saying nothing. Head bowed down I move around, except for evenings with friend where I am anybody but myself in games. Listening is easier then talking and silence is worth much more then a life.
The marble arch above you bears carvings too worn to make out, the edges softened and moss-eaten until it could just as well be the waves of the ocean, soft curves running into each other forever. That doesn’t bother you. What very much does is the paint splashed across it, hot neon pink and still running, promising this is a place of honor we PROMISE, esteemed deeds are definitely commemorated here! A droplet of paint lands on your shoulder, smearing on the leather, and you start moving again. Forward, unfortunately.
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
High quality conversations lead to high quality thoughts and actions.
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
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— Bryn Greenwood, from “All the Ugly and Wonderful Things.”
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
If it's not you, I'm not gonna settle for anyone else.
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urformerpulaugirl · 1 year
i love shutting up.
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