unum-trium-blog · 7 years
{{ OOC. Who wants to be my friend? I am in desperate need of human interaction and I’m this close to pulling out a Ouija board so I can have someone to talk to }}
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
Masks and Adventure and Fun, Oh My!
Starter for @laetaxlarvis
Red was in his typical rage, but this time for an entirely unique reason. He’d been lounging around his rather comfortable cottage, subsidized by none other than the loyal and grateful citizens of Hytopia, when suddenly he was certainly not in his cottage, and this drab little town was certainly not Hytopia. The people, smells, sights, everything, were foreign. Buildings were cobbled together in an unorganized way, the people crowded each other much like the buildings, and the air was thick with various cooking foods and the slight musk associated with city living. And, funnily enough, Red loved it.
If he was being honest with himself, Hytopia was a bit too refined. Sure, he loved the food and the people and the luxuries, but if he had so much as a speck of dirt on his tunic, it was as if he’d released a Hinox in town. That’s why the first shop he wandered himself into was the funny looking mask shop with a funny little sign that seemed to promise adventure, too. He edged the door open and ducked inside, greeting the owner hastily before doing a double take to fully take in the rathet odd man. He was stooped quite low, smiling creepily, and bobbing to and fro. Red was thoriughly creeped out, but intrigued as well. “Hi, uh, I’m Red. Saw your sign out front and all. Got a few questions, if you don’t mind. What’s your name anyway? Haven’t seen it anywhere, and you’ve got plenty of signs around.”
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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#camping , Last sunrays hitting the Lauterbrunnen Valley 🌍 | Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland | 📸 Jan Peter Photography
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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zelda voice: zoinks
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul
@fae-of-knowledge liked for a starter!
Red and his new friend, The Great Fairy , who he could honestly not get a halfway decent name from, had been trekking through The Drablands for well over three days, and there looked to be no respite from the conditions that were admittedly a bit more… hostile than Red had imagined, or even really intended. He’d set out on his own, which was foolish, even for him, but like hell he’d admit it. The foolish wizard in Hytopia hadn’t sent him to the Forest Temple like he’d asked. No siree, he was knee deep in the Volcano and uncomfortably close to some rather hot lava. He had run into this so-called Great Fairy a day and a half ago, and her unrelenting optimism and air of superiority was really grinding his gears. I mean, no one is that happy! Can’t imagine her tragic backstory if she had to adopt that little facade…
Still, he was at his wits end, and an encouraging, but rather unhelpful, voice was better than nothing. “So, uh… Can I call you like, I don’t know, Sally or something? A little less awkward on the tongue. What’re you doing out here anyway? You don’t look like you belong anywhere near The Drablands, and, unless you can heal yourself or fight like one of those crazy bandits or something, I don’t see you lasting long. No offense or nothing. Just the way I see it. He pulled futiley at his red tunic, trying desperately to pull the sweatsoaked garment off of his body.
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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🌋 | | Come adventure with Red ! !
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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By daniel_ernst
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
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i’ve been wanting to play this game again but all the players are jerks
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
Hello I just wanted to tell everyone I'm EXTRA sensitive and EXTRA dramatic
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unum-trium-blog · 7 years
Moblin review
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Legend of Zelda The OG. A tough, strong goon ready to fight, 7/10 but it’s a secret to everybody.
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Zelda 2: the Adventure of Link Toll boi, big dog head and a stacked body. looks nothing like the promo art 6/10
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A Link to the past He’s a big pig. tusks look weird in the promo art, but other wise good 6/10
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Ocarina of Time doggo is back with a vengeance! Big and beefy, navi can’t say shit about him 10/10
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Wind Waker Holy Pig face batman. BIG pig man will lock you up and must be avoided… but his design still looks cool and is as visually striking as a monster should be 8/10
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Four swords/Minish cap Kinda hard to see, looks like a watered down Wind waker Mobin 4/10
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Skyward Sword What the actual fuck? He’s not a pigman or a doggo, he’s just a fat guy with a big nose 2/10
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A Link between worlds/Triforce Heros Pigman is back and better than ever! full on pig and looking swine 9/10
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Breath of the Wild No… just no. get this gangly fucker out of here! 0/10
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