Tarzan, a man raised in the jungle. All his life, the ape man was raised by his adoptive mother, Kala, when she found him in a tree-house with his own parents killed by the terrible beast Sabor. Ever since then, he has struggled to become one of the gorillas, and continues to do so; even with the aid of Kala and Terk. To this day, he wonders if there is someone out there... A stranger like him. ((RP Tarzan blog! Pre-Movie. Will RP with anyone and any fandom.)) FC: Jared Padalecki ~Any Gifs or Art I use are not mine unless stated otherwise~ {[Part of Characters and Fables Roleplay Group!}]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Son of man thinking outside of the box
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She seems... frightened.
At least, that's what he gathered from the tensed frame pinned against his backside. The male trusted that she would lock her slender appendages around his neck, shifting to lay across his toned back while the two sailed through the open air, allowing the hairless wonder to freely shift between the abundance of vines that lingered in the boscage. Still, perhaps it was natural for her to be fearful. After all, if anything her actions indicated thus far that Fey had now grown up in an environment similar to this one. Quite the opposite, in fact. So many questions, and so many intriguing possibilities...
Yet with no way to speak them aloud.
A lament was fought back, peach-toned-bands pressed together into a blank stature as Tarzan pushed the vine further into the air, avoiding the sudden collage of branches and canopies that encompassed the meld of crimson and beige that blurred through the air. Swirls of emerald laid dormant upon the structure that became ever closer, reducing the width upon his vision towards the aberrant-looking oddity that came within walking distance...
What is that?
...Doesn't look like it belongs in the jungle.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }
Her breath hitched in her throat the minute her body had been elevated, a sense of deep security washing over the hesitance upon the feel of a protective embrace, her own arms curling around his neck to hold on. Looking down wouldn’t be such a wise option, so long lashed descended and she pressed her forehead upon his chest, hoping this shortcut really was the shortcut Tarzan claimed it to be. Through…physical demonstration, of course.

The wind in long locks, however, was a…peaceful experience. Had vine swinging really been this fun? The sense of flying in such pure, wonderful air…—she was tempted to open her eyes, but taking the chances were far too risky. Another situation like the one earlier was definitely something Fey hoped to avoid at all costs.
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Can we please talk about Tarzan’s way of seducing women?
Just by looking at his face you can tell he tried this move on other female apes.
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Hesitation was evident, the sensation etched onto the gentle demeanor she held, and quavering across the petite frame that Fey bore. Chartreuse casts lit up with a spark of glee, eying the limb she outstretched towards him. Immediately, the hairless wonder drew a bemused expression onto his belted aspect, a delicate simper crossing through the horizons of benign, as he thrust out his arm to the other's.
Interlacing callous digits with slender-silky ones, Tarzan pulled her forward, deviating the toned appendage to the exposed hip that gleamed ever so slightly from the scarlet rays that hit the delicate pigments. Shifting fingers around the gentle exterior, the male hoisted her upwards, pressing her into the right of his build, lifting her completely off the jungle floor. Shooting a reassuring grin to the one he held, the male tore a grunt from the massive beam he held, before propelling the vine forwards and through the air.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }
Grey hues averted back to the colorful bunch, partially out of an attempt to clear the awkwardness that lingered between them. First the event earlier and now the lack of communication—the red-head made a mental note of remembering that this man was as lost as she was upon speech. Seemed like he had the capability of realizing her compliment on a flower. Tarzan was human—he had a brain. Perhaps he was far more intellectual than her even, Fey had no doubts about it. Clearing her throat lightly, her gaze landed upon the goosebumps that began to lurk upon her skin. It was getting far too cold, irritable even…

Her attention was brought back to Tarzan after hearing the grunt, head lifting up slowly to spot him upon a vine. Again, hm? Would what happened earlier occur again? Hesitance was clear in her actions, swallowing lightly. But due to this weather and the wind, there really was no other faster option. Sighing lightly, a nod was offered and she approached him, hand extending out to reach for his arm.
Fey needed to learn to adapt. For now, at least.
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Pixiv ID: 24976730 Member: KANAHARU
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The absorbing impression of this one began to cascade over his form, a dainty ascension in tawny shades pulling away from the stature of his brow, as the male kept fir visions upon the figure that swung away. Perchance it was not as adept as he was, but the feat alone was certainly enough to establish a fixed idea on how capable she was. Then again, vine-swinging was one thing, tree-surfing and other such activities were another. Still, the intrigue only increased further form there, and far be it for him to deny the thirst for such a sensation.
Departing a breath through his nasals, Tarzan tossed a glance to the emerald firmaments aloft; a quick scan to deem whether or not there was high enough ground to go unnoticed. Once finished, the figure laid toned limbs upon the two branches to each of his side, propelling his weight off the bark and up into the higher canopies. An arm was thrust out, gripping the knotted bark within the chaparral marque, swinging his frame up onto the branch. Within seconds, he began dashing across the adjuncts covered in overgrowth, gliding across the surface as effortlessly as it appeared to be.
Into the jungle || Tarzan & Lenne
Not a sound. Nothing she was expecting anyway— the black haired youth tilted her head to look up at the sky as she listened to the distant sounds of birds, monkeys— the inhabitants of the jungle. Despite the fact half of the animals and plants here could kill you, Lenne found it serene.
As if she would use her gun just to scare whatever it was that was watching her out of hiding, that would be a stupid idea. If it was an animal, that would just scare it away.

After one more glance at the shrubbery and tree tops, Lenne suddenly jumped off the branch she was standing on to grab onto one of the many hanging vines and started swinging from one to the other deeper into the jungle. Perhaps she could get away from those watchful eyes, or lead whatever they belonged to into an open area.
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Disney Challenge: 1 - Your favorite character
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A sharp one.
Not a sound was made in his sneaking, yet this creature had somehow picked up his leering. A third eye, perhaps. Figuratively speaking, of course. Still, it was rather a mildly impressive sight, for someone who so clearly had not lived in the boscage that it was currently residing in. Or any climate similar to one, really. The pigments, the strange coverings, and the atmosphere that encompassed its' posture...
It seemed to screech 'Outsider'. Yet, this was not a bad thing. On the contrary, it was fascinating. An idle knuckle coasted along the undergrowth of the timber's adjunct, a pressing of peach-bands into a tight fold, remaining still and fixated as one could possibly be. The urge to leap out and just touch this new-found oddity was great, but the time to be seen had not yet approached.
Lenne’s eyelids lowered as she waited for anymore signs of movement amongst the shrubbery and after several moments of more waiting, she finally decided to make the first move. She placed both feet on the trunk of the tree and let go of the vine she was holding herself up with as she pushed herself off and almost perfectly landed on one of the many thick branches below.
The treasure hunter slowly stood upright and turned her head to look around, she could use her gun and use the noise to scare the animal out of hiding. But that feeling in her stomach was still there— human eyes were watching her. She hated the feeling and this was the place she visited to avoid it.
“You know, it’s rude to stare.”

She placed a hand on her hip and waited again, if she was mistaken then no one would witness this paranoia of hers. But the thought of another human here and following her… well, let’s just say it’s the kind of feeling you get when someone finds your secret hiding spot.
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Babel freed from the other's gorge upon her approach, a cordial beam still delicately creased upon her chaste features. The simper was matched, peach-bands curling involuntarily into a feeble gesture that conveyed both understanding and glee. The words she spoke were heard, but their meaning was somewhat lost. He gathered that Fey was complimenting the blossoms, but nothing more beyond that. And if it weren't for the continuous downpour, perhaps Tarzan would have liked to learn more about it.
An exhale of his own was executed, weariness clear in the air that drafted from his mouth, a sharp glance taken up towards where red-jewels had shot to. A massive, perhaps even colossal, object clustered within the foundation of a tree, towering above in the center of the expansive grove in front of them. Curious, how he had never seen it beforehand, considering how much he explored the jungle. But possible it was that, as observant as he was, maybe the jungle was too expansive for its' own good.
Still, the space yards away appeared to be a suitable location for shelter, and the rain was actually beginning to sprout irritation upon the nerves of the hairless wonder. Turning his vision back to Fey, an airy grunt was uttered, in an attempt to get the female's attention. With that, Tarzan grunted again, propelling his knuckles off the matted floor, reaching up to a dangling plant within the air above them. Grasping belted digits around the plant, he began swaying lightly with the vine's direction, extending an arm out for the other to take.
It would be faster, after all.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }
How…beautiful. A species of flower unknown to her, along with other citizens of the city she hailed from. True, documentaries often flabbergasted people with such blooming clips of these vibrant flowers, however—witnessing the beauty upfront increased that surprise ten fold. Flowers had always been a favorite of hers, but the awestruck state had been a result of something else. The thought of how global warming upon human activities could rid the world of such lovely things. Fingers retracted from the plant, unable to pluck it our for herself. It just didn’t feel right. Her body turned again to proceed upon the path, only to catch sight of Tarzan analyzing her current actions. The smile hadn’t dropped. Her hand rubbed at the back of her neck. “Flowers. Er…pretty.” Was that somewhat effective?

Fey didn’t have high hopes. With a light sigh, she began approaching him again. Distractions wouldn’t get them very far. Her hues lifted up, narrowing upon a bulk of sorts in a tree not too far. Squinting hadn’t cleared the object, but whatever it was…—it was tempting to go and find out. Later, of course.
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Curious, how the soft-tapping of bare appendages slapping against the damp undergrowth, suddenly became lost and still. The lack of Fey's movement echoing out resulted in a turn of his frame, shifting knuckles across the chaparral canvas, darting emerald aspect to where the female had wandered off too. Not a difficult thing to spot her, really. The crimson tresses betrayed any hint of deceit or cunning, if she were ever to purposely hide from him, the color upon her summit so bright and illuminating.
An intriguing cant of his crest was taken up, beige tendrils falling askew across the boundaries of his shoulder, a single tawny shade ascended in frugal interest. Fir chromes surveyed the delicate hand that ran over an alluring blossom, slender digits caressing the colorful petals attached to the blooming plant. Flickering orbs back up to the female's expression, though mostly out of sight from his line of view, the corner of her glossy borders seemed to arch upwards; indicating that perhaps a simper was present.
...Flowers make her happy?
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }
Legs commenced their motion once again, following closely behind Tarzan along their path to…wherever this shelter was. Eyes remained asphyxiated upon the back of his brunette head, still taken in by the structure of his body upon the pace. Interesting…—perhaps the book in her hands offered an explanation on primates. It’d help her understand his habits a bit better, at least. That was some kind of improvement in communication, right? She only hoped it was. Tarzan was someone she wanted to decipher. She needed to understand him somehow. It’d be difficult, but impossible? Not at all.
The pang of guilt clung onto her heart. Worrying someone who’d been the reason she remained alive was just…—it was necessary to practice controlling her emotions. Especially personal ones.

Her pace slowed down when hues caught sight of a colorful bush. Flowers. Many of them, too. It was an instant attraction, and she found herself approaching them. Slender fingers reached for the silky petals, leaning forward to take a good whiff of them. The beautiful aroma put a smile on her face.
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The nod was enough to indicate what she wanted from him, resulting in a nod of his own as he began crawling ahead of her upon the path set out before them. Belted knuckles dug into the many blossoms that laid astray across the fir walkway, the matted material mushing to the male's weight. The lightened downpour continued to drop down upon the two, droplets of frigidity melding across his shifting forearms and arched back. By now, the imprint of being drenched was all but forgotten, mostly for the fact that it seemed the rain would never end.
And for the distracting cerebration that laid thick inner the poor male's mind.
Fey... I need to learn how to understand her.
Evidently, even through the communication that the two had managed, misunderstandings would forever be clear between them as long as the language barrier remained. Whether that meant he was required to learn the female's speech, technically his own in earnest consideration, or she would be forced to speak his own tongue. Though, part of him deducted that perhaps teaching her primitive speak would be a tad difficult. More so than the first option, anyway.
...I just want her to be happy, at least.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }
Her hues lingered upon the cover of the book, fingers brushing away the sandy material that clung on to the hard book, narrowing her eyes further at the title. A biology book…—ah, of course, it could only belong to one of the men accompanying her upon the ship. A weirdone, really; his idea of leisure was reading science books outdoors. His motivation was admirable, at least. Crimson brows lifted. Coincidentally enough, an image of a gorilla’s silhouette had been drawn on the front. Hm—

Contact upon the skin of her legs pulled her out of her thoughts, head turning back and down to meet with Tarzan’s gaze. Was the sight of her body really that—she halted her thoughts right then and there. He didn’t know. It wasn’t his fault. It was his first time interacting with a female, she assumed. The annoyance needed to be tucked away. Fey’d feel immensely guilty had her mood affected his. Clearing her throat, a hand reached to rub at the back of her neck as she stepped to the side, leaving the path empty for Tarzan. She nodded towards the forest. It was wise if he lead. For obvious reasons.
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The sudden drop--plummet if you wished to be more accurate-in both the air that surrounded the two that moved together, and the mood exchange between the two of them, was ever so slightly off-putting. Not for himself, but for Fey. Honestly, the fringes of annoyance on her features merely drove him insane. And however strange that might be, it was something that bothered him. After all, he wanted this new-found friend to be happy. Somewhat happy, anyway. Lingering articles of anxiety drafted about in his mind, concern dwelling on the fact that perhaps this was his fault.
How dreadful, if that were the truth.
Exhaling wearily, the male failed to even see that the female had halted in her pace; accidentally moving into the back of her legs from his crouched state. But the impact was gentle, nothing more than a brush of skin, thus causing Tarzan to ascend tawny tints in light surprise, looking up to the back of Fey's body with an expression of intrigue written abroad.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }

Her mood had taken an immediate turn for the worse once again, unable to try and calm her mind down, hoping to return to the state she’d been in earlier, but…—could anyone blame her? No destination. No sight of her belongings, her co-workers, or even signs of rescue. And to be stripped of the clothing that offered some kind of warmth and have a man witness that—yeah, she was pissed. Arms folded over her chest, hues shifting to glance at the male from the corner of her eyes before shifting back to the front. Cheeks were flaring; the air was awkward. At least, in her perspective. Tarzan probably didn’t even have ill thoughts like a man normally would, but…it was just embarrassing.
Swinging from vines no longer fit right in her mental agenda. With a gulp, she pivoted on her heel. Nothing wrong with walking. The trees would shield them from the pouring rain. The red-head hoped her actions would indicate that decision. That was…until her foot brushed upon an object. A coconut, perhaps?
Her head dipped down, brows lifting at what she’d discovered. Reaching down, hands grabbed for a book—a familiar book, at that. How had this ended up here…? Perhaps a few curious animals picked it up from the initial location where she’d ended up? It was a good sign, at least.
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That was the entire occurrence in one simple term: Odd.
Strange, as well. Interesting too, but the first term was still at the core of these happenings. For a multitude of reasons, really. For one thing, the fabric she wore baffled him to the highest degree at this point. What sort of flimsy objects come apart at the seams from such light conditions? Rain, a bit of use, and that was enough to cause the garments to fall apart? How... crude. Such a culture method of his race would forever baffle him, from his perspective. What was the need to cover up anyway? What was the point?
Which led to the second point, really. Upon getting a glimpse of the female's exposed body, something... alarming, arose in the depths of his body. No, not his heart nor his mind, but a particular sensation. One that, quite frankly, he was unaware of. Nor was he knowledgeable on what the peculiar oddity was. In meager terms, the male seemed to enjoy looking along the outlines of her bare frame. ...But why? That alone was entirely strange, to him. Was this an instinctive reaction? From male sights glazing upon the bare skin of another? Or did it only pertain to female?
Such thoughts akin to those lingered within Tarzan's conscious, as he crawled across the vine-matted floor beneath him, stepping over the collapsed greenery that laced the area's surface. A cant of his crest was made, soaked-tawny-tresses falling askew abroad the right of his outline, attempting to peer inwards to the brush where the other had encompassed herself.
Crimson Meld With Emerald [AU] { Tarzan | Fey }

Groan. Why couldn’t things be easier? Just when the situation had settled down, just when such a wonderful moment was shared, another event had halted them from their path. Her body lifted, a hand reaching to hold at her head. Contact upon the ground had been made softly. Fey was just beginning to get a headache with the accumulating events. A rest was needed. A good, long one.
Her gaze drifted off to Tarzan, who’d arrived already. Lips parted to speak, but she grew rather curious of his wandering gaze. Especially the direction it’d been heading. Was she covered in mud or something…? Maybe that’s why it felt cold? Her own eyes shifted down, down—

—and they grew as wide as possible at the discovery of tattered garments. Or, at least, what’d been left of them. Arms immediately wrapped around her nearly bare body, head shifting from side to side before she retreated into a nearby bush, cheeks flaring far more significantly than before. That. Was. So. Embarrassing How the hell was she supposed to show herself now? Luckily, her gaze caught on to two pieces of cloth, ripped from her dress, she presumed. Hands reached for it immediately. Perhaps it wasn’t much, but it was something. With quick motions, one piece was wrapped several times around her bust area, while the ends of the other piece knotted upon the side of her hip.
At least…—
—this was far more presentable.
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