urahora · 2 years
Nara Chandrababu Naidu outlines the vision for education in Andhra Pradesh's Chittoor district
The state of Andhra Pradesh has seen significant progress in the education sector in recent years, and the collaboration between the government and Isha Vidhya is a testament to this. The former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu inaugurated a pilot project on August 18, 2023, that will benefit 38,368 students from 460 schools across the Chittoor district. The project is a joint initiative between the State Education Department and Isha Vidhya, an organization that provides quality education to underprivileged children in rural areas.
Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is known for his vision for education, and this project is a testament to his commitment to ensuring that every child in the state has access to quality education. During the inauguration, he talked about his vision for education in Kuppam, his constituency, and the initiatives he proposed to introduce to convert Kuppam into a Center of Learning with the best facilities for education in the country. This inauguration speech was broadcasted in TDP live updates on that day.
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The Chittoor district TDP leaders announced that under the support of the project, 1957 teachers will be trained in the first year, and new teachers will be inducted as well. This will help to improve the quality of education in the state and ensure that students receive the best possible education. The TDP Agenda of collaboration with Isha Vidhya is a welcome step that will help to bridge the education gap and provide a brighter future for the children of Andhra Pradesh.
This is one of the pilot initiatives of the TDP Policies that are being implemented in the Chittoor district. If successful, it will be expanded to other districts in the state, ensuring that more children have access to quality education. Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu said that this is a critical step towards ensuring that every child in the state has access to education, which is crucial for their future.
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Government, under the leadership of Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu has made significant strides in the education sector. The government has implemented various TDP Schemes to improve the quality of education in the state, including the introduction of digital classrooms, the distribution of free textbooks, and the construction of new schools. These TDP Contributions have helped to improve the infrastructure of schools and ensure that students receive the best possible education.
The TDP government's collaboration with Isha Vidhya is another step towards ensuring that every child in the state has access to quality education. The TDP Government has been proactive in promoting education and ensuring that the state's youth have access to the best possible opportunities. This TDP Development helped to improve the standard of living in the state and create a brighter future for its citizens.
The collaboration between the government and Isha Vidhya is a significant TDP development in Chittoor towards ensuring that every child in the state has access to quality education. The pilot project, implemented in the Chittoor district, benefits 38,368 students from 460 schools. Under the leadership of Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the TDP Government, the education sector in the state has made significant progress, and this project is a welcome addition to their efforts. The government's commitment to education is commendable, and it is a critical step towards creating a brighter future for the children of Andhra Pradesh.
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urahora · 2 years
TDP government exempts life tax for auto-rickshaws and agricultural vehicles in Andhra
On a sunny day in Andhra Pradesh, former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu unusually took to the streets. He donned a khaki shirt and drove an auto-rickshaw near his residence. While this might have been a surprise to some, it was a gesture of gratitude towards the auto drivers who had come to thank him for his decision to exempt them from paying life tax.
As the first driver of the state, Nara Chandrababu Naidu took this step to protect the interests of auto drivers. Despite the additional burden of Rs 141 crore to the government exchequer, he decided to waive off the motor vehicle tax payable in respect of three-wheeled contract carriages (passenger auto rickshaws) with a seating capacity of four, five, six, and seven in all. This decision also extended to three-wheeled goods carriage vehicles up to a gross vehicle weight of 3000 kgs and tractors and tractor-trailers used for agricultural purposes. The cumulative arrears of motor vehicle tax payable were written off as well.
This scheme of TDP has been welcomed by over 9.79 lakh auto drivers, including 5.66 passenger autos who will benefit from the tax exemption. This decision was taken by the TDP Government, which has always been supportive of the common man.
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This contribution of TDP is not only beneficial to auto drivers and farmers but also to the overall development of the state. Nara Chandrababu Naidu stated that he is also a driver who is driving the state on the development path. By waiving the life tax, He has not only won the hearts of auto drivers but has also created a positive image for the TDP political party. The decision is also in line with the government's efforts to reduce the burden on the common man and provide much-needed relief to them.
The TDP Government has always been proactive in taking decisions that are in the interest of the people. Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s decision to drive an auto-rickshaw and interact with auto drivers also shows the government's willingness to connect with the people at the grassroots level. It is a testament to the TDP policies' commitment to working toward the betterment of the state and its people.
The decision to waive the life tax payable for auto-rickshaws and other vehicles used for agricultural purposes is a progressive move. It has been well received by the people of Andhra Pradesh and has further strengthened the trust that they have in the TDP Government. The move has also been welcomed by the auto driver community who have been struggling with high taxes and fees for a long time.
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urahora · 2 years
Driving Change And Development In AP: TDP's Commitment To Efficiency And Industry Growth
The Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, has approved significant reforms that will make the government more industry-friendly and guarantee efficient public service. The Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Committee has presented the Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) 2017 and analysed the departments' preparedness.
The TDP Leaders have always been at the forefront of driving change and development in Andhra Pradesh. Their commitment to creating an industry-friendly environment and delivering efficient public service has been evident in the top TDP Achievements over the years. One of the most significant reforms proposed in the BRAP 2017 is the Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act (PSDGA) or equivalent legislation. This Act will define the competence of authorities, timelines for delivery of service (clearances, approvals, licenses, renewals), compensation to applicants in case of delay, and mechanisms to appeal. This will ensure that the government provides efficient and timely services to its citizens, which is a top priority for TDP leaders.
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Furthermore, the TDP Government is committed to creating an industry-friendly environment that fosters growth and development. The EODB committee has proposed that the Single Window Act (2002) will be amended and named Industries Services Delivery Right and Guarantee Act. This Act will ensure that all stakeholders, including industries, are sensitized to the new reforms using comprehensive brochures and Live TDP Updates. The TDP government has always believed that industry and economic growth are critical development components, and this new Act is a testament to their commitment.
The EODB report highlights the progress made in the implementation of the reforms. Of 373 reforms, 245 have been implemented, and 128 are under implementation. This is a significant achievement for the TDP government, and they have set a deadline of 25th August to implement all reforms. The government has also committed to meeting once in fifteen days to discuss the extent and quality of implementation. The TDP government has been proactive in implementing reforms that benefit its citizens and industries. Some of the reforms proposed in the BRAP 2017 include automated service restoration in industrial areas, paperless courts, and commercial dispute resolution enablers. These reforms have made it easier for citizens to obtain services from the government and for industries to conduct business in Andhra Pradesh and are often known as Top TDP Contributions.
The TDP Government's commitment to delivering efficient public service and creating an industry-friendly environment has been evident in its Top Achievements. The implementation of the PSDGA and Industries Services Delivery Right and Guarantee Act will ensure that the government provides timely and efficient services to its citizens and fosters growth and development in industries. The EODB report's progress is a testament to the TDP government's commitment to delivering on its promises and creating a better future for Andhra Pradesh.
In conclusion, the TDP MLAs along with some of the Top TDP Leaders have always been at the forefront of driving change and development in Andhra Pradesh. Their commitment to creating an industry-friendly environment and delivering efficient public service has been evident in the Top TDP's Achievements over the years. The implementation of the reforms proposed in the BRAP 2017 will further cement the TDP government's commitment to creating a better future for Andhra Pradesh.
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urahora · 2 years
Andhra Pradesh's Drive to Boost its IT Industry with 8 Company Inaugurations
Andhra Pradesh, India's southern state, is pushing to grow its IT industry and bring jobs to the area. This effort was recently highlighted by the inauguration of eight IT companies by the state's Chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and IT Minister Nara Lokesh.
The eight companies, including Zoho Corporation and AGS Health, have established a presence in Tirupati with the aim of providing a total of over 2,000 jobs in the next two years. The state is hoping to capitalize on its favourable location to become a hub for the information and technology sector. The Chief Minister, some TDP party leaders, and some TDP MLAs have announced plans to build IT towers in every district and develop IT hubs in cities like Visakhapatnam, Amaravati, Tirupati, and Ananthapur. He has also promised to train one crore IT literates by investing 250 crores in training programs. Zoho, an American company with a significant global presence, plans to invest 300 crores and provide employment to 5,000 people over the next three years. The other seven companies aim to provide 1,080 jobs in the next year and 1,800 jobs in the next two years.
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IT Minister Nara Lokesh believes that the state has already made significant progress in creating IT jobs, with over 24,000 jobs being generated in the last three and a half years. The state is looking to attract more investment in the IT industry with the introduction of new policies and the encouragement of cutting-edge technologies like fintech, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and data analytics. The goal is to create one lakh IT jobs and two lakh electronics jobs by 2019.  These were often said to be some of the Greatest TDP Achievements and are called the Best of the TDP Contributions by the TDP Government for the people of Andhra Pradesh.The inauguration of these eight companies is a significant step in Andhra Pradesh's drive to become a major player in the IT industry and is followed on TDP Live Updates. With the state's favourable location, skilled workforce, and supportive policies, it is well-positioned to attract investment and create job opportunities for its residents. The state's leaders are optimistic about the IT industry's future and believe Andhra Pradesh will be the next silicon valley.
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urahora · 2 years
A Journey Of Awards And Accomplishments Of AP Under TDP Governance
Andhra Pradesh has emerged as a leader among Indian states, bagging a record number of awards in various sectors over the last four and a half years. Under the leadership of Former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the state has received 635 awards at the national level, making it one of the most recognized states in the country. For more updates go through TDP Live Updates.
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The Youth Welfare and Cultural department have received 20 awards, while the Women and Child Welfare, Housing, and Social Welfare departments have received 15 awards each. The Rural Development department has received 12 awards, while the Civil Supplies, Tourism, Mines, and Geology departments have received 10 awards each. The Roads and Buildings and Revenue departments have received 8 awards, while the Industries department has received 7. The Horticulture department has received 6 awards, while the Animal Husbandry, Finance, and Real-Time Governance departments have received 5 awards each. The Adult Education and Tribal Welfare departments have received 4 awards each, while the Environment and Forests, Planning, Police, and Rural Water Supply departments have received 2 awards each. The Agriculture, Home, Swachandra Corporation, and Skill Development departments have received one award each. Additionally, 28 awards have been received by various other sectors in the state.
The Contributions of Chandrababu Naidu have been instrumental in the state's success. He has worked tirelessly to create an environment that is conducive to growth and progress, and his vision for the state has inspired TDP MLA Candidates and some of the greatest TDP Leaders to work towards the same goal. Under his leadership, the TDP government has been able to achieve a great deal, with the state of Andhra Pradesh reaping the benefits.
In conclusion, the Contributions of TDP for Andhra Pradesh under the leadership of Chandrababu Naidu are a testament to what can be achieved through good governance and a commitment to progress. With a record number of awards, the state is on the right track to becoming one of the most developed and recognized states in the country. The TDP's Achievements stand as an example to other political parties and states, demonstrating the positive impact that good leadership can have on a community.
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urahora · 2 years
The Contributions of Nara Chandrababu Naidu to Technical and Vocational Education in Andhra Pradesh
Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the TDP government have made significant contributions to the field of technical and vocational education in Andhra Pradesh. During the period of 1996-1997, there were only 37 engineering colleges in the state, but due to the efforts of the TDP government, the number of engineering seats increased to 62,750 by 2000. This growth was made possible by the government's commitment to investing in the sector, as evident from the Rs.717.84 crores spent on technical education between 1995 and 2000.
One of the Top TDP Achievements of Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the TDP Political Party are the establishments of the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) in Andhra Pradesh. This was the first international educational institution for Information Technology in the country, and it represented a major milestone in the development of technical education in the state. The government's efforts in this regard were also reflected in the increased focus on Information Technology, with the introduction of innovative programs such as the Master's level (MSIT) teaching program in "Information Systems."
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The TDP Government and the corresponding TDP MLAs have also introduced several important reforms in the field of technical and vocational education. For example, in 2001-2002, the first online counselling for the Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) was decentralised in Andhra Pradesh. These TDP Developments were a major step forward in the effort to improve access to higher education and to provide greater convenience to students.
The former TDP Government of Andhra Pradesh under the governance of eminent chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the TDP political leaders have made numerous contributions to this sector by increasing the number of seats in polytechnic courses to 19,405, providing even more opportunities for students to pursue technical education. The MSIT program, for example, provides students with the opportunity to use networking technology for higher education, and the Master's level teaching program in Information Systems has introduced new trends in the field. The government's efforts have also been reflected in the increased ratio of engineering and polytechnic seats in the state, during 2000 stands at a 3:1 ratio, compared to the 1:2 ratio in 1995.
The former honourable Chief Minister Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s Government has made significant TDP contributions to the department of technical and vocational education in Andhra Pradesh. The TDP Government's commitment to investing and developing in this sector, with the establishment of the IIIT, and the introduction of innovative programs and reforms have all played a role in the development of technical education in the state, during its recent tenure their efforts have already yielded significant results in terms of increased enrollment and improved educational outcomes. Visit the official TDP website for TDP latest updates and know about the vision of the TDP government on improving access to higher education.
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urahora · 2 years
NCBN's Contribution to Higher Education in Andhra Pradesh: A Look at TDP's Achievements
Nara Chandrababu Naidu is known for his contribution to the field of education and the state has made considerable progress in the higher education sector. The state has undergone a lot of changes in terms of educational opportunities and the introduction of employable courses in education. The higher education sector in Andhra Pradesh is adapting to the changing times and is responding to the needs of the students in today's world. Private participation in higher education has increased in the state, and this has resulted in the growth of the higher education sector. For more updates go through TDP Live Updates.
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One of the most significant contributions of Chandrababu Naidu has been the introduction of state-of-the-art and employable courses like Computer Applications, Biotechnology, and Microbiology in government colleges. This has provided students with the opportunity to pursue courses that are in demand in today's job market. The training of four thousand lecturers in government-aided colleges has also been a step in the right direction, as it has improved the quality of education being imparted to students. The government of Andhra Pradesh has also granted autonomy to Rajahmundry and Kakinada Colleges. This has given these colleges the freedom to make their own academic and administrative decisions, which has improved the quality of education being provided to students. In addition, the state has made available 220 video cassettes for broadcasting quality education to students across the state through "Mana TV." This has provided students with access to quality education, even if they are unable to attend college in person.
The annual enrollment of 1,53,535 students in 1224 degree colleges in the state is a testament to the progress that has been made in the higher education sector. Out of these, 179 are government colleges, 215 are private-aided colleges, and 830 are unaided colleges. The state has also implemented a 33 percent reservation for women in these colleges, which has provided more educational opportunities to women in the state. There are 14 universities in the state, out of which seven are deemed universities, and two are central universities. This has provided students with a wide range of educational options, and they can choose from a variety of courses that these universities are offering. All these achievements are made by TDP Party MLAs and Top TDP Leaders under the guidance of Chandrababu Naidu.In conclusion, the state of Andhra Pradesh has made significant progress in the higher education sector under the leadership of Ex-Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. The state has responded to the changing needs of students and has adapted to the changing times. The introduction of employable courses in government colleges, the training of lecturers, and the provision of quality education through "Mana TV" are some of the major TDP Achievements of the state in the higher education sector. The state has made education accessible to students from all walks of life, resulting in the growth of the higher education sector in Andhra Pradesh.
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urahora · 2 years
India To Grow A Digital Technology Gaint Across The World
Nara Chandrababu Naidu, former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and the President of Telugu Desam Party (TDP), recently emphasized the role of digital technology in propelling India as a global giant. He highlighted the importance of information technology in the country's growth and its impact on the youth. He also spoke about the strengths of the Indian community, especially the Telugu people, in creating wealth and becoming job providers globally. For more than a decade the TDP Government has ruled the state of Andhra Pradesh under the governance of N. Chandrababu Naidu with the future vision of our state for future generations with the help of many TDP Leaders and the Best of TDP MLA Candidates. 
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Chandrababu Naidu stated that India is blessed with a demographic dividend, its biggest advantage in the digital era. The country has a large number of young people who are driving its growth. On the other hand, countries like China are facing the problem of ageing, which could be a hindrance to their growth. He mentioned that India started its information technology journey 25 years ago, and since then, a significant number of people have migrated abroad and are contributing to the growth of their respective countries. The highest per capita income globally is that of Indians, and one-third of them are Telugu people. Naidu's vision for India by 2047 is that the country will be a global wealth creator, the wealthiest community, and a job provider for the global community. He believes this is possible if all Indians work together and contribute to the country's growth. He emphasized the role of the Indian School of Business (ISB) in achieving this vision and urged the youth and business leaders to take up the responsibility of making India a global giant. People can get the top TDP News and future reference through TDP live updates.
He also spoke about the importance of addressing poverty and reducing societal inequalities. He stated that wealth creation is inevitable, but the business brains of the country must work towards bridging the welfare and development gap. He believes that empowering the regions and reducing inequalities is crucial for the happiness and well-being of the country and its citizens. Naidu's views reflect the priorities of the TDP government, which he led as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. During his tenure, the TDP government focused on developing the state as a hub of information technology and digital innovation. The government encouraged the growth of the IT industry in the state and provided a conducive environment for startups and technology companies to flourish. The government also emphasized the importance of skilling the youth and providing employment opportunities in the IT sector. This is one of the significant NCBN Contributions of the state of Andhra Pradesh and is considered the Top TDP Achievement.In conclusion, Nara Chandrababu Naidu's views on the role of digital technology in propelling India as a global giant are commendable. His vision for the country by 2047 is ambitious, but achievable if all Indians work together and contribute to the country's growth. The TDP government's focus on developing the state as a hub of information technology and digital innovation reflects its commitment to making India a digital technology giant.
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urahora · 2 years
ISBs 20th-anniversary guest speech: Nara Chandrababu Naidu
Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, N. Chandrababu Naidu, recently spoke about his satisfaction with the growth of Hyderabad, 20 years after his tenure as the Chief Minister of united Andhra Pradesh. During the 20th anniversary of the Indian School of Business (ISB), he spoke about how he had transformed Hyderabad from a wasteland to a developed city.
Nara Chandrababu Naidu acknowledged the efforts of the founding Dean of ISB, Pramanth Raj Sinha, in persuading business leaders to choose Hyderabad over other cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Chennai. He also spoke about his TDP Party leaders and TDP MLA’s role in developing the city which sparked growth in the previously underdeveloped area. Chandrababu Naidu emphasized the importance of institutes like ISB in promoting development and expressed his desire for it to be among the top three globally.
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Nara Chandrababu Naidu's vision for India is to make it one of the top two economies in the world by the 100th year of independence. He predicted that Indians will be wealth creators globally and will dominate public and corporate governance, with ISB playing a significant role. He stressed that leaders make all the difference in corporate or public governance and that India will reach new heights if everyone works together. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that welfare and development coexist and that wealth should not be concentrated among a small number of people.
Chandrababu Naidu's speech was met with applause from the audience, which included ISB students, faculty members, and business leaders. His vision for India's future was well received, and his emphasis on the importance of institutes like ISB in promoting development was well received. His statement that "leaders make all the difference in corporate or public governance" was especially noteworthy, as it highlights the role of leaders in promoting growth and development, his speech was broadcast in political news and TDP flash news.
This speech was a reminder of the achievements of Chandrababu Naidu as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and the impact he had on the growth of Hyderabad. He was able to transform the city from a wasteland to a developed city, and his vision for India's future is a testament to his continued commitment to promoting the growth and development of Andhra Pradesh.
Shri Nara Chandrababu Naidu's speech also emphasized the importance of education in promoting development. The ISB's aim to be among the top 10 universities globally highlights the role of education in promoting growth and development. The ISB's mission to pursue research that is relevant to India and recognized internationally is a step in the right direction, as it will help to promote growth and development in India.
Chandrababu Naidu's speech was a call to action for business leaders, urging them to participate in the development of public policy and to fight to reduce social inequities. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that welfare and development coexist, and that wealth should not be concentrated among a small number of people. This message was well received by the audience, and it underscores the importance of promoting equality and fairness in the development of India.
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urahora · 2 years
“Sthree Shakthi Bhavans” Under TDP Governance
The TDP government under the leadership of Nara Chandrababu Naidu has taken significant steps to empower women and promote their participation in the economic and social development of the state. One such initiative is the construction of permanent buildings for Mandal Mahila Samakhyas under the Project "Sthree Shakthi Bhavans". Before the reorganization of the state, only 31 buildings were constructed with an expenditure of Rs. 7.75 crores. However, after 2014-15, the TDP government made significant progress and constructed 375 buildings with an expenditure of Rs 42.90 crore. The construction of 35 more buildings is currently underway. For more than a decade the TDP Government has ruled the state of Andhra Pradesh under the governance of with the future vision of our state for future generations with the help of many TDP Leaders and the Best of TDP MLA Candidates. 
The construction of these permanent buildings is a major step towards developing the SHG (Self-Help Group) federations in the state. The Self Help Groups (SHG) federations play a vital role in promoting the economic and social empowerment of women and helping them to overcome various challenges faced by them. These buildings will provide a permanent base for the federations to carry out their activities and promote their objectives. For future reference go through TDP live updates.
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Under the leadership of Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP government has taken several initiatives to promote the welfare of women in the state. The construction of Sthree Shakthi Bhavans is a testimony to the government's commitment to empowering women and promoting their participation in the development of the state. The TDP government has also taken several steps to improve the overall infrastructure and facilities available to the SHG federations. The government of Andhra Pradesh has provided training and capacity-building programs to the members of the federations to help them carry out their activities more effectively.  The construction of Sthree Shakthi Bhavans will not only provide a permanent base for the Self Help Groups (SHG) federations but will also help to promote their objectives and goals. These buildings will provide a space for the federations to hold meetings, organize events, and carry out their activities. The buildings will also serve as a source of inspiration for the members of the partnerships and help to motivate them to work towards the betterment of their communities.
The construction of Sthree Shakthi Bhavans is a one of the major contribution of TDP taken by the TDP government under the Leadership of Nara Chandrababu Naidu. This initiative is a testament to the government's commitment to promoting the welfare of women and empowering them to participate in the development of the state. The construction of these buildings will provide a permanent base for the SHG federations to carry out their activities and promote their objectives. This initiative will go a long way in promoting women's economic and social empowerment in the state. This is considered as the Top TDP Achievement.
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urahora · 2 years
 Confidential Vehicle Operations and Improved Bus Services By TDP
Despite being the request leader in the passenger transportation industry and having an astral character for passenger safety, responsibility, and punctuality, APSRTC has recently been losing request share due to illegal private car operations.
Exercising G.O.Ms.No. 148T.R&B (Tr- III) Dept. dated 24.11.2001, the TDP government established a high-position commission with the Chief Secretary of the State as its president to give recommendations for measures to stop illegal operations. Also, the Government established District Level panels in each quarter, each of which was presided over by the supervisor of Police, following G.O.Ms.No.27T.R & B (Tr- III) Dept. dated 08.03.2002, to stop illegal operations in each quarter effectively. To keep up with Srikakulam news, you may visit our website to stay up to date on Srikakulam District TDP Latest News.
Also, the Government has given APSRTC exclusive access to AMVIs and police officers for use in a special operation to seize private drivers operating immorally on the designated routes. On our website, you can find further on. Chandrababu Naidu's accomplishments, the most recent Srikakulam political news, and Srikakulam TDP news.
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Metropolises in this multilateral nation and the people who live in them are pivotal to the development of the nation. According to the 2011 tale, 31.2 of India's 377 million people live in civic areas. According to UN protrusions, these figures will increase to 40 percent (590 million) by 2030 and 58 percent (875 million) by 2050. Civic regions in India induce over 63% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), although casing is just 30% of the country's total population.
The National Urban Transport Policy ( NUTP), established by the civil government of India in 2006, is a policy frame for supplying sustainable mobility in the future. It was launched in trouble to admit and address civic mobility enterprises. The TDP  government of Andhra Pradesh proposed a new plan in 2015 to" renew" 500 communities and transfigure 100 metropolises into" smart metropolises." Nara Chandrababu Naidu and some of the TDP Party MLAs and TDP Leaders were so helpful in creating mindfulness of these plans among the people with the help of Srikakulam TDP’s Political News.
Augmentation & relief of buses:
The Corporation has been adding new motorcars on new routes, extending current routes, and replacing growing motorcars as demanded to keep up with demand. Until December 2016, the business had stationed 752 motorcars under the hiring program in addition to 922 RTC vehicles for relief and addition. 
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urahora · 2 years
Modernization Of Buses Under the TDP Government
The Andhra Pradesh State Transport Corporation (APSRTC) will modernize all significant bus stops around the state to offer improved amenities for travellers. TDP's Latest News is the source for everyone to see the updates. In the initial phase, up to 21 bus stops have been chosen for this initiative. In order to relieve congestion at bus terminals in key cities and to generate more commercial space for sustainable development, APSRTC is also preparing to build four new bus terminals using the public-private partnership (PPP) model. R P Thakur, the vice-chairman and managing director of APSRTC has highlighted a number of areas that need to be improved, giving the bus stops a facelift and offering customers adequate services that meet their demands. Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the Chief Minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh at that time said that 21 bus stations, including all of the stations at district headquarters, have been determined based on the number of bus operations and the average daily passenger count.
R P Thakur, the vice-chairman and managing director of APSRTC has identified several areas that need to be improved, giving the bus stops a facelift and offering customers adequate services that meet their demands. 21 bus stations, including all of the stations at district headquarters, have been determined based on the number of bus operations and the average daily passenger count. The other bus stations under the project are Visakhapatnam (Dwaraka),  Nellore Potti Sri Ramulu, Machilipatnam, Eluru, Addanki, Kakinada, Guntur, Atmakur, Ongole, Rajamahendravaram, Pileru, Kadapa, Kurnool, Anantapur,  Vizianagaram, and Srikakulam covering each and every district in the state of Andhra Pradesh. To modernize bus stops, officials including TDP MLAs and TDP Leaders have chosen nine emphasis areas under the Leadership of Nara Chandrababu Naidu. A sufficient number of restrooms based on the average daily passenger volume, restrooms for people with special needs, WiFi services, baby feeding rooms, floor repairs, better seating facilities inside bus stations, painting, and better lighting in bus station premises are all to be provided as part of the modernization drive under the state government of Andhra Pradesh by TDP Party. The Top TDP Achievements made by the government have become  TDP Contributions.
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The corporation has added cutting-edge technology to its high-end new buses, such as the Fire Detection & Suppression System (FDSS), Anti Lock Braking Systems (ABS), Disc Brakes, Retarder Brake for High Speed & Ghat Buses, Automated Manual Transmission (AMT), CC Cameras in Divya Darshanam Buses, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and Speed Limiting Device (SLD). The bus stations which were modernized had innovative passenger facilities such as better lighting, toilets, comfortable seating in waiting halls, digital display boards of bus schedules, and drinking water. The works on 21 bus stations are contract-based and are given for tenders. The Contractor for these tenders is finalized in the month of September. Nadu-Nedu was the name of the program for which this project took place and aimed at a transformation through visible development.
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urahora · 2 years
Empowering Women and Girls in AP: NCBN Initiatives
During his tenure, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Nara Chandrababu Naidu has implemented several initiatives and programs to support women and girls in the DWACRA area. These initiatives include
1.       The construction of housing for housewives.
2.       Financial assistance for minority women in self-help groups.
3.       Rehabilitation for Jogini women.
4.       The distribution of free bicycles to students from low-income families.
5.       The provision of 3-wheeled bicycles for disabled students.
One of the main initiatives led by the TDP Government under the leadership of N. Chandrababu Naidu is the construction of 36,452 houses under the "Housewife (DWACRA)" program. This initiative aims to provide safe and affordable housing for women in the area, to address the issue of housing insecurity and homelessness among women. By providing access to stable and safe housing, the TDP Government of AP hopes to improve the overall well-being and ability of women to access other services and opportunities in the area.
Another accomplishment of Chandrababu Naidu is the provision of loan assistance of Rs.5000 per 10,000 to minority women belonging to Self Help Groups. This financial assistance is aimed at helping women to start or expand small businesses, which can improve their economic opportunities and financial stability, and help them to become self-sufficient. Additionally, it will help them to develop a sense of community by working in groups.
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The rehabilitation of Jogini women is also a significant initiative led by N Chandrababu Naidu. The program is aimed at addressing the issue of exploitation and marginalization of Jogini women, who are often forced into a life of sexual servitude and have limited opportunities for education and employment. The rehabilitation program provides these women with education and vocational training, as well as financial assistance and other support to help them to transition to a more independent and sustainable lifestyle.
The distribution of free bicycles to 2 lakh students at a cost of Rs.30 crores is another important Chandrababu Naidu contribution. This program aims to improve access to education for girls and boys who live in remote or rural areas, and also helps to reduce the dropout rate among students. The program is targeted at students from poor families studying from 8th standard to the first year of intermediate in government/local body schools and aided schools. The Girls Benefit High School Education Committee will consider the applications of the beneficiaries, and preference is given to girls who have to come to school from a distance. Beneficiaries are selected from the students of the Junior College by a committee consisting of the Principal, two lecturers, and a representative of the Mandal Samakhya.
The provision of 3-wheeler bicycles to disabled students is also a high-priority initiative led by the TDP Government, which aims to improve access to education and other opportunities for students with disabilities. The program also includes taking back the cycle from the dropout to another deserving student, this helps the students who are no longer studying to give a chance to other students who are in need.
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urahora · 2 years
Clandestine Operations of Private Vehicles & Augmentation of Buses
Despite being the market leader in the passenger transportation industry and having a stellar reputation for passenger safety, dependability, and timeliness, APSRTC has been losing market share in recent years due to illegal private car operations.
Utilizing G.O.Ms.No. 148 T.R&B(Tr-III) Dept. dated 24.11.2001, the government established a high-level committee with the Chief Secretary of the State as its chairman to provide recommendations for measures to stop illegal operations. Additionally, the Government established District Level Committees in each district, each of which was presided over by the Superintendent of Police, following G.O.Ms.No.27 T.R&B (Tr-III) Dept. dated 08.03.2002, to stop illegal operations in each district effectively. To keep up with Vizianagaram news, you may visit our website to stay up to date on Vizianagaram TDP news.
Additionally, the Government has given APSRTC exclusive access to AMVIs and police officers for use in a special operation to apprehend private operators operating illegally on the designated routes. On our website, you can find more of N. Chandrababu Naidu accomplishments as well as the most recent Vizianagaram political news, and Vizianagaram TDP achievements.
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Cities in this multicultural nation and the people who live in them are crucial to the development of the nation. According to the 2011 census, 31.2% of India's 377 million people live in urban areas. These numbers will increase, according to UN projections, to 40% (590 million) by 2030 and 58% (875 million) by 2050. Urban regions in India generate over 63% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), although housing is just 30% of the country's total population. The National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), established by the federal government of India in 2006, is a policy framework for supplying sustainable mobility in the future. It was launched in an effort to acknowledge and address urban mobility concerns. The government proposed a new plan in 2015 to "renew" 500 communities and transform 100 cities into "smart cities." Chandrababu Naidu and his party members were so helpful in creating awareness of these plans among the people with the help of Vizianagaram TDP’s latest news.
The Corporation has been adding new buses on new routes, extending current routes, and replacing aging buses as needed to keep up with demand. Up till December 2016, the business had deployed 752 more buses under the hiring program in addition to 922 RTC vehicles for replacement and augmentation.
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urahora · 2 years
Real-Time Governance (RTG) – A Powerful Initiative by N. Chandrababu Naidu
Driven by the motto “People First,” Naidu unveiled a powerful initiative “Real Time Governance (RTG)” in 2017 as a functional arm with a 360-degree life cycle approach, leveraging technology. The RTG provided an efficient and seamless public service delivery system that benefited over 50 million citizens and allowed the government to monitor and review infrastructure projects, crime and incidents, weather, and natural calamities across the state in real-time. Unsurprisingly, the RTG initiative received international acclaim and was honoured with the Hitachi Transformation People’s Choice Award.
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A state centre and 13 district centres make up the RTGS. The organisation operates from the RTG State Center with data input from the people hub, which hosts the data of all the households in the state along with the government benefits they receive and is in turn linked with various government departments. It is a fully-functional and highly developed ecosystem of technology and skill. To catch pace with TDP news, you may visit our website and stay up to date on TDP MLA’s in East Godavari latest news.
Additionally, a phone centre that will serve as both a platform for internal grievance redress and a communication and monitoring wing has been established. Surveillance systems, drones, biometric enhanced technologies, machine learning technology, and the Andhra Pradesh Weather Forecasting and Early Warning Research Centre, or AWARE, are some of the other sources that give the RTG state centre real-time data. The RTGS also receives support from other organisations in its ecosystems, such as Drones Corporation of A.P., AP Towers, AP Content Corporation, and A.P. Virtual Classes Corporation. You may get the most recent East Godavari TDP news and TDP achievements in East Godavari on our website.
The RTGC serves as a location where the chief minister and his team can make data-driven decisions and ensure that the government is able to make decisions that will have a positive impact on the lives of the citizenry with the motto of "People First," leading to a happiness index of 80%—the larger objective of the Government.
As a dynamic platform for public involvement, Real-Time Governance also has a dedicated social media team that actively engages the public about the work done by the government in real time. Check the
TDP developments in East Godavari
on our website frequently to remain up to date on political news in the East Godavari area.
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urahora · 2 years
Vizianagaram tdp news
Know the latest political news in your region. Get the latest TDP news, and Vizianagaram TDP news from our site. Get to know about IT development, Technology promotion, Infrastructure development, Welfare programs, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), Investment and Industrial development, Irrigation projects, and Poverty Reduction.
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urahora · 2 years
East Godavari political news
Know the latest political news in your region. Get the latest TDP news, East Godavari TDP news from our site. Get to know about IT development, Technology promotion, Infrastructure development, Welfare programs, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), Investment and Industrial development, Irrigation projects, Poverty Reduction (VELUGU),  and more https://eastgodavaritdp.com/nara-chandrababu-naidu-contribution/
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