ur-ed-dad · 3 months
ED after pregnancy
So I got pregnant a year ago and thought I got my ed in check but I'm 4 months postpartum from a c-section so my abs only healed 2 months ago and I've been having hella health issues so I haven't been able to move around a lot. I hate the way I look and my kids dad just admitted to me that he doesn't find me attractive bc of my weight and skin issues (caused by pregnancy hormones). I just found out that he's spent thousands of dollars on onlyfans since we got together (even when I was looking my best) and he recently bought a $1,000 sex doll even though we're trying to save money for our kid. I'm pissed at him for sure but all I can think about is how disgusting I must be for him to do that. I've barely eaten the past few days and redownloaded my calorie tracker. I want to be better for my son and I will never let him see this side of me. I'll recover when he's a bit older but I'm getting back into my ed hard and I'm not fighting it. My kids dad's bdays in a month and I wanna lose 20lbs by then, I'm gonna do it. Tbh I wanna become everything he wants me to be, then not let him have me. We live together, I want to get dressed in front of him and torture him. Ik I'm toxic but I feel so broken rn that I don't even care
Pls feel free to comment, I needa talk ab this with someone but I'm 20 now, if ure under 19 don't hmu. I started this account at 12 and I'm not tryna be like the adults I was talking to back then. 18 might be ok but y'all are in high school or fresh out so idk ab y'all
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ur-ed-dad · 2 years
I have officially spent all my drug money on binging :( but at least Im moving into my own place next weekend and Im too broke to afford food so that fridge is gonna be all caffeine and alcohol :D 
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ur-ed-dad · 2 years
My brain really just said, "I keep making excuses to break up with my boyfriend but the only reason I wanna end things is to self sabotage and give myself an excuse to relapse. It’s completely selfish and I need to take his feelings into consideration. Its unfair to him and he deserves better...so its probably better to end it now so he can find someone better" 
Tell me how tf I did a whole circle and didnt question it until like 5 minutes later
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ur-ed-dad · 2 years
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ur-ed-dad · 2 years
I made an ed discord, if you want join my user is:
Add me as a friend and message that you want to join and I’ll invite you :) also you must be at least 16 to join
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ur-ed-dad · 2 years
I miss her and I’m pushing him away. I hate myself and the only way ik through it is by going down this rabbit hole again...
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
I miss seeing my ribs
I miss my flat stomach
I miss my collar bones
I miss my cheek bones 
I miss my jawline 
I miss my boney hands 
I miss ppl asking if I’ve lost weight 
I miss almost feinting walking down stairs 
I miss the worried stairs of my family, it was the one time in my life I wasn't judged but worried ab 
GOD WTF IS WRONG WITH ME WHY DID I BINGE FOR A FUCKING YEAR?????????????? Im going back to 2019-2021 I was at my fucking prime 
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
The way destroying my body and slowly killing myself feels warm and comforting 🤩
....low key been binging but Im bouta workout at 6am and have all my calories be alcohol 👀✌️✨
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
Vent ig
Im so fucking sad bruh. I feel a light pressure all over my body but my chest constantly feels like it’s about to explode. The lump in my throat never leaves, even when I’m at my higher points. I haven’t been actually happy for a second since the incident. My bf makes it easier sometimes and he is the only person who can semi-distract me. He always gets me the closest I can to happiness, but that can only go so far. Every time I smile or laugh it's at least partially forced. I try to ignore it and focus fully on him, but no matter how much I try she’s always on my mind. The guilt of leaving her is genuinely unbearable, maybe if I stayed this wouldn’t have happened. Even if I was hurting with her in my life, that’d still only feel like a fragment of the pain I’m feeling rn and she’d be here...........I could have at least been kind.
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
I miss the year of 2018-2019
How did we get here? Everything’s so different now, I just wanna go back to when we first met. Although Ik it felt awful at the time just hanging out and talking the way we used to, it would be a welcome break and I’d give anything to be that dumb and immature with you one last time. 
Random but just realized in a couple weeks I gotta step into the real world and my weeks won't feel like halves of 2 :/
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
Did anyone elses ed come back full force after they lost their virginity? I was binging for 2 weeks straight and right after losing it, it was like a switch flipped in my brain and food just sounded ehh. Definitely doesn’t help that my new bf keeps talking ab how he likes me bc he likes “bigger girls” like bruh for one I’m not even a girl I’m a trans male and for two you’re making me wanna lose this shit so much more.
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
tell me why i’ve been restricting for the past week and I’ve lot no weight, I hate it here.
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
ED Brain Go Burrr
I’m talking to this guy and a while before we were flirting he accidentally admitted  that he likes partners with his exs body. I ended up going full stalker and figuring out who that bitch is and when I tell you she looks like half the thinspo on this website. Bro I was already convinced he low key hated me but was being nice bc he could tell I was crushing. Ig I’m losing 50 lbs lmao...I wanna kms
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
TW purge
Is this normal? The day before yesterday I binged and purged which I normally don’t do. I ended up only eating 50 cal the other day bc I felt guilty knowing I didn’t get it all out. Today I ate a meal that I knew had to be under 200 cal and I immediately felt the urge to purge. This has never happened to me before :/
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
So I promised that I'll post the Chicken noodle soup recipe so here it is
Your going to need:
-20 grams of angle hair spaghetti
-Chicken stock cube(I used one that's called maggi be sure to get that one because it barely has any calories)
-water (as much as you want but I suggest 2 and/or more)
Instructions: You put the block of Chicken stock and start boiling you water after that pour the boiling on top the pot with the chicken stock cube I like to direct the water to hit the cube because it helps dissolve and break down the cube faster and easier. after the the cube has diolved and the water started boiling on the pot place your noodles and let it cook for about 10 to 15 you can cook it for longer its about how patient are you and how soft do you want your noodles
Thats it the soup is 79.2 calories and it tastes amazing
with that much water you could get 2 to 3 bowls and its so fulfilling
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I swear it tastes better then what it looks like
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ur-ed-dad · 3 years
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I managed to make something good AND low cal for the first time ever. It tastes SO good and it really satisfies my craving for chocolate.
Here's the recipe:
🍪You'll need:
1. One tablespoon of peanut butter - 90 cal
2. Two tablespoons of cocoa powder - 42 cal
3. One tablespoon of crushed Graham crackers - 70 cal
4. Stevia or any sweetener that you like - 0 cal
5. Some milk.
Total calories: about 210 calories.
So if you make 5 balls out of this, then that would make one ball 42 calories.
🍫Here's how to make it:
Put all of your dry ingredients into one bowl, stir it together and then add the peanut butter. Stir that as well and then slowly start adding some milk. You want to get it to a pretty moldable consistency. Start making it into balls (I made six out of this) and roll them in some crushed Graham crackers. Put them on a plate and then BOOM you're done.
Tbh I really expected for me not to like it (because I don't like peanut butter), but surprisingly, it's not that noticable when you eat it. Anyways, hope you enjoy it if you ever decide to make it!
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