Untitled Swap AU
4K posts
@Fizzy-Sodacan did the pfp art AND created the au in the first place7/8 Years RP experience. Bad at grammar.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
untitled-swapau · 1 year ago
When would this blog be [[OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!]] - The Salesman
( It may be a while. I'm honestly tempted to kinda.. Rewrite certain events in the lore and stuff first, just.. Give general updates to the blog.
But at the moment I'm kinda just. Not in the best mental state to handle three blogs at once. )
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untitled-swapau · 1 year ago
Ah, yes. i remember when this blog was in its prime...
I can only hope the two beings who usually interacted will bring this back.
( I apologize for the lack of posting from the blog- Sort of went into an Indefinite Hiatus Limbo.
The mod's personal life has overtaken most of his free-time.. )
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
man i i miss when this blog was active...
(The mod is still alive, He just ran outta motivation to keep it goin' after things had been dealt with.)
(But some day.)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(Blog is on hiatus for now.)
(Main Mod, Mod Juice has been busy with IRL stuff to explain the absence.)
(I Apologise for not updating ya'll about this earlier. /lh)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
“Is there something you need help with, Sweetheart?” Blake asked, seeming to be willing to help as soon as he appeared there. Of course, he did try to not accidentally startle his beloved, and there was something he wanted to ask him due to what he could hear long time ago.. Other than that, he was kind of intrigued by what Swap does, even if he doesn’t know much or nothing about certain things.
"Oh, heyy blakey!"
- He sounded particularly excited when he heard blake, pausing whatever he was doing to look over at him. -
"I don't think so right now, buuut, it's always nice to have company down here..!"
- His tail was wagging Very fast, as he just kinda sat there in his swivel chair at his computer desk, working on... Something? -
"Just- be careful around the.. Container over there... Opposite side of the room, Dangerous chemicals in it."
- His ears twitched a bit. -
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
"Woah- easy there--"
- When he heard the sound his ears had perked up, and he quickly darted over, attempting to catch her carefully with his gloved paws. -
- he seemed to make a quiet distressed yelp, calling for norbit as backup incase he couldn't catch her. -
- Norbit quickly placed a few pillows down, to atleast help soften her landing if she were to hit the floor. -
(Yay :D Might as well yeet Blake here too, but probably in a bit- or later today- idk yet ;;^^)
The kit called Cynthia was somewhere in the place where Swap is, in a place that might be kind of high. She seemed to be fluffier and taller than the time when she was born, presumably being time where she can finally walk- or try. Either way, she seemed to be okay and healthy. The kit stared at her father, doing a happy bark as her tail started wagging quickly at the sight of one of her parents being there.
- Swap seemed to be busy working on something, messing with various chemicals, tools, ect. -
- After a bit he eventually sealed and put away his containers, leaving one to sit for a while on the desk, in some sort of.. Special container, so any kits that happen to wander in can't get to it. And he slowly stood up and started to walk over to a computer(new brace go brr) -
- but, he paused and his ears twitched as he gazed up at her, and kinda smiled, though he seemed concerned. -
"Oh- Hello there! How'd you get up there?"
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
"You're pretty high up there-"
- He sounded concerned, and his ears perked up as she attempted to speak, but when he heard her say that his tail had started to go VRRR, wagging so fast it was almost a blur. -
"Yeah! That's me!"
- Aw, now he sounds pretty excited. -
- He seemed.. A little perplexed when she immitated a sneeze, unsure about that. -
"Maybe we should get you down from there? A bit high up for a kit like you."
(Yay :D Might as well yeet Blake here too, but probably in a bit- or later today- idk yet ;;^^)
The kit called Cynthia was somewhere in the place where Swap is, in a place that might be kind of high. She seemed to be fluffier and taller than the time when she was born, presumably being time where she can finally walk- or try. Either way, she seemed to be okay and healthy. The kit stared at her father, doing a happy bark as her tail started wagging quickly at the sight of one of her parents being there.
- Swap seemed to be busy working on something, messing with various chemicals, tools, ect. -
- After a bit he eventually sealed and put away his containers, leaving one to sit for a while on the desk, in some sort of.. Special container, so any kits that happen to wander in can't get to it. And he slowly stood up and started to walk over to a computer(new brace go brr) -
- but, he paused and his ears twitched as he gazed up at her, and kinda smiled, though he seemed concerned. -
"Oh- Hello there! How'd you get up there?"
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(Yay :D Might as well yeet Blake here too, but probably in a bit- or later today- idk yet ;;^^)
The kit called Cynthia was somewhere in the place where Swap is, in a place that might be kind of high. She seemed to be fluffier and taller than the time when she was born, presumably being time where she can finally walk- or try. Either way, she seemed to be okay and healthy. The kit stared at her father, doing a happy bark as her tail started wagging quickly at the sight of one of her parents being there.
- Swap seemed to be busy working on something, messing with various chemicals, tools, ect. -
- After a bit he eventually sealed and put away his containers, leaving one to sit for a while on the desk, in some sort of.. Special container, so any kits that happen to wander in can't get to it. And he slowly stood up and started to walk over to a computer(new brace go brr) -
- but, he paused and his ears twitched as he gazed up at her, and kinda smiled, though he seemed concerned. -
"Oh- Hello there! How'd you get up there?"
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(Will it, be fine if I yeet Cynthia there with Swap for now?-)
(yeeyee /lh)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
*pokes swap* :3
"Er- Could.. You-- not touch me right now? I'm working with some.. Very dangerous materials."
- Swap mumbled to the anon, quietly working on something in his lab. Ofc, the winter coat is back.. Thus his quills are extra soft and fluffy, hard to contain them in the lab coat. -
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(Np! Anda- :,> I’m, concerned for what will happen- but also glad to know Blake will still be able to be there for him a- /g /lh *soft pat for Fam*)
(oh believe me no one will like what happens :D )
(in the meantime have a funny little image while i prepare the notes.)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(Wb Fam!)
(And D: the boyo- Will, he be okay?- And, Will it still be okay for Blake to be with him regardless of the situations?-)
(and uh,,, probably wont be okay tbch, but yeah its completely fine!)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
Juice, what are you going to do to him?
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
(I HAVE RETURNED FULLY. And oh boy are there P L A N S)
(y'see this pathetic little hog here? - holds up USA AU Sonic - IM FINNA MAKE HIM POWERFUL, THEN IMMIDIATELY PERMANENTLY HINDER HIM A G A I N!)
(so have fun while it lasts because oh boy things boutta go SOUR.)
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
“Sweeet-“ Blake said as soon as he appeared in the place where Swap is, carefully picking him up and pulling him into a comforting hug. “-heart!” It was all he said for now, knowing well what day it is for him. Blake was also wearing a hat and a cape (?).
- Swap was semi limp when picked up, wrapping his paws around him and beginning to purr. -
"Oh, heeyyy blakeyy"
- Swap didn't seem to be in a costume at the moment, he was just.. Kinda in his Usual outfit. -
- He seemed content in that though. -
"What brings you here?"
- The brace creaked quietly. -
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
- Swap was just.. Kinda laying there on the ground in the lower lab. Didn't exactly have anything to do. -
"..Can't believe I'm spending my birthday alone down here."
"..Though it's not surprising."
- He rolled onto his side, and gazed down at his brace. It's still not very stable.. -
"...Just.. Another year, as always. I always keep myself too busy on my birthday.."
"...Oh Well."
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untitled-swapau · 2 years ago
Pspsps- Everyone in the building but Swap. Get ready to go to Blake’s world and hide at that world Blaze’s Castle with a disguise. It’s close to being Halloween and Swap’s birthday-
- Metal seemed.. Startled and confused, meanwhile tails seemed unbothered. -
"Not quite a fan of going places but.."
"I'll just Deal with it."
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