unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
cute shippy starters
Adapted from this post. 
“Come over here and make me.”
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
“Please, don’t leave.”
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Teach me how to play?”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba—goddammit!”
“I think we need to talk.”
“Kiss me.”
“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
“So, I found this waterfall…”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“The paint’s supposed to go where?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“I got you a present.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Marry me?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“It’s not what it looks like…”
“You lied to me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!”
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
“No one needs to know.”
“Well this is awkward…”
Credit: @alwaysbellamyblake
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
Disney Lyrics Starters
 "I want more.“
“I’m not meant to play this part.”
“If I were to truly be myself I would break my family’s heart.”
“Why is my reflection someone that I don’t know.”
“No man is worth the aggravation.”
“Who do you think you’re kidding?”
“Girl, you can’t conceal it.”
“No chance, no way, I won’t say it.”
“It’s too cliche, I won’t say i’m in love.”
“I thought my heart had learned it’s lesson.”
“You keep on denying who you are and how you’re feeling.”
“Face it like a grown up.”
“When you gonna own up.”
“Check the grin, you’re in love.”
“I won’t say i’m in love.”
“You’re way off base.”
“Get off my case, I won’t say it.”
“In your dreams you will lose your heartache.”
“Have faith in your dreams.”
“You’ve got power in your corner now.”
“You ain’t never had a friend like me.”
“Come on and whisper what you want.”
“I’ve got a powerful urge to help you out.”
“You think i’m an ignorant savage.”
“How can there be so much that you don’t know.”
“You think you own whatever land you land on.”
“I wonder why I didn’t see it there before.”
“Who’d have ever thought this could be?”
“I admit in the past i’ve been a nasty.”
“I’ve mended all my ways.”
“It’s a talent I always have possessed.”
“Someone couldn’t pay the price.”
“A girl who gossips is a bore.”
“It’s she who holds her tongue that gets the man.”
“Make your choice!”
“I’m a very busy woman.”
“I haven’t got all day.”
“It won’t cost much.”
“Now’s your moment.”
“We all must pay the price.”
“I can show you the world.”
“When did you last let your heart decide?”
“I can open your eyes.”
“I can’t go back to where I use to be.”
“Let me share this whole new world with you.”
“I can see what’s happening.”
“Disaster’s in the air.”
“Time is racing towards us.”
“Heed my every order and you might survive.”
“I only steal what I can’t affort.”
“One jump ahead of the hitman.”
“I’ve got that wanderlust.”
“The world is my backyard.”
“I’ve only got myself.”
“You’re alone and you’re scared.”
“Come on and lift your glass.”
“Every day is like the one before it.”
“Every guy here love’d to be you.”
“I never see you anymore.”
“It’s like you’ve gone away.”
“I wish you would tell me why.”
“People have been asking where you'be been.”
“Please let me in.”
“We only have each other.”
“Put on a show.”
“Make one wrong move and everyone will know.”
“It’s only for today.”
“It’s agony to wait.”
“I’m getting what i’m dreaming of.”
“But with you I’ve found my place.”
“it’s nothing like i’ve ever known before.”
“Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I’ve tried.”
“Don’t let them know.”
“I don’t care what they’re going to say.”
“It’s time to see what I can do.”
“You’ll never see me cry.”
“I’m never going back.”
“The past is in the past.”
“That perfect girl is gone.”
“You don’t have to keep your distance anymore.”
“I finally understand.”
“You don’t have to live in fear.”
“I will be right here.”
“Your life awaits.”
“Just stay away and you’ll be safe from me.”
“I get the feeling you don’t know.”
“You don’t have to be afraid.”
“We can work this out together.”
“I can’t control the curse.”
“You’re not safe here.”
“This is where i’m meant to be.”
“I am on my way.”
“I’ve been around the block before.”
“I’ve given up hope that someone would come along.”
“I’m down to one last hope.”
“My words are a matter of pride.”
“It’s clear from your vacant expressions that the lights are not all on upstairs.”
“So prepare for the chance of a lifetime.”
“You will be rewarded when I am at last given my dues.”
“You’re expected to take certain duties on board.”
“As you thgouth life you’ll see, there is so much we don’t understand.”
“Things don’t always go the way we planned.”
“Can I still just be me the way I am?”
“Can I trust in my own heart?”
“Am I just one part of some big plan?”
“One day when you’re strong and big, you will be a king.”
“I’ve been exiled.”
“I get a little tense.”
“I hate to let them live.”
“The battle may be bloody, but that kinda works for me.”
“They can have the world, we’ll create our own.”
“I am home if you are right there beside me.”
“I know love will find a way.”
“This is what you give me to work with?”
“Well honey, i’ve seen worse.”
“You’ll bring honor to us all.”
“Sometimes it’s too much for even me.”
“I have your hearts and you have my pity.”
“I can improvise.”
“Why should I worry?”
“Why should I care?”
“You can own this town.”
“You can wear the crown.”
“You’ve got alot to learn.”
“You’ll feel right at home on the street.”
“We make an art out of staying alive.”
“Get what you want then get away.”
“Ain’t got time for messin’ around.”
“It’s not my style.”
“This town can slow you down.”
“I know exactly where i’m going.”
“People down here think i’m crazy.”
“There ain’t nothing that’s gonna stop me.”
“Things for sure are gonna go my way.”
“I’m almost there!”
“I’ve worked hard for everything i’ve got.”
“You’re my queen of the night.”
“Love is everything, don’t you agree?”
“Don’t matter where you came from.”
“When you find out who you are you’ll find out what you need.”
“That ain’t gonna make you happy.”
“All you need is some self control.”
“Maybe love will grant you peace of mind.”
“You’re something i never chose.”
“You’re the best I never knew I needed.”
“i need you here always.”
“Who knew i’d be here.”
“When will my life begin?”
“Stuck in the same place i’ve always been.”
“For the first time in forever i’m completely free.”
“Guess I always knew this day was coming.”
“It’s a scary world out there.”
“One way or another, something will go wrong I swear.”
“You’ll just upset me.”
“Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it.”
“On your own you won’t survive.”
“They’ll eat you up alive.”
“Don’t let him device you.”
“I won’t say i’ve told you so.”
“I’m where i’m meant to be.”
“At least I see the light.”
“Everything looks different now that I see you.”
15K notes · View notes
unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
au where two people are connected and if one gets hurt or touched, the other feels it.
17K notes · View notes
unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
Disney Lyrics Starters
 "I want more.“
“I’m not meant to play this part.”
“If I were to truly be myself I would break my family’s heart.”
“Why is my reflection someone that I don’t know.”
“No man is worth the aggravation.”
“Who do you think you’re kidding?”
“Girl, you can’t conceal it.”
“No chance, no way, I won’t say it.”
“It’s too cliche, I won’t say i’m in love.”
“I thought my heart had learned it’s lesson.”
“You keep on denying who you are and how you’re feeling.”
“Face it like a grown up.”
“When you gonna own up.”
“Check the grin, you’re in love.”
“I won’t say i’m in love.”
“You’re way off base.”
“Get off my case, I won’t say it.”
“In your dreams you will lose your heartache.”
“Have faith in your dreams.”
“You’ve got power in your corner now.”
“You ain’t never had a friend like me.”
“Come on and whisper what you want.”
“I’ve got a powerful urge to help you out.”
“You think i’m an ignorant savage.”
“How can there be so much that you don’t know.”
“You think you own whatever land you land on.”
“I wonder why I didn’t see it there before.”
“Who’d have ever thought this could be?”
“I admit in the past i’ve been a nasty.”
“I’ve mended all my ways.”
“It’s a talent I always have possessed.”
“Someone couldn’t pay the price.”
“A girl who gossips is a bore.”
“It’s she who holds her tongue that gets the man.”
“Make your choice!”
“I’m a very busy woman.”
“I haven’t got all day.”
“It won’t cost much.”
“Now’s your moment.”
“We all must pay the price.”
“I can show you the world.”
“When did you last let your heart decide?”
“I can open your eyes.”
“I can’t go back to where I use to be.”
“Let me share this whole new world with you.”
“I can see what’s happening.”
“Disaster’s in the air.”
“Time is racing towards us.”
“Heed my every order and you might survive.”
“I only steal what I can’t affort.”
“One jump ahead of the hitman.”
“I’ve got that wanderlust.”
“The world is my backyard.”
“I’ve only got myself.”
“You’re alone and you’re scared.”
“Come on and lift your glass.”
“Every day is like the one before it.”
“Every guy here love’d to be you.”
“I never see you anymore.”
“It’s like you’ve gone away.”
“I wish you would tell me why.”
“People have been asking where you'be been.”
“Please let me in.”
“We only have each other.”
“Put on a show.”
“Make one wrong move and everyone will know.”
“It’s only for today.”
“It’s agony to wait.”
“I’m getting what i’m dreaming of.”
“But with you I’ve found my place.”
“it’s nothing like i’ve ever known before.”
“Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I’ve tried.”
“Don’t let them know.”
“I don’t care what they’re going to say.”
“It’s time to see what I can do.”
“You’ll never see me cry.”
“I’m never going back.”
“The past is in the past.”
“That perfect girl is gone.”
“You don’t have to keep your distance anymore.”
“I finally understand.”
“You don’t have to live in fear.”
“I will be right here.”
“Your life awaits.”
“Just stay away and you’ll be safe from me.”
“I get the feeling you don’t know.”
“You don’t have to be afraid.”
“We can work this out together.”
“I can’t control the curse.”
“You’re not safe here.”
“This is where i’m meant to be.”
“I am on my way.”
“I’ve been around the block before.”
“I’ve given up hope that someone would come along.”
“I’m down to one last hope.”
“My words are a matter of pride.”
“It’s clear from your vacant expressions that the lights are not all on upstairs.”
“So prepare for the chance of a lifetime.”
“You will be rewarded when I am at last given my dues.”
“You’re expected to take certain duties on board.”
“As you thgouth life you’ll see, there is so much we don’t understand.”
“Things don’t always go the way we planned.”
“Can I still just be me the way I am?”
“Can I trust in my own heart?”
“Am I just one part of some big plan?”
“One day when you’re strong and big, you will be a king.”
“I’ve been exiled.”
“I get a little tense.”
“I hate to let them live.”
“The battle may be bloody, but that kinda works for me.”
“They can have the world, we’ll create our own.”
“I am home if you are right there beside me.”
“I know love will find a way.”
“This is what you give me to work with?”
“Well honey, i’ve seen worse.”
“You’ll bring honor to us all.”
“Sometimes it’s too much for even me.”
“I have your hearts and you have my pity.”
“I can improvise.”
“Why should I worry?”
“Why should I care?”
“You can own this town.”
“You can wear the crown.”
“You’ve got alot to learn.”
“You’ll feel right at home on the street.”
“We make an art out of staying alive.”
“Get what you want then get away.”
“Ain’t got time for messin’ around.”
“It’s not my style.”
“This town can slow you down.”
“I know exactly where i’m going.”
“People down here think i’m crazy.”
“There ain’t nothing that’s gonna stop me.”
“Things for sure are gonna go my way.”
“I’m almost there!”
“I’ve worked hard for everything i’ve got.”
“You’re my queen of the night.”
“Love is everything, don’t you agree?”
“Don’t matter where you came from.”
“When you find out who you are you’ll find out what you need.”
“That ain’t gonna make you happy.”
“All you need is some self control.”
“Maybe love will grant you peace of mind.”
“You’re something i never chose.”
“You’re the best I never knew I needed.”
“i need you here always.”
“Who knew i’d be here.”
“When will my life begin?”
“Stuck in the same place i’ve always been.”
“For the first time in forever i’m completely free.”
“Guess I always knew this day was coming.”
“It’s a scary world out there.”
“One way or another, something will go wrong I swear.”
“You’ll just upset me.”
“Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it.”
“On your own you won’t survive.”
“They’ll eat you up alive.”
“Don’t let him device you.”
“I won’t say i’ve told you so.”
“I’m where i’m meant to be.”
“At least I see the light.”
“Everything looks different now that I see you.”
15K notes · View notes
unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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                                       “But I'm nothing more than a puppet--                                          something that somebody created. So                                          why would I have... their memories?”
                                                 Indie & Selective Xion
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
       "This is a game?" Xion wasn't all too familiar with 'games'. She had seen the kids in Twilight Town play them, but stealing another's belongings just for their reaction? "Um..." Might as well give it a try, right? "A-alright. I guess if he'll be okay with it at the end." Xion managed to take a peek in Demyx's room if he wasn't there. "I just take his sitar?"
Xigbar smirked, “Oh come on poppet! It’s easy! All you have to do is sneak into Demyx’s room and steal his sitar. It’s a game, ya see. I keep it in my room and we watch him flip out and we have some laughs.
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
        Xion cringed once his grip on her shoulder tightened. She reached up and tried to push his hand off, stepping away from this menace. His dark appearance, that evil chuckle, something was very off about him. "You...you look like...that boy...Sor...."
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         "Th-there's nothing to share with you! I don't even know you! Just leave me alone."
So she could sense the darkness with just a touch. Or possibly just the look in his eyes. A snicker falling from his lips as fingers curled to tighten their grip on the girl’s shoulder. An attempt to cause a small amount of pain, to send a message that he wasn’t in the mood for playing around.
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“A living nightmare. So I wouldn’t suggest wasting my time little girl. All I need is for you to answer some questions.”
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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This world is just  i l l u s i o n,                  always trying to  c h a n g e  you
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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“Even if I’m not ready… I have to make this choice.” boss battle video source “The three of us will have ice cream together again—I know it.”
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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after kairi here’s xion 
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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Let’s eat ice cream together again.
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
                                                    [  Once upon a time  ]          I swore I had a     H E A R T                                                 Long before the world I know                                                                                                           tore                                                                                                           it                                                                                                           all      A P A R T
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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Roxas Eye Appreciation Post
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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I was catching up on Steven universe
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
Send me the emoticon and my muse will react to your muse:
(or the other way around - tell me!)
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair . ❤ = kissing them . ₪ = asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them . ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare . ♣ = discovering them crying . 回 = patching a wound . ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight .
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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     "N-nothing..it's nothing..." She responded softly, her gloved fingers pressed firmly on the stick of her melting ice cream. Her blue eyes gazed at the slowly falling sun in the distance, she took in a deep breath before exhaling.
     "Ah?" She glanced down and noticed the droplets of the treat started to melt and fell on her fingers. She hadn't bothered licking it off but allowing it to fall down the clocktower. "I've just...been thinking about things..."
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“”Is something wrong, Xion??”“ Roxas MURMURS before he (dares) to start eating without her, blue ORBS curious and (concerned) as they peer over at her, his lips idly, thoughtfully (resting) against the tip of his CHILLY treat.
She was being TOO quiet.. Especially for the PAST few days.  
Was Saix GIVING her a hard time again?? He (hoped) not.
She didn’t deserve it.
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unluckyxiv-blog · 8 years
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That is right— The new you.
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