Anthony Stark
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this isn't the first time in my life I've done things I clearly thought were amazing at the time only to come to and find I'd actually laid waste to my life.
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki tilted his head , still intensely looking at Tony. “No one is truly without sides 
 your own side is a side 
 maybe Death may be considered as unpartial, as she takes without discrimination , sinners and saints, gods and mortals 
.maybe Mr Ibis can be considered neutral 
as he writes the legacies of all 
 “ he went forward a bit.  “I don’t like your other friends very much Tony 
 I do not built, everything I touch is to fall to chaos eventually 
that is order for me  
 destruction, mayhem 
it will make me your enemy 
. will you then care about my legacy ?  “ he taunted him, his nature rather quick to return.  Loki was always a serpent, slithering through everything including emotions , never stable, never ready to be like everyone else.  “ But 
you can trust me  
I’m your impostor 
 why haven’t you moved to the Center of America ?“ he finished on a joking note. 
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I’m unpartial in the current conflict. That’s what I mean by no side. Of course I have my own side but it has nothing to do with your or the others. I’m out of it and I’ll stay so.” he pointed out. Tony cocked an eyebrow then and went to have another drink, walking away from Loki. And there is no chaos without order. Your legacy is yours, Loki. As long as it permits mine to exist.” He drank his glass and smiled. “Sometimes, I wish I could.” 
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Video killed the Radio Star
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki le laissa mariner pendant des dizaines de minutes, se cachant et changeant d’endroit au fur et Ă  mesure que Tony le cherchait. Puis comme un chat qui avait attendu le bon moment, il surgit de l’ombre derriĂšre Tony et le poka par l’arriĂšre de ses mains avec un  “BOUH”  qui l’accompagnait avant de rigoler Ă  la rĂ©action. 
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Il cru qu’il allait devenir fou. “LOKI ?!!! C’est pas drĂŽle. Vraiment pas drĂŽle...” Il perdait patience et sa frustration Ă©tait plus que prĂ©sente. Tony serra les poings et la mĂąchoire, prĂšs Ă  harceler son IA. Et pourtant il sursauta bel et bien quand Loki le surprit par derriĂšre. Oh il dĂ©testait ça, ĂȘtre pris au dĂ©pourvu. Aussi il s’apprĂȘta Ă  lui en faire voir de toutes les couleurs, sourcils froncĂ©s, la mine stricte et impassible, visiblement non apaisĂ©e. Et pourtant... Voir Loki rire ainsi de bon cƓur Ă©tait tellement inconnu pour lui que Tony se tut et le laissa rire. Cela adoucit ses propres traits au fur et Ă  mesure et il se mit bientĂŽt Ă  sourire plus allĂšgrement aussi. “Était est-ce vraiment nĂ©cessaire ?”
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Back in Black
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
 Loki would have been amused by the reaction , if not served with a beautiful spectacle. The power of a god was always something to witness, and Tony’s godly aura was quite the show. Electrifying , a taste what he could be. Just magnificent. The touch made him feel the heat in his hands, it almost hurt to be touched.“Ugh
I’m going to leave you two alone“ Media did not matter anymore. She could report to Mr World what she was seeing. Loki ‘s eyes had a green shimmer. “I’d suppose that Pollution would disagree with that idea. “ he mocked. He titled his head. “What’s life without a little danger 
that is what
..friends do ? 
 be of 
help without wanting something in return? “ he was unsure about his last words, friendship was new to him, and truth be told, he didn’t need to do this for Tony, but not many defended him , he was not used to it.   “You defended me
why? ”
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Tony perfectly ignored Media, Loki’s eyes were way much interesting. “Pollution? We never agreed on anything really. I just want my world to keep turning, that’s all.” The god smiled at Loki’s unsure words. This was somehow pleasing to witness. “This is what friends do, yes.” he nodded and then took back his hands for himself. “Because... this is what friends do?” he tried, lazy to search for something more. “I defended you, just like I defended Media. She is my friend as well, and like I said... I’m not taking any side in all this. And so, my house will not be a place of conflict between opinions. Here, we search for ideas, we develop them, produce them, to make the world a better place for everyone and everyone’s legacy.”
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Video killed the Radio Star
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Un sourire aux lĂšvres , Loki se rapprocha de Tony et s’arrĂȘta Ă  quelques centimĂštres de lui. Il regarda vers le haut.  “Un jour peut-ĂȘtre.”  Son oeil capta la boule d’or aux ailes.  “Elle est terminĂ©e. “  Parmi les balais encore au sol, Loki choisit le moins sale et surtout le plus adaptĂ© selon lui. Il n’était pas dans l’équipe de quidditch, il aurait pu, sincĂšrement car il Ă©tait aussi douĂ© Ă  chevaucher un balai qu’un cheval, mais il n’était pas intĂ©ressĂ© au sport.  La guerre par contre. Il appela le balai Ă  lui et monta dessus pour tournoyer un peu en chandelle autour de Tony avant de se mettre Ă  sa hauteur . Il tendit le sac de provision Ă  son compagnon. “Je me disais que tu allais avoir faim.”
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Oh il ne doutait pas de lui. Si quelqu’un mĂ©ritait le trĂŽne et ferait un bon roi, il en Ă©tait sĂ»r, c’était bien Loki. Il dĂ©tourna un instant la tĂȘte vers le vif d’or et un sourire Ă©phĂ©mĂšre courut le long de son visage pour s’effacer fugacement, comme il le faisait bien trop souvent. “Elle l’est. C’est petit, plus petit que dans mes premiers croquis et peut-ĂȘtre bien peu importante, mais elle sera importante... Un jour.” rĂ©pondit-il. Tony regarda Loki se poser Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de lui et ne bougea point. “Oh, une bonne initiative que voilĂ . Qu’as-tu pris pour attiser ma gourmandise ?” demanda-t-il, le ton espiĂšgle. 
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
La motivation, tout rĂ©sidait dans la motivation. Mais Loki ne l’avait pas attendu, il fallait que Tony le trouve maintenant. Twist, peut-ĂȘtre, c’est qu’il n’était pas allĂ© bien loin, assis sur le sĂšche linge Ă  l’abri du regard lors du passage. Il entendit Tony passer et se pinça la lĂšvre pour ne pas rire. /Ne lui dis pas oĂč me trouver / intima-t-il Ă  l’IA. Il allait le faire tourner en rond un peu avant de rĂ©colter les dĂ©licieux fruits de la frustration.
Tony traversa donc le couloir que Loki avait pris... sans pour autant le rencontrer, ce qui les laissa perplexe. Il rejoignit tout naturellement la chambre, mais ne fit que la trouver vide. “Loki ?” il haussa un sourcil, se demandant bien oĂč il avait pu passer. Pas que la villa avait trop de piĂšces... mais un peu quand mĂȘme. “Loki ?” Le gĂ©nie restait pour l’instant patient, ma sa frustration peut-ĂȘtre aurait raison de lui. 
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki had his gun out and was peaking around their car to see what was happening. “And what, pray tell are you planning on doing, you’re in no shape to fight, less use your infernal machine.” Loki retorted then sighed.  “Get suited up I guess, I’ll get their attention. “ he added and got out of cover to run to another without being seen. When he was sure he could have them run towards him and away from Tony and the convoy, he got out. “ HEY , NAZIS, KOMMT MAHL HER IHR PENISLUTSCHER” he yelled in German and shot at them before running , sliding behind a wall. 
“I can actually, use that.” he coldly retorded. It was all he had to fight at the moment, it’d do. It had to. Tony then nodded and let Loki do his thing. He opened hi briefcase, took the several metal pieces to put then on him. It was not really pretty still or very quick to suit his body, but took its time to come and protect Tony. He felt suddenly secure and protected and had a better feeling of his wounded body. “ He heard Loki screaming and smirked before activating his boot jets to lift himself a few feets above the ground and dived on the enemies. He punched one against a wall, punched the other behind him and found himself firing harmless energy blast at them. 
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Wild wild east
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki avait le regard brillant en reprenant un contact visuel avec Tony. Il lui vola un baiser avant de s’éloigner lentement dans une dĂ©marche assurĂ©e.  “Qui a dit que j’en avais besoin ? “  laissa-t-il planer comme rĂ©ponse en regardant par dessus son Ă©paule juste avant de rejoindre la porte. Il jouait avec Tony de maniĂšre trĂšs espiĂšgle. Son sourire le montrait bien.  “ Tout dĂ©pend si tu dĂ©sires rester ici et finir notre futur jaeger , pour savoir ce que je veux dire par lĂ . “ Il tapota le montant de la porte avant de disparaĂźtre dans le corridor. 
Le regard de Tony se perdit sur Loki, flottant comme si ses pensĂ©es n’était pas vraiment lĂ , ou alors imaginant plutĂŽt le laissĂ© planer de Loki. Il hĂ©sita mais rĂ©pondit Ă  ce sourire que son homme, dĂ©sormais, avait. Oh, il ne fallait pas le prendre comme cela de la sorte. Il pourrait en rougir, si le gĂ©nie rougissait. “Uhu, tout dĂ©pend, Ă©videmment...” Il le laissa s’en aller non sans se mordre l’intĂ©Ăšrieur d’une joue. Ah... La tentation Ă©tait grande. Tony regarda la piĂšce, longuement, y trouva ainsi donc finalement le problĂšme d’un coup d’oeil, le rĂ©para en moins de deux minutes puis s’en alla suivre Loki. 
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki remained unamused. His eye were somewhere else, somewhere in the past, and he was only partly listening. “I came for her, to gather information, and while  I respect your rules, I won’t accept to be insulted in such fashion.” he distantly stated , not really looking at Tony. Thor’s death left a gap in him, there was not really Loki without Thor, and no Thor without Loki, in all their disputes and mischiefs, he loved his brother, which made his gesture even more painful. The cool in the air remained. He had gotten his answers, Media would crawl back to Mr World, no matter how much she was on and on about him. The friendship between Tony and Media, he wasn’t sure if it was to achieve more or if it was true, he still needed to discover how the god of technology worked. “But not many sooth me through their presence, so for that you have my prayer. A prayer coming strong with thousand of years of worship, and with millions of followers, a sting like an adrenaline pump. An uncalled gift, coming from a heart who wished to connect, because woken up by the pain of a memory.” he added making eye contact with him again and telepathically going : hollowed Stark, god of technology,  shepherd of the lost, messiah of this modern world, I thank thee, for being my blessing on my darkened soul. 
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Of course he came for her. He didn’t believe a second he was just passing by at the right moment. Tony gave Media a look but quickly came back on Loki, cocking an eyebrow at his words. But then he felt it. The blue sparkle in his eyes came again, making his iris shining bright. His veins full of electrons pulsed faster, the few free electrons creating energy and shining as well. Stark didn’t move an inch as he welcomed this wave of power. A hundred new ideas came in his mind and he put them all on notes while catching Loki’s sight. Tony fought the urge to respond physically to this prayer and simply put both his hands on his shoulders. “This is dangerous. You shouldn’t be such a muse to me. I could end global warming sooner than expected.” 
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Video killed the Radio Star
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki remained close to Tony. He could tap just a bit to feel his current state, but he couldn’t risk expose now. He looked around , found the wallet and handed it to Tony.  “We need to get out of this van before one bullet hits the fuel tank, and then we can worry about helping them. “ He stumbled to the back of the truck and pushed the window as hard as he could. It got him to open it and he stumbled out and looked back. “Come on.”
“Then what are we waiting for,” he spoke while gritting his teeth to control his pain. He waited for Loki to be out to follow him. He got help from Loki to get out of the car, stumbling out and on Loki to remain on his feet. “Sorry.” His briefcase still in his hand, Tony looked at the car they were supposed to look after from where the shots were coming from. “Change of plans. We help them, we present ourselves the best we can after and help them deliver the message.”
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Wild wild east
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki n’eut que des sourires pour Tony et avant qu’il ne quitte la piĂšce il lui baisa la main. Il attendit quelque peu avant d’également sortir de la petite piĂšce. Le bracelet bien prĂ©sent autour de son poignet. Il n’avait pas Ă  aller loin pour rejoindre la salle commune des Serpentards et trouva un premier annĂ©e en train d’essayer de rentrer dans sa salle commune. Il le regarda avec jugement.  “ Votre grĂące, pouvez-vous ouvrir ? “   “non”  rĂ©pondit simplement Loki.  “Si tu ne sais pas comment entrer, tu ne mĂ©rites pas de partager notre maison. “ “Mais
”  “Tu avais Ă  Ă©couter le premier jour au lieu de te remplir l’estomac. “  sans plus il passa sa route. Changement de plan, il allait aux cuisines prendre quelques gĂąteaux , Tony apprĂ©cierait aprĂšs son entraĂźnement.  Mais pour l’heure, il allait travailler sur son rapport , histoire d’ĂȘtre Ă  jour et de pouvoir juger tout le monde pour ĂȘtre lent. 
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Tony s’en alla donc vers le terrain de quidditch rĂ©servĂ© Ă  Serdaigle pour la journĂ©e. Rien de trĂšs fantasque, si ce n’est un terrain partiellement boueux, peu entretenus, deux grands trons montĂ©s Ă  chaque bout du terrain. En tant que chef de l’équipe de sa maison pour la troisiĂšme annĂ©e consĂ©cutive, Tony avait Ă  faire avec les nouvelles recrues. Elles Ă©taient dans l’ensemble plutĂŽt bonnes, moins que certaines Griffondor, certes, mais plus attentives, comme la majoritĂ© des Serdaigles. C’était ceci dit la premiĂšre annĂ©e que Tony leur prĂ©senta la nouvelle rĂšgle de Quidditch. Un oiseau Ă  attraper qui mettrait dĂ©finitivement fin au match en plus de nombreux points. Mais les oiseaux, c’était salissant et Tony voyait plus loin. Il leur avait prĂ©sentĂ© une petite boule dorĂ©e avec des ailes gracieuses, volant Ă  une vitesse phĂ©nomĂ©nale. Un objet de sa crĂ©ation qu’il prĂ©senterait au Conseil des Sorciers dĂ©s sa sortie de Poudlard. Il savait pouvoir le vendre Ă  un bon prix. Sa vision du futur portait cet objet jusque des temps dont l’apparence mĂȘme troublait Tony tant c’était loin. Mais c’était une bonne nouvelle. Si son pĂšre pouvait en ĂȘtre fier. 
Le soleil descendait dans le ciel quand la nouvelle Ă©quipe repartie et que Tony attendit patiemment sur son balai, flottant au dessus du sol. AllongĂ© en parfait Ă©quilibre sur le balai, il regardait pensivement le vif d’or voler au-dessus de lui. Un sourire Ă©tira ses lĂšvres quand on lui fit le don d’une certaine prĂ©sence princiĂšre. “Votre MajestĂ©,” exagĂ©ra-t-il, se redressant en baissant le haut du corps pour le saluer. 
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Avec sa confession, venait une admission de montrer plus d’intĂ©rĂȘt et d’inquiĂ©tude envers Tony. Son sort ne lui Ă©tait pas Ă©gal, bien au contraire, mais il n’avait aucun moyen de faire disparaĂźtre de vieilles douleurs. Aucune thĂ©rapie de kinĂ© ne pouvait rĂ©ellement l’aider. Personne n’avait un rĂ©acteur en pleine poitrine. Il se dĂ©tacha de Tony, mais pas vraiment.  “Y a la base
l’hĂŽtel particulier. Mais est-ce ta façon de me demander de rester? “
Le gĂ©nie afficha un sourire plus ou moins sĂ©duisant ou gĂȘnĂ©, c’était difficile de diffĂ©rencier ou mĂȘme de le dĂ©crire. “Ca se peut.” Laissa-t-il tomber avant de faussement se justifier. “Ce serait dommage de te priver du confort maintenant que tu es lĂ . Il te reste des affaires, je crois.”
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki usa du baiser pour ne pas rĂ©pondre, il orienta sa tĂȘte pour faciliter l’accĂšs, et reprit sa position une fois le baiser terminĂ©. “Je ne veux pas en parler, maintenant
” avoua-t-il sincĂšrement. Il venait tout juste de revenir, il avait ce qu’il voulait comme information, les dĂ©tails pourraient suivre plus tard. Il prit le verre de Tony pour goĂ»ter son mĂ©lange et lui rendit rapidement en faisant une tĂȘte.  Ce n’était pas que ce n’était pas bon, mais le goĂ»t Ă©tait Ă©trange Ă  son palais.  
Le pilote consentit Ă  le laisser tranquile pour aujourd’hui. Il comprenait. Mais il le garderait Ă  l’oeil, juste pour pouvoir le garder Ă  l’oeil. Un sourcil se haussa en le regardant gouter Ă  son mĂ©lange, ce qui dĂ©crocha un sourire amusĂ© sur le visage de Tony. “Ce n’est pas commun. Mais cela doulage mes douleurs fantĂŽmes.” fit-il en tapotant son rĂ©acteur et prenant une nouvelle gorgĂ©e aprĂšs lui. “As-tu un endroit oĂč dormir au moins ?”
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki ne laissa paraĂźtre aucune rĂ©action, si ce n’est peut-ĂȘtre un voile assez sombre sur son regard. Il se rapprocha de Tony, lui toujours face au banc de travail, ce qui lui permettait de voir Tony tout en regardant dans la direction opposĂ©. Il plaça sa main sur la poitrine de Tony, juste pour sentir son battement de coeur, sa respiration. “Si c’est rĂ©ellement lui 
 il vient collecter sa dette
” Il ramena sa main vers la joue de Tony pour la lui caresser, tout en touchant son menton avec son pouce. “
je viens seulement de commencer Ă  vivre
.voilĂ  qu’une menace est dĂ©jĂ  en train d’y grignoter. “Il finit par se tourner de sorte Ă  poser sa tĂȘte avec son oreille droite contre l’épaule de Tony, dans un cĂąlin assez maladroit Ă  cause de sa taille. 
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Le gĂ©nie le laissa faire tout en regardant toujours son visage. Il n’était pas vraiment sĂ»r de vouloir savoir quelle Ă©tait cette dette, mais il le saurait bien assez tĂŽt. “Quelle genre de dette demande une vie ?” Il posa sa main sur celle de Loki. “Il y en aura toujours. Mais je compte t’aider.” Ajouta-t-il, hĂ©sitant avant de revenir prendre ses lĂšvres des siennes.
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
Loki fit un pas en arriĂšre en soupirant et croisa ses bras devant lui.  “En attendant tu ne m’as toujours pas rĂ©pondu et je commence Ă  perdre patience Tony. “ Il haussa des Ă©paules et dĂ©croisa ses bras en faisant claquer ses mains contre ses cuisses. “ Bien, tu as ma parole, tu vas enfin me le dire oĂč faut que je le fasse vraiment derriĂšre ton dos ? “ s’impatienta-t-il.
Le gĂ©nie haussa un petit sourcil. “Je prends mes prĂ©cautions tu permets. Et quelque chose me dit que tu le sais, mais tu attends confirmation.” Il soupira de nouveau se retourna, son verre de choloryphile Ă  la main. “Le compte appartient Ă  une tierce personne qui s’en charge par proccuration. Pour un comptable... latvĂ©rien.” LĂącha-t-il enfin, guĂȘtant la rĂ©action de son co-pilote et dorĂ©navant petit-ami.
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unyieldingxstark · 5 years ago
There was a flicker on Loki’s face. His horns still visible, mostly a ghostly , yet beautiful and terrifying thing.  “Attention ? They’re going to eat you whole  “ His head turned into  wolf clapping his teeth before becoming a human head again. He had to laugh , at both gods. “This is absurd. “ he simply continued to laugh. As serious had been about his statement, he was honest in this laugh, and it made his face much younger than it appeared to be. Like there was just mischief playing , and his eyes just sparked up.  “The watch, so intricate and versatile, adapting 
. carrying an outdated media outlet, you must admit, it’s funny.”  He walked towards the bar and sat down.  “Do me one of your martinis pretty boy.” he winked at Tony.  “Actually, I can finally reveal that I am not here for her 
didn’t even know she was going to be here . “   “Please, your entertainment value is a shocking as your brother’s death.”  Loki closed his eyes , he had his back to her, he was counting to ten,  his voice was a perfect illusion of what he didn’t think. “ Now you’re just distasteful. “ he replied  and threw an ice dagger to her shoulder , it burned and froze all the surrounding area. He opened his eyes, locking them with Tony. The temperature had dropped dramatically, Loki was genuinely angry, his rage too was part of myths, and it wasn’t far fetched. Not many knew how Thor had died, all heard of the death of a god, not by being forgotten, but actually by being killed.  
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Tony kept staring at Loki the all time. The god was still intriguing him, and even though Loki claimed to come to him as a friend, he couldn’t help himself but wonder the truth of his words. It was legitimate in some way. Trust would come with time, he guessed. But observing him was interesting as well. Gods had many attributes, and the details of them always amazed him. His technology was observing, spying everything everywhere, it was like having eyes. He was no Argus. But as he was some kind of host in this modern era for Media, he was to Argus as well. And as a neutral party, he liked having parts here and there. He was gaining faith through media, and he could see whatever he liked. A blue spark crossed Tony’s eyes when he caught Loki’s wink and nodded as he made the said martini. He listened again, but contained a face at Media’s sentence. “Ouch...” He saw the dagger and gritted his teeth. Why in the matrix did he have to be Switzerland? Tony stayed calm and crossed Loki’s eyes again, saw the rage but continued his drink. “What did I just say? No fighting under my roof. Media, don’t be rude. Loki... just, ignore her.” As Media sighed and turned around to deal with that wound, the god of technology lowered his voice. “You didn’t come for her, right? I could use a bit of your attention. That wrinkle on my forehead could use a believer.” 
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Video killed the Radio Star
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unyieldingxstark · 6 years ago
Tony’s remark got a laugh out of him.  “Friend 
.” He walked to her.  “There is no friendship with this one
”  He let his hand go over her feature without touching her.  “ She is one for power, and don’t be sad dear Media, it’s a downside of being a whore 
 people only take interest in you when they need you, because you are so hungry for the attention 
my my
.” Sa main coula vers sa gorge et il commença à serrer. “Any  attention. “ Il la lñcha.   “You better remember that having me as a friend serves you better
.and when I call
 I suggest you pick up. “ Il recula d’un pas, son regard en disait long, un autre visage, encore un.  Mais il changea. Quelque chose de plus jovial.  “But we are all friends here
 aren’t we.”
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Tony remained silent, but his eyes kept it all. He did not speak or move. This was sometimes the way of the gods, but it did show him one of Loki’s faces indeed. Not that he was surprised of anything, but Tony remained careful, knowing his reputation as well. “How exactly are the olds going to give me that power and attention? I don’t need you, or Mister World I’m afraid. Their attention is directed to me as soon as Stark sell them those screens.” Tony cocked an eyebrow. “Please if you ever have to exchange your points of view on the current conflict in exotic ways, do it outside. I like my office the way I built it right now.” He stood up and walked through the mini bar. “Drinks, anyone?”
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Video killed the Radio Star
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unyieldingxstark · 6 years ago
Loki gave Tony a smile.  “On that we can agree.”  He almost looked at the other god as if he were a delicious item of food for a split second before getting back to Media. He obliged and took her hand to kiss it gently.  “I’m not here for you , Tony. The world doesn’t revolve around you 
.not yet at least. “ he teased back.”Media, you have been ghosting me, I  feel highly offended. “
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“Oh, I know you’re not here for me. It’s quite obvious and honestly, I should feel offended. But you wouldn’t be the first one.” he shrugged away. “I’m used to it. But please, don’t try to win my friend here over.” If he could get Media back into the neutral side of this stupid conflict, Tony would try and get her back where she could do much more. But for now, he remained silent, sitting back on his chair. “Ghosting you? You only come when you need something from me. Typical from you all.”
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Video killed the Radio Star
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