untxmedlionessx · 6 years
where we live
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Colonial two-story home in The Union.
— Cream colored trim with maroon accents.
— Beige colored siding.
— Large, dark walnut door with a decorative stained glass window at the top.
— Wrap-around porch with pillar columns.
— Hanging potted plants and stationary potted plants (seasonally changing) decorating the corners of the porch.
— A swinging bench, and stationary outdoor chairs and table to relax on in the summer evenings.
— Landscaped front yard with several bushes acting as a semi-fence to help keep the animals in the yard.
3 Bedrooms
— Master Bedroom
— Heather’s Bedroom
— Guest Bedroom
2 Full Baths, 1 Half Bath
— Master Bath
— Guest / Heather’s Bath
— Half Bath off the Kitchen did downstairs use
Sneak Peak into....
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— Simple, pure, and innocent was the theme Owen and Hadlee we’re going for when then created Heather’s nursery. Nothing too flashy and in your face, not wanting to over stimulate their disabled child.
— This will start off as her nursery, and transform over the years into her sacred little space. Just like Owen has his Man Cave and Hadlee has her library, Heather will have her room.
— Along with the safari animals, Heather has a painting of her mother and her aunt hanging in her bedroom. To remind her of her namesake, her mother’s continued effort to keep her sister Heather’s memory alive.
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— The small library was once a storage closest, that Owen transformed into a library for Hadlee after her miscarriage. It was a place for the redhead to escape to, dive into her books, and escape the reality of her life.
— She has a copy of all of her favorite books, including a first edition of her all-time favorite, Pride and Prejudice.
— She often takes her work home and completes it in her library. It is the one place in the house where the animals are gated out of, and Hadlee truly has to herself. It allows her to maintain her independent streak, whilst living among others.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
1. What words or phrases do they overuse?
Hadlee definitely overuses the word, fuck, seeing as it is her favorite word. But her go to phrase is, “It is what it is.” 
2. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
Hadlee is more-so a realist, but she leans more towards the pessimistic side. She is capable of seeing the worst in just about everything and everyone. 
3. What makes them laugh out loud?
Hadlee laughs at almost everything, but she’s really only truly laughed out loud when she was homeless and heard a toddler mock their mother after she used a curse word. Therefore, children who swear are her weakness.
4. How do they display affection?
Hadlee displays affection by simple, or small, gestures. This includes, but is not limited to, hand holding, leaning into, kissing on the cheek, etc. 
5. How competitive are they?
Hadlee is incredibly competition. She was one of five so growing up she always had to fight for attention, this in turn bred her competitive nature. She then spent years in the street fighting to survive and she refuses to give up until she gets what she wants. 
6. How do they react to praise?
Hadlee is not used to praise, seeing as she has been on her own or unwanted for several years. She never believes the praise, thinking she isn’t worthy, but she will say thanks and internalize her doubts. 
7. How do they react to criticism?
Hadlee appreciates criticism, but only when she asks for it. Otherwise she becomes very defensive and dismissive. 
8. When was the last time they cried?
Hadlee last cried while in the Maldives, where she said her goodbyes to the people she loves, accepting her fate due to her severe sepsis.
9. What is their perception of family?
Hadlee never had much of a family as child, and has always resented her parents for not loving and wanting her. Therefore, Hadlee perceives family as supportive, loving, and inclusive and plans to have that and portray that with her own family. 
10. What is the most offensive thing they ever said?
Hadlee has always had a mouth on her, and never holds back her comments when she is provoked. But one of the most offensive things she has ever said was, “How can you even have a child when you can’t even take care of yourself? That is one unlucky kid, I should know. Been there, lived through that… barely.”
11. What is their greatest achievement?
Becoming manager of Houghton Resort. She never thought she deserved or would make a name for herself, nor be someone else’s boss, so the fact that she has succeeded professionally is her proudest moment.
12. What was their first kiss like?
Hadlee was a teen living in the streets and she met a similarly aged boy at one of the many group homes she stayed in. While sharing a cot, since Hadlee had checked in late and all the costs were taken, Hadlee shared an innocent kiss with the male. It was sweet and intimate, and led to a schoolyard crush on the male who she later lost contact with before anything further could develop.
13. What smells remind them of their childhood?
Hadlee doesn’t a lot of time at the 24-hour diner that her mother worked in. Therefore, whenever she smells bacon or maple syrup she is reminded of her mother and her childhood.
14. Do they believe in love at first sight?
Hadlee was never big on love, seeing that she never had any as a child. But then she met and instantly fell hard for Dominic Rossi-Corvo, leading her to believe in love at first sight.
15. How do they respond to a threat?
Hadlee would stew on it, overthink about it, and become super paranoid about it. She would then completely shut down and start to use, in order to escape her own mind.
16. Where do they go when they’re angry?
Hadlee usually escapes to the library when she is angry, hoping that reading a book will allow her to escape reality and forget about her anger.
17. Do they have a natural talent for something?
Hadlee is not really naturally talented when it comes to anything, but she’s always been good at spinning a lie. So, if lying is a natural talent, then that.
18. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
Hadlee has not seen much, at all. So the most beautiful thing she’s seen is definitely the view of the Boston Harbor at night.
19. What is the password they use most commonly?
Hadlee has to constantly change her work password due to security measures at the resort, but for personal accounts she uses: H5augusta93
20. What is their favorite work of art?
Hadlee is not cultured, what so ever, and has no knowledge of famous paintings. Therefore, her favorite work of art is the graffiti art decorating the walls of the Boston underpasses. 
21. What is on their bedside table?
Hadlee has a glass of water, box of tissues, a dish for her jewelry, her phone charger, and the current book she is reading.
22. Do they believe in the afterlife?
Hadlee is not religious whatsoever, and does not have a strong feeling about the afterlife.
23. What do they think heaven is?
Hadlee thinks heaven is a place that people made up to feel better about death.
24. What do they think hell is?
Hadlee thinks hell is a place that people made up to scare people into being better as individuals.
25. What are their thoughts on astrology?
Hadlee does not have extensive knowledge of astrology, but the concept intrigues her. She knows she is a Scorpio and believes she falls within the description of a typical Scorpio, but she does not know about any of the other astrological signs.
26. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Hadlee believes that unfaithfulness is the worst thing to happen to another person.
27. What’s their view of lying?
Hadlee is an excellent liar and uses it to her advantage more often than not. But she cannot stand it when it comes to being lied to, therefore her views are a bit hypocritical.
28. What are their eating habits?
Ever since her poisoning, Hadlee has become super particular about the food she eats. She will only eat pre-packaged food (after a through inspection of the package is complete), food that herself or someone she trusts prepares, or food from restaurants that she has been to since the poisoning although she will never order the same thing in fear that her “particular taste” will be used to poison her once again.
29. What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?
First thing Hadlee does on a weekday morning is hop in the shower to wake herself up.
30. What would they ask a fortune teller?
Hadlee would ask a fortune teller when and how she would die, so that she could prepare herself and live out her best life prior to her death.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
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Owen Ramsey: After the actual story of Maxine came to light while in the Maldives, Hadlee’s complete and utter trust in her husband was shattered. The male had ample opportunities to share what had happened in his past, and he chose to alter the story to made it less than what it was. Unfortunately for the newlyweds, Hadlee had spent the last two week in the hospital and the couple barely had any time alone to discuss the issue. Needless to say, their once blissful marriage is now tension filled and rocky...
Talon Vaughn: Although Hadlee now knows that Talon had to tell her the terrible things about Owen for a task, she is upset that the male chose to hurt her. She had become considerably close to the male over the past few months as he has helped her with investigating her family. Now she is not sure if Talon is telling her the complete truth about her family, or if he is withholding information to protect her. She is skeptical of Talon’s intentions and is unsure if he is truly trying to help her, or if he is just trying to help himself.
Maverick Greyson: Ever since four years ago when Maverick left Hadlee for dead, the redhead has despised the blonde male. He was an ignorant coward then, and his choice to carve the pendant of the necklace she took from his home four years ago into her arm only deepened the hatred that Hadlee felt. She is fixated on getting revenge, someway, somehow. She just has to wait until her strength returns, so that she can give him exactly what he deserves. 
Dallas Alderidge: Hadlee never had a reason to dislike the male. In fact, when Jourdan told Hadlee that her brother would be coming to help out at the shop too, Hadlee was excited to meet the male. But upon their first meeting, Dallas was cold and dismissive and his dislike of the redhead was evident. Hadlee never really minded, that is until he poured scalding hot water over her for no apparent reason. Now, the feelings of hatred are mutual and Hadlee blames her physical and emotional ailments from the Maldives solely on Dallas. If it wasn’t for his actions, she may have never ended up in the hospital. 
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Hadlee sighed as she lifted her wrist and glanced down at the decorative watch that adorned her wrist, checking the time yet again as her foot began to bounce impatiently. She looked around the waiting room of the clinic, the walls pristine and white and the fluorescent lighting almost blinding. The last thing she wanted to do was be here at therapy. But Owen had asked her, and ultimately begged her, to go talk to someone. Although she was perfectly content with ignoring her problems and drowning them out with a handful of pills, she knew that Owen just wanted the best for her and marriage was all about compromise after all.
She sighed as she glanced down at the watch again, the clinic was running behind and she had been waiting for close to twenty minutes now. Every part of her was telling her to get up and leave, and just as she stood up from the chair, the door across the room opened and the well-dressed, older woman spoke her name, “Hadlee Ramsey.”
Hadlee paused in her steps, knowing fully well that she could have easily continued out the door and no one would have known it was her. But she didn’t feel like spinning another lie to her husband about how the session when. Instead she turned away from the door and looked up at the psychiatrist, offering the woman a small smile. “That’s me.” Hadlee admitted sheepishly as she moved towards the door and stepped into the women’s office.
“Go ahead and take a seat, make yourself comfortable. I’m glad you finally stuck around this time.” The woman admitted, taking a seat in her leather arm chair, reaching for her reading glasses and resting them on the bridge of her nose. “I think you’ve tried to come a few months ago, but left before I could see you. So, what brought you back?” She questioned, opening her notebook and flipping through the pages until she reached a presumably blank page, nestling the pen between her finger and thumb and waited for the redheads response.
Hadlee hesitantly took a seat on the large lounger that sat across from the woman’s chair, she placed her shoulder bag in her lap and then hugged it, as if to act has a shield between her and psychiatrist. Before she even answered the woman was scribbling something down, which only caused Hadlee to roll her eyes. Why did she want someone to analyze her every move? This was torture. She should have left. “My husband.” Hadlee finally admitted, keeping her position on the edge of the lounger, picking at the fabric of her bag nervously.
“Your husband?” The woman repeated, her lips pursing together as she scribbled something down once again, glancing back up at the redhead and offering her a small smile, “Are you having issues at home?” She raised an eyebrow, tapping the end of her pen against the tablet as she filled the silence that encompassed her office.
Hadlee immediately furrowed her brow, glaring at the woman as she gave her head a shake. “No. Not at all. Wouldn’t I be here with him if we were having problems?” She challenged back, scooting down the lounger and further away from the woman as she attempted to rephrase her prior comment, “He wants me to talk about my sister, since her death anniversary is coming up.” She nodded slowly, “I don’t seem to handle it well, and he suggested that talking about it with a professional might help, but I’m starting to think this is a waste of mine and your time.”
The woman nodded slowly, releasing a small sigh as she pulled off her glasses and set them on her end table, “And why do you think that?” She questioned, a typical therapist question that only infuriated the redhead, “You’re a smart girl. If you knew it was gonna be a waste of time, why didn’t you continue out the door?” She raised her eyebrows and then nodded at the female, “Let’s just talk. We don’t even have to talk about your sister, at least not today. I want you to be comfortable with me. Is there anything you would like to talk about today?”
As the woman’s lips curled into another professional smile, Hadlee sighed, relaxing back into the lounger slightly as she gave her head a shake, “I think that because you don’t know me. You don’t know Heather. And you sure as hell don’t know what I’ve been through. Talking about it won’t change the fact that my sister is dead because of me.”
The therapist immediately starting scribbling down in her tablet again, making a circular motion as she then looked up at Hadlee and nodded. “You’re right, I don’t know you. Why don’t you tell me about yourself then...”
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
1. Heather BAXTER fatal car accident
2. BAXTER the Houghton Resort
3. Hayley BAXTER sault ste marie
4. Hayley BAXTER ssm
5. Hailey BAXTER sault ste marie
By: Michelle Faust -- Journalist, Kennebec Journal -- February 6, 2016
Winter in Maine is never forgiving, and today Mother Nature took three more. MaineDOT was unable to keep up with the winter storm that blasted through Augusta during the early morning hours. Heather and Alan Scott were on their way home from the hospital after giving birth to their son, Jacob.
The Scott’s Toyota Camry caught a patch of black ice while merging onto I-95. The Camry slid across the freeway, colliding with the median, and then jutting back into oncoming traffic. A semi truck then collided head on with the Camry, unable to stop his eighteen wheeler die to the slick conditions of the interstate.
The entire Scott family was killed on impact, causing a police investigation to occur. The investigation lasted approximately two hours and caused the closure of I-95 between the Old Belgrade Road and Western Avenue exits. These closures caused mass delays during rush hour and local authorities were routing traffic through downtown Augusta.
Alan Scott was the only son of Joyce and Marcus Scott of Portland, ME. Heather Scott, formerly Baxter, was an Augusta native and the daughter of Henry Baxter Sr. and Elizabeth Bowman. The families were notified of the deaths only hours after they were notified of their grandson’s arrival.
UPDATE -- FEB. 8, 2016: Funeral services for the Scott family will be held at Wellman’s Funeral Home on February 12, 2018. Open viewing from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Where Would You Run?
Hadlee grinned as she caught the keys the dealer tossed towards her, jingling them in her hands as she looked over at the large, supped up RV that she had just purchased. Hadlee had always wanted a nomadic lifestyle. Although it was bestowed up on her at a young age, she was incapable to embracing her freedom on the road due to insufficient funds and her unlikely run in with Trent Foster. But now that Trent was gone, and she had all the money in the world, she could finally embrace her nomadic lifestyle.
She climbed the stairs to the RV, walking down the small hallway as her green hues danced over the features of the vehicle. Her perfectly manicured fingers ran over the gold trim in the vehicle, smiling as she thought about her future life, free of anyone and everyone, except her and her family. She spun around as she heard someone climbing the stairs to her new home, smiling as Owen appeared as she tossed him the keys. “Thank goodness one of us knows how to drive.” She chuckled as she joined him back up front and took a seat in the passenger seat, buckling herself in before glancing over at Owen.
“So, where to first?” She asked the male, reaching into the glove box as she pulled out a map of America. She placed her finger on the small sliver that made up the state of Massachusetts, her finger immediately gravitating west. “I’m thinking we drive until we get to Chicago?” She raised an eyebrow, “I’ve always wanted to see the bean, and of course, any city other than Boston.” She chuckled softly, folding up the map and then leaning over to him and kissing his cheek, “Let’s just go west and never stop driving. Anything to get out of Sloane and out of East Coast.” She grinned and then reached for the horn, pressing the center of the steering wheel and grinning as the RV blared its horn. She chuckled happily and returned to her seat as Owen maneuvered their home out of the dealership and started west, towards the rest of their lives. 
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
The King is Dead
The image of James shoving that knife into Trent’s gut was permanently stuck in Hadlee’s mind. Although the amount of blood that pooled around Trent’s lifeless body was nauseating to the redhead, the fact that Trent was lifeless in the image outweighed her aversion to his blood. Trent Foster was dead. The devil himself was finally brought to his grave, but no other, than his father. It was fitting. The man who brought Trent into the world was the one that successfully took him out of the world.
Good riddance to Trent Foster. Good fucking riddance. 
Hadlee was happy to be rid of Trent. Ever since Foster killed her unborn child with his clever poisoning ruse, Hadlee’s hatred for the man had festered. She had spent many nights awake, mourning her son and/or daughter and plotting her revenge against the male. Not that she would ever act on those plans, the whole reason her child was dead was because she lashed out against Trent. But fantasizing about killing Trent with own two hands was the only thing keeping her from completely breaking apart.
Even though Trent was dead and Hadlee was free of the psychotic man, she still was not free of Sloane. James had always been decent in comparison to Trent, but everyone was decent in comparison to Trent. Now that Trent was gone, how would James really be? Hadlee feared that the slight freedom she felt from Trent’s death would quickly be suffocated by James and his entourage of authoritarians.
Hadlee was happy, free, and relieved that Trent was dead. But how long would this feeling last?
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Get In Touch
What is your character’s net worth?
Jewelry (Heather’s Engagement Ring): $2,000
Vinyl Player and “Collection”: $500
Other personal property: $575
Real Estate:
Hadlee currently does not own or rent any property: $0
Hadlee never carries much cash on her: $50 (at most) on a daily basis
Banking Accounts:
Checking: $3,000
Savings: $10,000
401k: $3,000 [7% paycheck contribution]
$350 per month as manager (4 months thus far)
$190.40 per month as maid (8 months thus far)]
Personal Loan to cover hospital costs after kidnapping: $109 per month (5-year term, $5,000 at 11% - $6,523 paid over 60 months)
Personal Loan to cover hospital costs after miscarriage: $262 per month (1-year term, $3,000 at 8.5% - $3,140 paid over 12 months)
Hidden Cash: $3,500 hidden in floorboards underneath bed in guest room
How much does your character pay a month in rent for their businesses?
Hadlee does not own a business, nor does she rent any property in Sloane.
How much does your character pay in other bills per month?
Her portion of utilities for Owen’s house: $245 per month 
Her portion of home and auto insurance for Owen’s house and car: $500 per month
Spotify membership: $9.99 per month
Netflix membership: $9.99 per month
Cell Phone Plan: $80 per month
Medical Insurance (taken out of paycheck): $155 per month
Does your character have any NPCs on their payroll? If so, who, what do they do, and how much are they paid?
No. Hadlee does not decide the amount the employees are paid at the hotel, and does not have control of the payroll.
What schooling has your character experienced?
Hadlee was homeschooled up to the age of 12, and only managed to get to middle school level reading, writing, science and math. Although she had a lack of education, she was very competent in literature and continued to self-educate through reading novels, autobiographies, encyclopedias, etc. She also believes that her experience on the streets has taught her more than anything years of proper schooling could have. To this day, she still does not have a degree or certificate, but has recently debated getting her GED.
How many social media followers does your character have?
Approximately 100 followers. Most of her “friends” are homeless and do not have social media accounts, and being disowned from her family made the familial connections very few and far between. Most of her followers are the residents of Sloane. 
What are your character’s vices?
Pain pills and/or heroin
Alcohol, primarily whiskey
Bus rides
Petty theft and pawning off stolen items
What pets does your character have?
Hadlee only has one pet, Tulip, a micro-pig. But she has inherited a dog and a cat when she moved in with Owen, Casper and Lion-O, respectively.
How many people has your character claimed to be in love with? How long, on average, do they wait to do so?
Only two, Dominic Rossi-Corvo and Owen Ramsey.
Love is still a very “new” feeling for Hadlee, with Dominic she fell quickly (approximately 1 month, give or take a week or two). Whereas with Owen, it seemed to creep up on her after a few (3) months of friendship and then a month of dating. If there was ever to be a chance for Hadlee to fall in love again, I feel it would take longer - as it is a complicated feeling for the female to process.
What is your character’s political alignment?
Hadlee is a Bystander. She has no strong views about anything and no interest in discussing politics mostly due to her lack of education. She believes that everything happens to everyone, regardless of who is in office, and voting won’t make a difference. Therefore, she is not registered to vote and has no interest in doing it.
What is your character’s Myers Briggs personality type?
Debater (ENTP, -A/-T)
What is your character’s morality alignment?
Neutral Evil: A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yourself without regard for others. However, neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.
What is your characters ennegram?  
Type 8. https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/type8
You can submit up to three random buzzfeed quizzes for points, too.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Scary Story
Heather swayed back and forth and cooed at her newborn son as she couldn’t help but smile at the infant. “I still can’t believe we created this perfect little human.” She cooed, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss against his nose before looking up at her husband, Scott.
Scott chuckled as he walked up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her and their son, holding his family strongly in his arms. “I can’t believe it either. We’ll have to make many more, ‘cause the Earth needs to be graced with far more beauty like him.” He turned his head and pressed a kiss against his wife’s cheek before reluctantly pulling away and moving towards the kitchen and grabbing his car keys.
“Well, we better get going if we want to get the infamous Hadlee that you always speak of, but I’ve yet to meet.” He gave his wife a small smirk as he circled the keys around his finger and looked over his wife, whom was completely consumed by their son.
“Oh, you’ll love her.” Heather admitted as she kept her gaze on her soon, before peeling her attention away from him and looking over at Scott. “You too.” She teased as she offered him a playful wink, and then followed her husband out to the garage as the couple carefully placed their newborn son in his car seat.
“I’m gonna stay back here with him, just to make sure he’s okay.” She admitted as she scooted into the backseat with her son, placing a hand in the car seat and pressing her index finger against his pacifier to keep it from falling out of his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah. Forever the chauffer. I see how it is.” Scott teased as he climbed into the drivers seat, opened the garage doors, and then pulled out of the driveway and towards the street. It was gloomy outside and snow had just started falling, a thin layer already dusting the roadways. Scott reached around the steering wheel and turned on the four-wheel drive, ensuring maximum safety for his family.
They did not live far away from the bus station, but they did have to merge onto the Interstate briefly and then hop off just after a few exits travelled. After about two exits, the worst possible thing that could possible happen, happened. Scott’s front tire hit a patch of black ice, causing him to swerve out of his line and into a semi trailer. Scott frantically tried to gain control of his car, but in a moment of weakness, he looked back at his family to ensure they were okay. But as he turned his head, his hands also turned the wheel as the car swerved back over and collided head on with the median. 
Heather was thrown from the backseat, due to a lack of wearing a seat belt, and out of the car, dying on impact as her body hit the asphalt. Scott was unconscious as his head collided with the steering wheel just prior to air bags deploying. Their son was screaming, the pacifier that was once secured in his mouth now dislodged. It was promising for him, until a distracted driver t-boned the car, the impact roughly jolting the newborn as the car tipped over.
In a matter of 30 seconds, the life of Heather, Scott, and their newborn son were taken from them. So many people are scared of serial killers, ghosts, demons, drowning and murder. But sometimes the scariest (and deadliest) thing can be just parked right inside your garage which is why Hadlee has never attempted or wanted to learn how to drive. 
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
OCTOBER 31, 2013
AGE: 20 || LOCATION: Boston, MA
Hadlee took a seat on the sidewalk curb, pulling the cigarette up to her lips as she took a long, much needed drag from the cancer stick. She inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in her lungs before tipping her head back and slowly exhaling the excess smoke. She was wearing a scandalous devil costume, the only thing distinguishing the costume as a devil were the horns that stuck out of her wild red curls. Unlike most of the twenty-somes that were out celebrating All Hallows Eve, Hadlee decided to work the corner in hopes of making some lonely guys Halloween dreams come true.
The holiday made it easy for her to work, due to the ridiculous costumes that decorated the bustling streets of Boston that night. She flicked the butt of cigarette from out of her fingers and onto the ground, and then pushed herself up from the curb and stepped on the butt. She twisted the ball of her stiletto onto the cigarette and extinguished it before smoothing her hands over the fiery red sequence before moving down the street and towards one of the known working corners.
As she arrived, she waved at some of the familiar faces, making her way towards the group of ladies and offering them a grin. “At least I’m the only devil at this corner. You should have seen Foster and Charter, it coulda been hell.” She grinned at her cheesy joke, pleased with herself as the other females seemingly enjoyed it. Hadlee then released a small chuckle as she bummed another cigarette from one of the two angels standing next to her, leaning into the other as they lit the end of the cigarette and Hadlee took a long drag. 
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
“Fuck! Somebody help! It won’t open!”
After tossing the entire contents of her stomach into the trash can, Hadlee looked over towards the only exit of The Underground. Through blurred vision due to her own tears, Hadlee spotted a frantic Julian going on about how the door wouldn’t open and how they were stuck down here. She felt her legs go weak, knees buckling underneath her as she fell to her knees and lifted her hands to her face. She sobbed into her hands, unable to comprehend what she had just done and what that meant now. 
She felt Roman’s reassuring hand rub up and down her back, but there was no amount of comfort that could calm Hadlee down. She had just stabbed Trent Foster and was now stuck in what essentially was a pit with him for however long it would take until someone found them. Nothing good could come from this, and all Hadlee hoped was that the wound that she inflicted on Trent would lead to his death. But she knew, all too well, that Trent Foster was an expert at dodging death. A slice to his side would surely not be lethal.
As the lights flickered out and darkness surrounded her, Hadlee backed herself up into a corner and away from everyone. Her hands fell to her stomach, her thumbs rubbing over the fabric of her dress, as she continued to silently sob. She knew that someone would not survive this entrapment. She hoped for Trent, she expected herself, and she feared the child growing inside of her. From this point on, nobody else mattered. Trent, herself, the other people of Sloane. No one. The only thing that mattered was her unborn child, and she would do whatever it takes to keep him/her alive.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Alone Time
Hadlee’s eyes fluttered open, releasing a large yawn as she rolled over to nuzzle into Owen, only for her body to roll into the unoccupied spot next to her. She immediately shot up, looking around the bedroom and for any signs of where Owen could have ran off too. She slipped out of bed, stretching her arms over her head before grabbing her robe and pulling it over her naked body. She padded down the hallway, raising an eyebrow in question as neither Casper or Tulip came trotting out of the bedroom behind her or greeting her in the hallway. “Casper?” She whistled, moving towards the kitchen and grabbing the dog’s treats, “Tulip?” She waited for a few moments as neither animal came. No sound echoed through the old home either, in fact, and eerie silence seemed to surround her.
She wrapped her arms around her midsection, tightening the robe around her petite frame before opening the front door and stepping out onto the front porch. Once again, Hadlee was met with the same eerie silence and she looked around the usually busy street, which was now deserted. “Where the fuck is everyone?” She spoke allowed, squinting her eyes as she looked down her street, not a single car driving by in the distance. She quickly returned inside and stepped into her sandals before she decided to investigate where everyone had gone.
After a couple hours of walking around a seemingly empty Sloane, Hadlee finally came to the conclusion that this was just an elaborate dream. Therefore, she returned to her home and slipped back into bed. She pulled the duvet over her body and shut her eyes, hoping it would trigger her dream to end and wake her up. With no success, Hadlee moved to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, turning on the water and allowing the ice cold water the wash over. But instead of waking her up from her supposed dream, she gasped and immediately turned the water off.
Once she was dry and dressed in actual clothes, she moved into her living room and started to set up the various candles that scattered the home. She took a match book and struck the fire stick, igniting the end and then lighting the wicks of each candle. She then moved to the couch and grabbed her book off the coffee table, tucked her legs underneath her, and then pulled the throw blanket over her legs. She lounged back into the cushion, opened her book, and released a satisfied sigh. 
If no one was around to bother her, Hadlee intended to take advantage of the alone time and get some serious R and R. For once, she could sit on the couch without and animal coming over and bothering her for attention. She could read a book all the way through without her work phone buzzing for attention. She could light all the candles in the apartment, enjoy the mixture of aromas, and not worry about the feline monster knocking over a candle and causing a fire. For once, she could indulge in her hidden bookworm self and get through the list of books she’s been dying to read.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
The First Funeral
It was a gloomy day, and Hadlee took Elizabeth’s hand as she followed her mother out of the house in her black dress. She looked up at her mother as she used her free hand to wipe away the loose tendrils of curls that fell in front of her face, “Mommy, where are we going? Why are we all in black?” Hadlee continued to walk next to her mother, releasing a frustrated sigh as her mother neglected to answer her question. She tugged on her mother’s hand and released a whine, “Mom! Why won’t you answer me?”
The strawberry blonde woman whipped her head around as Hadlee cried out, glaring down at her daughter as she gave the young girls hand a firm squeeze, “None of that today, Hadlee.” She offered the female a stern look as they arrived at the bus stop and continued, “Your grandmother has passed away, and your father is extremely upset. So I need you on your best behavior so as to not upset him further. He has enough to worry about, and he doesn’t need any of your nonsense.” She looked away from Hadlee and then tugged the young female towards the bus as they boarded and took an empty seat near the front.
Hadlee sighed as her arms crossed over her chest and she slouched down in her seat, swinging her dangling feet back and forth as she kicked the seat in front of them. She looked outside the window as the rain started to fall, watching the raindrops race one another on the bus window. Just as she was getting into the made up races, her mother’s hand returned to her own and she was tugged off the bus and trotted through the rain at her mother’s feet.
“Mommmmyyy.” Hadlee whined once they got inside out of the rain, shaking out her curls and then looking up at Elizabeth, “Where do grandma pass to?” Hadlee’s question was answered with a tight squeeze to her hand, frowning as she reluctantly followed along. Her green hues dance around the somber room before looking back at her mother, “Why is everyone so sad, Mom? What’s going on?” Hadlee offered her mother a smile as she finally crouched down to Hadlee’s eye level.
“I know this is confusing Hadlee. But your grandmother is in a better place,” Her fingers tucked a wild strand of red behind Hadlee’s ear, “And it’s important that you are quiet and polite today. Can you do that for Mommy?” Hadlee nodded her head and then gave her mother a thumbs up, which Elizabeth leaned forward and kissed the pad of her thumb. “Good girl. Now go on and sit with your sister.”
Elizabeth stood up, ruffling Hadlee’s hair before she retreated and made her way towards Henry. Hadlee twirled around and let her dress balloon around her, stumbling back and falling into the casket. She frowned as she rubbed the back of her head, and then climbed up on the kneeler as she peered into the open casket. “Grandma?” Hadlee asked as she looked down at the elderly woman, “Grandma, can I come with you to the better place? I don’t like it here.” She rested her chin on the edge of the casket, as her green hues looked over the peacefully resting woman.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
While working for Trent, Hadlee had met a handful of people whom she never thought she would meet again. She was young and charming, which made for the perfect distraction to getting what he wanted from the men he worked with. One man in particular, Joseph Greenlee, took quite the liking to Trent’s redheaded assistant. Any time the underground gambling ring leader came to town, he requested a private dinner with Hadlee before handing over Trent’s cut of the ring’s earnings. Trent had no issues handing the female over to Greenlee for the night, he would be getting his money, and that’s all he cared about.
For the most part, Hadlee did not mind the one-on-one time with Joseph either. He was always a gentleman, and instead of chatting about business or Trent or anything else that ultimately brought them together, the discussed anything and everything else. It was actually a pleasant break from Hadlee seemingly constant involvement in Trent’s world. Greenlee never tried anything, never asked for anything, and did not pressure Hadlee into anything but enjoying a few cocktails and a business free conversation.
But, when things went south and the entire set up of Trent began, Joseph seemingly disappeared. Hadlee never intended to mention the man, wanting all of the blame to be solely placed on Trent, but when questions about the gambling ring came up and Hadlee’s involvement with the ring leader - the redhead was quick to throw him under the bus. It certainly was not the first time Hadlee had risked the life of someone else to save her own skin, and it would not be the last. Joseph Greenlee was convicted of running an illegal gambling ring and sentenced to ten years in prison.
Hadlee had not seen, heard from, or spoke to Greenlee since his conviction, nor did she ever plan to do so again. Both Trent and Joseph were now out of her life... Or so she thought. First, Trent reappeared out of nowhere and forced her back to Sloane. Then, out of nowhere Joseph showed up on her front porch...
Hadlee looked up from her book as she heard the knocks on the door. She looked at the clock hanging on the living room wall, unsure of who would be stopping by. Owen was currently out, picking up the dinner that they had ordered, just for the two of them. She folding the top right hand corner of the page she was reading, and then closed the book and stood up from her spot on the couch. She quietly padded towards the door, raising up on her toes and peering through the peep hole. She gasped as her eyes landed on the all too familiar face of Joseph Greenlee.
Before she could pad away, and pretend like no one was home, his voice broke the silence, “I hear you, Ms. Baxter. Don’t make me break down this door to get to you.” Hadlee’s stomach knotted, licking over her lips as she released a small sigh and then reached for the doorknob.
She unlocked the door and then swung it open, flashing the male a small smile, “Well, well, well... If it isn’t Joseph Greenlee. What brings you back to Sloane? Is it Trent? Did he drag you back into his mess?” Her tone was flat and unamused, moving to the side and then ushering him into the house. She closed the door behind him and then looked up a Greenlee, raising an eyebrow, “Or is it something else?”
Joseph smirked at the female, reaching forward and brushing some of her wild locks out of her face - causing the redhead to tense up. “Relax, Hadlee. I’m just here to have a little chat. I haven’t heard from you since you locked me up, I though after everything I at least deserved an apology.” He dropped his hand back to his side, and then offered her a crooked grin.
Hadlee shook her head, “Is sorry really going to make up for what I did? I ruined your life, and I assume you’re here to ruin mine. So, get to it then. I’m in no mood to play your games.” She crossed her arms over her chest as she kept her green hues locked on his icy blue gaze, not wanting to show how nervous she truly was.
“Oh, but you know games are my favorite.” He winked, licking over his lips before he pulled out a chair and took a seat at the kitchen table, “Pour me a drink and join me. We’ve a lot to discuss. I have plans for you Hadlee Baxter, and I advise you to follow them.” His voice was stern as he lifted one leg and crossed it over the other, “I befriended many, talented, men while I was locked up. Men who would do anything for me with the snap of a finger. You underestimated me once Red, it won’t happen again.”
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Faux Video Diary
Hadlee watched as Owen ventured into the woods, off to find them more food, his instructions to her clear and simple, “Stay under the shelter and out of the sun, I’ll be back in a few.” She nodded her head, being careful not to move much, as her burnt and blistered skin was sensitive to practically everything. She sighed, starting to pick at the sand as she released a small sigh. This. Was. Miserable. She was completely out of her element, and it was starting to take a toll on the normally strong woman.
“It’s been four days and I still haven’t eaten anything substantial. But, it’s not the hunger that’s getting to me.” Hadlee started speaking to herself, her voice somewhat echoing off of the twig fort that Owen had put together for them, “Hunger is actually the only thing I’m used to. Living on the streets was easy compared to this...” She frowned, balling her hand up into a fist and striking the sand with a forceful punch. “My skin feels like leather at this point, and I’ll be shocked to find out I don’t have skin cancer. Not to mention, the scars that will be left behind. I’m going to be covered in ugly spots, just another handful of scars to add to the bunch of ‘em.”
She rolled over onto her back, releasing a frustrated sigh as her green eyes focused on the twig roof above her, “And everyone has turned into savages. It’s ridiculous.” She admitted, giving her eyes a roll as her head shook lightly, “I’d rather die of starvation than torture anyone here, even if Trent made it so we hurt those we hated. I still would not partake in his games. We are all being tortured on this island, and no one needs more of it. There is plenty of supplies on this island to survive, without turning on loved ones and causing injuries that will surely become infected.” Her hands moved to her stomach, feeling it flip as she thought about the morbid tasks that her fellow Sloanies had been performing over the past three days.
“They are all just playing into Trent’s sick, twisted game. We have water, and that’s all we really need to survive. Everything else is just... comfort. And the thought of causing so much discomfort to someone you love, simply for that comfort, boggles my mine. I’d rather die here with Owen, than lay a single finger on him...” She paused, licking over her chapped lips as she took a deep breath before continuing, “And I hope he feels the same way because I’m not sure I could handle anymore torture than what this island has to offer, especially not at the hands of him...”
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
Independence Day
September 22, 2006
“Get the fuck out of my house, and do not ever come back. Do you hear me, Hadlee? You chose not to contribute to this family today. You chose to be selfish and greedy and everything I’ve taught you not to be.” Henry growled, practically foaming at the mouth as he berated his youngest daughter, “If you want to be selfish so damn much and cause this family misery, then go be on your own. You clearly do not need us, and we will be fine without you. You’ve been nothing but a headache and this household is better off without you.” He took the young redhead by the collar, and then yanked her towards the front door. He paused as he reached for the handle of the door and released a sigh, “Do you have anything to say for yourself, Hadlee?”
Hadlee stood in her father’s grasp, small arms crossed over her chest as she finally looked up at her family. First she looked at Henry Jr., and as expected his face was as red in anger as her fathers and he was glaring at her in disapproval. She then looked down the line of her siblings. First at Howard and then at Hannah, both had blank expressions on their face and refused to look up from their feet. Then it was Heather, who gave Hadlee a look of disappointment before shaking her head and looking away from the young red head. Finally, Hadlee looked at her mother for some type of affection, but the older woman simply continued cooking dinner for the evening, as if this was just another normal night. Their reactions said it all, and therefore Hadlee pressed her lips together and gave her head a shake as she looked up at her father with a shrug. The man then opened the door, shoved her out and slammed it in her face.
After hearing the door click locked, Hadlee stood in front of the door for several moments, and she raised up her hand in an attempt to knock a few times, but talked herself out of it each time. Eventually, Hadlee abandoned her place in front of her childhood home and made her way into the streets of Augusta. Her first stop was to the corner she used to beg at before her job at the factory. It was one she was familiar with, and one that she knew was safe. Therefore, the female took a seat against the brick wall of the liquor store, kicked off her shoe, and placed it in front of her. 
After several hours of begging, only hauling in a total of seven dollars and some change, Hadlee shoved the earnings into her pocket and then began walking back to her house. As she approached the small dwelling, she paused and was immediately reminded of the earlier interaction she had with her family. Therefore, the redhead walked past her house and further into the city, finally settling at an underpass that her and her siblings would frequent when they were younger. She climbed up the small hill and moved into the small opening that was created by the placement of the support pillar on the hill, which provided somewhat of a cave underneath the road and above the ground surface.
She rested against the support pillar, releasing a small sigh as she looked out over the city and thought to herself, This is your life now Hadlee. The city is yours to do as you please. Just like how they don’t need you, you don’t need them. She nodded to herself, a single hand falling to rest on the pocket hold the money she had just received. For the first time in her entire life, that seven dollars was completely hers. She did not have to share it with her family, and that alone was enough to make her lips curl into a small smile, You are finally free to do what you want, when you want. She allowed her eyes to flutter shut as she rested her head back against the pillar. Tomorrow would be the first day of the rest of her life, and she was excited to see where it would take her.
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untxmedlionessx · 6 years
From Me to Me
Dear 12-year old Hadlee,
I know it’s wishful thinking that you will listen to any of this, I of all people would know how stubborn you were back then (don’t worry, you never grow outta that). But, after suffering a pretty serious injury that caused some post traumatic amnesia, I felt the need to write this letter and maybe shield us from some future despair. I had to live through our two worst years of our life, not once, but twice and with this letter I can possibly save you from living through it, at all.
I won’t go into detail about what all happened in those two years because I truly think that you can stop all of it from happening. You are currently 12 years old, and you’re about to make the stupidest (but also best) decision of your life. So my advice to you is, yes, absolutely steal Mr. Wallowitz wallet. That was your first true stroke of independence and rebellion - something that will get you far in life.
MY ADVICE to you is to not let your father’s rash decision to kick you out of the house be the end all be all for the rest of your family. I’ve learned recently that having a family, or at least someone around who knows you inside and out and loves you without judgement, is pretty important in keeping your sanity. Instead of being selfish, and independent, and stubborn and taking his words to heart and leaving your family... Use your stubbornness /against/ your father and STAY.
Staying in Augusta will save you from misery... At least the misery that I know, and wish I did not. I cannot say that by staying, you are guaranteed a perfect, happy, easy life. Being twice your current age, I can assure you that life does not get easier as you grow, but it is a hell of a lot easier with support. I know that you can make it through without anyone, I mean, hell I’m still alive. But it wasn’t easy and for once you have a chance to make life easier.
So, do NOT fuck up your life because you’re angry with your worthless father and too stubborn to admit defeat. You can still have a relationship with your mother, your brothers, and your sisters in spite of him. Honestly, it would probably upset him more than walking away would.
Make the right choice. Pick your family.
Much Love,
24-year old Hadlee
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