Yoga Teacher Training In India
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upayayogagoa-blog · 6 years ago
100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training In Goa India
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According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there are eight limbs of yoga. Out of which the only one involves postures (asana). Hatha means forceful or determined in Sanskrit. Hatha yoga includes a set of asanas (postures) that are designed to align your body. These postures are designed to line up the physical channels of the body so that energy can easily flow (especially in the spine). The word Hatha is translated as Ha- the Sun which is masculine and Tha- the Moon which is feminine, which in turn represents the balance in nature and also within us all. Through Hatha Yoga, we can create balance and unite opposites. Hatha teaches us the balance of strength and flexibility in each pose. It has immense health benefits and is an efficient way to distress. The teachers at Upaya believe, Hatha to be a powerful tool for Self-realization and transformation, teaching them various techniques to master control over the body by skillful breathing and meditation practices. We are aware that not everybody has the chance or the will to undertake complete training in one go. However, this should not prevent you from moving the first steps into the world of yoga.
For this reason, we offer the possibility to begin your training starting with a 100 hours yoga teacher training course.  We want to guarantee the same high-quality standard for all our students. So, this course corresponds and matches with the first half of our 200 hours of yoga teacher training course. The duration is of 11 days, inclusive of the opening ceremony.
At the conclusion of the training, you will receive a certificate recognized by Yoga Alliance US and UK both.
In order to achieve a licence for teaching, you will have to continue your education and complete the remaining 100 hours yoga teacher training course. You are entitled to do so with us, at any time later, or with any other school in the world.
This training gives the opportunity to experience community life with a touch of ashram lifestyle; have a more wide understanding of the asana (both hatha and ashtanga style); to learn about alignment and adjustment of the body; in addition to pranayama, mantra, yogic philosophy/ yoga anatomy, ethics of a yoga teacher and teaching practice.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga in Sanskrit means eight limbs, mentioned in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. This technique of yoga contains harmonizing the breath with a succession of postures. This process produces powerful internal heat and a plentiful, cleansing sweat that purifies muscles and organs. The result is enhanced circulation, a nimble and strong body, and a composed mind. Ashtanga Yoga contains different groups of asanas and teachings on vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy. This is a great chance for students to practice and know their level of ability, in a supportive group environment and with the inspiration and guidance of a guru. Ashtanga can be a perfect foundation for home practitioners and also those who want to teach professionally once they know the arrangement of poses.
Hatha Yoga
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there are eight limbs of yoga. Out of which the only one involves postures (asana). Hatha means forceful or determined in Sanskrit. Hatha yoga includes a set of asanas (postures) that are designed to align your body. These postures are designed to line up the physical channels of the body so that energy can easily flow (especially in the spine). The word Hatha is translated as Ha- the Sun which is masculine and Tha- the Moon which is feminine, which in turn represents the balance in nature and also within us all. Through Hatha Yoga, we can create balance and unite opposites. Hatha teaches us the balance of strength and flexibility in each pose. It has immense health benefits and is an efficient way to distress. The teachers at Upaya believe, Hatha to be a powerful tool for Self-realization and transformation, teaching them various techniques to master control over the body by skillful breathing and meditation practices.
What Will You Learn In This Training
Art of teaching
How to give a solid and clear demonstration
How to give clear instruction (working with Voice)
Proper alignment of postures
Yoga anatomy( optional)
Hands-on adjustment
How to avoid common injury during practice
How to jump backward and forward (vinyasa flow)
How to use props for better postures (as recommended by B.S.K Iyengar)
Mantra Chanting
Yogic breathing (Pranayama) and their benefits
Yogic body cleansing (Kriya yoga)
Mudras, Bandas, and their benefits
Yoga philosophy and Patanjali yoga sutra (optional)
Ayurveda and Yoga principle (optional)
How to teach one to one class
Daily Schedule For TTC Course
6.30 – 7.30 am: Chanting, Pranayama, and Meditation (Optional)
7.30 – 9.00 am: Asana Practice (Hatha & Ashtanga)
9.00 – 10.00 am: Breakfast
10.00 – 11.00 am: Alignment, adjustment
1.00 – 2.00 pm: Lunch
2.00 – 3.00 pm: Self Study/Self Care
3.00 – 3.45pm: Free Time
4.00 – 4.30 pm: Yoga Nidra (Optional)
4.30 – 6.00 pm: Teaching practice
7.00 – 8.00 pm: Dinner
8.30 – 9.30 pm: Sharing and question and answer, night meditation, live music concerts, watching your teaching practice or Yoga Movie on screen. (this is only alternate days) (Optional)
Saturday – Half Day
Sunday – Full Day Off
Note: Schedule can be changed according to the group and weather condition.
Read more at https://upaya-yoga.com/yoga-in-goa/100-hours-yoga-teacher-training
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upayayogagoa-blog · 6 years ago
300 hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa India
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300-hours Yoga Teacher Training at Upaya Yoga India is affiliated with Yoga Alliance USA.
Our 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training course is a 28 days intensive yoga program designed to deepen your already existing knowledge and foundations of yoga. You must have already completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course to be eligible to enroll in our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training program.
This course will provide you with knowledge of advance yoga teaching skills. After completion of 300-hour yoga teacher training, you can teach beginner, intermediate and advanced students with clarity and confidence. Our unique designed multi-style advance yoga course provides training in three main styles of yoga: Hatha (including traditional and therapeutic), Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga. In addition, you will gain in-depth knowledge of pranayama, meditation, and philosophy. The course will provide you knowledge of advanced yoga teaching skills as well as an understanding of deeper yoga philosophy. This program will facilitate you to get registered as RYT–500 and creates the new opening for you teach anywhere in the world. This course is meant to carry you further along your journey as a teacher and prepare you for a more advanced level and transformative power of yoga.
In our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum, we introduce an advance ancient Vedic and yogic knowledge with the modern practices of science and teaching methodology. During this course, mainly time will be spent on expanding your knowledge of asanas while paying attention to the key alignments and anatomical structures to deepen your own practice as well as learning how to teach others safely. We have designed the program to be an enjoyable, unperturbed and enlightening experience. Students need to be ready spiritually and physically as our classes have various rigorous sessions as well as calmer and more healing sessions. We serve and recommend a Saatvik (yogic) diet to expand your sense of wellbeing.
After the completion of the 300-hour yoga teacher training in India, you will be able to teach yoga to beginners as well as advanced level students in your classes. you will gain more experience in Yoga, so you can become a more experienced and knowledgeable Yoga teacher. You will also be able to teach yoga with more confidence. You will learn very useful and practical anatomy and physiology of asanas and you will learn how to apply this knowledge in your teaching classes.
Upaya has an expert team of teachers and assistants to ensure that you learn from the best. You can connect with the teachers and get a deeper understanding of your curriculum as well. The experience gives you a great way of finding eternal bliss, peace and the gift to share the yogic lifestyle with others.
Our advanced 300-hour yoga teacher training course is for:
200-hour yoga teacher training graduates
Add benefits with Yoga Alliance by becoming a 500-hour level teacher.
Existing yoga teachers
Serious yoga practitioners
Be an expert on hands-on adjustment on yoga postures.
Make their own retreats and teacher training course
Acquire deeper knowledge of Yoga, Philosophy and Meditation
Enhance credibility and increase visibility as a well-trained yoga teacher.
Learn and practice hands-on adjustment and enhance your teaching skills.
Understand the influence of asana practice on the human body-mind-emotions complex
Pre Requisites
To join the Upaya Yoga 300 hour yoga teacher training (Level 2), you must meet the following requirements
You should be a graduate of a 200-hour level yoga teacher training from a Registered Yoga TTC School.
You should be physically and mentally fit to follow this intensive teacher training course.
You must be ready to adjust to the simple lifestyle of the yoga ashram.
You will receive a 300-hour certification eligible to be registered with Yoga Alliance US.
The program at Upaya Yoga is designed and aimed at producing skilled and motivating yoga teachers that are proficient in the ancient practices of the yoga sutras and can impart this knowledge to their students.
Our aim is to offer you a better understanding when you teach a yoga class and clarify each query or confusion that may arise during the class. There will be time for sharing after teaching practice with the group!
In the last week of training, students will have a dedicated class for one hour or a one-and-half hour with a dedicated teacher, who will be there to just watch you. If there is anything you need to work with, the teacher will guide you before your certificate.
The program at Upaya is designed to offer its students a solid foundation in multi styles of yoga focusing on the right alignment of the yogic postures.  A daily asana practice class gives the students an opportunity to practice their own asanas and helps to build deep insight into the various forms and postures. The daily in-depth practice with individual corrections comprises of the Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation), Multi-Style yoga postures, 100 asanas variations, from intermediate level to advanced, Posture alignment, Deep relaxation and Release of blocked energy. Training sessions for all age groups.
In addition to daily asana practices, practice teaching and posture break-down, including the main benefits, modifications, and contraindications of each posture.
Classical Yoga Philosophy is intertwined all through the course and you will receive knowledge about Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, allowing you to compare classical and modern yoga. Understanding the true meaning of Yoga. These sessions provide a great insight into the views of others and help reflect on your knowledge and all that you have learned. In turn, you will learn how to imbibe these ancient philosophies into your own life, and will eventually experience unison of the body, mind, and soul. You will also receive a talk on Yoga from the Bhagawat Gita, a treasured Indian text considered to be an ancient guru and a life coach. In addition, you will learn about the Karma Yoga and its practical applications in daily life, Understanding of Bhakti Yoga, three Gunas: Satva, Rajas & Tamas, Kundalini and chakra, and Samadhi & Moksha.
Cleansing will purify the system and allow the breath to run easily.   Explanation and demonstration of Tratak, Neti, Kapalabhati, Dhauti, Nauli and: six classical purification exercises for the various parts of the body namely the eyes, nose, air passages, esophagus and stomach, abdominal organs and large intestine exercises and their effects will be shown. Individual instruction will be provided.
An introduction to the major body systems is given. The effects of asanas and pranayama on the cardiovascular system, muscular systems, digestion, skeletal, respiration, and endocrine system are explained in detail to the students. Diet and nutrition facts are also imparted for a better understanding of the anatomy. These classes will give you a deeper understanding by observing the mechanism of every posture.
Our purpose is to give you knowledge of anatomy so that you leave with a better awareness of your own body. During the lessons, you will lay emphasis on how to adapt your practice by recognizing your weaknesses. These may be due to a lack of strength or flexibility in a particular area. You will learn preparation techniques to make improvements in your practice.  Throughout the classes, our assistant teachers provide you with complete personal attention to support you.
Pranayama is the science of breath control, it expands lung capacity by relaxing the nervous system and balancing the two hemispheres of the brain. The art of Kapalabhati (lung cleansing exercise), Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing) and Samanu (mental cleansing of the nadis) will be taught. Focusing on the rhythm of your breathing and becoming familiar with it is the essence of pranayama. This is a vital feature of yoga and is often ignored as most give importance to just physical practice. Pranayama is an excellent way to de-stress. By practicing pranayama, you will build spiritual and emotional power to sustain a healthy life each day. You will learn and practice different breathing and meditation techniques almost every day throughout the complete course.
In these hours you will learn and practice valuable tools and teaching methodology that will support you in becoming a powerful teacher, you will imbibe the ability to address a large group as well as learn to connect with each student in your class. You will explore the use of your voice, language, body language, visualization, ability to connect with your students confidently through verbal cues, the use of props, effective demonstration, and acute observation with safe and effective physical adjustments. You will learn to plan and structure your own classes. You will also learn how to deal with injuries and safety precautions
In this program, you will study and learn to effectively nurture and preserve abundance through your yoga teaching career. The end of your training session will equip you with a complete resume to immediately begin promoting yourself as a Yoga Teacher. During this course, we will guide you through how to develop your career as a yoga teacher, setting up your own yoga studio, school or retreat center, marketing strategies, advertising and PR, ethics in yoga business, building networks with other yoga teachers, schools, studios and retreats, and much more.
Read more at https://upaya-yoga.com/yoga-in-goa/300-hour-yoga-teacher-training-in-goa-india
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upayayogagoa-blog · 6 years ago
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training In Goa India
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Upaya Yoga is happy to offer 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course at its Goa Centre, accredited by internationally acclaimed, Yoga Alliance USA. Upaya Yoga, Goa is situated close to Arambol beach which is one of the cleanest North Goa beach. The motto of Upaya Yoga is to prepare the students to experience the essence of yoga in its purest form. The course structure is based on the practices of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow whereas the application is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy which is world’s most authentic education learning method. The program is especially sketched out by our team of experienced yoga teachers to introduce the students to their journey of evolving into expert yoga teachers.
User-friendly course structure
The syllabus of 200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training Course is designed:
To create a strong foundation of yoga within
Experience peace and harmony in life
Evolve into an efficient and professional yoga teacher.
Integration of traditional and contemporary knowledge
To become a good yoga teacher it is vital to fulfilling 2 conditions:
To understand the original objective of yoga which is taught by the ancient yogis
Should be proficient to handle, manage and organize the issues of the current era in the terms of stress, disorders etc.
For this, we integrate traditional and contemporary knowledge from Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga (Patanjali Yoga Sutras), Mantra Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow.
To experience a holistic approach of yoga
Human personality comprises of three attributes
Knowledge ( Head)
Emotion (Heart)
Action (Hands)
In Upaya Yoga, the emphasis is given on application on a holistic approach to experience the harmony between Head, Heart & Hands.
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training program at Upaya Yoga, Goa is designed and aim at producing skilled and motivating yoga teachers who are proficient in the ancient science of yoga and can have a better understanding of teaching yoga.
The 200 hours yoga teacher training syllabus is based on four important aspects of yoga i.e. Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow and the course structure is prepared under the guidelines of Yoga Alliance 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course.
Ashtanga Yoga 
Flow is the keyword of Ashtanga Yoga because of the smooth way that the poses run together, is one of the most popular contemporary styles of yoga. The word “vinyasa” can be translated as “arranging something in a special way”. In vinyasa yoga, each movement is synchronized to a breath. The breath is given primacy, acting as an anchor as you move from one pose to the next. Read More
Hatha Yoga
Balancing the physical and mental force of the body is the keyword of Hatha Yoga. The word hatha is composed of two syllables, namely ha and tha. Ha means the ‘sun’ and tha means the ‘moon’. Yoga means communion. Thus hatha yoga means the harmony between the sun and moon aspects of our being. Health is the fundamental aim of hatha yoga. Health can be defined as a combination of the following: Read More
Raja Yoga (Patanjali Yoga Sutra)
Path of introspection is the keyword of Raja Yoga. It is the path in which one attempts to explore the different realms of the mind: conscious, subconscious, unconscious. Raja yoga progressively attempts to transcend the outer environment of the physical body, and direct the awareness to the inner environment. Patanjali yoga is often identified with raja yoga directly, for they are regarded as synonymous.  Read More
Mantra Yoga
Sound is the keyword of Mantra Yoga. Sound is the primordial form of energy, the original substance and basis of the whole universe. This universe with its solar systems, its invisible fields of energy, is an expansion of sound energy. This sound is known as ‘shabda’ in Yoga, ‘the word’ in the Bible, and ‘mantra’ in the Tantric System. Sound has different stages of manifestations.  Read More
Read More at https://upaya-yoga.com/yoga-in-goa/200-hours-yoga-teacher-training
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upayayogagoa-blog · 6 years ago
Eight limbs of yoga and their meanings
“Yoga” originates from the Sanskrit word Yuj, which can be converted into “union” or “yoking.” When a yoga educator in training learns the real meaning of this word, it is frequently encouraged that in yoga, we are commending the association of our psyche, life elements. What is frequently precluded is the motivation behind why it’s to our greatest advantage to get this going. To get this reason, we should return much further.
As per Vedanta, everything began with Purusha, which his the whole being. You can likewise allude to Purusha as a state of perfection, divine essence, or endless love. Inside Purusha, there is no enduring because there is not all that much, and along these lines, no division. At the point when Purusha makes, that creation winds up known as Prakriti. All that we know and comprehend is Prakriti. In any case, is being a piece of Prakriti, we at that point overlook that our substance is Purusha. The way toward “recollecting” is found through Chitta, which is the advancement of cognizance. Hence, if we assemble every one of the bits of ourselves— body, mind, spirit, soul, feelings—we are progressively disposed to recall that we originate from pure consciousness.
The Eight limbs of Yoga:
1.  Yama
The first limb, Yama, manages one’s sense of integrity and ethical standards, concentrating on our conduct and how we act throughout everyday life. Yamas are all-inclusive practices that relate best to what we know as the Golden law, “Do unto others because you would have them do unto you.”
Following are the five Yamas:
Satya: truthfulness
Ahimsa: nonviolence
Asteya: nonstealing
Aparigraha: non covetousness
Brahmacharya: continence
2. Niyama
Niyama, the subsequent limb, has to do to occupy self-time order and profound observances. Consistently going to church or temple gatherings, praying before suppers, building up your very own reflection practices, or making a propensity for going for pensive strolls alone are for the most part instances of Niyamas practically speaking.
The five Niyamas are:
Samtosa: contentment
Saucha: cleanliness
Tapas: heat; spiritual austerities
Isvara Pranidhana: surrender to God
Svadhyaya: learning of the Holy Scriptures as well as of one’s self
3. Asana
Asanas, the pose rehearsed in yoga, involve the third limb. In the yogic view, the body is a sanctuary of the soul, the consideration of which is a significant phase of our profound development. Through the act of asanas, we build up the propensity for order and the capacity to think, the two of which are essential for meditation.
4. Pranayama
For the most part, deciphered as breath control, this fourth stage comprises of methods intended to pick up dominance over the respiratory procedure while perceiving the association between the breath, the psyche, and the feelings. As inferred by the strict interpretation of pranayama, “life power expansion,” yogis accept that it restores the body as well as broadens life itself. You can rehearse pranayama as a secluded method, or incorporate it into your every day hatha yoga schedule.
5. Pratyahara
Pratyahara, the fifth limb, implies sensory transcendence or withdrawal. It is during this phase we try to draw our mindfulness away from the outer world and outside boosts. Distinctly mindful of, yet developing a separation from, our faculties, we direct our consideration inside. The act of pratyahara furnishes us with a chance to venture back and investigate ourselves. This withdrawal enables us to equitably watch our longings: propensities that are maybe impeding to our wellbeing and which likely meddle with our internal growth.
6. Dharana
Each stage sets us up for the following: the act of pratyahara makes the setting for Dharana or fixation. Having eased ourselves of outside diversions, we would now be able to manage the diversions of the mind itself. No simple undertaking! In the act of focus, which goes before reflection, we figure out how to hinder the intuition procedure by focusing on a single mental item: a particular fiery focus in the body, a picture of a god, or the quiet reiteration of a sound.
We have just started to build up our forces of focus in the past three phases of the pose, breath control, and withdrawal of the faculties. In pranayama and asana, although we focus on our activities, our consideration voyages. Our concentrate always moves as we adjust the numerous subtleties of a specific stance or breathing method. In pratyahara, we become self-perceptive; presently, in Dharana, we concentrate on a single point.
7. Dhyana
Contemplation or meditation, the seventh phase of ashtanga, is the continuous progression of fixation. Even though focus (Dharana) and reflection (dhyana) may seem, by all accounts, to be one and the equivalent, a scarcely discernible difference of refinement exists between these two phases. Where Dharana rehearses one-pointed consideration, dhyana is eventually a condition of being distinctly mindful without core attention. At this stage, the mind has been calmed, and in the calm, it produces few or no contemplations by any means.
The stamina and strength it takes to arrive at this condition of stillness are very amazing. While this may appear troublesome if certainly feasible errand, recollect that yoga is a procedure. Even though we may not accomplish the “picture immaculate” present or the perfect condition of awareness, we advantage at each phase of our advancement.
8.  Samadhi
Patanjali depicts this eighth and last phase of ashtanga, samadhi, as a condition of joy. At this stage, the mediator meets with his or her place of centre and rises above the Self by and large. The meditator comes to understand a significant association with the divine, interconnectedness with every single living thing. With this acknowledgement comes the “peace that passeth all understanding”; the experience of rapture and being at one with the Universe. Superficially, this may appear to be a fairly grandiose, “holier than thou” sort of objective.
Every limb of yoga has its own importance. Each limb works in its way to help our body and mind.
Read more at https://upaya-yoga.com/eight-limbs-of-yoga-and-their-meanings
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