Agile like a ninja banana
33 posts
An occasional blog for a charming Raichu fella. Updates unpredictably. Ask Box: Open M!A: Open Inbox: 82/100
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
unpredictably-raichu · 5 years ago
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unpredictably-raichu · 5 years ago
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bitch you thought you had seen the last of me-
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unpredictably-raichu · 5 years ago
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Pretty late ‘cuz I pretty much slept thru christmas bbbbut-
have a lil’ festive ‘chu anyways <;3
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Hey so like How's it feel being a living defibrillator?
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
You doing okay? This blog hasn’t updated for a bit.
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I just have other priorities, and I post on this blog whenever I feel like it.
I never said this blog would update regularly; it updates unpredictably! ;D
also I suck and can’t manage my time to save my life orz
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Oh, hi, umm... how does Raichu feels towards his Alolan form?
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???: “Well jokes on you mothertruckers, you can’t actually learn Surf!”
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To be continued… (?)
[ @stellarfan​ ]
( …and lowkey @dailyashleighraichu​ )
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Oh, hi, umm... how does Raichu feels towards his Alolan form?
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???: “Well jokes on you mothertruckers, you can’t actually learn Surf!”
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To be continued… (?)
[ @stellarfan​ ]
( …and lowkey @dailyashleighraichu​ )
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
An ask blog needs asks to generate content but can't do that without asks... so how would a new (or recently revived) ask blog get the people's attention?
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Oh, oh, yes! Advice time! :D I’ve been in the ask community for a little while now, so here are some things I’ve gathered over time for when you’re getting started (I’ll be assuming yours is a Pokémon ask blog, since you’re asking this to one).
Keep in mind this is long af and a bit detailed (though it’s only the first part that is long). If you’re interested in a in-detail guide, click ‘read more’ (which I would be very thankful for, I wrote all this shit for you after all, fam).
Here’s a little summarized version as a TL;DR for everyone else:
#1: keep your blog clean. If it’s about Pokémon, it’s about Pokémon; if it’s about Sonic, it’s about Sonic; if it’s about trees, it’s about goddamn trees, so no rebloging random puppy pictures or funny videos here, leave that for your personal blog, not your ask blog. Also try to keep all the out of character crap to a minimum.
#2: Have reference pages for your characters available. That’s actually a minimum requirement. An ask hints page would be useful too, but that’s optional.
#3: Have a tagging system to make everything easier to navigate.
#4 [OPTIONAL]: Give your blog a theme. Make it pretty, make it yours, and for the love of God, deactivate the god damn infinite scrolling.
#5: Tags are your friends. Tag your first post with “signal boost”, “first post”, and/or “intro post”. Tag every Pokémon that appears in your posts, including that one barely visible Caterpie in the background. Tag all your posts as “Pokémon ask blog” or “Pokeaskblog”. Tag. Tag everything. Tags are your friends if you want to be seen. Tags. Tags are. Your. Friends.
#6: Interact with other blogs. Like crazy. You are sure to be noticed when you’re freaking everywhere. Don’t forget to be nice tho. And don’t bully or harass people, for fuck’s sake.
#7: Take a chair, sit over there, get comfortable and be Patient. Like really freaking patient. Wait for months if necessary, but asks will come eventually.
#8: Have fun. That’s the whole point. Talk to people, make some shitposts, engage in silliness, and draw those magical pocket monsters that can shoot lasers out of their asses and we all love. It’s fun.
And that’s it. There’s not much else I can say, so I hope this is helpful! :D
Here’s the detailed thing:
Step #1: Organize your blog
It doesn’t seem like something that important, but believe me, it really is. Nothing turns me away from a blog faster than it being messy af and full of random, unrelated stuff. In order to keep your blog all tidy and pretty you can:
a) Refrain from reblogging anything unrelated. (If your blog is a sideblog, skip this one): You can reblog that video of that one adorable otter in your personal blog, but if your ask blog is about, say, Pokémon, don’t reblog anything that isn’t Pokémon related. If you want to go even further than that, only reblog things that are directly related to your blog, like mentions, fanart, or rp responses, instead of some random Squirtle GIF.
b) Have info pages/references of your characters available: By this I mean having specific pages containing information about your characters, including a visual reference, if possible. Reference pages are very important, since they allow people to quickly get to know a character and make interaction easier. They can contain information as simple and basic as their name, species, moves, etc. to more elaborated things, like occupation (if they have one), personality, or a brief summary of their past story/origin (unless you want that to be revealed as the story progresses in your blog or through an ask).
If you don’t know how to make a page, >here’s an easy tutorial.
      b.2) Having an “ask hints” helps a lot when trying to receive asks, since it’ll help people who want to interact but aren’t sure of what they should ask. You can have general hints or individual hints for all the characters.
c) Have a tagging system: Having your posts clearly labeled makes it a lot easier for anyone who wanters through your blog to find the specific content they’re looking for. Here are three basic tags that make your blog easier to look through:
#OOC: “out of character”, for everything happening, well, out of character. Maybe an announcement, a shitpost, a question directed a the mod, etc. Try to keep ooc things to a minimum.
#IC: “In character”, exactly what it says on the tin. Use this for answered asks towards the characters, plot posts, rp interactions and responses, ect.
#[Character’ name]: Tag the characters that appear in a post, for anyone who wants to look through asks with one specific character in them.
Tags help a lot for getting your blog noticed. We will talk more about this ahead.
d) [OPTIONAL] Have a nice theme: This isn’t obligatory, but giving your blog a theme will make it look better and more ‘professional’. Here are some blogs that give really good, free themes/codes for Tumblr:
These are just some, but there are many, many others out there. Look for a theme that fits your tastes or your blog’s atmosphere, and customize it! You can even use this blog’s theme! However, make sure to not use overly saturated colors that make it painful to look at, it- kind of defeats the point. You can Google ‘color palletes’ if you need help with that.
NOTE: If you don’t know how to install a Tumblr theme, >here’s a simple tutorial
NOTE#2: Sometimes Tumblr might not let you install a specific theme and shows you an error message that says that it can’t be installed because it is “making a reference to non- https directions” or something like that, which didn’t use to happen before. >Here’s a tutorial on how to fix it, it’s quite simple, actually.
NOTE#3: For an ask/rp blog, I recommend a theme with one column, and that shows tags and captions, like the one in this blog.
If you’ve got any question about installing or customizing a theme, you can ask me, and I’ll see how I can help!
Step #2: Tags help you to be found
Be sure to use tags in your favor. Here are some things that have helped me a lot:
a) If you’re starting a Pokémon blog, tag every Pokémon that appears in your posts; that way, people looking through the tag of that specific Pokémon will be able to see your posts.
b) Again, if it’s a Pokémon blog, tag your posts as “Pokémon ask blog” or “Pokeaskblog” (or both), people looking for pokeaskblogs to follow usually look though these tags regularly.
c) Tag your first post/posts or intro as “Signal boost” and “First post”. There are blogs in the Pokémon community that look for posts tagged like this and reblog them to give them a ‘boost’, which helps a lot when you want to be seen. I’m not sure how many of these are still active, though, but you won’t lose anything from trying.
Step #3: Interact with other blogs like a madman
Send lots of asks! Interact with other blogs! Follow even more blogs! Send fanart and nice messages! Reblog/Like those posts of people looking for new blogs to follow! Some people will find you through someone else’s answered ask, some people will notice you’re following and will check you out, some people will see you in a like or a reblog, and overall there are higher chances of being seen when you are everywhere and interact with everyone (also, it’s really fun to just interact with other nice people over here).
Just make sure to be nice.
Step #4: Be patient. P a t i e n t. I’m serious.
If you think you’ll get lots of followers in a matter of a couple days then start forgetting about it. It took me two weeks to get my first ask at asktheweirdpichu, and a week and a half to get one here. And they were both spam. I cried. Two years later (holy heck has it really been that long?) I’ve got so many asks accumulated that I’m starting to think I should just fake my death and end my suffering (I’m joking, I love every single ask I get and get excited every time I get a new one).
It will take a while, but you’ll see that after enough time you’ll get noticed more and more, so don’t give up, you’ll get there.
Step #5: Don’t forget to have fun.
Make some friends, have some silly interactions, make some shitposts at 3 am, draw someone’s character and watch them shoot effusive love at you, enjoy your favorite blogs. That’s what all this is about.
And that is all! I hope it was useful! :D
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
I will let you all know that I draw all of this blog’s answers while listening to Fergalicious on loop and nothing more.
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
asdfghjkl I only just found this account and I just LOVE your art style ;w;
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Gahhh, thank you!!
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Look as long as you're not running another Mew blog, I think you can run whatever blog you want - secret or not.
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Ah... Ahaha, yyyyeah, about that… I’ve got news for you…
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
*starrs at mod* You were the one who ran that cute Buizel blog weren't you?
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Ehhh- no? Sorry fam I think you’re mistaking me for someone else! D: 
The only blogs I’ve ever had are this one, @asktheweirdpichu, and that-other-blog-in-progress-that-I-haven’t-announced-yet-and-is-kinda-secret-but-not-quite-because-there’s-like-70-people-following-it-already, and none has any Buizel :T
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
But salad doesn't need water???
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Use them to make banana liquor and drown your sorrows. Or if you don't drink, you can alternatively make banana milkshakes.
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But I’m so bad at preparing things, I burn the water when trying to make salad...
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
Don't ya mean swear to Arceus? ;)
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
You make banana juice!... Wait, I don't think I did it right. (different Anon)
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…that I might actually try them…
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unpredictably-raichu · 6 years ago
well, you know what they say: when life gives you bananas...
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