Unmarked Door Words
95 posts
This more of a journal for me to remember what I've been reading and watching than anything else. Expect SciFi, comics, indie films, anime and the classics. If you think of anything I'd like - Holla at me via twitter. If you see anything that's yours and you don't want it up here just ask. I can be found here HERE
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Pascal Campion  -  http://pascalcampion.deviantart.com  -  https://www.facebook.com/pascalcampionart  -  https://twitter.com/pascalcampion  -  https://www.behance.net/pascalcampion  -  http://pascalcampion.tumblr.com
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Internet tells me this is the first Peanuts strip.
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Chuck Jones - The Evolution of an Artist
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Some stills from “Bartkira - The Animated Trailer” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SWt6OQ4Nl4 http://vimeo.com/132616598
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Sometimes the right people win the lottery.
How did you get your first writing gig? Besides, y'know, hard work and being a unicorn in the writing community.
It’s a weird story that makes no sense at all.
I was a hairdresser, and I live in the boonies, and was going through a sad time for family reasons. I had quit reading comics, I just stopped buying them, until I read Waid and Ross’s KINGDOM COME and I loved that, and I wanted to talk about it.
I met a bunch of great people online who were talking about the book. I had never had a community where I could talk about comics before, I had almost always lived too far from a city for that. 
One day, to amuse my friends, I wrote a parody piece making fun of various things in comics.  I didn’t even put it online, just in an email. But people put it on message boards and it became this thing, all these pros were sending it back and forth. It didn’t even have my name on it.
Then, some random guy tried to take credit for the piece, since it was anonymous. And that bugged me, so I wrote two more to prove I wrote them. 
I was a hairdresser at the time with no aspirations to be a writer, that seemed an impossible dream.
Anyway, those pieces also became really popular, and some editors started reaching out to me to ask if I wanted to pitch for their books. I turned them down because I felt that would be taking work from ‘REAL’ writers. I was way too shy.
Then Jonah Weiland at Comic Book Resources asked me to do a weekly column for him, and I decided to try it. It became really, really popular. All the biggest names in comics were reading it, I got fan mail from my heroes, people like Joe Quesada and Garth Ennis and lots more. Grant Morrison and Mark Millar used to call each other up to read the column to each other on the phone.
But I resisted going pro because I just felt it was so implausible. I felt like I didn’t deserve this opportunity, somehow.
But Emmy-winning comics artist Scott Shaw, who co-created Captain Carrot, he thought I was funny and should be working in comics and would not take no for an answer, and he contacted Bongo Comics and told them they ought to hire me. He knew I would turn him down if he asked me first, so he asked THEM first and then it just hit me, “When am I ever going to have this opportunity again? I love the Simpsons, I love comics, this is ridiculous. I have to try this.”
So I did!
A lot of people seem to repeat the idea that I got hired because of Women in Refrigerators. Especially some of the people who hate that I am a feminist, they like the idea that I wrote this thing and it got me hired, for some reason.
But the truth is, if it was a factor at all, I suspect it worked against me. What got me hired was the humor column. Comics were in a grim and gritty time, and there were not many new people coming up who knew superheroes AND specialized in humor. So my name came up for things like Killer Princesses and Deadpool.
Women in Refrigerators may have been a small factor in getting called for Birds of Prey, not sure. But it was the column that made editors think of me, I have been told.
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As someone who loves both hip hop & comics with an unhealthy intensity, things like this make me very happy.
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She told me to -
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Tom & Jerry's fridge was always hella stacked with the goodness.
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Somebody made Ghibli food REAL.
Been down with cartoon food since Asterix.
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More life lessons learned from the medium of the comic strip
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Punisher Vs Moby Dick by Mike Deodato Jr
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Today I have been learning about the birth of Captain Murphy
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Stopped in at Gosh and stocked up on Stokoe
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It is what it is.
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Don’t you just love what we’ve done here? Compiled pieces of ACTUAL graffiti that ACTUALLY say graffiti. Genius.
From super sprayers:
RIME (& Revok on the last one)
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Red Hulk vs Vegeta, Superman vs Goku - A friend has gone in deep on Mugen.
Like SF2 said “Fuck it, GOD MODE.”
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Birthday Books
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Happy 60th Birthday Katsuhiro Otomo.
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