Stetig Hände
110 posts
Leonhard Josef Marquardt Berlin, Germany Ex-Military Surgeon Independent Original Character  patient(s) Extreme Mature Themes Present Semi - Private & Selective Written by Leah UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION
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unrechtlich-blog · 8 years ago
Haven’t died. Still on hiatus at the moment! I will be back though!
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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Okay, so work and school got the better of me and I didn’t manage to get all my drafts done. I probably will not be able to get back on today because of packing. I leave tomorrow morning and will be back the 17th. I am taking my laptop because I have school to do, but I doubt I will be able to be online much if any. I am available on mobile through and through kik and text. If you would like either message me and we’ll discuss.
Until then, I’m on hiatus for the beach starting now until the 18-19th. Love y’all!
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
If I am anything, it is violence.
Alejandra Pizarnik, from “[…] of the Silence,” Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962 - 1972 (via mythaelogy)
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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     Of course it would be Gideon. Why would it be anyone else? Leonhard was aware the twins were not as attached as many twins often were, but he knew that Miranda would do anything to help her brother. Why would she not? Without Gideon she would be alone in the world to handle the hurts and pains of her past. So, without question it was Gideon. There was no other choice. Remaining seated, Leonhard waited to see how Miranda would react to his ultimatum. Gideon was in danger with or without his sister’s help. She just didn’t have to know that. All he needed was her cooperation. She was pure, the colors he needed. Now to just get what he needed from her.
     “Before I explain vhy I need you to help me vith my work,” he replied as if this was simply a business transaction and he needed a new business partner. That was what it was in his mind. He needed her genes - he already had her brother’s, but see, her brother couldn’t bring new life, he could only help create. But, strangely, the human species only needed the male briefly, the female was the most important in bringing life to fruition. Science had made leaps and bounds, but Leonhard knew that there was no better avenue for life than a woman’s womb.
     “So please, sit. Eat.”
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     If only she could say she wanted to handle him in the same respects, but what was she to do ? The mention of food had her stomach turning. Usually a brave front she could fork over but it was usually her ass on the line, not someone elses and not someone to whom she was related. Her brother - while they weren’t exactly the closest twins on the planet they had a bond. An understanding of the life that they lead and the man who brought them into this world. With Gideon she had someone who knew what it was like under Henry’s tyranny and who knew what it was like to be someone’s project rather than their child.     It seemed they would get to enjoy that feeling again ; Hope dismissing the desire to avoid it. In his words she knew just what he was implying. She does what he says or Gideon suffers. If it was anyone else she could play nonchalant about it but not him. Why him ?     “ So you’re going to treat me to dinner before you … what ? “ Now would be a fantastic time to bite her tongue, curb the attitude and just play along. It seemed that even in such circumstances old habits were hard to break. Or defense mechanisms were too stubborn to shut off.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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It was her eyes that had brought him over, the color of them in compliment to her hair - it left Leonhard wanting nothing more than to make her acquaintance. There was a particular purity about her that made him want to learn more about her. The fact she seemed prone to amusement at the mention of violence - well, that just happened to make everything a little better.
“Kill him,” he replied softly, amusement tinging his features as his eyes remained on her more now than the man causing the spectacle. “I von’t tell if you von’t.”
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“ Aw , “ Anastasia pouted using those bright blue eyes of hers as a weapon as though she were told her toy was being taken away. “ Perhaps we could make it a team effort. Makes the disposal process a little easier. “ She gave a grin to match taking away those sad puppy eyes only to be replaced with a devious gleam.  “Only if caught.” she replied, gaze now narrowed on the fool who was the topic of discussion as though she were truly contemplating his demise. 
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
      Perhaps the whole situation was far less than ideal for Leonhard, but to be allowed unfettered access to all of the possible subjects he could desire made it hard to turn down the opportunity - even if he was less than optimistic about his employer.
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     Being allowed to work on already specialized people in a controlled environment was more than Leonhard had hoped for in this day and age. Few people say his work as revolutionary; more saw it as deranged.
      The praise was vaguely disconcerting as it came from a man of color, but Leonhard would not deny that he was able to gain more from accepting Tomas Malek’s offer than he’d gained in years from anyone else. “I find science to be far too restrictive for ze betterment of mankind.”
        This was the kind of initiative that Tomas could appreciate. Progress was not made if people were afraid to go the extra mile and from what he gathered of Leonhard he was going to go far. With Tomas to back him he could go further. 
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      This could be viewed as a betrayal, but Tomas didn’t see it that way. Those under his employ knew what they signed up for the moment they agreed to work with him. He was one to try and better the world in his own way, this was a step in that direction.      “ Your work is pretty impressive.” Tomas stated taking his own seat again. “ And I appreciate a man who doesn’t restrict himself in the names of science.” He would get nothing but praise from Tomas. He wasn’t easily impressed but somehow Leonhard did just that.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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That awkward moment when you receive praise for your work on creating the master race from an Indian man.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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            His eyes never wavered from her face, gauging, weighing her reactions to him. It’s what he did with all of his patients. Some just happened to intrigue him more so than others. She was one of the more fascinating. Finally a bright smile lit his face as he stepped back.
“Apologies, I vas recalling a traumatic moment from my childhood. Something zat you said reminded me. I did not mean to alarm.”
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          He makes her uncomfortable yes, but fearful of him? No. Not yet anyways. She’s dealt with men bigger than him, probably badder. It’s her job to handle men of all sizes. He is not as big as he may think he is. With each step he takes, she takes one back. ⊰ You’re getting a bit too  close for comfort there,     Doc. This is beginning to be a little… less than     professional. ��
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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   “Tod für diejenigen, die Hitler entgegenzutreten.”
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
      The house might be one of Leonhard’s few pride and joys in the world. He did his best to maintain the grounds and house proper the best one could in this war torn world. The British and Americans made such an endeavor irritatingly difficult. The brick structure set back from the road held years within its walls. History was something for which Leonhard would actually pay.
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      Today however he was paying for the attentions of the Hauptsturmführer. Though steep in asking, it wasn’t too great a price to bear. Leonhard was looking for something specific and he’d been told the Hauptsturmführer was the person able to obtain it for him. Besides, Leonhard had been more than pleased with Klaus’s deliveries before - why should the Hauptsturmführer not be willing to go above and beyond when enticed with the promise of a richer reward? Leonhard had learned long ago that paying the help always ensured better help. Klaus was certainly more than help, but the principle remained the same.        Eyes remained focused on the Hauptsturmführer as he spoke. A brisk nod followed. “Ja, I was greatly pleased with the delivery,” Leonhard praised the other as a soft smile caressed the bearded corners of his lips. The surgeon was aware his features appeared less manicured than his home, but he’d been unable to devote more than basic time to his own appearance. Scientific advancements waited for no man. “Tell me, Hauptsturmführer, are you willing to bring me more ... specific requirements?” First he’d obtain the other man’s willingness, then he’d offer payment. What Leonhard wanted was ... unethical to say the least. More so than his normal desires.
       For Klaus, this visit was nothing out of the ordinary, more like a business meeting than anything, though he knew that most men in all areas of the Heer feared and reviled the Doctor he was about to see, briskly alighting the small steps up to the front door, allowed in by stern-faced SS guards, and he made his way through the home as if he’d done it a thousand times before. 
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       It was a beautifully maintained house, much like his own in fact, and he couldn’t help but admire his reflection in a passing pane of door glass as he traversed through. Upon reaching the office, Klaus confidently pushed open the door, neglecting to knock, and presented himself in the doorway, noting the split second irritation that crawled across the Doctor’s face as he was rudely interrupted from his studies - Klaus didn’t have time for formalities, so it wasn’t like he cared.         The Hauptsturmführer wastes no time in getting down to business ❝ Ich kenne, Herr Marquardt. I trust my recent capture provided you with fruitful results ? ❞ he wasn’t a picky man about who he chose to kill when it came down to personal preference, but when it came to the Doctor, he had very specific criteria that needed to be met, and Klaus always brought exactly what was asked of him. God… sometimes he felt like some kind of lowly servant, but the respite was that he knew he was providing the Aryan race with knowledge and advancements. 
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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    Her actions were amusing, but unnecessary; there were few that the doctor found imposing. A nuisance yes, imposing, no. Blue eyes traced over the female as he weighed whether her hair color was natural or not. Her questioned and prideful expression elicited a brow lift from Leonhard. “Nien.”
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   The blonde took a step back, planting her heel and widening her stance to make herself look more imposing, just in case. She could never really be too careful. Jac had seen him leave the hospital and figured he could help her out, though she wasn’t about to admit that outright. She gave a cocksure smile, “D’ya want me ta’ve been followin’ ya?”
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
NAME: Leah GENDER: Female EYE COLOUR: Green (according to my fiance.) HAIR COLOR: Dishwater Blonde. RELATIONSHIP:  Engaged. ZODIAC: I really don’t care.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Purple/Turquoise.  FAVOURITE SEASON: Fall. FAVOURITE PLACE: Wherever Jesse is. FAVOURITE HOLIDAY: Easter. FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED: Parks & Recreation.
WHAT���S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: He is a horrible person and I really hope someone kills him.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE KINDS OF THREADS?: Soul crushing, heart-breaking, emotion destroying angst.
ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?: Extremely. I rp at work mostly now so I have to be careful what comes across my dash. Other than that, I just don’t like seeing massive amounts of porn and crap, so I keep my dash small. If you don’t tag well or just post it constantly, there’s a better than not chance I will not follow.
DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSE (IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE)?: My favorite muse right now is actually two: my OCs @saltwaterschmooney and Ciar on @saltate. I also have an Edward Kenway blog that makes me happy.
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?: @captniixon wanted more German people to prove German people aren’t all Nazis. I might have gotten confused, but I promised her angst and the ability to destroy Leonhard, so since I had her approval Leonhard appeared.
TAGGING (ONLY IF YOU WANNA): @awickeddesign, @abittangledup, @pavisian, @onemansinsanity-onecatsreality, @cnne, @wehrmxcht
TAGGED BY: @rcdleather
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
Apologies for vanishing. I’ve been working on this.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
Leon: I’m going to tell her I want to tie her down. Me: I think you need to specify that you mean on your operation table, not your bed. Yanno, just for honesty’s sake. Leon: Nein.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
I'm currently living at my aunt and uncle'a house as is one of my cousins (not this aunt and uncle's kid but long story), and cousin has braces. He had a tooth pulled yesterday and he loudly announces tonight, "hey, Leah, I had a tooth pulled yesterday and the tooth fairy didn't give me any money." He's twenty-four. I'm totally giving him a dollar tonight. I can't crush his dreams.
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unrechtlich-blog · 9 years ago
If you want me, I’m going to be hiding out here today. Leonhard is a little too much to handle at the moment. It’s raining today and he’s babbling about drowning or something. It’s starting to weird me out.
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