Such facilities weren't foreign to the hedgehog who's made his way inside, and he was very familiar with how places like these could have anything from untriggered traps to unstable structural integrity. It made abandoned bases like this incredibly dangerous to navigate, and even more dangerous to turn on any part of the facility. After all, if any of it is still connect to the Eggnet, then Robotnik would know soon enough, if not immediately. It put a tight timer on anyone who would even dare attempt to infiltrate them even long after they were no longer in use.
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Hence why the hedgehog in here was taking careful steps to mitigate anything like that as he searched through the base. He didn't need any traps going off and making this mission get hot. Once he reached what seemed to be a terminal room, he would take the risk of turning it on. The timer would begin and he would need to search through whatever data was on it for anything useful, be it for himself or for the locals. Anything from blueprints to battleplans to any kind of laundry list for materials that Robotnik would be after.
Of course, turning on the terminal would mean that the bright light from the screen would be shining out into the hall while he was operating it. Thankfully no one else was here to interrupt him. At least, that's what he thought anyways.
While he would normally be able to sense others nearby, he was more focused on the data he was gathering and downloading. A lot of it seemed to be of some marginal use, and there may be a connection between the documents that he could draw once he sat down to read through them...but that would need to wait until he was out of danger, and unawares of the newcomer that was also infiltrating the base.
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ㅤㅤㅤCowardice in Introductions
a starter for @unsung-heroesofmobius starter call
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Clunk- CLANK!!!
With a good kick, the coyote managed to break open a vent! Perfect! Things are going well thus far! It was about time Antoine took matters unto his own hands. Erm, that is the quote, correct? Anyways- He finally has made his way into an old base! Of course, it's the first time he's decided to go out by himself. Unfortunately, everyone back at the Knothole were taking forever to leave. So, he volunteered on doing it alone. As he studied the area outside of the vent, he felt his guard lower at the preview of not a single bot in sight.
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"C'est plutôt effrayant..." The coyote muttered silently beneath his shocken breath, embracing the spine-chilling darkness as he slipped out of the vent he'd travelled through. If only he brought a flashlight... Nonetheless! It's a vast area to explore! Surely he's not going to bump into anything active nor alive. Not since Eggman's moved out of this base ages ago.
Taking a brave step forward, he vowed to not be afraid during his search. Alone... In a dark, formerly dangerous base that once belonged to the leader of a very dangerous Empire. Nope, nevermind, that doesn't help with anything he thought of before! What was once a couple steps, turned into little tiptoes as he made way through an empty hallway.
There's got to be something useful. But where exactly? Maybe there was a room full of those electronic doo-hickeries he could bring back to his friends without setting off any traps or alarms. With that plan in mind, he travels towards any light he could in determination. He just has to find the computer room.
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Morality Meme
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Give my muse an item and see how they react!
Things may or may not be added to their official inventory
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
A meme for Multi-Muse blogs
Send me 🗣+ the names of 2 muses on the blog, and there will be a random conversation written involving them.
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
An easy question. "Jerard Kal, I'm a Freedom Fighter from my own Zone. As for Adventure, sure, I don't see why not. There's plenty of world out there to explore." He says as he looks up towards the sky. There was a sense of nostalgia on his face, the kind of that which someone missed dearly. Sailing the sea of stars was beyond him now, but that didn't mean he was missing out on what lay before him now.
No one can keep living in the past.
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"Well, since I'm the new guy around here, I suppose I'll defer to you as to where we should start then."
Oh, what he could have said. Ray had been a ghost once. However, he'd been given a second chance at life. It was his entire reasoning behind the medical career, why he felt it was his obligation. His life had been given back to him, therefore, he was to use his power he was given to heal those who were sick. Granted, he preferred study over using actual Chaos Energy. If you just fixed someone's problem, what lesson would they learn?
He has Chaos to thank for that, and Tikal for teaching him how to heal. How many years had it been now...?
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"The city?"
Cities fascinated him, he'd never lived in one. The town, where the hospital he worked in was located, happened to be rather small. Ray had grown to love nature. To even love gardening, but... the concrete jungle was so appealing. Just imagine, lights every night. The sound of life that wasn't crickets, frogs, or cicadas.
In winter, there wasn't any life at all out here.
"I don't think anyone should lose an adventurous spirit, no matter how old they get."
A wink.
"So why don't we go on an adventure? You and me. Everyone calls me Ray, so that's what I stick with. Better question is, what's your name?"
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
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"Heh, let's not get mixed up. Ghosts are definitely real, but I'm pretty sure I'd know one if I see one." The hedgehog would retort. Coming out here definitely seemed worth his while as the squirrel came out to greet him. Definitely wasn't like the one he knew. "I know how it feels. Not often I get visitors back home myself, even living in the city."
"Still, I'll admit, curiosity is most definitely the reason for me coming out here. Rumors or otherwise, can't help but feel a little adventurous even in my old age."
The hedgehog could've almost passed for a super mode if it weren't for the lack of aura and the mundane air around him, though unlike most male mobians, he definitely dressed far more modestly with shirt, pants and even a jacket to go over both.
Come, now, Look how we fly to the sky so high! Come @unsung-heroesofmobius In my flying machine Going up, they go Up, they go! Balance yourself like a bird on a beam In the air, they go! There, they go!
                                          ~~~ ♪ ♫ ♪ ~~~
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"Well would you look at that!"
Someone was in a good mood today. The squirrel hops into the air, doing a perfect flip as he lands in front of this guest of his. It wasn't every day someone stumbled upon his home, as Ray lived in the forest just outside of town. In fact, there were even ghost stories about the large cabin, which amused him. The ghostly squirrel that lived in the old log cabin.
In reality, his appearance was rather flawless. His personality, not so much.
"Are you here to get spooked? Or are you more intelligent than those silly rumors about where I live?"
Raising his hands, they began to glow a shade of blue. Though it was all in jest, he couldn't fight with Chaos Energy even if he wanted to. That just wasn't how it manifested in his body. He was a healer. A shield. Not a fighter, though for emergencies he always had that spear of an umbrella waiting at home.
He clapped his hands, and the blue vanished. He shook his head.
"In all seriousness, it's nice to get a visitor out here sometimes."
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
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"Well then, how are you tossers doing? I figured I'd pop by and give a hello to the blokes around here, before I start kicking your arses."
0 notes
unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
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"What is SMUT? Is that an acronym for heavy ordinance?"
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 3 months
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"I've been on and off. What's going on now?"
0 notes
unsung-heroesofmobius · 4 months
sadderday meme
send my muse anons (or not!) that will mess ‘em up! Make them sad, distress them, bring up the past. Go absolutely hogwild!
153 notes · View notes
unsung-heroesofmobius · 5 months
send me a ⚠️ with a reason my muse should be shamed (e.g. “hangs toilet paper backward”) and I can only confirm or deny
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 5 months
*Squishes Jerard's cheeks*
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"That's a good way to lose your hands, buddy."
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 5 months
To Jerad : Hello little critter! Mighty fine weather we're having!
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Are we really doing this critter thing again? Really?
0 notes
unsung-heroesofmobius · 5 months
Jerard nods and gladly gives his contact information. This was going to be one of the more interesting worlds to revisit, certainly to see what Phineas and his brother get up to. All in all, it was a productive trip.
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"Here's hoping I can get things resolved so I can dedicate more time to exploration. I'll see you around, Phineas."
"Good to know. I'm no stranger to dangerous systems, but having the forewarning is always good to have...honestly might be fun to come back some other time and tell some stories about my own myriad of galactic adventures. A scientific minded boy like you might find some interest in 'The Maw', a cluster of black holes that exist in the deep core of the galaxy I come from. Travel there is extremely dangerous for the obvious reasons." He can't help but smirk. He wasn't one to boast normally, but selling the danger and intrigue of that place would likely get the young boy excited.
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"I can't exactly stick around but we can certainly keep in touch. We've been able to develop a system to interact across dimensions so long as you have the number. Just basically interdimensional phone system." Jerard will offer after receiving the flashdrive. He definitely didn't want to overstay his welcome but it would be rude of him not to offer the opportunity for the boy to learn more.
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 7 months
"Good to know. I'm no stranger to dangerous systems, but having the forewarning is always good to have...honestly might be fun to come back some other time and tell some stories about my own myriad of galactic adventures. A scientific minded boy like you might find some interest in 'The Maw', a cluster of black holes that exist in the deep core of the galaxy I come from. Travel there is extremely dangerous for the obvious reasons." He can't help but smirk. He wasn't one to boast normally, but selling the danger and intrigue of that place would likely get the young boy excited.
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"I can't exactly stick around but we can certainly keep in touch. We've been able to develop a system to interact across dimensions so long as you have the number. Just basically interdimensional phone system." Jerard will offer after receiving the flashdrive. He definitely didn't want to overstay his welcome but it would be rude of him not to offer the opportunity for the boy to learn more.
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Ever since their first big adventure in space it only made sense to keep some kind of record of what they had seen and done there. As time went on it had become a habit to add anything that had happened to their little file. Well, it wasn't so little anymore but it was just further proof that the boy knew more than most kids his age about space and all its possibilities.
And they didn't plan to stop. Now that he knew other people could definitely benefit from their findings, Phineas was even more determined to keep them up to date. It would be a decent side project for the brothers.
"New Mobotropolis, huh? I'll have to keep that in mind, but your friend sounds pretty cool. We use nano-bots in a few of our inventions but we haven't thought to integrate them into a full AI yet."
There were a few reasons for that but there was a mental note in the boy's brain to add it to the list of things for him and his brother to look into as he continued to type away. A few minutes, and one inserted flash drive, later the latter was held out for Jarard to take.
"There you go, that's about all we have but it should help with a few places in our galaxy. Word of advice? Avoid the Vroblok Cluster if you can. I'm sure it's a lot better now than when we were there but it's not a risk I'd take anytime soon."
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 7 months
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Am I the best at promos? God, no! But if you're interested in a small RP multimuse that features Canons, OCs, and Self-Inserts in various versions of the Sonic Franchise that have been mashed together (and are run by someone with an insanely short attention span)... Then this may be the blog for you!
Please give the Rules and Muse Roster pages a read, and if you're really down, give a follow! I look forward to racing along side ya, mate.
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If none of that scared you off, then.... To chaos we go!
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unsung-heroesofmobius · 8 months
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"All things considered, this is far more in depth than other worlds we've been to since we can only basically record the data of the world we arrive in and what they have on hand, so getting a more detailed map of the universe is a big help."
There was a significant mark of admiration he has for the young boy for such an achievement at a young age, more than just the fact the boy and his brother seemed to have such drive to achieve so much so quickly, but more over, that they were able to devote the time due to the clear peace that they're able to experience.
His own life at that age was far more tumultuous and dangerous, as were the lives of many others during that time, and more even later. This peace was a staggering culture shock for someone who was used to conflict cutting such precious life short, but it was a shock in a good way.
"And hey, look at it this way. If you ever end up on Mobius, the one I'm from anyways, I'm sure there's plenty of us who'll be happy to show you around New Mobotropolis and what we've got there. Given your scientific aptitude, I'm sure Nicole would greatly appreciate meeting you, and you her. She's an AI who uses nanites to manage the city and give herself a physical form, and I'm certain she'll appreciate a couple of boys who would love to learn about that."
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"Digital does make things much easier for transport and analysis so that would be preferred." He admitted. He wasn't about to overstay his welcome either. If the parents thought he was intruding, then he would likely dismiss himself as needed.
"Admittedly I am a bit surprised someone so young has taken to an endeavor like this. It takes quite the mind and dedication to accomplish this."
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